Align your soul with the way of Ohaeng here. Ohaeng (balance) by those who wish to find a greater
sense of peace within; a great balance between Life and Death. Look here for information about
spells under the Ohaeng influence.
Ohaeng asks, "Greetings, magic user. You seek to find your true nature? First I must know
that you understand the nature of your soul. How many natures are there to choose from?"
1. Only one, and that is you.
2. Two, you and Ming-Ken.
3. Three, you, Ming-Ken, and Kwi-Sin.
[If you choose correctly] Ohaeng asks, "Yes, yes. Wise one, you are learning about the
natures. But there is more to know before you dedicate to one for life. Each nature
represents a different aspect of power, which does Ohaeng represent?"
1. Ohaeng is the nature of living.
2. Ohaeng is the balance of all.
3. Ohaeng is the nature of the afterlife.
[If you choose correctly] Ohaeng says, "Yes, you do understand. You are on your way to
becoming Ohaeng. This is your last chance, from here there is no turning back, you may
only choose once in your life."
1. I do not wish to be Ohaeng.
2. I need to think first.
3. I want another nature.
4. I will dedicate for life.
If you choose #4, then Ohaeng will accept you and the next time you visit your Guild Hall, you
will see the Ohaeng Guild Master. All of your spells will have different names and graphics.
If you choose anything other than #4, Ohaeng will politely excuse you.