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Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Taken turkey: Time to wrangle some poultry
 The reporter is speechless but inspired, as trained bounty hunter Leviticus whiffs a swing at a frantic turkey. Even the hardened specialists struggle to bag these birds.
The spooks and specters dissipated this morning, and sleep was interrupted by the siren call of the turkey. Yes, it's that time of year again, where the community scrambles to wrangle escaped poultry, this time in the outskirts of Nagnang.
To begin your career in livestock involuntary relocation, head to Master Kyun's Enclave (north of Kugnae Gathering) and buy yourself some Animal Cages from Dokami at (13,13). You can carry 50 at a time.
From there, do a short hike to the Spiritual Garden in the Do Subpath Area. (This room can be found by going in to the northwest corner door in the Do Training Area to the Room of Enlightenment, then sneaking behind the western statue at (4,10). Buy a Catching Net from Jihye at (2,2).
Armed with your net and cages, you need bait. Do what you need to do to acquire as many Acorns as you can carry. Pro-tip: Visit Harriet in the Sacred Grove (28,16) in the Druid subpath area for Acorns rather than the butcher.
Your bounty can be found by traveling to the path at (11,154) in Nagnang, and continuing south to Eung Docks. You will begin to see the furious birds fluttering about.
How to catch a turkey: 1. Equip your Catching Net. 2. Ensure your Acorns are in your (u) inventory slot. 3. Press "u" key to "use" the Acorn; you will notice it is thrown. Aim at the turkey of your choice. 4. Once the turkey is stunned, smack it relentlessly with your net until it is tired and ready to be caught. (It will take up one of your Animal Cages, and a Caged Turkey will appear in your inventory.)
Once you've had your fill of kidnapping turkeys, visit Wonsoo at the Incubator (the tent in Buya Gathering) by announcing you have "Turkey" to him.
You can exchange 20 Caged Turkey for one Turkey Modulator, which "Increase your crafting abilities for the next four hours." In addition, 5 Caged Turkeys can be exchanged for 1 Minor Quest.
Much appreciated We wish to thank Aamin for the news tip, and Leviticus for his epic pose and clarifications.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
New jewel in the crown: Buya appoints General TwitchUser
 Colonel Shayloo, General TwitchUser, Prince Daeso, Queen Lasahn, and the reporter stand in the BIA barracks.
Congratulations sounded through the air this evening, as Buya's royal family announced the promotion of their newest General, TwitchUser. The appointee was kind enough to answer a few questions via written correspondence.
Hello, General TwitchUser! It's a pleasure to meet you. Congratulations on your promotion. How do you feel after accepting the position? I feel very honored. When I joined the army, it was for the purpose of serving Buya's community. I worked hard in service to the kingdom, and find myself now in the General's position. And in this position, I feel I should continue to work hard and responsibly.
I'm to understand this is the first time you've taken on something like this. What is your plan for the future of the Buya Imperial Army? I have experience from being a Guide and Councilman, but it's my first time as a leader, so I'm a little embarrassed. First of all, I'm going to strengthen the foundation we have, rather than completely changing the existing framework. My goal is to promote us, and increase the number of troops so the Queen and Prince can live a safer life.
What sort of individual to you look for to bolster your army's numbers, and what do you expect out of your soldiers? I like soldiers who work hard in one specialty (promotion, participation, helping, etc.) I'll support them, even at my own expense.
What sort of activities should we expect to see from the BIA in the near future? I thought the BIA needed a different direction from the clans, so I'm trying to make it a haven for new people. I will work hard so that new people can gather to talk to each other, and get help.
Do you have anything you'd like to tell your army, or the kingdoms as a whole, regarding your promotion? First of all, thank you to the Prince, Queen, Krab, Shayloo, BigstRongman, and WayaJr for helping me become General. I know that the position of General is never one that can be achieved by doing well alone. They understood my situation, and helped me here. I will do my best not to betray their efforts.
We bid Buya the best of luck in this transition, and look forward to seeing great things bloom in the kingdom.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
'Druid forever:' Path welcomes back Supply

Yesterday evening, the winds were alight with news that the Druids were heralding the ascension of Supply as their Elder. Though I was being chased by the pack of faerie kittens in the Sacred Grove (who likely wanted my feathered fan), I made way to interview the Druid leader, where I discussed the role with her. With us were KoiMermaiden, Pomme, buntata, and Karimita, who introduced themselves as family or sworn protectors of Supply.
I can sense there's an entirely different attitude here in the Wilderness, tonight. It's a big day for the Druid Path, who's celebrating the return of you as their Elder. How does it feel to take up the staff, again? Really? I feel overwhelmed with love, by everyone. I didn't expect to become Elder for a third time. But, life is what it is. It drives us to different paths, even when we think we're going another way. I mean, I was literally called by the Druids to come and walk in the old position again - old and new Druids, past and present.
How many years do you have in your resume as elder at this point, and would you say your leadership style has evolved over time? Hmmm. I was Elder for the first time back in Yuri 68, I think. I am too old to recall. But, I believe I am a Druid forever, foremost, Guide sometimes, and Elder only a few times. I am here for the Druids, and I am sure we will all do a good job.
When you say, "Druid forever," what truly is a "Druid?" A "Druid" is about love and truth. It's more than just protecting nature. We seek the balance between all living things, so we can live better, happier, and in touch with what matters. This is what bring a Druid means to me.
What direction do you see the path moving, or what do you want to see in the future as you take on the role as Elder again? I see the path moving to make improvements, back to what we always were. We are a family that takes care of problems, and solves them. This is not a journey we do alone. And, despite adversity and troubles, we are still Druids who need to stick together, and work with the gods to make things better for the entire community. I think my goal will be to motivate. I know it is not easy, but I am in good hands. (She smiled.)
What do you think will be the biggest challenge? I think, it's sticking to the present, with the experiences in the past being different from now, which is good. Life is always changing, and we need to learn from the past and not stay there. We need to adapt to the pace of change. It's challenging, and being Elder is not about power, but leadership. I don't seek power, and I want to see the Druids grow (and all of the community).
You do have your guardians here, ready to do defend you from this foreign reporter, if someone wants to speak. Do any of you have any messages you'd like to give your Elder, or the community? KoiMermaiden: As an Ovate, I am excited to see what the future brings for the Druids. Pomme: As people, as communities, we are defined not by the storms we face, but how we handle the aftermath. Supply: Perfect words, Pomme.
Absolutely. Is there any message you, Supply, would like to tell your path, the kingdoms, or your Wilderness allies? I told them earlier today, "let's go for it." It's a great challenge, not only for me, but for us all. The position alone doesn't build the path we want it to be. We only make it happen because we are Druids, community, and friends. Druids do not break, ever. We keep moving and rebuilding. I love to be a part of it.
It sounds like you're ready to take on tomorrow, Elder Supply. We wish your path the best in its continued evolution.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Monday, November 14, 2022
Sun shines in Azure sky: Koguryo holds Defender Ceremony
 The spirit of Samjok-O ignites over offerings in a dedication ritual at the beginning of the Koguryo Defender Ceremony.
Koguryo celebrated its annual ceremony this evening, with the presentation of its latest group of individuals performing the vow to defend their kingdom. The awe-inspiring presentation was accented by a heavy presence of azure-garbed Koguryo Royal Army soldiers, and the royal family of King Mu-Hyul, Queen Yun, Prince Mobon, and Prince MingJung overlooking the scene.
The evening began with a ritual commemorating Samjok-O, a creature known to protect the Hae family lineage. The three-legged crow, said to live on the Sun, was last invoked during the invasion of Jieut, the Necromancer. Royal Minister KoiMermaiden and Prince Mobon presented gifts of flowers, crops, and shining stones as offerings to the deity, who responded in kind by leaving a blessed fan of feathers. At one point, the Royal Reception Hall was alight with fire, and wings erupted from the backs of the performers, as the Samjok-O sanctified the grounds with its presence.
Once the excitement passed, the next stage of the ceremony ensued, with the Royal Minister singing the national anthem of Koguryo.
 (Screenshot courtesy of Barter.)
The King's speech
Afterward, King Mu-Hyul stepped forward to begin the formal proceedings, with a pertinent speech to mark the occasion:
Good evening, everyone. Thank you for coming to bear witness as our newest Defenders of Koguryo give their oaths.
Ours is an old and storied kingdom. We have celebrated many accomplishments, played host to many honored dignitaries, and experienced some of the most momentous historical events in living memory.
Along the way, there have been many who would wish to see our Kingdom fall, or to usurp our power and glory for their own purposes.
In each of these conflicts, Koguryo has prevailed, and continues strong, as a bastion of honor, tradition, and justice.
Our triumph over each of the threats we have faced as a nation has been with the loyalty and courage of our citizens on the front lines.
While all citizens are called upon in times of trouble, we also recognize the unique service and determination shown by our best and brightest, the Defenders of Koguryo. They are nominated by our trusted leaders and advisors, and each pledge themselves to the Kingdom, should the need arise.
Tonight, we gather to recognize our newest Defenders as they take their oaths, and go forth marked as loyal Defenders of the Kingdom.
Having concluded the foreword, the formal proceedings began. First, Tamo, Chara, and SirKossa were each awarded a Koguryo Medal of Honor for their outstanding service in the Koguryo Royal Army.
Then, the Koguryan organizations who opted to submit nominations to be named a Defender were then invited to formally present them to the royal family. This year's group consisted of Moondragons, Warrian, Jahova, Aamin, AndriA, Bergeron, Amaris, izmyhanief, Valentina, pelia, and KoiMermaiden.
Pictured left: King Mu-Hyul accepts Jahova and Aamin as General CronxJr's nominations. (Screenshot courtesy of Aamin.) Center: Mullyu calls for some dancing to celebrate, as the nominees, Koguryo Royal Army, and spectators gather on the palace steps. Right: The royal family and a few visitors take in a drink or two at the Royal Palace Pub after the ceremony concluded. (Screenshot courtesy of Altar.)
Once the ceremony concluded, the nominees and crowd were invited outside to watch the Kingdom Greeter officiate the final rites, before everyone went their separate ways. Some chose to take advantage of the open hallways of the palace, and visit the Royal Palace Pub and Royal Palace Art Gallery, which are seldom accessible by the public.
We'd like to thank the Koguryo Royal Ministry for a wonderful evening, and look forward to witnessing future events the kingdom offers.
 The assembled nominees, representatives, guests, and royal family await the beginning of the Koguryo Defender Ceremony. (Composite screenshot courtesy of Chara.)
Better late than never? It was brought to NexusAtlas' attention we missed the announcement of Loxie being named Enigma's latest Primogen in October. We owe you a belated congratulations!
It takes a village... NexusAtlas would like to give a big shout-out to the volunteers that assisted with getting screenshots of this event, and helped with coordinating information. Thank you: Aamin, Altar, Barter, KoiMermaiden, JianYi, CronxJr, and Chara.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting