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Time for tree-hugging: Mystical Quest clarification

It was brought to Nexus Atlas' attention there is some confusion regarding the fabled Mystical Quest, leading many to believe the quest is bugged. The following is a breakdown of when you should speak to (click on) the Mystical Tree to proceed in making your desired weapon.
Using Mystic Water to obtain a Shade Leaf Speak to the Mystical Tree at 7:00 AM/PM PST.
Exchanging Glowing Flame for Shade Leaf Speak to the Mystical Tree at 10:00 AM/PM PST.
Exchanging Shade Leaf for Dragon Staff Talk to the Mystical Loiterer at 8:00 AM/PM PST.
Exchanging Dragon Staff for Glowing Flame Talk to the Mystical Summoner at 9:00 AM/PM PST.
Note: You do not have to time it exactly, and have the whole hour. For example, you can go to the Mystical Tree anywhere between 7:00-7:59 and be successful to exchange the Mystical Water for a Shade Leaf.
Happy hunting, and may your new sword, staff, or giant leaf bring you joy.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
'Not your normal Muse:' Quistia becomes Elder

The Muse Guild of Buya is proud to announce the promotion of Maestra Quistia! The mysterious, quiet figure was happy enough to meet with me in the Garden of the Muses to discuss the ascension, direction of her path, and a few personal tidbits. As a note, Quistia communicates through a link with the mind, when not utilizing a translator to vocalize her thoughts.
I'll never get used to this. Hello, Maestra. Congratulations on your new appointment. How do you feel? One might say I feel "alive." (She paused.) We all know that is a joke. In a serious matter, I'm humbled to be able to lead the Guild into a new chapter. Jera has set a strong foundation in which I wish to push the envelope further.
She certainly has. What sort of future do you hope for in the Muse path? I would love to bring a big focus to our production, including plays, musical performances, dabbling into formal and fancy award ceremonies, and more. I want to utilize our Muse college to teach various forms of art, entertainment, and knowledge to others, as well.
That sounds like an excellent plan. So, tell us, what kind of Muse are you? Interesting question. I'm surely not your normal Muse. My source of inspiration remains a mystery to all but myself. However, I'm able to bring out inspiration in others, even without mind-controlling them. So, we shall leave it at that. Any more, and I'll be the type of Muse you should fear.
I imagine there are some that aren't familiar with your unique method of communication. Dare I ask, "what" are you? I'm a spirit who inhabits the bodies of others to remain in this world. Not what you were expecting, but the world is full of insanity.
Terrifying. --Anyway, you mentioned the phrase, "normal Muse." What do you feel encompasses a Muse, or, in other words, what sort of people should apply to the path? People who are inspired to be themselves and push their own imagination and creativity. That can come in many forms. Muses are not solely tied to singing, dancing, and writing. If you have inspiration to do anything, the treehouse may be home for you.
Standing from a safe distance, I can still read the engraving on your weapon*. That explains a lot. Anyway, what would it take to make the new Maestra smile, as you're glaring at me from across the banister? Death. That is my favorite thing in all the world. To experience your soul disconnecting from your body.
Well-noted. I'm no literati, but I can read this room. Before I go, is there anything you'd like to tell the kingdoms, your path, friends, or enemies about yourself, or the position you're taking? Thank you to all those who are there to support every day, and to Jera for being an amazing display of a mentor, leader and friend. To all of the Muse who make the path great, I look forward to what is in store next.
Thank you for sparing me, Quistia, and thank you Jera for your years spent enriching the Muse path. We look forward to seeing all the excitement coming from your path!
* Editor's note: Quistia's weapon is an Aureate Aspiration engraved ** Inspiration to Deal With Stupid **.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
New Oceana Primogen emerges!
by: Maron
-- 8:55 PM EST
Hey folks! Hope your Summer is going well! It's good to be here to deliver some news.
Recently, Oceana Clan of Koguryo faced a crisis in which its sitting Primogen was implicated in a scandal of character sharing and cheating, and has been permanently banned from Nexus.
As is required by Clan Law for processing new leadership, Oceana Clan went into lockdown in order to elect a new Primogen. While a handful of candidates supposedly submitted their names to Archon Malayari, who became acting Primogen until this process was complete, the residing members of Oceana were asked to choose between deadra and Jamrok.
Yesterday the voting results concluded that Jamrok would be the new Oceana Primogen!

I had a chance to meet with Jamrok at Oceana Clan Hall, and asked if we could have an interview in Oceana Eden (their newly refurbished woodcutting and wedding room that is very beautiful I might add).
Maron: What is your overall sentiment about Oceana clan given the current events? Jamrok: Oceana is great, no action from current or previous members can really change that for me. This is not an easy situation for the clan, for me, for our council. But I know we all desire to see Oceana back in place as a grand defender of Kugoryo and the kingdoms nearby. I trust that with our clan, and others in the community, we will be fine.
Maron: What do you wish to see for Oceana clan going forward? Jamrok: Excellence. Oceana is a staple of the past; hunts and interactions have changed especially lately. We used to be the helping hand to many a new player, myself included. I admired the help I received from the insanely buff (anyone over 99) members. I hope that Oceana will once again become a haven for new members, that as we recommend these kingdoms to our friends, Oceana will be mentioned as a great place to grow and experience the kingdoms. I want Oceana to be a better place when I leave it. I would also invite anyone and everyone to keep a close eye on our progress. Watch what we can accomplish, and if you pay attention, you will not have a choice but to love Oceana.
Maron: Wonderful to hear, I believe that's a great outlook as a Primogen, and as a benefactor of the Nexus community. Anything else you would like to share for the news? Jamrok: I don't expect drastic changes in the near future. But I believe each of us has a desire to make this a place similar to the one we fell in love with when we were younger. I am always open to questions and concerns.
Congratulations Jamrok on Primogen and Oceana Clan on overcoming their lockdown and beginning again for a greater future!
~ "Mark" Maron reporting ~ Hyul 129, 2nd Moon, 10th Sun
Happy 24th anniversary

As the storm cleared, citizens awoke from their slumber in hopes that the sounds of bunnies hopping about had faded away, and weren't disappointed! The Dream Weaver board greeted us with a much-anticipated message:

Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds is celebrating 24 wonderful years of community and fun this week. To commemorate the event, citizens are flocking to palace greeters to receive their annual Anniversary Swords (tiered by stats) and an Anniversary Free Orb Coupon.
To enjoy the spoils of the celebration, collect your modulators for boosts in hunting and crafting experience. At the Incubator in Buya Gathering, say "Wony" to receive your Wony's Modulator and "Alilana" for an Alilana Grande. For more information, please see this previous report on the modulators.
Some veteran citizens are enjoying their newest Wisdom weapon, a SeuMooNeBeunZe Staff, to show off 24 years of dedication to the Kingdoms (modeled by Baksu, center, below.)

Happy hunting and crafting, and may the Kingdoms remain standing for many more years of fun!
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting