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Kingdom of residence: Buya

Short Description:
Tendencies: Helpful, informative, caring, active

Personality: Fun, Loving, Caring

Disposition: Trust, Dedication, Family Bonding, Compassion

Interests: Hunters, Events and Fun

Theme: Family

SanSin Members List

Clan helmet:

Clan Emblem:

Current Primogen: theWarfish

Clan History

Year of origin: Hyul 11

Founded by: MythicKnight & Zanna

Clan Lore:
We follow the teaching of our God, Shin and his Guardian Hwang-Gung.

Hwang-Gung (Chung - Ryong) was sent by Shin, to find both MythicKnight and Zanna to inform them of his newest idea. He wished for them to create a place in which all could be as one. Shin wanted them to learn to fight and defend themselves against enemies (which he created at some point for his pleasure and entertainment), gather items to grow and learn new things as a family. Shin hoped that with the knowledge that they had attained, they would pass it along to others and live a better life.

Clan Garden

Location: Buya - 020 141

Return to: SanSin Entrance

Information and Links
Curiosities about the clan:
SanSin Clan is the first clan created from the Ring/Tribe system. They are to be congratulated for this success! SanSin started as the Tribe Celestials with BlkTigress as Primogen. They had many trials and overcame them all with the last being a name change to get approval from the Buya Tribunal. Now their hard work has paid off!