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  NeX-Files | Totem Time

Totem Time
What is totem time and how can I use it to my advantage?

Totem Information

You wish to learn of the totem animals, do you? The four totem animals are divine beings of great power. Ah, I see you worship the ((totem name)). ((The symbol in the lower right shows which totem animal you follow.))
[This is old information - check the top of the righthand side of the screen.]

Each animal rules a certain time of day. During an animal's time of day, all of his followers, and all of those grouped with his followers, learn more quickly. ((Experience bonus))
[Hunting parties should have one of each totem type for the best experience.]

By visiting the shrine of a totem animal, you may decide to worship it if you offer a suitable donation. These shrines can be found in the Wilderness.

You can reaffirm your worhsip every 7 days (((21 hours)). Frequent worship of your totem animal will doubtless improve your karma.
[Gives 0.050 points of karma]

If you want to change totems, bring the totem key of the totem you wish to join or five gold acorns then go to that totem shrine in the wilderness. Worship the totem and offer the gift.

Totem Times

Chung Ryong (morning)   04-09
Ju Jak (mid-day)   10-15
Baekho (evening)   15-21
Hyun Moo (mid-night)   22-03

Totem times are NOT precise. For instance, Ju jak does NOT start immediately when the hour turns to 9 but sometime WHILE the hour is 9. Likewise, Ju jak ends sometime while the hour is 15. Remember this when using the crafting information below.

To find the current time, right click the "landscape" icon at the bottom right of the screen.

Totem Times for Crafting

When you use the Machines (tables/looms/forges) to craft, you get four options to choose from. If you follow this chart as to which option you should use, hopefully you will have better results than usual! Supposedly, your results will be like on totem time, all the time.

Each day is broken into four Totem times. The chart below shows the time and the totem in the top two rows. The lefthand column is where your Totem animal is listed. Find your totem animal and the time of the day then use the option number in the chart.

Totem Time 04-09 10-15 16-21 22-03
Totem ChungRyong Jujak Baekho HyunMoo
ChungRyong 2 3 1 4
Jujak 3 4 1 2
Baekho 4 1 3 2
HyunMoo 1 2 3 4

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