'Ah, Sute...' the mage sighs sadly, Sute was once a great pupil of mine. He had an incredible talent for magic. But he also had too much confidence, too much pride.
About two decades ago, the Northern Ogres launched a massive surprise assault against Buya. They used elaborate tactics and were supported by strange magics.
Eldritch gazes upward, recalling the old memories. The very gates of Buya fell and we were forced to withdraw into the palace. After the initial attack, we were able to survive, but could not overcome the Ogres.
We know the Ogre must have been united by some more cunning power to attack us so effectively. We suspected it was a corrupt mage of some sort, but never learned the truth.
As we were developing plans to overcome this threat, the impatient Sute, who had just earned his Ancient clothes, headed alone to the Arctic Land. Before we realized he had left, the Ogres mysteriously retreated.
We assumed Sute dead and were amazed that he somehow was successful., Two years after, what we once Sute returned. His body was frozen and he babbled incoherently.
A poet, Lintong, tried to heal him, but Sute smote him with a powerful ice spell.
As we tried to subdue him, Sute flew into an insane rage and fled to that cave on the north side of Buya, though we did not know where he had gone at the time. He formed a virtual army of bizarre creations.
Strangely, he did not use them to attack, but to mine the cave for silver, which he reportedly hoarded. But we were worried about Sute's future plans.
Several groups of heroes were sent into the cave to put Sute out of his misery, but all failed.
Many died. Some were even able to defeat Sute, but his body would later rise again. There was no other choice, Eldritch says with regret. I sealed Sute and his creations in the cave.
Some incredibly evil force has polluted Sute's soul. I doubt that you will be able to finally put him to rest, but, if you are brave enough I will help you try.
I can coat you with a special powder that will allow you to enter Sute's cave. I have one batch of powder available, but it will only let you into the cave once.
If you leave the cave, you will have to be reoated and it is dangerous to apply the powder more than once per hour. It will cost 200 gold for the powder.
Visit Eldritch and say "Sute" to him.

If you chose to let Eldritch enlighten you about Sute, he has a long tale to tell. You
may wish to take the time to learn for Sute played an important part in the history
of the Kingdoms. Read his words on the left.
Pay 200 coins to receive the special powder which allows you to enter Sute's lair.
Go to Sute's Cave to the room Sute's Nest. Kill the evil wizard and grab his key.
(Mages need the key for their
Moon armor quest.
Return to Eldritch and say "Sute" to him again. You learn that you have done a good job
but Sute always returns by some unknown method.
Poets must kill Sute as part of their
Sun armor quest.