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Thursday, December 26, 2019
Wony's Modulator and Alilana Grande return!
by: Kydra
-- 8:02 PM EST
This year, Wony's Modulator and Alilana Grande have returned!
Like last year, these can be obtained by saying "Wony" or "Alilana" to WoonSoo in the Buya Gathering Incubator.
The price for Wony's Modulator seems to have stayed the same as last year, and is based on your stats, not your mark:
Level 99: 25K Il san: 50K Ee san: 100K Sam san: 150K Sa San: 250K Oh San: 350K Yuk San: 450K
The price for the Alilana Grande has increased and now costs 5 daily coins.
Both of these modulators provide a boost to crafting skills as well as a 25% experience boost. They stack for a total of a 156.25% total experience.
Monday, December 23, 2019
One final day to meet Santa!
by: Kydra
-- 3:35 AM EST
Alilolelotte has announced there will be one final chance to meet Santa and enter the Maze. If you haven't been able to receive a gift, this is your final chance! Don't miss out!
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: Alilolelotte DATE: 8/19 SUBJECT: Santa's Maze (last chance)
Santa on the way back decided to visit us one more time. If you didn't get a gift from Santa please come this coming Saturday 12/28 at 6:00am pct (9:00am est) and Maze will be opened again for 2 hours.
Snowman will wait for you ONLY at the North gate of Buya.
Please remember, only those can enter the Maze who hasn't received their gift yet. It's one gift per character per year.
Characters must be registered to receive Santa's gift.
Make sure you have 2 empty slots in your inventory before entering Maze.
~Bhavana Kydra Baenre~ ~Hyul 108, 11th Moon, 1st Sun~
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Some Shifting in Nagnang
by: Barter
-- 2:17 PM EST
There has been a couple of changes in recent history that we'd like to recognize. Sir Morick Seon-Injang recently passed the mantle of the Sage of Nagnang over to Lady Aquariuss Seon-Injang. As the Sage of Nagnang, Morick, served well, and his service is greatly appreciated.

What is also exciting about this transition of the Sage of Nagnang, is the fact that it allowed us to welcome in a Primogen shift in the Forsaken Clan. As Aquariuss was the Primogen of Forsaken Clan, she needed a successor, whom she found in Asoma.

Thank you for your service, both committed already and destined in the future, Sage Aquariuss.
Congratulations to Asoma, Primogen of the Forsaken Clan.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Santa, Baby! The Mazes are comin' back!
by: Barter
-- 3:33 PM EST
It's that time of year again, folks! Here are the dates scheduled for the Santa Mazes.
Rememeber, you will want two empty slots in your inventory to receive your gift.
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: Archon Primogen Alilolelotte DATE: 12/1 SUBJECT: This Year Santas Maze Schedule:
Greetings Community,
Santas shall greet you this year during the following scheduled times:
12/20 - 7:00pm pst - 10:00pm pst (10:00pm est - 1:00am est)
12/21 - 5:00pm pst - 8:00pm pst (8:00pm est - 11:00pm est)
12/22 - 4:00pm pst - 7:00pm pst (7:00pm est - 10:00pm est)
Please mark your calendars and be sure to make an appearance! There will be something in store for everyone! Even your favorite lump of coal! Make sure you have two empty spots in your inventory before entering the Maze.
Alilolelotte |
I hope you all are looking forward to it as much as I am! See you all around the Maze.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Mystery Thickets!

A brave rogue, Rankael, finds a small opening in the Tree of Reflection cave (Kugnae 197 124) that connects to the Dark woods. Could this be the sign of evil starting to brew once more? Only time will tell!

Entering from first room, the lower left path takes you to the Dark wood's thicket.

Thank you Begriff for the information!
Pirate Shield Walkthrough
by: Kydra
-- 11:16 PM EST
 Like previous pirate events, shields have returned in this event. Unlike previous events, bosses do not drop the black shield. All shields must be crafted. Fortunately, there are very few steps to create the pirate shields in this event. Unfortunately, collecting the items can take quite a long time. To create a pirate shield, you must already have access the pirate island and access to the pirate cove (which requires a pirate badge, the main pirate walkthrough will cover this). The quickest way to the Pirate Crystal Mines is to return to the Pirate Cove Dungeon, immediately before you used the Climbing Claws to enter the Treasure Room. This time, when entering the pirate cove dungeon, instead of heading to the top right to climb up, head to the bottom left. You'll be sent outside the cell. From here, you can walk to the middle bottom and exit, and you'll arrive in the Pirate Crystal Mines. To create a shield, three types of items are needed, all of the same color. The items drop from the creatures located in the Pirate Crystal Mines. Ten colors exist: Red, Jade, Black, Blue, Golden, Purple, Pink, White, Frost, Copper. The items: 1) -color- Gem Receptor  2) -color- Gem Recipe  3) 200x -color- Crystal  Once you have the required items, seek out Yanfai in the first room of the island.  Speak the color which you wish him to craft. He will take the items and craft the shield for you.  Once you've crafted one shield, you cannot craft another shield during this event. 
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Buya Lighthouse warp
by: Vini
-- 11:55 PM EST

It seems the Lightkeeper inside the Buya Lighthouse in the Eastern Coast sells a Light talisman which comes very handy in this event. The Light talisman warps us directly to the Lighthouse and therefore is a very helpful shortcut to the event area.

The Light talismans cost 5,000 coins each and cannot be dropped. So you'll need to walk to the coast at least once to buy them.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 108, Moon 6~
Walkthrough: Pirate Invasion of Buya
by: Kydra
-- 12:26 AM EST
Several players have completed several parts of the pirate event.
The following is the walkthrough as we know it so far. Images will be added as soon as possible.
1) Head to Buya Palace. Immediately inside, speak to the General.

2) Head to Eastern Coast (Buya East Gate -> Islet -> All the way east) and kill pirates on the shore until you get a Life Jacket. These are percent-health based pirates, so any attack will work.

3) Talk to the NPC at Eastern Coast with your Life Jacket and then board the ship to the right.
* Event cave is based on Equipped Stats

4) Upon entering the Demolisher, you will want to head to the Captain's Room, which is the door on the map on the far bottom right.
5) Upon entering the Captain's Room, you'll want to walk up to the trap door in the bottom left of the room.
6) Walk up to the treasure chest in the Ship Hold. It'll want you to set the sundial. Set it to the current hour. This can be determined by right clicking the weather icon that is to the left of your coordinates. You will receive a Secret key.

7) Kill Pirates until you receive 6 pieces of the map
The pieces are top, middle and bottom left, and top, middle and bottom right.

- Purchase Paper Glue (Kaming's Scribe) for 10k

- Use the creation system (Shift + I) to combine all the pieces (with the glue) to make a map.
- You will recieve the "Pirate Map"

8) Kill pirates until you get Mate's key, Pirate's Key, Scrub's keys (4-5). The Pirate's Key can be only found on the swordbearers in the small rooms of the ship.
- Mate's Key allows you to sabotage the ship in the Weapon Room (Upper Deck 22 27).

- You can give Black Ambers to the chest after you use the Mate's Key. After many black ambers, you'll receive a legend mark and a cannonball sack. After more ambers, you'll receive a flame amber.

- Pirate's key gets you the compass in the safe room (Upper Deck 26, 12)

- Scrub's Key will get you a random piece of Pirate gear (Boots, Bandana, Trousers (chest). Make sure to get a few Scrub's keys and open the chest on the first Mid deck section (far left side door).

9) Once you have all of the items, you'll want to re-enter the Demolisher and head straight up to what look like docks on the north side of the ship. You'll need to speak with the NPC on the ship before you can exit to the left.

10) Talk to the NPC when you exit the ship. Say "Treasure" to the NPC in White. He will give you a Treasure key needed for later on.
11) Travel across the to the next area on the bottom left side.
12) You will need a Pirate badge to enter the Pirate cove. In order to get the Pirate badge, you will need the three different Pirate clothing items from the Scrub's key chests, a sack of coins and a Parrot feather. Parrot feathers will drop from Parrots on the island.
Find your way to the inn (The Golden Coin) and talk to the Innkeeper on the right, chat with him about the cove and entering it, he will give you the badge to enter.

12) Next, find the NPC with the Sword talking about Climbing Claws. He will need 20 Bamboo stems and 2 Peg Legs.
* Peg Legs drop in the Pirate cove up north * Bamboo stems will be cut by axe in the last zone after the cove. You can buy axes in that area. The bamboo are very small and hard to see.
14) Once inside the cove, head toward the Three Peak area. Make sure to pick up two peg legs from the pirates on your way, they're fairly common.
15) There you can find a man selling axes on the left side and chop the bamboo trees until you get your (20) Bamboo stems.
16) Once you have your Bamboo stems and Peg legs, head back to the Inn on the island. You will need to re-enter... for some reason you can't go back from Three Peak.
17) Turn in your Bamboo stems and Peg legs to the guy with the sword at the top of the inn. He'll give you (4) Climbing claws.
18) Head out of the inn and up the mountain to the cave in the middle of the map. (not the cove on the left). The stairs are on the left side of the mountain to start, then the right side for the second ascent.
19) Once inside the cave, head to the back of the Battlefield and walk near the gate. You will get a prompt, follow the prompt and you will be sent to the jail.
20) Once inside the jail, head to the far right side and you'll see in the wall at the top a pair of slits about two tiles wide. Walk there and you will get a prompt to climb.
21) You should now be in the treasury room. Head around to the top right side and head left through the wall to enter the middle of treasury room. The main chest in the center will have a prompt and take your Treasury key. You will receive Buya Chest.

22) Head back to the Buya Palace and make your way to the Throne room. Head through the Throne room, then the Lobby on the right, and top the left door will put you in the Treasury.

23) Speak to the Buya Treasurer and turn in the Buya Chest to receive the Buya's Gratitude and a new mark!

24) Head back to the Commander in the Buyan Palace courtyard and say "Gratitude". You will receive a path-specific helmet.
25) After receiving your path-specific helmet, say Gratitude again to the the Buyan Commander at the Buyan palace. He will tell you that the helm can be upgraded.
26) In order to start the upgrade quest, head back to The Golden Coin on the Anchorage of Wreckages island (where you got your Climbing Claws).
27) You will need to bring some Sack of Coins with you and start gambling with the bald NPC by saying "Pearl". He will consistently roll a 5. You will need: - Dice from the Casino Dealer (right side) - Pirate Grog, Gross soup, and Bottle of rum from Kimi (left side)
*Note each game played with Bait will cost (1) Pirate Grog, (1) Gross Soup, (1) Bottle of rum, and (1) Sack of coins (farmed from Green pirates in first zone, max stack 20)
28) Keep gambling until you win a Pearl.
29) Next you will need to collect and make (6) Magic Bananas. Yes, you heard right. Each Magic banana is (12) Monkey Crystals and (1) Banana, made with the item creation system. These are farmed from the monkeys on the island. Bananas are common, but the crystals are rare.
29) Once you have your (6) Magic Bananas, head to the Cove and kill pirates until you have (2) Copper Statues
30) Once you have your (6) Magic Bananas, (2) Copper Statues, (1) Pearl, and your path-specific helm, talk to Bonnie in The Golden Coin. She will take your items and give you an Infusion Mold. Additionally she will instruct you that combining the Infusion mold, path-specific helm, and enchanted weapon of your level (ie: Enchanted Surge, Il san Charm, Ee san Spike, Sam San Blood) in the item creation system, will grant you the upgraded helm.
Credits: - AzNCloudBoi for original walkthrough to bring us onto the ship. - Quav for the walkthrough for reaching Pirates Island, infiltrating pirates cove, recovering Buya Treasure, and infusing the helm. - Commix for Sabotaging Pirate Ship - NayPoet, Kydra and LCtheold for helping with magic bananas required to infuse the helm.

Sa San Enchanted Rogue

Sa San Enchanted Poet

Pirates have stolen from Buya! Pirates event is here!
BOARD TITLE: Whispering winds FROM: NexusTK DATE: 11/15 SUBJECT: Pirates Oh no!
The Pirates have sneaked into the Buya palace and stole some treasures.
The Buya General prepares the army to defend Buya from more pirate raids.
Queen Lasahn has assigned a special Commander to handle the crisis.
The Commander wants your help to recover the stolen goods.
Are you up for the challenge? |

As more develops we'll begin to post!! But everyone get to the coast and find that treasure!!
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang