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Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Jieut attacks Jolbon!

On Halloween evening, necromancer named Jieut summons a horde of monsters in the ruins of Jolbon. Many citizens of the kingdoms came to stop the barrage of summoned dead.

This necromancer plans for evil and we must foil his plans to create chaos.
Trick or Treat in Nexus: Happy Halloween!
by: Vini
-- 4:20 PM EST
It is that time of the year again when people traditionally dress up in scary or funny costumes and get to "Trick or Treat". To trick or treat you must do it in of one the 10 full costumes dropped by the Spooky ghosts.
Once you have them go to Kugnae taverns, Buya taverns or Nagnang taverns and say "Trick of Treat".

Trick or treating may cause a large number of various effects and you can do that multiple times in a day, with 30 minutes break between each time you do the trick of treating. Most known tricks are: change of totem animal, PK death, send to jail, mass vertigo, spawn squirrels, etc. Most known treats are: a huge variety of morphs, special dyes, karma, etc.
While you can find the Spooky ghosts at the open areas of Kugnae, Buya and Nagnang, the best and fastest place to collect costumes is again at the Nagnang Haunted House. To reach that haunted house you need to go to Nagnang west gate then walk south towards 010,155. Once you reach the Nagnang Farms follow the path untl you see a path going west. From there go to 000,022. Keep following the path and there you'll find the Haunted House.

 Once inside you'll find several of those Spooky ghosts that drop the various costumes above. There are 16 types of spooky ghosts in total and their names are: Bandit Spooky, Bashful Spooky, Blushing Spook, Coy Spook, Crook Spook, Flushed Spook, Hooligan Spook, Howling Spook, Moaning Spook, Mushy Spook, Mushy Spook, Spongy Spook, Spooky Spook, Squashey Spooky, Squishy Spook, Villain Spook, and Yowling Spook.
Besides the full costumes they also drop some funny hats:
Nexus Atlas wishes everyone a Happy Halloween and enjoy trick or treating!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 99, Moon 9~

Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Tomb of Tongmyong and the Samjok-o
"The Samjok-o or "Sam-Jok-Oh" is a three-legged crow with golden wings. It is believed to be the only creature in all existence that can enter and reside in the Sun because of its black feathers, while a turtle lived in the moon." - Excerpt from the Samjok-o Legend from the Legend scroll.
At the northern area of the Ruins of Jolbon, beyond the Memorial Forest lies a beautiful mausoleum complex known as Tongmyong.

King Tongmyong aka King Jumong was the founding monarch of Koguryo and his body now rests in the Tombs of Tongmyong. He was also the father to King Yuri, who in turn fathered Prince Haemyung, his eldest son (his tomb is found in Jolbon too) as well as Muhyul (M'hul) who was left as Heir after Prince Haemyung died in Jolbon. King M'hul went on to father Prince Mobon and Prince MingJung. Prince Mobon being Koguryo's current Heir Apparent with a strange birth defect that shows in his eyes.

The really interesting bit comes from the scroll 'Legend' where it tells that Jumong's mother, King Mhul's Great-grandmother was said to be impregnated by the sun and gave birth to an egg, leaving Jumong with the protection of the Samjok-o ~ A Creature said to be far superior to both the Dragon and the Phoenix. This may be why his Tomb has both the Defeated Dragon statue as well as the Samjok-o guarding it.

Another interesting thing to note is that the family name of the Royal lineage of Koguryo is "Hae" (해), which in koguryic language means "Sun".
It is very fascinating to think that they may be infused with the protection and powers of the Sun and Samjok-o from generations past and begs the question: Just how strong are the Samjok-o ties to the Royal Family of Koguryo and could this Power be what draws such dire and appalling circumstances to them time and again?
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 99, 8th Moon, 28th Sun
Road to Jolbon - Walkthrough
After the return of Prince Mobon and Goeyu today, Queen Yun has decided to remove the blockage to the road of Jolbon.
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Yun DATE: 10/29 SUBJECT: ROYAL DECREE In light of Prince Mobon's return and the news his expedition has brought forth...
I hereby declare the Road to Jolbon open to all Heroes!
Our kingdom is facing a threat of incredible proportions and with the limited knowledge we are facing, The Crown has decided to allow access to the Road to Jolbon to all the heroes of the lands.
We must work together if we are to defeat this Necromancer and his vile plans, I trust that with our combined efforts, this undead army will be put to rest soon.
Onward Azure Koguryo!
Queen Yun of Koguryo |
The Road to Jolbon The road to Jolbon is long and the journey begins at southwest of Kugnae West gate (1,157), outside of the city wall.
There will be several areas to go through before reaching Jolbon. The Road to Jolbon can be divided in two areas. The first one takes people through an easy walk next to the Amnok River, but once people cross the River Junction bridges they'll reach an area known as the Pinewoods. These woods are a set of 13 areas and while crossing through these maps, you may be ambushed by masked robber will ambush you randomly and try to block your path. There has been reports that they may steal some of your money while robbing you. With some nasty daggers and stabbing these robbers can inflict a lot of damage on you, but after a few hits they flee. Check below the full map of the Road to Jolbon:

The Ruins of Jolbon
After crossing 19 maps you will know you have reached Jolbon when you come to the area, Ruins of Jolbon. When you approach the ruins (55,87), you will be receive a pop up saying that you have discover the ruins and earn a new legend mark.

The ruins of Koguryo's first capital have a destroyed palace at the center, wooden walls around the city and is taken by robbers and Kangsee, some dangerous reanimated corpses. There are pathways to the north and west. Heading north of the ruins of Jolbon will lead you to the Memorial forest. It is a large maze and when you reach the end you'll arrive at Tongmyong. It's a large burial site of King Jumong, the founder of Koguryo.
The quest however starts at Jolbon Farmstead, which lies to the west (0,40) of Ruins of Jolbon. There you will find a few residents from Changmu such as Professor Mulberry, Yemaro and Fae Won. Looks like they have traveled all the way from Changmu to help fight the necromancer once again. Yemaro and Mulberry have interesting stories, but for now we shall focus only on the quest walkthrough: |  |
Walkthrough for the Beacon of Souls: 1. Purchase a Magic Mirror from Fae Won (Jolbon Farmstead 15,15). This will give you the power needed to fight Kangsee in many regions. These Magic mirros cost 6,000 and are also available for purchase at Kaming's Seamstress.

2. Purchase Jolbon talismans (at least 2 or 3), which will allow you to fast travel to Jangseung totem poles at the entrance of Jolbon ruins. This is very useful in case you need to leave Jolbon, you won't need to go through all the Road of Jolbon again.
3. Visit the four graveyards in the kingdoms and the farmstead. Farm eight talismans in each area from the Kangsee (you will need more items other than the talisman so read ahead).
Jolbon Kangsee drops Timeworn Talisman (8 needed)  Kugnae Crypts (Oh-mudum crypt 003,019) drops the Crypt Talisman 8 needed)
Wilderness Graveyard (Wilderness 2,153) drops the Graveyard Talisman (8 needed)
 Buya Catacombs (Islets 22,68) drops the Catacomb talisman 8 needed)
 Nagnang Burial Ground (Nagnang 140,04) drops the Burial talisman (8 needed)
4. Once you the talismans is time to collect other ingredients such as Endless curse, Bottled darkness, etc and take the ingredients to The Beacon of Souls. The beacon is located at the Underground vault buried under the Jolbon palace ruins, but it is accessible by jumping into the well at the Jolbon Farmstead (10,18). This well follows to the the Jolbon Subterranean, which is the hunting cave of the event.

5.The Jolbon Subterranean is pretty much the underground of Jolbon ruins, but it has some very narrow corridors where you have to dodge Teal Gangshi and Dark Gangshi, while avoiding to step on the dirty sewage that runs under the city. Open the mini-map as soon as you enter the subterranean and the way to the vault should be pretty straight forward.

6. Once reaching the Beacon of Souls, you will have four options and depending on which options you choose there is a different requirement for materials. These materials are dropped by the monsters in the cave. Weaken the necromancer - 8 of each talisman + Spirit's Sight x 5  Sabotage the beacon - 8 of each talisman + Endless Curse x 5  Steal from the beacon - 8 of each talisman + Bottled Darkness x 8  Strengthen the necromancer - 8 of each talisman + Spirit Soul x 5 
7. Once you bring the materials, you will be rewarded with a new legend mark and two new items.

Skull of the Beast (Helm) - 10 AC Hit +10 Dam +10 1,000 Mana +5 Regen
Shiny Bones (Once used will give you experience)
Taalyeein Enclave Mysteries Continue!
PART ONE: THE CURSED CAULDRON! Lucius Lafambrois informed me that the Mage 'Z' is in fact one of our own Heroes 'Zenru' and not connected to the Necromancer at all. Zenru has been tasked with finding out what all has been added into the potion Queen Yun was drinking during her pregnancy by investigating the Enclave. However, in the Temple of Truakh is another mysterious figure! Upon entering the top left room of the Temple called The Cursed Cauldron you will see Tezsaura brewing goodness knows what! As I spoke with her, I realized she was here to perform an important duty for the community at large: To rid us of the cursed items gathered during the strange lottery in the Enclave previously! Simply tell her which item you wish to get rid of her and she will provide you with a quest! Upon completion the item will be removed from your pack!
As I exited the room, I noticed a very sad looking girl standing nearby, I soon learned her name is Triptipitti and she was quite heart-broken about losing her beloved kitty. Determined to help her I set off to gather some fish and a Duck Feather. Luckily, there happened to be a rather pretty Duck in the Enclave Market. She was rather talkative as well and quite pleased with the Embroidered Silk I bought for her! With my Duck Feather and some Fish in hand I journeyed to Buya to find her kitty Tailoki! ((Note: You will receive undroppable item: Tailoki ))
Once Tailoki is returned she sends me with a Note to her father in the market!
((Note: Bring a Spare Skin from Jolbon or Buya Haunted House for next part.)) Tluuki is over the moon with joy to hear from his daughter after and offers to make you something delicious for helping rescue Tailoki! Bring him a single ingredient ~ Spare Skin!
For completing the above tasks you will receive:
Huge Frogegg Bun (x2 exp) and a new legend mark!
There is certainly more to come, so keep an eye on NexusAtlas to stay up to date!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 99, 8th Moon, 26th Sun
Server Reset - Halloween Double Trouble
by: Vini
-- 3:34 PM EST
About an hour ago the Nexus TK servers were reset to introduce the Halloween events. It's time to Trick or Treat!
This year, besides the usual Trick or treating at the Inns, there seems to have two event quests going on. People can now visit the Temple of Truakh or visit the Ruins of Jolbon.
Check below the Whispering Winds post for each segment of the event:
BOARD TITLE: Whispering Winds FROM: NexusTK DATE: 10/29 SUBJECT: Discovered: Temple of Truakh It appears that the secret to entrance of the Temple of Truakh has been discovered! Not much is known as to how and why it happened, but local (to Taal'yeein) gossip has it that a certain mage from a foreign land was somehow able to sneak in and study the sacred writings and revered herbs stored within. He did not share his name with many, as many could not be trusted, so all that's known is that his name starts with a 'Z'...
What's more, the said mage performed a ritual, which now prevents the entrance from sealing itself off again, allowing all that are brave enough (or foolish?!) to follow in his footsteps and discover for themselves the mysteries of Temple of Truakh.
Is there more than meets the eye here? Is there some hidden passage waiting to be discovered? Perhaps, one day soon, it will reveal itself. Until then... BEWARE! |

BOARD TITLE: Whispering Winds FROM: NexusTK DATE: 10/29 SUBJECT: The Necromancer attacks Jolbon For decades Goeyu has served as the secret guardian of Princess Yun. Yet, when her memory curse was broken he has taken a new journey and was no longer around to be seen. Now, years later, the White Tiger Warrior has finally returned to Koguryo. He comes to alert Queen Yun that the ruins of Jolbon have been overtaken by reanimated corpses lead by a nefarious necromancer. After debating with his brother MingJung, Prince Mobon decided to take a journey with Goeyu and Primogen Maya to the ruins of Jolbon to gain intel about what was happening there. Today Mobon has returned to Koguryo bringing alarming news. The mysterious Necromancer seems to be luring spirits with a chance of revival, but instead, the scoundrel has been bewitching them to create an unmatching army of the dead. Such attempts threaten the balance of the earthly and ethereal world. It seems that a battle for existence may be at hand. The Queen of Koguryo has ended the blockade of the road to Jolbon. What will you do? |

It seems that while we discovered more about the Taal'yeein, we also discovered more about the Necromancer. Could they be related?
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 99, Moon 8~
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Bodies found along Koguryo East River Bank
by: Ferro
-- 7:36 PM EST
Tonight, during a patrol being held by Koguryo soldiers, two unrecognizable corpses were found floating along the river bank east of Kugnae Palace. This uncommon situation drew attention of many concerned citizens when Prince MingJung found a pendant that was given to his brother Prince Mobon among the possessions of the bodies.

The KRA was on the scene to investigate the matter. They have chosen to defer to the expertise of the Shamans. The bodies were then taken to Kugnae Palace for further investigation where despite their differences, both the Shaman Elder Guerrund and Diviner Elder Sieo worked somewhat together to determine what could have happened to two two and if they could be indeed the corpses of Prince Mobon and Goeyu. One clear thing to note was the color of the hairs. While Prince Mobon's hair is black, Goeyu's hair is grey, which made them conclude that none of the bodies were of Goeyu. Comparing height with Prince Mingjung they also concluded that they body with the pendant could not be Mobon's.

Primogen Maya who claimed she got separated from them in the forest, said that there were bandits who attacked them. They wondered if perhaps the robbers took the pendant of Mobon and if the corpses could be of the criminals instead. What people didn't realize it was that those bodies could have been sent floating in the river on purpose by the Necromancer. In a surprising situation people noticed one of the corpses move. Suddenly it raised as a stiff-corpse, a dark Kangsee and shortly after the other one raised from the ground too. As quick as they were to raise, they were to vanish. Dangerous times are coming.
Druid's Samhain Festival held today & tomorrow
by: Vini
-- 6:13 PM EST
The Druids' Lunar Fire Festival of Samhain has began!
Samhain is the celebration of the end of the harvest season and preparations for the darker part of the year as the winter approaches.

This Festival of Fire is taking place at Mystic Garden inside the Sacred Grove (Wilderness 173,213), and is a celebration organized by the Druids, but with events being held by most subpaths. Find the The schedule of events is below:
Saturday, October 27th 5:30PM EST-Opening Ritual 6:00PM EST-Graverobbers-Shaman 7:30PM EST-Samurang Showdown-Chongun 8:30PM EST-Archery Tournament-Rangers 9:30PM EST-End of day 1 in time for FAV doors
Sunday, October 28th 5:00PM EST-Divine Tales-Diviners 6:00PM EST-BHO or LMA-Barbarian 7:00PM EST-Wolf Pack-Barbarian 8:00PM EST-Weapon Mixer-Do 9:00PM EST-Hide N' Seek-Rangers 10:00PM EST-Fortunes Revealed-Diviners 11:00PM EST-Midnight Blossom-Monk
Druids' closing ritual will be performed tomorrow immediately following the final event to be hosted.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 99, Moon 8~
Bijou Boots - An incredible feat!
by: Vini
-- 12:30 PM EST
There is no better title to describe what a group of persistent citizens have achieved yesterday. While most of the community had seemly given up on the Woodlands Diary quest page, HanHa has announced yesterday that he and a group of friends had discovered the first ingredients for Tier II of the Original diary pages set.
The people involved in such discovery were HanHa, Izuna, Wolffwood, Kovacs, Mirari, Grayson, and BabyVox who contributed a lot in collecting supplies to solve the step of the quest that allows people to create the Bijou boots.

The items goes as following:
 Original Diary Page 1 (1) |  Plate of Metal (4) |  Magical Parchment (10) |  Magical Texts (12) |  Wings of Fury (25) |  Ink (2) |  Yellow Amber (20) |  Tako Ink (5) |
Now we may assume that there are two different sets of armor that can be forged with the stolen diary pages and the original diary pages: the first one with stolen diary pages can forget Garnet versions and the second one with original diary pages can create Bijou set of items.
To get more information about the Woodlands Diary Quest and attempt to discover the formulas as well, visit woodlandstk.com and find out all what was known to the Diary quest prior to this.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 99, Moon 8~
New Pegasus Primogen
by: Vini
-- 2:25 AM EST
Last Sunday Primogen Selene has decided to step down from the leadership of Pegasus Clan and appointed Boomer as her successor. Boomer has been on Pegasus clan for 60 hyuls now, in which around 25 of them were as part of Pegasus Council.

Besides serving in Pegasus clan, Boomer also served his kingdom as Nagnang Sage and serves his path as a Chongun Guide. However, what's most interesting to note about Boomer is that this is not the first time he is Primogen. Before joining Pegasus clan, he actually had a 4 Hyuls term as Primogen of Silla clan instead. It's the 5th time in Nexus history that the same person ((character)) serves as Primogen of two different clans. Before that only Airalyn, TinaDragon, Lauz and Gilmore had done such thing.
Nexus Atlas congratulates Primogen Boomer on his new position and thanks Selene for her services to Pegasus clan and the Nexus community overall.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 99, Moon 7~
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Koguryo under alert!
by: Vini
-- 6:00 PM EST
Yesterday, after the meeting with Goeyu at the palace, it seems Colonel Amatus of KRA had a meeting in the Kugnae Palace Hall with Queen Yun. While discussing means to the military efforts in case of an eventual attack from the Necromancer, both of them noticed a shadowed figure entering the room and leaving. Worried about how long they were being eavesdropped, the Queen and her bodyguard began a search in the Palace Hall inners rooms and found a rough coal piece at Prince's Mobon room. Both concluded that if such item wasn't there before, then the rough coal was probably dropped by the shadowed figure they had seen.

With reports of corpses being raised from the ground at Jolbon, a Sonhi Scout being found behind Kugnae Library and now of a possible Taal'yeein spy lurking around the Kugnae Palace, the Koguryo Royal army has recognized the kingdoms's threat level as severe.
Until Prince Mobon and company return to Kugnae with more information, the soldiers and citizens of Koguryo have yet to discover how severe is the threat that knocks on their doors.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 99, Moon 7~
A Surprising Return and Journey to Jolbon!
Late last night, Koguryo had a very interesting surprise in the form of Queen Yun's old companion and caretaker, Goeyu.

Goeyu brought the kingdom news of a Necromancer seeking something in the abandoned capital of Koguryo, Jolbon.
While not much is known about the first Koguryian city, Prince Mobon was instantly eager to view the situation first hand and agreed to follow Goeyu to Jolbon. Though Queen Yun had her reservations about the kingdom's heir traveling so far, she agreed that it would be much safer with Primogen Maya of SunMoon Sect accompanying the duo.
While those three set out on their journey which is expected to take some time, Prince MingJung, Colonel Amatus as well as a group of concerned citizens including Oceana's Navy patrolled the city with zest!

During the patrol, yet another Sonhi Scout was spotted just outside the Kugnae Palace but was quickly dispatched by the patrolling group lead by Prince MingJung.

Though we had a very exciting night, mostly we came away with more questions than answers. Why was Taiisrhaa at the palace at the same time that Goeyu appeared? Are they connected? Is Jolbon the city in ruins we seen in the Augury Visions? What are the Sonhi planning, sending all these scouts?
Hopefully all these questions and more will be answered with the coming events!
Seen something we missed? Let a NexusAtlas Reporter know!
Hyul 99, 7th Moon, 21st Sun
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Augury Vision - A city in ruins?
by: Vini
-- 11:50 PM EST
Earlier tonight multiple Diviners have expressed that they've had similar augury visions and such thing happens usually means that a major event that alters the flow of time is about to happen.
So far, three Diviners have shared their visions on the Chronicles of the Winds, read below the reports of what Southwood, Yavon and IcePixy saw.
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: DATE: 7/110 SUBJECT: Augury Vision A bone chilling wind blows out of the east and raises hair on my neck. A vision grows.
Near a valley there is an opening with an odd yet familiar tree near the pass. The tree reminds me of something I've seen on my travels to Bon-Hwa. It stands tall and stirs a brief thought of fear.
A city in ruins reminds me of an ancient kingdom from my upbringing. This kingdom is overrun with overgrowth and vines. A regal looking bridge provides easement over the river. The town reminds me of home (Koguryo), yet this is something unfamiliar about the town. It's in ruins and seems abandoned for many Hyuls.
The river continues to flow into the pine barrens. The river trickles into a pooling body of water to create a pond. At the edge of the pond is a sheep that displays a joyful and relaxed demeanor. Downwind a shady face opens its eyes with glowing red eyes. It slowly turns upwind and peers through the pine barrens.
[the vision fades to black...I awake] \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Southwood /)iviner Guide Grey Mi-Rae |
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: DATE: 7/110 SUBJECT: Augury Vision Patrol Report #102318 Hyul 99, 7th Moon 10th Sun, 10 p.m.
While passing by Thoth's park during my routine patrol of Kugnae city, I felt a cold wind through the back of my neck. That unusual chill made me drop my glasses on the pond and while reaching out to it was when my blurry vision was able to see movement in the water. It was moving like a river and felt like it was taking me somewhere. I raised my head and suddenly I was floating in that river, the current was leading me farther and farther from home. After passing under a bridge it took a turn. Suddenly I was in the middle of the woods, dangerous ones, with a lot of pine trees. The river kept taking me with the flow and that's when I saw it, a city in ruins overtaken by some shady figures. I couldn't see them well, but they could see me. And one of them moved towards me trying to reach my arm... Scared I closed my eyes and immersed into the water. When I opened my eyes, I was laying on the flood all went inside the Thoth's Park pond. I think no one was nearby to see me in such situation, but it felt strange how I felt someone touching me.
Was that a vision?
Signed, Yavon Shinseol Grey Hyun-jae of the /)iviner Order |{ Lieutenant of Koguryo Royal Army |
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: DATE: 7/110 SUBJECT: Augury Vision Whilst sitting in Oceana hall, surrounded by my Waterborn and Sailors, I felt the familiar churn in my stomach as a vision overtook me.
I barely felt the smooth marble of the red pillar I staggered against blindly, my now swirling purple eyes seeing nothing but the flashes of images fed to me as I open myself fully to the vision...
~ A stout, strong looking tree, it's huge leaves only overshadowed by the valleys nearby. My feet move of their own accord as I follow the gurgling noise of a nearby river, across one of the longest bridges I've ever seen. My vision twists and now I stand at the edge of a lake... no perhaps a pond is a better word for this body of water. A narrow stream leads to and from it and yet as I begin to follow it, in heartbeat I again find myself viewing another scene. This time it is a city destroyed. I see the Koguryo kingdom flag in tatters on the street and gasp as my mind races to the first worst conclusion, however, it is not my beloved Kugnae as I had first assumed... no, this is another Koguryian town. As I scramble to absorb every last detail, I feel the surge of magick leave my body and I look up to find my husband, Stormin, holding me up with concern.
Between gulps of air and bursts of tears I manage to write this letter to warn all Koguryians ~ May the gods have mercy on our souls.
*;'IcePixy';* *;'Oracle of Mirrors';* *;'Sea Primogen';* |
We're gathering the similarities of the three visions to try to understand the full picture of what this could mean. So far, it seems a the city in ruins is not Kugnae.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 99, Moon 7~
Halloween Kruna!
CoverGirl released a slew of items for Halloween this year!
Take a look below for details:
BOARD TITLE: Item Shop Announcements FROM: CoverGirl DATE: 10/12 SUBJECT: Happy Halloween Hello Kingdoms~
Pumpkins are here! Pumpkin costume, Pumpkin hood, Pumpkin mace, Pumpkin cape, and one of our favorite Halloween random boxes, Gift pumpkin. And you can find lots of pumpkin color coats and hair accessories. We also have very nice pumpkin colors for our kruna that aren't very popular usually, but for this season, I chose some very cool shiny pumpkin colors so I hope you can find your new style and make your creative costumes as always.
I can't wait to see all your fantastic and hip costumes this year again!
Happy Halloween~
Usable Items: (pass the cursor over the image to see item cost)
Weapons: (pass the cursor over the image to see item cost)
Head: (pass the cursor over the image to see item cost)
Face: (pass the cursor over the image to see item cost)
Coats: (pass the cursor over the image to see item cost)
Mantles: (pass the cursor over the image to see item cost)
Thank you CoverGirl for all your hardwork! I hope everyone is having as much fun shopping for costumes and unique pieces as I am! *grins cheekily*
Sonhi Scouts in Kugnae rats?
This evening, dingoholic has alerted us to the presence of Sonhi in the Kugnae rat cave.

After joining him there, we confronted a Sonhi Archer. Some of the Sonhi scouts are dropping Chinao passes that contain the same message they did back in 2013.
Could this be of any significance?
Thursday, October 4, 2018
New Primogens & Elder
by: Vini
-- 9:35 PM EST
Over the past couple days Nexus community has experienced multiple leadership shifts. Three new Primogens and a new Elder were announced over the course of 3 days (including today) and here you can find all about these ascensions in positions.
First one is Living ascending to his third time as Elder of Merchant Guild, in place of Acera who has stepped down couple days ago after serving as Merchant's leader for 44 Hyuls ((5 and 1/2 years)). Living needs no introductions, he is a well-known prominent Nexus figure. Just a recap, over the past decades he has served the community on multiple positions such as Tutor, Judge, Carnage Host, Kinung Councilor, member of Nagnang Ministry, Commander of Nagnang Guard (New name of Nagnang Army), council of multiple clans and Primogen of Silla, as well as a former Nexus Atlas reporter.
"I hope to usher in a period of growth that will mirror and, though this is an incredibly difficult task to aim for, possibly improve conditions for the community on how it relates to the merchant path. I'm looking for capable leaders who are young and motivated to continue what we have all been working towards and also who can usher the guild into a new age while maintaining our core values and all those values we've come to embrace and dedicate ourselves towards over our long and storied history as marketers, treasure hunters and generally capable folks who are able and willing to improve the world we've come to love" - Elder Living. |  |
Second one was Moss who ascended yesterday as Primogen of Tiger clan as Shadowlands stepped down after 7 1/2 Hyuls (( 11+ months)) leading the clan. Unlike Living, this is Moss' debut on the news as this is his first major position in the community, after serving as Tiger clan council for almost a year now. Prior to Tiger he was member of Heavens clan for a few years and soldier of Buya Army for a year too.
 | "I hope to grow as a family and build on trust and honesty as well as I want to make sure everyone is having fun and enjoying their time here", said Primogen Moss. |
Third one was Moonwater who has been announced today as the new Primogen of Lost Kingdom clan. Moonwater has been elected by the clan members as their new leader after a voting process and lockdown that occurred due to Airalyn disappearing. Moonwater has been a council member of Lost Kingdom for many years on two different long terms, the most recent one for 35 Hyuls ((4+ years)). He served the community in the past as a Judge, as a Poet tutor and as a Monk Guide. Besides that he has been a member of Tiger, K'urimja and Heavens clan and long time Druid.
"LostKingdom has a great history here in Buya and I plan on continuing its traditions passed down from each of its leaders providing stability for all clan members with an emphasis on community involvement and events, which will help new and old players alike", said Primogen Moonwater. |  |
Also, it seems that the Forsaken clan has elected their new Primogen: MagikalPete. His ascension hasn't occurred yet, but once it's done the Forsaken clan will finally be able to move forward with new council members again.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 99, Moon 2~