Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Event - Something Fishy is going on!
BOARD TITLE: Whispering winds FROM: NexusTK DATE: 4/20 SUBJECT: Something fishy is going on in Mythic Nexus
It has to do with a certain, very important fish by the name of Aleumdaun, who hails all the way from Bullkoch, Kingdom of the Seventh Sea. She says that a very dangerous shape-shifting Mermaid has escaped!
Sea King sent an Army of Sea creatures to bring her back, but all of them mysteriously disappeared when they were crossing through the magic portal into our Sire Pit.
Aleumdaun, who was the last one to use the magic portal is still here and she is trying hard to rally everyone around her to help her bring this shape-shifter back so it can be locked up once again.
Sea folks are worried that should this shape-shifting Mermaid find her way back home, then all the secrets she has learned of their and our life will make her kind that much more dangerous to us.
At the same time, local gossip has it that a mesmerizing mermaid is running for her life, trying to break free from her captors. All she wants is to get back home where she belongs, and she needs your help to do it!
What side do you choose?

Back in Hyul 73, the community was able to access a underwater place called the Bulkkoch, the Kingdom of the Seventh Sea. This is where the community aided the kingdom and discovered that the recent appearance of the mermaid is actually a shape-shifter that tricked the real princess.
>>More backstory can be found here<<

This shape-shifting witch seemed to have escaped her imprisonment under the sea and is still disguised as the mermaid princess. We have learned that the name of the witch is Treilsaare and is related to the Dark Priest. Recently, the mermaid came to Mythic and asked the community to aid her in defeating the sea "monsters" coming out of the portal in Sire Pit. The mermaid is now hiding within our kingdoms (Scholars' Den, Kugnae 165, 201).
It seems the work of the Taal'yeein is in motion and if they have infiltrated the Bullkoch and our kingdom, where will they plan to attack next? Maybe we should ask Treilsaare more questions.

A familiar face, Alumda (a very large fish), came through the portal last and is now pursuit for the runaway prisoner. This creature is requesting help from the community to capture the fake mermaid princes so that she does not cause anymore harm to anyone else or reveal secrets of the underwater kingdom.
Event Walkthrough
There are two routes you can take with this mini-event and depending on which side you choose to help, you will be rewarded with a unique legend mark depending on your actions. Will you help capture the shape-shifting witch or help her escape?
Option 1: Helping Aleumdaun capture the Mermaid
1. Click the NPC named Aleumdaun at south gate of Mythic and choose the first option (Willing to help him).
2. Go to Buya smith and choose the last option about "Thrice strong metal" and bring him: - 1 Gold ore - 1 Silver ore - 1 Medium ore ** These ore can be easily collected by turning in Iron Keys in the Treasure Room deep in the Iron Labyrinth
3. You will received Thrice strong metal from Buya smith, then click the Buya smith again and choose "Sturdy metal chain" and bring these items : - 1 Pebble (Trapper's Paradise) - 5 Dark amber - 1 Moon powder (From Arena NPC, 150c) 4. You will received Sturdy metal chain from Buya smith; now head back to Aleumdaun and click him to enchant the chain.

5. Bring the Enchanted chain and go to Scholars' den (Kugnae 166,201).

6. Walk besides the Mermaid and you'll get Treilsaare in chains in your inventory.

7. Go back to Aleumdaun and hand him the Treilsaare in chain and receive your rewards.
Rewards: Sea Treasure (4x Minor quest exp) and a blue Legend Mark
Credits: Lancin & Toretto
Option 2: Helping Treilsaare (Mermaid) Escape 1. Head to Scholars' Den (Kugnae 166,201) and speak to the mermaid. Agree to help.
2. Head to Buya Seamstress (Buya 20,119) and make the Cloak of Invisibility. Bring these items: - 1 Spare Skin (Buya Haunted House Ghosts drop these) - 1 White Amber - 1 Stardrop

3. Head to the Pitch Shop (Buya 88, 143) to make the 5 Hot coal rings. Bring these items: - 5 Hot Coal (5 Coal & 5 Flashdust) - 17,500 coins

4. Bring the cloak and hot coal rings back to Scholars' den and receive your reward.
Rewards: Dark Gift (4x Minor quest experience) and a black legend mark
Credits: Quav, Tyania, Arkanis, BagOfChips, Nobu, Nobrows, Kiano, Almalexian, Klogg, Sarphendon, and a few others.
= AzNCloudBoi = = Hyul 95, 6th Moon, 20th Sun =
Diviners and Shamans declare war among each other!

After the events that unfolded at the purification, the diviner and shaman path both came to a dispute over the events that occurred.
Shamans stole the waters from the Tao Te Ching and used it in a Kut Ritual (many say that it was ment for something darker). It would then cause the diviners to become sick and thus resulted in the past event of purification. With the purification of the waters, the diviners have weakened the hold shamans have on the spirits.
Both path elders are on the edge of the events and decided to hold a meeting to discuss the matters at the House of Chi. Discussion and disagreements ensued and both parties could not come to an agreement. It was then that both have decided that they would both go to war.
Hyul 95, Diviners and Shamans are at war!
= AzNCloudBoi = = Hyul 95, 6th Moon, 20th Sun =
Reset - Easter Event Ends and a New Quest Introduced!
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 4/21 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Apr. 21st, 2018 - Easter and its items are gone.
- A mini quest
- NPC bug fixed. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience. Thank you. |
There has also been a addition in the "Option" tab that allows the player to show names with carnage dyes.

Few Known Bugs that need to be addressed: Players can not drop 2 to 99 amounts of coins. This causes an issue with Ee san Rogue's Chance
= AzNCloudBoi = = Hyul 95, 6th Moon, 20th Sun =
Tao Te Ching's Purification
In these past few weeks, the diviners were stricken by a mysterious illness. Waters of the Tao Te Ching run with red and corruption and seems to have been the source of the illness. The diviners still do not know what has caused it, but they hope to find a solution. The Divine order invites those in the community to help purify these waters.

Before entering, Rehkan checks the condition of Sieo's body by feeling her flow of Qi. It has seems that the herbs given to Sieo are not holding out much longer. Sieo worries that if this ritual is not succesful; she'll have the shortest reign as elder. Her cough continues to worsen over time and now show signs of blood when she coughs.
After addressing to the public, Elder Rehkan pours lime potion on to the doors of the Tao Te Ching to alter the flow of Qi and remove any impurities that may have been near the door. Elder Sieo slowly walks to the door and unlocks the door for the public to enter. As everyone enters, many people can feel the tense atmosphere.

As everyone enters the Tao Te Ching, theSavior warns everyone to not touch the waters due to the intense corruption that may spread to more victims. Many elders of other sub-paths have also came to support the purification and have a important role in the process.

Geomancer elder, Rehkan, steps forward first to begin the process of the purification. He was able to successfully purify the waters near the steps into the waters. Exhausted from the purification, Rehkan steps back and there was slight of blue seen returning back into the waters. General Amatus picks up a dark red ring given by theSavior and uses it to seal the corruption within the waters.

Elder Baik dips his demon dagger deep into the waters and twirls it. The dagger has some cleansing properties that should aid in the purification of the waters. Next, Elder Jasna was also given a red ring to help with the purification. After purifying parts of the water, corrupted monsters would appear and many of the community had to quickly dispose of them.

As the waters began to clear up, Sieo seems to have regained her strength and offers to finish the purification. She quickly makes work of her practice by pouring a liquid into the water while chanting. The water purifies completely, but as the water clears a beast appears into the mass.

Many valiant warriors and mages fight off the big beast. After the beast is defeated, the shamans began to become possessed and mention that the purification has opened a "door" and that the "king is here". The ritual has weakened their cwonnection to the middle realm (the place of the dead) and caused many of the spirits to come. After giving a warning, the shamans quickly return to the Mudang.
It seems that through the purification, the diviners have unlocked some of evil.

There was five red rings used to purify the waters. These rings held the corrupted power and was given to the ones that purified to guard and protect for the hyuls to come.

May the warning from the shamans be something that is to come?
Phoenix Clan Rebirths a New Primogen
 Buya's Phoenix Clan welcomes a new primogen, OmegaEscalus, this thursday (April 12, 2018). Bloodangl was the former primogen and has served the clan very well in the last few hyuls.
 OmegaEscalus states that he will bring the clan back to its former glory, but it will take work and time.
Honor, Pride, Phoenix!
= AzNCloudBoi = = Hyul 95, 4th Moon, 25th Sun Midnight =
Mermaid promoting Sire Pit?

Around noon, a mermaid appeared out of the pond in Mythic. People were really surprised when the mermaid started speaking to them. The mermaid didn't really speak that much, but mentions something "magical" occurring in the Buya Arena's Sire Pit.

When the mermaid left, it left a few of it's magical "Mermaid Scale."

What could this mean? Does the mermaid want us to hang out in the arena more often? A few people dived into the pond in search of the mermaid.

Easter Kruna Release!
A few days ago, CoverGirl released our much waited on Easter Packages as well as a few other goodies! Take a look below:
BOARD TITLE: Item Shop Announcements FROM: CoverGirl DATE: 3/30 SUBJECT: Happy Easter!
Happy Happy Easter Everybody~
I can see that you love Easter Eggs! It is one of our most popular random boxes that you've been waiting for a long time. How many eggs did you break? Did you get what you wanted? Hopefully you did!
Do you have an egg armor set in your bank? Now it's time to wash and dye with new color for the season. Try some of Cracked Egg dyes, you will find nice color which gives you perfect look for this Easter.
Bunny Bat? or Witch Stick... I picked Bunny Bat to display on the Item Shop for Easter but somehow I feel like a black Witch Stick could be paired with Bunny Bat. Would that be too weird? I don't know, you choose :)
Firefly wings, simple basic mantle, coin bag, colorful bandito.... you have many choices for Easter and Spring, and more to come....
Enjoy your Easter eggs!
Usable Items: (pass the cursor over the image for details)
Weapons: (pass the cursor over the image for details)
Face: (pass the cursor over the image for details)
Mantle: (pass the cursor over the image for details)
Face: (pass the cursor over the image for details)
Happy Easter Everyone and enjoy the fun packages!
Hyul 95, 1st Moon, 17th Sun
The New Mage Trinity - 3 New Elders Ascend
by: Vini
-- 4:12 PM EST
The Mage subpaths all have new leadership. That's right, 3 new elders are starting a new era to the Mages of the Winds. They are Shaman Elder Guerrund, Geomancer Elder Rehkan, and Diviner Elder Sieo.
 | A week ago, Elder Sayako chose to step down from her position after 5 Hyuls ((8 months)) and appointed Guerrund to be the new leader of Shamans path. Guerrund is a well-known figure for Nexus Atlas readers, he holds the record of person who had most primogenship terms, a total of 6 times he was Primogen of Phoenix Clan of Buya! He also was the second Minister of Buya, Buya Mage Tutor, Judge and Carnage Host.
Guerrund has been a Shaman since Yuri 60's decade and was a Shaman Guide under Reikai and Sayako. Before being a shaman he was Diviner under Sarina and Geomancer under Leodaris. As a very experienced community contributor has many plans for the path. He wants to keep their subpath active doing things at all times. "The spirits' voices shall be heard throughout the land. The Shaman hear them calling to crescendo. Thanks to Sayako for all her work behind the scenes and in the daylight", said the new Shaman elder. |  | Also, a week ago, Elder Reon chose to step down from his position after 20 Hyuls ((2 years & 5 months)) and appointed Sieo to be the new leader of the Diviner path. Sieo is also a well-known figure among the community." She was Nagnang Sage (Minister) and recently Primogen of The Forsaken Clan. Sieo's only subpath was Diviner, to which she has been guide for around 10 or 11 Hyuls before ascending to eldership. For this new position she's very excited to start working and bringing Diviners to new levels: "It is with great honor and humility that I now step up and take the position of Diviner Elder. It is an honor because of the love and support I have received from my brothers and sisters in the Diviner Order and it is humbling because there will never be another Diviner Elder like Reon", said Elder Sieo. "I only hope that I can live up to the example that has been set by those who came before me and do justice to the ideals that we all hold dear. I look forward to serving the path and the community to the best of my ability" she continued. And remembering the great legacy left by Reon she said: "Elder Reon always approached every situation with compassion and logic. Our problems were his problems and his calm demeanor and knowledge have been a shining beacon of leadership for the Diviners for the last two years. As I step up and take the reigns of power, I am fortunate to have him as an example to emulate", concluded the Diviner Elder. |  | Last but not least, Elder Maevalia chose to step down from her position after 9 Hyuls ((1 year & 1 month)) and appointed today Rehkan to be the new leader of the Geomancers path. He's also another very well-known member of the community. He was member of Buya Ministry for many Hyuls, was a council member of SanSin clan multiple times and was one of the founding members of the Celestials, the former name of SanSin clan before it became official. He's also one of the few master treasurers who aren't in Merchant Guild or aren't former merchants and also one of the three people to become Tosaitheoir Ovate (one of the highest Ovate levels) outside of Druids and ex-druids.
Within the Geomancers path Rehkan has been a Guide of the path on 7 different occasions and under several elders, first time he was became guide was in Hyul 10, after becoming Geomancer for the first time in Hyul 6. He's also the Tioli Sect Master within the path. Although he's the newest of the three elders, Rehkan is already stepping up to do the work he is expected to do. "With big shoes to fill I look forward to working with everyone to bring the Geomancers back to their roots and expand their neutral involvement in the community", said Elder Rehkan. |
This is the first time the three mage subpaths had new elders at same period and it can represent great thing for the path as the three of them seem to be working very well together for the improved of the 3 subpaths.

Nexus Atlas congratulates Elder Guerrund, Elder Sieo and Elder Rekhan for their new positions and would like to give a very special thanks to former elders Sayako, Reon, and Maevalia who did a stupendous work for their paths when they served and worked very well together for the improvement of their path overall.
~Vini Normad'or~ and *;'IcePixy';* ~Hyul 95, 1st Moon, 17th Sun~
April's Fool aftermath
by: Vini
-- 1:43 PM EST
It has been a tradition already to have April's fools pranks within Nexus Atlas news (with only exception being 2017, I think) and this year could not go different. This year's joke was elaborated by our newest staff member, AznCloudBoi, which had the idea of tricking people saying Bear clan was now accepting rogues and mages. It also counted with the collaboration of Bear Clan Primogen Astrael who authorized the prank involving his clan and also the help of two volunteers Neko and Lancin who accepted taking part on this fun experiment.
The most interesting thing about the prank is that they did join the Bear clan a day yesterday, so people in-game were surprised and thought it to be true, which is unlike the other years when people could guess out the prank as soon as they realized the news wasn't matching in-game.
Sorry if this prank raised any hopes up or offended anyone who thought they should be among the "first" mages or "first" rogues to join Bear Clan. Bear Clan has completed 20 years now with being a clan just for Warriors and Poets, it was one of the first 3 clans in Nexus and won't change its traditions that have made the clan so unique during its whole period of existence.
Hope you had fun with this!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 95, Moon 1~
Bear Clan finally opens their doors!
Years upon years, Bear clan has always had the strong tradition of only accepting warrior and poets. After long talks within the clan, Bear is now accepting rogues and mages to join through invitation only. You may request to join by contacting a council member through n-mail and not all requests will be accepted.

Bear Clan would like to congratulate Neko (mage) and Lancin (rogue) on being the first to join our honorable clan and hope that these times will be new beginnings with the community.
Easter and April Fool's Day Arrives!

Regular Easter Event is back! Many different color eggs spawn on the floor all over the kingdom. Opening them will give you a small surprise sometimes. Things such as pirate coins, regular coins, and some random items were reported.
Special eggs that come from the color eggs include: Creme-filled egg: Casts [unaligned] Desperate attack (50 Rogue attack). Honey-filled egg: Casts [unaligned] Whirlwind (99 Warrior attack- WARNING: It brings you down to 10 vitality). Fruit-filled egg: Casts [unaligned] Harden body (85 Poet temporary invincibility spell- WARNING: It can fail just like regular Harden body). White chocolate egg: Casts an invoke which does not give you aethers.
Some items take on a new look!
 Spring Garb and Spring Dress trade. Acorn and Penny rolls switch! Axe looks like a Sea Staff (Sea staff looks the same) Bow turns into Kruna Weapon Skin "Curved Doomblade"
