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Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
New King of Rabbit Invasion
by: Vini
-- 7:00 PM EST
Two days ago, I asked who would dethrone Glacial from the top score in the Rabbit Invasion game. Yesterday I got the answer:
"Challenge accepted, challenge complete!", said Sadiq.

Sadiq now holds the Top Rabbit Invasion score with 995 points. Impressive!
So, who will dethrone Sadiq?
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 106, Moon 4~
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Daily Reset Brings Reduced WhirlWind Ripple Orb Aethers & More!
Earlier this morning during our usual daily reset, the warrior subpath received a pleasant surprise as GM Wony not only reads and responds to our community posts but also took our feelings and ideas into account. After much discussion via Community board, the aethers on the whirlwind ripple orbs were changed to 30 seconds!
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 8/29 SUBJECT: Orb of Whirlwind Ripple aether
- reduced from 45 to 30 seconds (Damaged version also adjusted)
- Gelapod legend visible to others
- Event item Asmodi Pass removed from the game
Note: If you currently have a Sip San Sear Blade, it is still exchangable until midnight of 9/18
We thank everyone for their input and hope y'all enjoy the changes!
Seen something we haven't?! Let a NA Reporter know!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 106, 4th Moon, 18th Sun
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Return of Rabbit Arrows
by: Vini
-- 6:55 PM EST

Our favorite mini-game in the kingdoms is finally working properly again as the Rabbit master is finally handing out quivers with 5000 rabbit arrows once more. Not just that, if you like board games, the animals chess, the checkers and the tic-tac-toe boards have also renewed their stock of items necessary to play.

To play Rabbit invasion, Hopper, Maze and the board games head to any of the House towns and you'll see various buildings around the center square. Just open your mini-map to find which building has the game you want to play and enjoy.
Other changes implemented with the daily reset include some updates to help Elixir War hosts and some minor map corrections to Oceana. Here is a copy of the reset notes as posted in the Dream weavers board:
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: NexusTK DATE: 7/29 SUBJECT: Rabbit Invasion, Elixir hosting, map updates - Games such as Rabbit Invasion, Chess, Checker and Tic Tac Toe are available.
- Elixir hosting improvement (Team assigment by dye, self disappearing Monty)
- Map update: Temple of Oceana, Recreation Deck, Navy Port
Who will dethrone Geomancer Glacial from the Top Rabbit invasion score with 941 pts?
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 106, Moon 4~
You can now sell exp with your equipment on!
by: Vini
-- 9:46 AM EST
♫ Hey now, hey now, the dream is online ♪ ♫ Hey now, hey now, when you login in ♪ ♫ Hey now, hey now, the event is over ♪
Yes. You read the title right. You can now sell experience without removing your equipment. If you're anyone besides Geomancer Rehkan you're probably celebrating that you can gain vita, mana or stats even with your clothes on. The exp selling system will now identify your base stats instead of needing you to remove everything. This is a dream come to many people who didn't even think it was possible. Also, events also end. Read the copy of the post on Dream Weavers board below:
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: NexusTK DATE: 8/27 SUBJECT: No need to remove items for Exp. sell - No need to remove items for Exp. sell
- Asmodi entrance removed. Sam Asmodi will stay for another 3 weeks. Asmodi pass will be removed from the game in a few days.
That's all folks! Why are you still reading this? Go try selling exp with equipment on (and sing along)!
♫ There is freedom within, there is freedom without♪ ♫ Try to catch the deluge in leveling up ♪ ♫ There's a battle ahead, many battles are lost ♪ ♫ But you'll never see the end of the road ♪
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 106, Moon 4~
Asmodi Walk-Thru Repost!
Those who were in the midst of completing their asmodi previously can now still complete them as the Iron Dungeons have been reopened! With your old pass you can now visit the Iron Hands at southwest corner of Buya (000,155) called Key 2 and entering it gives access to a place called Iron Crossing which is the starting point of this intriguing event.
NOTE: This is only for those who have already started but have not completed the event/weapon.

PART ONE: PREPARING FOR THE IRON DUNGEON However, before trying to adventure yourself with walking, jumping or swimming on the lava, there are some certain preparations you need to do to be able to enter the hunting cave area called "Iron Dungeon".
1. Go to Crystalline Chapel and click the option about Frozen Footing

2. She'll ask for one Gruff ring and will give you a frozen footing in return. Here's the Gruff ring quest walkthrough.

3. Before crossing the Iron Crossing's lava, grab the following items: seaweed, rose, kapur branch, stardrop, amethyst and apple.
Note: Frozen footing are now more resistant to high temperatures and will not melt upon crossing the lava. This way you only need 1 for multiple crossings.
4. Go back to Iron Crossing (read news below) and finally cross the lava!

5. Next you'll reach a room called Patio where the secret of the eye is guarded by a secret hidden on top of 7 pillars. Each with a different keyword.
 Place the Amethyst in the north-west pillar, the Stardrop in the north pillar, the Apple in the north-east pillar, the Seaweed in the south-west pillar, the Rose in the south pillar, and the Kapur branch in the south-east pillar. When standing before each pillar, you will receive a popup. Enter the name of the item associated with each pillar.

6. Once you type the item name on the 6 pillars of the edges, go to the center one. You only need 1 set per character to be able to go back and forth on this part.
Once you stand by the 7th pillar at center, you'll descent to a leveled cave called "Iron Dungeon", the hideout of the IronHands. Entering the cave part of the event does not give an extra legend mark.
Credit:~Vini Normad'or~
PART TWO: ENTERING THE IRON DUNGEON After placing all 6 items, stand before the center pillar. You will be warped into the Iron Dungeon after going through the popup. Take note that this is the point where the event dungeon opens up, so don't enter unless you are prepared. The only way to return to the Patio from here is not located near the entrance.

This is leveled cave area divided from 1 to 10. Normally the event caves are divided like this: event cave levels guide, but some people been reporting there has been a change in cave 1 requirements to level 50 minimum to enter. If anyone find different information than this list please inform.
The Iron Dungeon is the hideout of the Iron Hands. A large area divided with narrow corridors, filled with Iron mercenaries, HiredHands and bizarre monsters.
The Boss creature in the Iron Dungeon is the same from previous encounters with the Iron Hands, it's a bizarre monster called Overseer sentry which hits very hard.
 Overseer Sentry - 94,500,000 Mil Exp
The drops are the same from previous event in 2013:
 Overseer Eye
Durability 200,000 Armor -5 Vitality 0 Mana increase +300 Will +4 Regen +1 Protection +1 (Any Path Level 50+) |  Enchanted Overseer Eye
Durability 200,000 Armor -6 Vitality -500 Mana increase +3000 Will +5 Regen +1 Protection +1 (Any Path Level 99+) |  Il san Overseer Eye
Durability 200,000 Armor -8 Vitality -600 Mana increase +3800 Will +6 Regen +1 Protection +1 (Any Path Il san+) |  Ee san Overseer Eye
Durability 200,000 Armor -10 Vitality -700 Mana increase +4600 Will +7 Regen +1 Protection +1 (Any Path Ee san+) |  Sam san Overseer Eye
Durability 200,000 Armor -12 Vitality -800 Mana increase +5400 Will +8 Regen +1 Protection +3 (Any Path Sam san+) |  Sa san Overseer Eye
Durability 200,000 Armor -14 Vitality -900 Mana increase +6200 Will +9 Regen +1 Protection +3 (Any Path Sa san+) |
Here is the continued walkthrough for those who enter the event cave:
Items Overview: Small Iron Key (various dungeon mobs) Bent Iron Key (various dungeon mobs) Large Iron Key (various dungeon mobs) Shatter Bomb (kugnae arena) 5 Ginko Wood (woodcutting) 5 Cloth (weaving) Bailing wire (various dungeon mobs) 20 Metal (smelting, iron lab) 2 Sun powder (kugnae arena) Hot coal (Flash dust (arenas) + Coal (Sanhae smith)) 2 Damaged tongs (Weaker hands in Sulfium's Lair) Gold acorn (squirrels, green squirrels) 5 Fine cloth (weaving) 2 Antler (butcher) Amber (various mobs) Ginseng (buya/wilderness big rats) Moon wine (kugnae alchemist) Tea (muse area) 5 Ern wood (cut trees in Ern-Aaron's Estate) Steel dagger (smiths) 20 Wool (sheep) Bekyun's spear (kugnae spider cave, massive scorpion) 25 High ore (mining, iron lab) 10 Coal (sanhae smith) 5 Featherlight metals (various dungeon mobs) Yellow amber (various mobs, notably wilderness lobster)
7. Go to the prisoner located at (37, 19). You must be at the cell door to talk to him. Click him and listen to his speech. Choose the second option on the first selection popup. He'll eventually ask you to free him using keys. Use the following keys, all of which will fail: Small Iron Key, Bent Iron Key, Large Iron Key.

8. Now, get 1 Shatter Bomb, 5 Ginko wood, 5 Cloth, 1 Bailing wire, 20 Metal, 2 Sun powder, and 1 Hot coal. Return to the prisoner and click on him. You will turn them all in, in rapid succession.

Warning: Upon your return, the bomb will be detonated, taking half your vitality and send you far away from the cell. You may die as a result. You have been warned.
9. Return to the prisoner and see what he has to say.
10. Proceed to Kid Smith, located at (80, 42). Click him and follow the dialogs. When prompted, select the 2nd choice.

11. Now, get 2 Damaged tongs, 1 Gold Acorn, 5 Fine cloth, 2 Antler, and 1 Amber. Proceed to Sulfium's Lair (87, 68) and say crystal to Sulfium (55, 64). You will turn them all in, in rapid succession.

12. Step in front of one of the many blue pools in the area. You will receive a popup. You may receive an Efflorent salt cake. Repeatedly do this until you have five (5) of them.

Warning: You may be inflicted with Blind or Vertigo while doing this, so you may wish to trigger the popup with Ctrl+R to avoid having to walk while under the effects of Vertigo. It may also be advised to bring a poet around to dispel you after you are done.
13. Go to the Drying Station (53, 49). Approach the Drying Station and you'll receive a popup. The "Makeshift tongs", "Makeshift dipping net", and "Efflorent salt cakes" will all be consumed. Wait 5 minutes and then approach the Drying Station again. You will receive an Efflorent crystal.

14. Return to the Iron Dungeon. Proceed to Ern-Aaron's estate (61, 70) and click on Ern-Aaron (21, 31) and follow the dialogs. When prompted, select the 1st choice. He requests 1 Ginseng, 1 Moon Wine, and 1 Tea. Return with them.

15. Now, he asks for 5 Ern wood. Bring Axes. Go to the Aaron Tree grove (9, 28), wield an Axe, and cut trees to acquire the Ern wood. Return with the items.

16. Now, he wants us to tap the trees. Get 1 Steel Dagger and 20 Wool. Proceed to a Tree tap tile (38, 8). You must wield a Steel dagger before stepping on this tile. Repeatedly activate the popup until you have acquired 4 Woodworking sap. Return to Ern-Aaron.

17. Now, he wants us to collect bark from his prized tree in the center. Get 1 Steel Dagger and 1 Bekyun's Spear. Proceed to the Prized Tree (22, 22). You must wield a Steel Dagger before stepping on this tile. Go through the popup and you will receive a Bark strip. Return to Ern-Aaron.

18. He will give you an Ern-Aaron's model.
19. Now, get 25 High Ore, 10 Coal, 5 Featherlight metal, 1 Yellow amber, the Efflorent crystal you had obtained earlier and the Ern-Aaron's model you just obtained then return to Kid Smith and click him. You will turn them all in, in rapid succession. Wait 1 IRL hour and then click Kid Smith again. You will receive a Sip San Sear blade. It has insane stats, but cannot be wielded.

20. Ascend Scribe's Mountain and click on Sam Asmodi. Go through the many popups and you'll eventually get a new weapon and a new legend mark. Please send in the stats of the weapons you receive.

Weapon graphics and OLD stats (The stats of all weapons from Iron Hands quest have been updated. These are the old ones from when event was released. Please refer to Weapons section for the correct and current stats of each weapon)
 | Poet:
 | Rogue:
 | Warrior:
 | Sa Sulfurule Scepter 500,000 Durability Small / Large: 50m50 -5 AC +72,000 Mana +18 Will +10 Grace Sa San (M) | Sa Ernlere Staff 500,000 Durability Small / Large: 35m45 -15 AC +30,000 Vitality +25,000 Mana +3 Will +4 Protection Sa San (P) | Sa Featherlight Arm 500,000 Durability Small / Large: 450m550 +7 AC +10 Hit +16 Damage -1 Grace Sa San (R) | Sa Flame spear 500,000 Durability Small / Large: 215m750 -7 AC +14 Hit +8 Damage +146,800 Vitality +3 Might Sa San (W) |
Click here for the Stats of All Iron Hands Weapons
All credit for the above goes to Vini and Ferro. This is a Repost only.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Mirfors Mudang Madness!
by: Maron
-- 2:46 AM EST
Hey folks! It's Marauder Maron, excited to commence NexusAtlas reporting.

Last Friday evening, an entourage of Koguryo officials traveled with the remains of the recently assassinated Mirfors to Valley of the Mudang, where the questions of the murder weapon and his possible revival would be answered by Shaman Elder Bayde and two reliable associates.

Bayde heard Mirfors' spirit trapped inside the killing blade, but the body would be incinerated for use in an "artificial vessel... should he choose." Prime Minister Fayebelle agreed, and the process started.
 The ritual cremation resulted in a strange tremor, and soon the Valley was almost completely dark. In the confusion, the Necromancer Jieut spoke from the shadows, and invited his undead minions!

 Some blamed the Shaman for the Necromancer's appearance, but they insisted on the contrary. Regardless, those who held their ground were met with relentless violence by Jieut and fiends!
 Eventually, Jieut stated his demand in order to stop the killing, but it was proved unacceptable.

Consistent threats toward MingJung, Mobon and Mhul prompted Royal Guard Quav the resolve to help the Twin-Princes in slaying the Necromancer! Although instantly resurrected, others also managed killing blows on Jieut.

This was only a minor setback for Jieut, however, who retreated momentarily only to strike back harder than before, and even try to claim the Acolyte Temple.

The onslaught was enough for Elder Bayde to close access to the Valley of the Mudang until it could properly recover. Meanwhile, Necromancer Jieut was last seen in Nagnang Gorge in the company of "Blind Seer" Trucidont, who was a persistent advocate in the chaos.
 Time will tell if this resurfacing and empowerment of the Necromancer will see future attacks unfold. NexusAtlas will try to keep you in the know!
Want to learn more about the Necromancer? View -> past news <-
Asmodi partially re-opens for another week
by: Kydra
-- 10:30 AM EST
Today on the Community Board, Wony agreed to re-open the Asmodi cave for those who already possess an Asmodi Pass and were not able to get the final prize weapon.
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: Wony DATE: 8/20 SUBJECT: Limited access to Asmodi event
I have received several letters from the people who were not able to complete the event in time. After some thinking, I've decided to reopen the Asmodi caves with LIMITED ACCESS.
If you:
- already have the Asmodi Pass (You cannot purchase the pass now)
- weren't able to get the final prize weapon.
You may enter the caves and finish the event. If you have any friends who could use this LAST opportunity, please let them know.
This access will last 1 week.
PS. Please don't send me a complaint letter saying 'If I had known that I could have another week, I would have waited and gotten the next grade weapon.' You had plenty of opportunities. This is for the people who couldn't get anything despite of their cost and effort. Hope you'd understand.
If you couldn't finish the Asmodi quest, you have one week to complete it. Good luck!
Minor quest and Daily coin changes!
by: Kydra
-- 11:57 AM EST
With today's daily reset, Wony posted the following change to the Community board:
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: Wony DATE: 8/19 SUBJECT: Minor quest timer & Daily coins
- You can do more minor quests by removing the timer. 4 daily coins per one minor quest, with 20% of regular minor quest exp. Go see WoonSoo. This also applies to abandoned quest timer.
- Daily coins are not given with minor quest completion.
This is a great option for those who still require minor quests for Sa San.
However, daily coins are no longer provided for any minor quests, not just the ones gained from WoonSoo.
There was some confusion whether this was intended, and Wony posted a clarifying response.
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: Wony DATE: 8/19 SUBJECT: RE: Aviva
Hi Aviva, I am sorry you feel that way. Here is some background.
With the new implementation, it didn't make sense that you can purchase additional MQs with daily coins, then you get daily coins from doing the MQs. (Yes, we could not give out daily coins from the additional MQs, but it just feels clumsy.)
MORE IMPORTANTLY, the real value of the daily coins depends on what you can do with them, not on the total number. It's like company stocks. It's not the quantity but the value of each stock that really counts.
We are fully aware that reduced number of daily coins are being released in Nexus from now, and we will adjust other things accordingly.
Hope this helps.
P.S. You do still get 2 daily coins a day by just visiting WoonSoo at the Incubator, just to confirm.
It looks like we may see some additional changes to Daily Coin prices to account for the daily reduction.
It's important to note, however, that daily coins can now be dropped and traded, so alt characters can funnel daily coins to one character, allowing one character to potentially receive 8 daily coins per account, which is double the limit before daily coins were allowed to be traded.
~Bhavana Kydra Baenre~ ~Hyul 106, 1st Moon, 30th Sun~
New NA Staff Members
by: Vini
-- 5:30 PM EST
Two weeks ago I posted about our team needing more aiding hands and gladly many people responded with interest. While I'm still conducting some interviews with all those who expressed interest in helping promote information to the Nexus Community, we already have 5 new and old members. Therefore, without further ado, I'm happy to present the new members of Nexus Atlas Staff:
And the return of:
If you're an avid Nexus Atlas reader please congratulate these people in joining NA staff and give a look at our updated contact list so you can find out who to contact when you see information that is outdated.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 106, Moon 1~
New Elder of Merchant Guild
by: Vini
-- 9:25 PM EST
Yesterday afternoon, the Merchant Guild has ascended a New Elder. After being on lockdown for over 2 weeks due to the former elder going MIA, the path has finally concluded their voting process and elected TaiPatron to be their new leader.

TaiPatron first became a Merchant back in Yuri 53 and had multiple passages in the path but has been a Guide since Hyul 87. TaiPatron is also a Royal Guard of Koguryo, the militia division of SunMoon sect in partnership with the Koguryo Royal Army. Before he was also part of Tiger clan, Dharma clan and the KRA itself for a few years.
While he is very excited to be trusted with the opportunity to lead the Merchant Guild, TaiPatron's main concern now is to keep the path united after going through an election process. "I just want people to know I want to bring the Merchant guild to its former glory, which has dwindled over the years. For that I'll be working closely with other subpaths and clans", said TaiPatron.
Nexus Atlas congratulates Elder TaiPatron on his new position and wishes him good fortune with his new duties.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 105, Moon 12~
/|\ The Fire Festival Lughnasadh Begins /|\

A day to reap what you've sewn A day to eat what you've grown The taste of our labors sweet on our lips And heavy baskets on our hips
Lugh the shining one stands bright and tall His long arm extended, his hand grasps all But now he sits in the shade of his mother Ending one season, bringing in another" Merry meet!
[173, 213 Wilderness]
The druids would like to invite you to celebrate the Fire Festival of Lughnasadh with us this weekend! Corn, wheat, and other grains are typically harvested around this time. The Druids in the Sacred Grove are busy cutting, grinding, and storing grain, canning fruits and vegetables, and brewing wine in the late Summer. It is the celebration of the harvest and the beginning of many marriages.
Several subpaths are joining us in celebrating the festival! They will be helping us by hosting games and contests. This weekend's schedule is below:
Sunday, August 11th--
Lughnasadh festival
12:00pm - Opening Ritual (Sacred Grove Stage) 12:45pm - Geomancer Fish Toss (hosted by Tain) Cluichi 1:30pm - Muse Musical Goats (hosted by Aviva) Silent Glade 2:15pm - Merchant Devil's Dance (hosted by Corleone) Cluichi 3:00pm - Ranger Archery Tournament (hosted by Baik) Mystic Garden 3:45 pm - Shaman Circle of Lore (hosted by Bayde) Cluichi 4:30pm - Monk Jan Ken Pon (hosted by Monteleone) Mystic Garden 5:15pm - Diviner Ritual of Joy (hosted by Iosua) Cluichi 6:00pm - Barbarian Heal Out (hosted by Meteu) Mystic Garden 6:45pm - Chongun Samurang Showdown (hosted by Lyones) Mystic Garden 7:30pm - 8:15pm - Do Blade Dance (hosted by Hinoyuki) Mystic Garden 9:00pm - Druid Tales Around the Fire (hosted by many) 10:00pm - Closing Ritual (Mystic Garden)
All festival participants will receive a legend mark and be entered into a raffle for a Diamond Engrave, compliments of the Merchant Subpath!
All events will be taking place in the Sacred Grove and the surrounding area. We look forward to seeing everyone there! Blessed be!
[Community Events 334]
Thank you Druids and hope everyone enjoys the festival!
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Iron Dungeon Now Open - Full Walk-Thru!
During this morning's reset, the Iron Dungeons have been reopened! With your new pass you can now visit the Iron Hands at southwest corner of Buya (000,155) called Key 2 and entering it gives access to a place called Iron Crossing which is the starting point of this intriguing event.

PART ONE: PREPARING FOR THE IRON DUNGEON However, before trying to adventure yourself with walking, jumping or swimming on the lava, there are some certain preparations you need to do to be able to enter the hunting cave area called "Iron Dungeon".
1. Go to Crystalline Chapel and click the option about Frozen Footing

2. She'll ask for one Gruff ring and will give you a frozen footing in return. Here's the Gruff ring quest walkthrough.

3. Before crossing the Iron Crossing's lava, grab the following items: seaweed, rose, kapur branch, stardrop, amethyst and apple.
Note: Frozen footing are now more resistant to high temperatures and will not melt upon crossing the lava. This way you only need 1 for multiple crossings.
4. Go back to Iron Crossing (read news below) and finally cross the lava!

5. Next you'll reach a room called Patio where the secret of the eye is guarded by a secret hidden on top of 7 pillars. Each with a different keyword.
 Place the Amethyst in the north-west pillar, the Stardrop in the north pillar, the Apple in the north-east pillar, the Seaweed in the south-west pillar, the Rose in the south pillar, and the Kapur branch in the south-east pillar. When standing before each pillar, you will receive a popup. Enter the name of the item associated with each pillar.

6. Once you type the item name on the 6 pillars of the edges, go to the center one. You only need 1 set per character to be able to go back and forth on this part.
Once you stand by the 7th pillar at center, you'll descent to a leveled cave called "Iron Dungeon", the hideout of the IronHands. Entering the cave part of the event does not give an extra legend mark.
Credit:~Vini Normad'or~
PART TWO: ENTERING THE IRON DUNGEON After placing all 6 items, stand before the center pillar. You will be warped into the Iron Dungeon after going through the popup. Take note that this is the point where the event dungeon opens up, so don't enter unless you are prepared. The only way to return to the Patio from here is not located near the entrance.

This is leveled cave area divided from 1 to 10. Normally the event caves are divided like this: event cave levels guide, but some people been reporting there has been a change in cave 1 requirements to level 50 minimum to enter. If anyone find different information than this list please inform.
The Iron Dungeon is the hideout of the Iron Hands. A large area divided with narrow corridors, filled with Iron mercenaries, HiredHands and bizarre monsters.
The Boss creature in the Iron Dungeon is the same from previous encounters with the Iron Hands, it's a bizarre monster called Overseer sentry which hits very hard.
 Overseer Sentry - 94,500,000 Mil Exp
The drops are the same from previous event in 2013:
 Overseer Eye
Durability 200,000 Armor -5 Vitality 0 Mana increase +300 Will +4 Regen +1 Protection +1 (Any Path Level 50+) |  Enchanted Overseer Eye
Durability 200,000 Armor -6 Vitality -500 Mana increase +3000 Will +5 Regen +1 Protection +1 (Any Path Level 99+) |  Il san Overseer Eye
Durability 200,000 Armor -8 Vitality -600 Mana increase +3800 Will +6 Regen +1 Protection +1 (Any Path Il san+) |  Ee san Overseer Eye
Durability 200,000 Armor -10 Vitality -700 Mana increase +4600 Will +7 Regen +1 Protection +1 (Any Path Ee san+) |  Sam san Overseer Eye
Durability 200,000 Armor -12 Vitality -800 Mana increase +5400 Will +8 Regen +1 Protection +3 (Any Path Sam san+) |  Sa san Overseer Eye
Durability 200,000 Armor -14 Vitality -900 Mana increase +6200 Will +9 Regen +1 Protection +3 (Any Path Sa san+) |
Here is the continued walkthrough for those who enter the event cave:
Items Overview: Small Iron Key (various dungeon mobs) Bent Iron Key (various dungeon mobs) Large Iron Key (various dungeon mobs) Shatter Bomb (kugnae arena) 5 Ginko Wood (woodcutting) 5 Cloth (weaving) Bailing wire (various dungeon mobs) 20 Metal (smelting, iron lab) 2 Sun powder (kugnae arena) Hot coal (Flash dust (arenas) + Coal (Sanhae smith)) 2 Damaged tongs (Weaker hands in Sulfium's Lair) Gold acorn (squirrels, green squirrels) 5 Fine cloth (weaving) 2 Antler (butcher) Amber (various mobs) Ginseng (buya/wilderness big rats) Moon wine (kugnae alchemist) Tea (muse area) 5 Ern wood (cut trees in Ern-Aaron's Estate) Steel dagger (smiths) 20 Wool (sheep) Bekyun's spear (kugnae spider cave, massive scorpion) 25 High ore (mining, iron lab) 10 Coal (sanhae smith) 5 Featherlight metals (various dungeon mobs) Yellow amber (various mobs, notably wilderness lobster)
7. Go to the prisoner located at (37, 19). You must be at the cell door to talk to him. Click him and listen to his speech. Choose the second option on the first selection popup. He'll eventually ask you to free him using keys. Use the following keys, all of which will fail: Small Iron Key, Bent Iron Key, Large Iron Key.

8. Now, get 1 Shatter Bomb, 5 Ginko wood, 5 Cloth, 1 Bailing wire, 20 Metal, 2 Sun powder, and 1 Hot coal. Return to the prisoner and click on him. You will turn them all in, in rapid succession.

Warning: Upon your return, the bomb will be detonated, taking half your vitality and send you far away from the cell. You may die as a result. You have been warned.
9. Return to the prisoner and see what he has to say.
10. Proceed to Kid Smith, located at (80, 42). Click him and follow the dialogs. When prompted, select the 2nd choice.

11. Now, get 2 Damaged tongs, 1 Gold Acorn, 5 Fine cloth, 2 Antler, and 1 Amber. Proceed to Sulfium's Lair (87, 68) and say crystal to Sulfium (55, 64). You will turn them all in, in rapid succession.

12. Step in front of one of the many blue pools in the area. You will receive a popup. You may receive an Efflorent salt cake. Repeatedly do this until you have five (5) of them.

Warning: You may be inflicted with Blind or Vertigo while doing this, so you may wish to trigger the popup with Ctrl+R to avoid having to walk while under the effects of Vertigo. It may also be advised to bring a poet around to dispel you after you are done.
13. Go to the Drying Station (53, 49). Approach the Drying Station and you'll receive a popup. The "Makeshift tongs", "Makeshift dipping net", and "Efflorent salt cakes" will all be consumed. Wait 5 minutes and then approach the Drying Station again. You will receive an Efflorent crystal.

14. Return to the Iron Dungeon. Proceed to Ern-Aaron's estate (61, 70) and click on Ern-Aaron (21, 31) and follow the dialogs. When prompted, select the 1st choice. He requests 1 Ginseng, 1 Moon Wine, and 1 Tea. Return with them.

15. Now, he asks for 5 Ern wood. Bring Axes. Go to the Aaron Tree grove (9, 28), wield an Axe, and cut trees to acquire the Ern wood. Return with the items.

16. Now, he wants us to tap the trees. Get 1 Steel Dagger and 20 Wool. Proceed to a Tree tap tile (38, 8). You must wield a Steel dagger before stepping on this tile. Repeatedly activate the popup until you have acquired 4 Woodworking sap. Return to Ern-Aaron.

17. Now, he wants us to collect bark from his prized tree in the center. Get 1 Steel Dagger and 1 Bekyun's Spear. Proceed to the Prized Tree (22, 22). You must wield a Steel Dagger before stepping on this tile. Go through the popup and you will receive a Bark strip. Return to Ern-Aaron.

18. He will give you an Ern-Aaron's model.
19. Now, get 25 High Ore, 10 Coal, 5 Featherlight metal, 1 Yellow amber, the Efflorent crystal you had obtained earlier and the Ern-Aaron's model you just obtained then return to Kid Smith and click him. You will turn them all in, in rapid succession. Wait 1 IRL hour and then click Kid Smith again. You will receive a Sip San Sear blade. It has insane stats, but cannot be wielded.

20. Ascend Scribe's Mountain and click on Sam Asmodi. Go through the many popups and you'll eventually get a new weapon and a new legend mark. Please send in the stats of the weapons you receive.

Weapon graphics and OLD stats (The stats of all weapons from Iron Hands quest have been updated. These are the old ones from when event was released. Please refer to Weapons section for the correct and current stats of each weapon)
 | Poet:
 | Rogue:
 | Warrior:
 | Sa Sulfurule Scepter 500,000 Durability Small / Large: 50m50 -5 AC +72,000 Mana +18 Will +10 Grace Sa San (M) | Sa Ernlere Staff 500,000 Durability Small / Large: 35m45 -15 AC +30,000 Vitality +25,000 Mana +3 Will +4 Protection Sa San (P) | Sa Featherlight Arm 500,000 Durability Small / Large: 450m550 +7 AC +10 Hit +16 Damage -1 Grace Sa San (R) | Sa Flame spear 500,000 Durability Small / Large: 215m750 -7 AC +14 Hit +8 Damage +146,800 Vitality +3 Might Sa San (W) |
Click here for the Stats of All Iron Hands Weapons
All credit for the above goes to Vini and Ferro. This is a Repost only.
Asmodi/Iron Hands Daily Coin Cave Pass!
According to a recent post by GM Wony the Asmodi and Iron Hands will be returning in the near future, however instead of an entrance guarded by a puzzle this entrance is guarded by the Keeper of the Daily coins! Indeed, it will cost a hero 28 daily coins + gold determined by stats as seen in his post below:
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: Wony DATE: 8/6 SUBJECT: Cost for Asmodi cave pass
Backed by strong demand, Asmodi/Iron hands event will re-open soon. Yes, you can get the weapons from this.
BUT, you will need a pass to enter the event. The cost for the pass is 28 daily coins and gold.
Amount of gold depends on your stat:
-L99 : 100,000 Il san: 250,000 Ee san: 750,000 Sam san: 1,500,000 Sa san: 3,000,000
Yes, the cost can be hefty and the quest itself is quite demanding. This is to protect the people who invested in the event weapons and not to crash the price. Hope you understand.
Thank you.
P.S. We are implementing 3 way split 10 caves system for this. We would appreciate your input in balancing the caves. This will be the system we plan to use for other caves and the future.
It sounds as though we may want to start hoarding our daily coins instead of cashing them in for malgal insignias!
Note: - A hero can gain up-to 4 daily coins per day (every 12 hours) and they are currently tradeable!
Wony also mentioned that: - You will not get the legend for this one. - The pass is one time purchase, and reusable.
We're not sure if that means if the pass itself is tradeable!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 105, 10th Moon, 20th Sun
Daily Reset - Skill Modulator Timer Added!
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: Wony DATE: 8/ 5 SUBJECT: Daily Reset change
Many crafting NPCs, (and WoonSoo) will have a new function to tell you the remaining time of your Skill modulator. It can be activated by either clicking or by saying 'When does my Skill modulator expire?'. The menu option will be removed once you have used this function, in order not to clutter the NPC menu.
If we missed any NPCs with this, please let us know.
Again thank you for the suggestions and input (and encouragement). It makes our days and work much MUCH more pleasant and easier.
Please understand that we cannot implement some of the suggestions you bring as quickly as some other changes make. Topics like poet soloing are very sensitive and can/will substantially impact all of us, even with the slightest adjustment. So naturally we are very cautious.
Nonetheless we are talking your input very seriously and are taking notes.
Thank you.
New quality of life update! You can know see when your skill modulator runs out by going to your crafting NPC and clicking the option. The option goes away, but you may use a verbal command to look at the time afterwards.
"When does my Skill modulator expire?"

Thank you Fidelity for requesting it!
Nexus Atlas is recruiting!
by: Vini
-- 4:15 PM EST

Do you have interest in helping the Nexus community beyond the realm of the Kingdoms of the Winds? Do you have knowledge and skills that could bring useful new content to majority of our readers? Then here is your opportunity to help as part of the Nexus Atlas team; Nexus TK's #1 source for information.
We are currently recruiting helping hands for the following roles:
Cartography Editor: Help update our maps section with updated images of locations with public access. Requires: Image editing skills and beginner level of Nexus knowledge.
Database Editor: Update the database of nexus items, legend marks, leaders registry and other sections that are in dire need of updates. Requires: Image editing skills and seasoned level of Nexus knowledge.
Content Editor: Update existing pages of Nexus Atlas with latest information and content update (for pages like Carnages, subpaths, etc) and help create new sections with relevant information to the community. Requires: Image editing skills and beginner level of HTML editing.
Note: All 3 roles will also be able to help with reporting news about the game. We no longer recruit news reporters, so if you have interest in helping with news posting please consider one of the options above. |
If you have interest in helping out with any of these projects, please contact me through vini@nexusatlas.com and if possible provide a description of your experiences and qualifications which would assist on the project of your choice.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 105, Moon 10~
A new Judge has been appointed
by: Vini
-- 11:50 PM EST
A few weeks ago, a new judge of nexus was appointed:CupOfNoodles.
CupOfNoodles began her training to become a judge back in March (Hyul 102) and has been handling cases under the supervision of the Head Judge since then. On June she moved to the second stage as JiT (Judge-in-Training) in which she gained access to judge powers while concluding her training. She was made effective in the middle of July (Hyul 105) and since then has been serving the Nexus community as a Judge. So if you see a situation that requires immediate judge attention feel free to contact her or if not, then post on the justice board.

Judge CupOfNoodles is also known for the role as a Carnage Host and as Primarch of the Alizarin Clan of Nagnang. So please join Nexus Atlas in congratulating her for this new role wishing her good fortune in performing her duties.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 105, Moon 10~