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Dossier Taal'yeein
by: Vini
-- 8:15 PM EST
 Over the past Hyuls, the community had multiple encounters with people known as Taal'yeein, the most famous ones being Taiisrhaa, Taeniuru, Teuusthra, Tiiluri and now confirmed Treilsaare. But what is a Taal'yeein and why do they worry our community so much? The Taal'yeein is an animal species, snakes to be specific, who live in the shadows of the Kingdoms of the Winds. Through many years of dedicated studies and meditation, they've learned magic arts, including that which allows them to take on the shape of other creatures and even humans. It is believed that they have no soul and therefore seek to steal the soul of anyone or anything they can find in order to keep themselves alive. Due to the merciless use of dark arts, some consider them to be extremely evil and selfish, while others believe they're just using the most basic instinct of any living creature, finding means to survive. Soul stealing is probably the main source of the shape-shifting powers that Taal'yeein witches and warlocks have. These creatures walk among us and we may not even be aware of it. The most distinguished way to recognize them is for their dark black eyes--but do not be fooled, they can shape-shift into human forms, which have normal eyes. It has been recently discovered that when shape-shifting magic is blocked from them, they transform into their true form - snake, which may explain why their names often have repetitive vowels. Their names starting with 'T' is probably a cultural way of the Taal'yeein, which have their very own language. It is unknown if there's an official connection between the Taal'yeein and the Shamans. However, they seem to share some common interests and abilities, such as Shamans' recently discovered ability to steal people's souls. While not directly connected, it seems that some Taal'yeein may have infiltrated themselves in the path claiming to be "Tangol Mudang", descendants of the shaman lineage.  What is known is of Taal'yeein ability of deception and falsehood - They've tricked many intelligent people to believe they were friendly, including Queen Yun of Koguryo and for just a while, King Muhyul himself. It seems that the Taal'yeein were ordered by their Queen Taeniuru to infiltrate in the governments of multiple kingdoms and gain their wisdom through some wondrous means. Their end-game with this is uncertain, however, some intellectuals believe they're preparing to pervade all governments in the lands of the winds until the moment they can take the point and rule them all.  We found out that Taal'yeein kind has both a Ruler and some sort of faith, so their society appears to be organized in a similar fashion to our own. Their Queen's name is Taeniuru and they are believed to actually worship or be steered in their spiritual beliefs by a mysterious figure known as 'The Dark Priest'. The Taal'yeein swordsmen fighting in the ship alongside the Undead Pirates were carrying Idols carved from a stone that does not permit any light. These idols were darker than night and could have been made from Black ambers.  The Taal'yeein also seem to carry insignias, inscribed with Taal'yeein language, which could be a means to identify and communicate with each other, without alerting humans or other creatures of their presence. They seem to live in some remote area or maybe even an underground cave. Taiisrhaa once mentioned that his kind is not welcome in a mythical island called "The Island of Alihoru", which according to Lucretius Laframbois stores great wisdom and knowledge and may allow one who is approved by its Guardians to ascend both spiritually and physically. To understand a bit more about them, let's review a bit what we know about each of these five known Taal'yeein and Suvola: Click the images or names to read the full profile of what's known about each of them. Also, earlier today it seems that the Archon Primogen Alilolelotte posted once more at the Whispering Winds board revealing that Suvola secretly follow the Taal'yeein impersonating Aleumdaun (the darker purple big fish in previous post picture). It seems that Suvola has found the way to Taal'yeen's enclave and is digging up a tunnel that we will soon will be able to get through. Below is a copy of the original post: BOARD TITLE: Whispering Winds FROM: Alilolelotte DATE: 6/30 SUBJECT: Devotion
Suvola, who's been looking for Taiisrhaa all these years, finally got her wish! Little creature suspected that Treilsaare, in whom she recognized another Taal'yeein, should know the way back home. Deciding to hide behind the walls of Kugnae's Donjon, she waited patiently for an opportunity. This opportunity came at last, as an Aleumdaun imposter was able to successfully collect Treilsaare from the JailKeeper, resulting in Treilsaare being set free and able to go where ever she wanted to.
Veiled in a thick blanket of shadow, Suvola carefully followed in the footsteps of runaway Treilsaare, who as expected headed straight to the Taal'yeein Enclave. Suvola's kind is not welcomed there so, very carefully, she snooped around until she knew where her Taiisrhaa was held captive. As expected, the area is well guarded, so there's no chance that a little girl can rescue her friend all on her own.
Following her animal instincts, Suvola decided to dig up a secret tunnel behind the wall of Taiisrhaa's confinement that would lead into one of the no longer used areas inside. Once that tunnel is complete, Suvola's hope is that SkoGul and her other new friends will use it to come and free Taiisrhaa.
Suvola's thoughts are that with her newfound ability to speak our language (she feels immensely proud that she knows "HELLO"), she will be able to explain to her friends exactly what needs to be done!
As a sidenote, the real Aleumdaun is deeply saddened that Treilsaare escaped after all. She will be returning back to The Bulkkoch Sea, where the fish folk will work on strengthening their Kingdom's defenses.
Sounds like an event is about to start soon. Is it truly the one that will lead us to Oh san? Stay tuned for more information to be posted tomorrow! ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 97, 1st Moon 1st Sun~
New Buya Minister announced by Queen Lasahn
by: Vini
-- 11:51 PM EST
Earlier today, Queen Lasahn announced that Minister Junes was retiring from her position after a little over 7 Hyuls leading the Imperial Ministry of Buya. As Junes' successor, Queen Lasahn appointed Kunai to be the new leader of IMB.
Kunai has been in Buya Ministry on multiple occasions, joining first under Minister Sageri and then returned to IMB under Minister Sayako and continued to serve under Minister Junes and Queen Lasahn on special projects. Kunai is a well-known figure to Nexus community, as she served in the past as Premier of the KSG, Ambassador of Buya and currently still is a Council member of the Heavens clan. A curious aspect about her is that she seems to have a music band which has concerts around the kingdoms from time to time.

"Queen Lasahn has made it her objective to build a strong and influential Ministry to serve Buya going forward. As for me, I'm here to makes sure it happens", announced Kunai.
Nexus Atlas congratulates Minister Kunai on her new position and wishes good luck with her new duties.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 96, Moon 12~
How did Treilsaare escape?
by: Vini
-- 11:55 PM EST

It seems that Treilsaare has escaped today, after being released from imprisonment to be taken into Aleumdaun's custody back to Bulkkoch kingdom's underwater jail. The confirmation that this happened was announced on Whispering Winds, once again with the help of Archon Primogen Alilolelotte informing us mortals of the happenings in the lands. Here is a copy of her post:
BOARD TITLE: Whispering Winds FROM: Alilolelotte DATE: 6/28 SUBJECT: Treilsaare is missing!
Earlier today, Aleumdaun came to pick up Treilsaare from the Kugnae's Donjon. She arrived by the way of the river, alone. This was unexpected, as earlier she requested to take some time to gather reinforcements from the Bulkkoch Sea. When questioned, she merely replied that there's been a hiccup in communications. Aleumdaun then also went on to add that now since General Amatus was successful in placing the magic bracelet onto this shape-shifter's wrist, Treilsaare can no longer use her magic and thus is easier to manage.
So, Treilsaare was released from the Donjon into the custody of Aleumdaun.
Later that same day, in an unexpected turn of events, several bystanders spotted the exact same looking magic bracelet tossed aside near the East gate of Kugnae. Whether it's indeed the one and the same magic bracelet that Treilsaare was wearing, or if it's another just like it - remains unclear. What is clear however, is that Aleumdaun seems to be oblivious to the above happenings, and so the real question is...
Who was it that came for Treilsaare?

It seems people found a bracelet that looked like Aleumdaun's magic bracelet near east gate, but before it could be picked up, the bracelet vanished, taken by mysterious invisible forces. Could it be Suvola who took that under the orders of Taiisrhaa? The dangers of Taal'yeein seems to be getting worse after this.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 96, Moon 12~
Creature moves around Mythic Nexus!

A known creature, Suvola, has been spotted at North gate mythic hiding in the shadows. Many have been observing this creature for awhile, but it wasn't recent til the creature revealed its true form when given some food. After a few friendly exchanges, the creatures started to speak and became more accustomed to the locals. The creature started to speaking their tongue and started to point towards the sky. Many are still trying to figure out what it was saying.

"pu suka su balee laruka Taiisrhaa?" "voka la kupo!" "keesu surateh" "kuraka taiishraa laraku" "raba..basura"

Looks like many of these events are intertwining, what could we see in the near future?
Treilsaare is captured and admits to be a Taal'yeein
by: Vini
-- 11:59 PM EST
Earlier this evening, the shape-shifting Treilsaare was captured in Kugnae by General Amatus with help of many other brave citizens who surrounded her as she tried to escape from the city. Once captured, her "mermaid" morph was destroyed, and she assumed the form of a snake.

Before delving deeper into the consequences of this capture, let's review the events that led to this apprehension.
General Amatus of Koguryo had been entrusted by the huge fish from Bullkoch kingdom, Alemdaun, with a magical bracelet that can nullify magical powers, and therefore would be the key factor in finally capturing the deceiving witch Treilsaare.

Some members of the community, however, had joined the concerns of the Shaman, worried that Amatus could be assisting the wrong side. In order to address that, he decided to host a public debate forum in the Immortals Gateway at Dae shore for people to bring up their concerns and questions about the quest to capture the shape-shifter. Most people who questioned Amatus decision to move forward with the imprisonment were worried about how many times the community has been deceived by figures they knew little about, like Johaih and even Taiisrha. The debate took a long time, Amatus even tried showing the **Aleumdaun magic bracelet** and few of us tried to explain that Treilsaare wasn't just a suspect of doing evil deeds and that to those of us who had witnessed her nefarious deeds in Bulkkoch, the underwater kingdom, we knew for certain she could not be trusted.

After hearing the concerns of community members for about 1 hour, Amatus was still convinced he needed to carry on with the oath he had given to the big fish Aleumdaun. However, it seemed some other people were also convinced they were right and while he was hosting his public debate, others surreptitiously sneaked into the Scholar's Den to alert Treilsaare of her impending capture.

Therefore, when General Amatus finally went on his way to capture Treilsaare, she was ready to escape. She fled the Scholar's Den, but instead of jumping into the river, she tried rushing throughout southeast Kugnae, but her efforts were in vain. By that time too many people of the three kingdoms were already chasing her and it was only a matter of time until she got surrounded by people near Baegil's Potion Shop at the southeast corner of the city. Even Mobon and MingJung the twin Princes of Koguryo were present to witness and help with the apprehension.

Once surrounded Treilsaare was overloaded with a series of inquiries, in which most she tried to evade answering, resorting to subterfuge and deception. After hearing her misleading answers, many of those who were against her capturing started hearing malicious intents in her tone. When she realized her lies weren't going to get her out of that situation, she tried another desperate escape, jumping the wall and rushing through the east of the shop and going north towards east gate, but it didn't take long until she was surrounded again.
However, this time she was blocked by Amatus himself, who used a secret ability of the Chongun to morph into a tiger, the guardian animal of the path. Placing a huge tiger body in front of her she couldn’t escape anymore. She had only one option, jump into the river. A few people who were still thinking she would be a true mermaid were expecting to jump in the water, but clearly, she could not. Amatus then pulled out Aleumdaun's magic bracelet and placed on her wrist. She immediately lost her "mermaid" shape and turned into a snake. It was finally clear to the eyes of the non-believers that Treilsaare is another of the evil Taal'yeein who came to Kugnae.

Victory seemed certain as the enemy had been captured, but suddenly what was looking as successful day took an unexpected turn. Immediately after Treilsaare got the bracelet put on her, Prince Mobon who was watching the event from distance began feeling dizzy. Those of us who were close to him rushed to assist him and Prince MingJung thought it was better to head back to the palace. A group of people escorted him back to the Palace.

While then, the others joined Amatus in taking Treilsaare to Kugnae Donjon at Nexus Court. The idea was to keep her locked there until Aleumdaun comes to retrieve her and take her back to Bulkkoch.

On the way to Nexus Court, the captured Treilsaare finally broke free from her lies. She finally admitted being a Taal’yeein but started teasing that our kingdoms would fall and that we're all doomed.

Once closer to the Court, Barbarian Elder SkoGul asked the captured witch Treilsaare if she knew where SkoGul's husband Taiisrhaa was. Treilsaare resorted to another trick saying "Yes. I happen to know. Free me, and I'll bring you to him", but SkoGul did not fall for that.

She then claimed she only did what she was commanded by her Queen, Taeniuru. "I am just a pawn. I have completed my mission. The deed is done", said Treilsaare. She then proceeded to claim that our kingdoms would fall in a matter of time.

Amatus then proceeded with the imprisoment of the witch. But before she was thrown in jail she made some very alarming affirmation. "Look at your own Prince. Your nation will crumble as he grows up. He has our blood running in his veins and he will bring victory to our kind", revealed the witch right before she was thrown into Kugnae donjon.

After then, people left the surround areas of Nexus Court and situation was considered under control. Or is it?
Once again, Archon Primogen Alilolelotte was kind enough to make an aftermath post at Whispering Winds board with a summary of the events that occurred today. Here is a copy of it:
BOARD TITLE: Whispering Winds FROM: Alilolelotte DATE: 6/25 SUBJECT: Treilsaare's capture
Last night General Amatus with help from KRA and other citizens apprehended Treilsaare and placed her in the Kugnae Donjon, where she now awaits her fate. Treilsaare's charms secured her quite the following, so JailKeeper has to work extra hard to make sure no foul game is at play.
Meanwhile, General Amatus met with Aleumdaun and relayed to her the news of Treilsaare's capture. Aleumdaun was very happy and relieved to find that everything went well. She was most thankful to General Amatus, and is currently making arrangements with Bulkkoch Sea King for secure transportation of Treilsaare back to their kingdom. Until everything is prepared, Treilsaare will remain contained in the Donjon.
So, nothing can go wrong, right?
So, nothing can go wrong? Of course, it can! Treilsaare is a deceiving witch who lies and lies all the time, but it's not the first this week that we heard Prince Mobon's blood is contaminated by Taal'yeein. The main theory about this that the healing salves that Taiisrhaa was giving to Queen Yun back when he was allowed to act as a Royal Shaman were what contaminated the Prince's blood. He probably was expecting to gain control over Yun and Muhyul's son, but he didn't imagine Yun was pregnant with twins, hence why MingJung the second born one doesn't seem to be affected.

It really seems the Royal of Koguryo need to look at Mobon's health soon before something terrible happen. If Shamans can't be trusted to assist in this, perhaps Druids or Monks can?
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 96, Moon 11~
Ousting of Treilsaare to take place tomorrow
Following up on the meeting between Aleumdaun and General Amatus, the General of the Koguryo Royal Army has published a public note about his recently assigned dangerous yet necessary task. See below for details:
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Wind FROM: Amatus DATE: 10/31 SUBJECT: |{/> Stopping Treilsaare!
I, General Amatus, was called upon by the great fish named Aleumdaun, who has since Hyul 95, 6th Moon dwelled in the waters of Mythic Nexus. During this auspicious occasion, she publically asked me to accept the task of stopping Treilsaare by placing a magical bracelet upon her wrist. As I recall encountering both of these sea creatures in Hyul 73, and determining the mermaid to be an impostor of the Princess Serena, I will comply with Aleumdaun's request, acting as her emissary on land, and attempt to remove the enchanting fugitive named Treilsaare for her treacherous conspiracy with the Dark Priests of the mysterious Taal'yeein, and to prevent further risk to the rustic and wonderful city of Kugnae. I will select several individuals to assist me with this! { The endeavor will occur on Sunday June 24th at 9pm EST. }
Sincerely, Amatus, Chongun Magistrate & General of Koguryo
Elder Sieo of the Divine Order of Koguryo provided the following I-Ching Reading in regards to the above:
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Wind FROM: Sieo DATE: 10/30 SUBJECT: A Reading for Amatus
To whom it may concern,
After I witnessed the conversation unfold in Center Mythic between General Amatus and the fish creature named Aleumdaun, I offered an I-Ching Reading to General Amatus to help him find clarity within the task he has been charged with. These are the results.
Present Future
-- -- | -- -- -- -- | -- -- ------ | -- -- -- -- | ------ ------ | ------ ------ | -- --
Kuei Mei Sheng
Kuei Mei - The younger maiden marries, decay and renewal. Thunder over Pond, autumn time, time of decay. Younger daughter marries older man, marries before her sister, misfortune in dealing with others. Moral codes being ignored, relationships broken. This is part of the cycle of life; it is a time to be endured. Disharmony with relationships is to be expected.
Sheng - Pushing Up, growth, fertility, patience, attentiveness, progress, virtue. Wind under Earth, wind/wood pushes through the earth and there is growth of the forest. Gradual increases in fortune, just like the tree. Great progress and success, patience is needed. Flexibility and obedience are called for.
I hope this helps to clear your way towards the appropriate path. Good luck, my friend.
-Sieo Bijeon Elder of the Divine Order
The ousting is to take place in the Scholar's Den located at 165, 201 in Koguryo on Sunday June 24th at 9pm EST for those wishing to attend!
We wish General Amatus and all those involved much success~!
"More backstory can be found here"
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 96, 11th Moon, 5th Sun
The meeting between Aleumdaun and General Amatus
by: Vini
-- 1:05 PM EST
It seems that community is finally going to see the aftermath of the dispute between returning the shape-shifting Treilsaare to the bottom of the sea or helping her find the way back home. While some people tried to send her back home, most of the community tried to return to the prison in Bullkoch, the Kingdom of the Seventh Sea, and now it has been revealed the outcome of both attempts.

Yesterday, it seems that big talking fish Aleumdaun has returned to the pond at the center of Mythic Nexus seeking closure in her quest to capture Treilsaare once and for all. But who are Aleumdaun and Treilsaare? If you can't recall or need a reminder on their importance to our kingdoms' recent history read the recap below (if not just jump to next section):

Alemdaun | Alemdaun is a huge talking female fish who hails from Bullkoch, a kingdom underwater formed in the Seventh Sea. She a member of the underwater kingdom's court and was the first one to discover the tragedy of Princess Serena. Alemdaun had discovered that Princess Serena she had been tricked by a shape-shifting witch (Treilsaare) to sing a binding to an anchor that would allow her to visit her beloved outside of water, but in fact was a way for Treilsaare to try to steal her soul. Alemdaun then devised a plan to use the visiting humans trick back the shape-shifting witch and retrieve Princess Serena's binding agreement. It seems her plan worked, but as Alemdaun warned us the witch's power was going strong and she would soon find a way to escape her entrapment under the sea.
That day finally came to happen a hyul ago, in the during summer of Hyul 95, when the shape-shifting witch finally escaped from the underwater kingdom and the King of Bullkoch sent Aleumdaun along with an Army of Sea creatures to bring Treilsaare back to prison. However, it seems that all the fish army mysteriously disappeared when they were crossing through the magic portal into our Sire Pit and Aleumdaun was the only one left to complete the task. She resorted once again to the help of humans in her quest to recapture the witch Treilsaare, but it seems that despite the efforts of majority, the shape-shifting witch is still at large.
Treilsaare | Treilsaare is a shape-shifting witch believed to be another of the Taal'yeein people. She got imprisoned under the sea by Bullkoch kingdom after she tricked their princess Serena to sign a binding agreement, which would give the witch control over the Princess' soul. But, little did she know that Serena commanded the tides to protect her anchor and when Treilsaare or anyone else tried walking into the room, the currents would rise high and strong, not letting anyone able to pass through. So, without the anchor binded to Serena's soul, Treilsaare was trapped Bullkoch kingdom.
However, Treilsaare is a wicked woman and used her dark charms and shape-shifting powers to trick the Bullkoch King and Bullkoch Court and make them all think she was the real princess of their kingdom. If it wasn't for Alemdaun with the help of Nexus community, Treilsaare would have escaped sooner. But, as Alemdaun warned, the witch's powers was growing strong and it was only a matter of time she escaped. She then went hiding at the stealth-cloaked scholar's den located in southeast Kugnae near Poet's Guild, where Teuusthra and Tiiluri were temporarily living. With the help of some people in our community, she was able to obtain several suits of invisibility, which allows her to travel our lands without being seen. It seems however that Treilsaare was still not able to make back to the home of the Taal'yeein.
What happened last night was that Aleumdaun appeared once more in the enchanted pond located at the center of Mythic Nexus. Hunters around Mythic area were quick to announce her presence through sage and among one of the first responders people who went to meet with Aleumdaun, there was Chongun Amatus, the General of Koguryo Army. "I see someone closing in. Ah! That's the man hoping to find! General Amatus", said the big fish.

Alemdaun told Amatus that she has heard so much of his bravery and strength of spirit and that she was wondering if he would agree to take on a task for her. Alemdaun explained that Treilsaare is yet to be caught and was wondering if Amatus would be willing to lead the task.

Upon his agreement to help, Alemdaun presented General Amatus with a one-of-a-kind bracelet, which is enchanted to negate any and all magic powers of the wearer. "This bracelet will freeze the powers of anyone who is unfortunate to have it clasp around their wrist.. I was hoping You would take this bracelet and find a way to get it on Treilsaare's wrist", said Aleumdaun. She then shouted asking people to help her bring the evil witch back to the bottom of the sea.

At this point, Shaman Guide Decimus who was also at the center of Mythic Nexus, started questioning Alemdaun. "Absolutely not" answered Decimus to her plea for help. "We already tried your enchanted net and chains, she deserves to be free", he continued. "The whole time she's been here she hasn't done a thing to us. Let her go free, you corpulent fish and go back home", concluded Decimus. Shortly after, Guerrund the elder of Shamans arrived at the scene and Decimus filled him in on what was happening there. "[Do] They have any proof that she has done anything wrong?", asked Guerrund. "Or is there some Chongun rushing to the aid of someone before thinking?", he continued his questioning referring to Amatus. "For all we know, you could be the evil here", concluded Guerrund directing to Aleumdaun.

The big fish tried to explain that Treilsaare's evil ways are tricky ones and cannot be easily be seen, as Treilsaare tries to cover what she is truly here after. "The longer she is here, the more danger you are all in. She has almost destroyed the kingdom where I am from. She will try to do the same here, explained Aleumdaun. "Especially since your elder of twins carries their blood within him", she continued while making a mention about Prince Mobon of Koguryo, the first-born twin son of King MuHyul and Queen Yun. "He's in most danger of all General Amatus, all my hope is with you now. Here, please accept this enchanted bracelet. Find a way to get it on Treilsaare's wrist. Stop her", concluded the big fish.

Aleumdaun then threw the bracelet over to Amatus as he extended his arm to grab it and then tuck it under his shield. "I will prepare as best I can and look for help to put the bracelet on Treilsaare", said the General. Aleumdaun warned him that the power binding bracelet is a very dangerous object.

Shamans continued to question Aleumdaun's motives. Decimus kept asking for proof that Treilsaare was evil and was asking why Amatus would keep listening to a fish and taking her word for it. Decimus explained the reason why many people decided to help save Treilsaare is because in the history of our kingdoms the community has been deceived many times and according to Decimus the story told by Alemdaun doesn't add up. However, Alemdaun patiently 'fishsplained' to Decimus and others about the happenings at Bulkkoch kingdom in which Treilsaare tried to steal Princess Serena's soul, as Decimus seems to not be aware of what happened nor was one of the people who visited and helped during the events of Bulkkoch kingdom back in Yuri 73.

General Amatus, who was present during the Bulkkoch event, who helped retrieve the anchor of binding with Princess Serena soul and helped revive the Sea Princess, then explained his conclusions to Decimus.
- I think a considerable amount of time has been taken to determine whether Treilsaare deserves to be trusted or held in contempt. Those that decided to help her escape have made their choice, and I'd rather not abide their opinions, said Amatus. - So you're going to be a magistrate off of anecdotal evidence? What makes you think we won't stop you? You're not a god, you're just a human, questioned Decimus referring to the fact that Amatus is a Chongun Magistrate (Guide). - I'm not claiming to be anything more than the man Aleumdaun gave this bracelet, responded Amatus.
 Decimus has then finally revealed his true intentions in that line of questioning. "Give us your soul as collateral then for the soul of another. We will see if you are telling the truth", he asked to Aleumdaun. Guerrund endorsed that by world shouting "Are you willing to give your soul? In exchange for our help". At moment it was revealed that Shamans discovered a new ability: to take other human souls, perhaps an ability learned from the Taal'yeein back when Taiisrhaa had become a Shaman.
 The new legend marks given to people who have soul taken by a Shaman and the mark showing how many souls a Shaman took.

At this point Diviner Elder decided to intervene. "as if Shaman know anything about truth", she interjected. The big fish was surprised to hear humans speaking like that. "Don't speak so lightly of souls Guerrund, you remind me of Taeniuru" [the queen of Taal'yeein], said Aleumdaun while gasping. " I can take a soul and give it back if you are honest...not lightly done", responded the Shaman elder. Decimus decided to mock her and say "Fish, you remind me of dinner". Alemdaun continued her speech by giving him a discomforted lecture. - Our world and yours is about to face a threat, the like none have stood against before. This is not the time for levity and joking about. If we are to survive, we must stand together, said Alemdaun. - This is all I have to say. Remember your promise to me, Amatus, she concluded.  After then, Alemdaun vanished from the Mythic Nexus. Diviner Elder Sieo said that the Diviner order have received no visions of threats, but that she would meditate on Alemdaun's words. The crowd dispersed from Mythic, each going to their own gathering places to discuss the consequences of such important talk that had just occurred.  As a way to help inform those of us who weren't present during yesterday's event, Archon Primogen Alilolelotte has posted on the Whispering Winds board a detailed summary of what went on between the public meeting between Aleumdaun and Koguryo General Amatus. Here is a copy of the post: BOARD TITLE: Whispering Winds FROM: Alilolelotte DATE: 6/22 SUBJECT: Aleumdaun's final plea
Court Fish Aleumaun of Bulkkoch Sea, who temporarily settled in Mythic waters, just held a meeting with General Amatus, asking him to capture Treilsaare once and for all. Confined to water, she cannot get to Treilsaare herself.
For this uneasy task, Aleumdaun presented General with a one-of-a-kind bracelet, which is enchanted to negate any and all magic powers of the wearer.
The longer Treilsaare stays in our kingdoms the more information she can gain about us and pass it along to her Taal'eein Queen, Taeniuru, so General Amatus agreed to take swift action.
Treilsaare currently resides in a magically concealed scholar's den. The scholars who lived there left, but they were also rummored to be of Taal'yeein origin.
Hopefully good natured folks will assist Amatus in his endeavor. As time goes on, it becomes harder and harder to tell who's here human and who's masked Taal'yeein.
While Amatus prepares for his quest to seal Treilsaare's powers and with the magical bracelet entrusted to him and capture the shape-shifting witch for once and for all, the Shamans seem to be preparing a counter move, while Diviners are still trying to unveil the truths behind the whole situation. However, an intriguing question that spurs up from one of Alemdaun's revelations is: if Prince Mobon carries Taal'yeein magic in his blood, does it mean he is in danger or does it mean he is the danger? Time may reveal secrets that lie dormant inside the Koguryo Royal Palace, when King Muhyul and Queen Yun may be forced to finally confront the unfortunate consequences of trusting Taiisrhaa years ago. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 96, Moon 11~ P.S. A very special thanks to Amatus for sending screenshots of the whole event chat and to Aviva who sent a clean visible screenshot (the main one) of those who were present during yesterday's event.
Morning Server Reset: More subpath requests introduced
by: Vini
-- 2:10 PM EST
A server reset this early morning introduced the requests to multiple subpaths. Here is a list of what was added today:
Chongun : New marks for path held events
- Contemplated knowledge with the Chongunate

- Has dined at the Chongun Kitchen
- Studied the Principles of Peace

Diviner : A fix/update to Brass coin usability
Do : A map update to Do Combat Hall. Visit it inside Sanhae Hall located at Sanhae 033,018. Once you enter Do training hall go on the right door on the northwest. If you open the mini-map (pressing ‘m’ or shift+m) you'll notice that it still shows as if the door would send to Spiritual Garden", but they switch the entrances and now the door leads to Do Combat Hall.

Ranger : New marks for path held events

Shaman : Shaman got new sets of legend marks, 2 event marks and 3 sets of roleplay mark (3 to receivers 3 to casters).
- Witnessed (X) Shaman Rituals

- Has survived the Deadliest poison (X) times

- Life was saved by | has saved (X) lives

The other two roleplay sets are working, but weren't revealed to public yet.
Other subpaths had already received their requests on previous resets.
Druid : Elemental Shift public spell has been updated to allow people who have learned it to quickly warp to any of the 12 subpaths areas, instead of just the 4 from the wilderness. In order to learn Elemental shift spell, you need to do the quest to craft a forgotten artifact. Nexus Atlas does not provide walkthrough for subpath quests, but we're allowed to say that being a Protector of Nature is a requirement to be able to start this quest.

Muses got a new selection of dyes, as previously reported.
Geomancers got their request added, but it doesn't seem to be working 100% yet, so no public information has been disclosed.
Subpaths pending confirmation: Merchant and Spy . Barbarians and Monks are confirmed to not have received their request yet. Rangers are still pending a request from last year that didn't get implemented.
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 6/22 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Jun. 22nd, 2018 - Bug fixes and maintenance.
- SubPath Requests
So far it's unknown what were the bug fixes and maintenance implemented with the reset. If anyone noticed anything different on such aspects please share with a Nexus Atlas staff.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 96, Moon 10~
New Nexus Atlas Seasonal Header
by: Vini
-- 8:00 PM EST
((Replacing our summer theme, we're launching today a brand-new header for Nexus Atlas to celebrate the World Cup 2018 that has started this week in Russia.
If you're not seeing it yet, use Ctrl+F5 to refresh the cached images. If your browser doesn't refresh cached images automatically consider doing this often as we've been changing the headers to seasonal themes often.

Check out the header and see which of the 32 national teams you can figure out just by looking at it and let me know which one was your favorite Nexusrized figure.
Also, while USA and Canada aren't playing this year we could not leave our community's favorites out of this customization. They are training hard as in 2026 the World Cup will be in North America!

The current theme will be kept until July 15th, the finals. After then we'll bring a new one. And don't worry, this will not interfere with the specially-themed change we're creating to celebrate Nexus 20th anniversary.))
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 96, Moon 9~
Unnoticed Changes
Hello Readers! Some unnoticed changes have been happening in the kingdoms and has been brought to our attention. A lot of people have been having trouble with their skinned weapons and not being able to transfer them back to their other character. Below is a post from CoverGirl with some information on this:
BOARD TITLE: Item Shop Accouncements FROM: CoverGirl DATE: 6/11 SUBJECT: ** Weapon Skin **
There are some changes with the weapon skin.
Your weapon skin will reset itself when a BOD weapon breaks with the skin on. Skinned weapons cannot be exchanged, dropped or parceled. Please remove the skin first.
Now if you need to return a borrowed weapon with a skin on, please send me an NMail, WITH the following format. We will try our best to return it to the original owner.
Title : Return skinned weapon 1.Your character name 2.The original owner 3.Exact name of the weapon 4.Exact name of the skin 5.Time of the transaction
Thank you.
** CoverGirl
Also when using the report feature it gives a nice little feedback message to show your message went through to an archon. Check below to see!

If you have noticed any other changes that have not yet been reported please let any NA reporter know! Credit to lancin on providing information on the above.
Hyul 96, 9th Moon, 1st Sun
Nagnang Defender Ceremony!
Earlier this evening Nagnang's own King ChaeRi and the High Sage of Nagnang WildHair recognized a few honored citizens as Defender's of Nagnang.
See below for details:

The following were honored or awaiting their honors this past evening: (those in bold have already recieved their honors/dye)
Alizarin: Phillies and Hathor Covenant: Shakeer and Leviticus Kurimja: Jinsei and Ouned Pegasus: Kelsier and YunMaFei Silla: Dobby and Toxick The Forsaken: AxeBen and Aubs Viper: Shayanwe and Eungi Royal Guard: Gesper Eternal Order: Cecella
Congradulations to all new Defenders of Nagnang!
Hyul 96, 8th Moon, 19th Sun *;'IcePixy';*
Diviner and Shaman War Continues..
Recently, it has become known through a certain spy that Koohwen of the Shaman path set up an effigy of sorts in the midst of the Tao Te Ching in an effort to apparently restore/strengthen the bond that ties the Shaman to the spirit-realm. Both Elders Sieo and Guerrund have responded as well as others who bore witness to the event. See below for details!

BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Wind FROM: Maduin DATE: 6/15 SUBJECT: A terrible act
Evening of Koohwen's Ritual:
There were whispers throughout the kingdom of a ritual that Koohwen had just performed. Upon hearing of it I investigated the Tao Te Ching.
Entering the Tao Te Ching I witnessed Baekje standing alone in the bridge by the water. I also peered in the water to see an elaborate yet disturbing ritual with an array of items placed in what seemed to be symbolic order. However there was a sight of a gruesome body in flaming embers with the head apart from the body was truly a terrible sight. Surrounding the body was a ring, iron statue, key, scorpian stinger, and various keys and feathers. I called upon the order to see if anyone was available, and fortunately arriving shortly was IcePixy.
I approached the spy and finally he woke up and informed me what he witnessed:
He spoke of how Koohwen was controlled by the spirit of their late mother who had passed over 70 hyuls prior. Their mother apparently had control of Manchu and the Malgalod people. A bringer of true hate and war it seems from the way he expressed her existence. Consumed by her spirit, Koohwen had performed this act. Baekje had expressed his concern for his brother's safety as he knew that he had spiraled out of control. Shortly thereafter he had left the premises.
I had decided the consultation of a shaman be appropiate to assess the situation and what should be done. I had then summoned the Shaman Renn, who appeared at the Tao Te Ching. She then observed the ritual and explained that there were many mixed messages in the actual ritual. It seems as if Koohwen was trying to draw both properties of Shaman and Diviner. Renn explained that the items may potentially be cursed by an spirit looking for an open vessel. I had asked her to perform the necessary means to clean the area.
Renn had then sensed a spirit that was still amongst us. And with this eerie feeling had advised us that her intrepretation of the ritual was incomplete - and because of this she would not clean the area.
On a side note, I was not there to witness the ritual, however there was a liutennant from the Koguryo army that was spying the ritual. Lorima was there to witness the latter portion of the ritual. He explained that he was there under a reconnaissance of the Shaman path. He mentioned that he witnessed Koohwen speak the following phrases of "It's too late, you missed all the fun. THe Divine child will haunt their sleep".
That is the full recap of the events, the ritual still lays in it's cursed formation in the waters as per advice of Renn to not disturb the incomplete ritual.
-Grey Hyunjae Diviner Maduin
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Wind FROM: Sieo DATE: 6/21 SUBJECT: Desecration of the Tao Te Ching
Dear member of the Shaman,
I have come to accept that your Elder has lost his sanity.
I can accept that any number of you may follow your Elder into the depths of madness.
I can even accept that you have declared war and seek our deaths for your empowerment and would most likely desecrate the Tao Te Ching again.
What I don't understand is why you chose to break down the doors -after- summoning all these ghosts and Seki in the home of the Diviners.
Would you care to share your actual intentions with this mish-mash ritual, these summoned creatures, and our broken doors?
Sincerely, -Sieo Bijeon Elder of the Divine Order
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Wind FROM: Guerrund DATE: 6/22 SUBJECT: Madness
Greetings! Weakening our link to the middle realm will cause shaman to have some crazy tendencies. That link keeps the spirits calm and our world right. You are seeing what happens when that link is weakened.
This is only the first part... the mild symptoms of an epidemic that soon will spread...
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Wind FROM: Trucidont DATE: 6/23 SUBJECT: A Desecration
-------------------------------------- Last night I came into the Tao te Ching to witness a desecration. A shaman ritual had been performed there by KoohWen. When I arrived, Maduin and IcePixy were there, along with Renn, a Shaman.
Everyone seemed rather confused as to what to do, so I approached Renn at the pond and asked her specifically what the items in the this twisted ritual were meant to represent.
She told me that the items were like focusing irises; there were items to represent both the Mudang and the Divine, juxtaposed onto a effigy with a twisted head and strange body. Her analysis was that KoohWen was attemping to create a child with the attributes of both the Mudang and the Divine Order. She told us to also be wary of any young ones.
Apparently, the spirit that resided in the ritual had no fear of approaching me for some reason according to Renn. She mentioned it might be because of my lack of normal sight.
Lorima was also there, hidden in the shadows. They said that they observed the ritual and that KoohWen spoke of a "Divine Child".
We both attempted to cleanse or reverse the ritual using our own abilities, but were stopped when we realized that the ritual had not yet completed. The ritual was still in progress and to disturb the ritual circle would bring calamity. So now we must apparently bear this sacrilege inside our Tao te Ching.. its presence weighs on me. -------------------------------------
Trucidont Gray Gwa-Gu
Will this end peacefully? Seems unlikely at this point, but hope is never lost!
*;'IcePixy;'* Hyul 96, 7th Moon, 15th Sun
Server Reset - Jun. 9th 2018
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 6/ 9 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Jun. 9th, 2018
- Maintenance/Bug fixes
- Continuing with Clan/Subpath requests
A Pirate Story to Remember!
Last evening, Nagnang shore was attacked, as was Dae Shore and Hausson as well as Oceana Clan Hall - the Home of the Koguryo Oceana Navy.
While the attack was held off through many heroic attempts, IcePixy and a small guard chose to reach out to the Phantom Captain ChenLee to see what he may be truly seeking.
This was the conversation to follow:

 Oceana Primarch Stormin, Navy Admiral Corporal, Navy Vice Admiral BabyBooo and Waterborn Turnus accompanied me on my perilous journey!
While it may not have been pretty, it did stop the bloodshed of more of our kindred which was the key mission.
Can we find the key to the Temple before the Phantom Captain?
Only Time will tell...
Hyul 96, 5th Moon, 17th Sun *;'IcePixy';*
Pirate Launches Second Attack
 ChenLee launches another assault, but this time on the shores of Nagnang. As ships continue to bring hordes of pirates, many heroes continue to engage in battle on the southern coastline.

Instead of just the attacking, the pirate's boat can now shoot cannon balls at you and deal massive damage (% based).
After fighting awhile, many pirate boats are spotted all over the kingdoms. The attacks continue to on the shores of Kugnae, Nagnang, and Gogoon.

Some people we're able to spot ChenLee near the ancient temples looking very suspicious. Many people try to interrogate him as he summons many commanders to distract them. He even asked if anyone was interested in joining the Deathbane. Some of the heroes think that ChenLee may be trying to enter some kind of cave nearby.

(( Many people were able to complete the pirate event mark after killing these pirates ))
On another note and after clearing the coastline, we happen to find a few ogres guarding a entrance and also asking locals to stay away. What could they be keeping out?

= AzNCloudBoi = = Hyul 96, 5th Moon, 15th Sun =