Hostesses - Walsuk, Bamboo, and Ginger.
Ox - Walsuk's Sidekick
Special Features
- Casting Return or using a Yellow Scroll brings you inside on of the taverns.
- Wanna have some PK action? Here's the place to go!
Interesting Facts:
- This tavern map was actually a seperate map from the main kugnae map to help reduce lag for those in taverns.
- Sometimes Nexon would spawn odd NPCs within the tavern area to incite curiosity.
- Yelling "Buya" in Walsuk's tavern will transport you to Buya for 50 coins through Ox. The little guy has an important purpose after all!
- Ox used to be more than that. He also used to be a designated newbie helper, where a lost newbie could click him.
- 3.0 Newbies would initially spawn within the taverns.. and eventually Ironheart's house.