Game Upgrade Scheduled! (09/06/00): We have finally compiled
the new Nexus TK game Client! The upgrades are extensive and will
require a new server to handle the enhanced sounds, increased speed
and other new improvements. The new server will support new functions
of the Client - such as the Transformation ability - where you place
items into a bowl and it is never quite sure what might come out.
Sometimes good, sometimes bad but everytime fun! The system upgrade
is scheduled for Wednesday, September 6th, at 10pm PST. After the
server is updated, the system will automatically send your Client
to be upgraded. However, the update is so large that the upgrading
process takes approximately 50 minutes on an 28.8k baud modem - under
optimal conditions. If you would like to be able to play in the updated
game right away, head to our Download page and download the new Client
during your spare time on the internet - perhaps run it in the background
while you play Nexus.
New Totem Helmets - There has been a long standing problem with
Clan helmets falling into the hands of those who do not belong to the
Clan. So we are revising the helmet structure so that only clan members
can wear their clan helmets. However, we do not wish to leave people
outside of a clan out in the cold. So we are developing a new series
of helms called Totem Helmets. These helmets will be identical to the
Clan helmets except that they can be purchased through your character's
totem animal shrine.
But that is not where things get interesting. We currently have 4 helmet
designs to choose from. These designs seem to have the same similar
style, but there is a progression on how "magical" they appear. We
have two routes we can take with the helmets. Either we can assign
the more magical looking helmets to the more magical totems or we can
assign the same basic helm to each totem and then through a series of
quests that will be released at a later date - currently scheduled to
release one such quest a month - can upgrade their helmets with greater
powers and the more magical graphic. Both options have their plusses
and difficulties.
So, we have decided to leave it in the hands of you, the players. To
vote for which you would like to see in the game, log into the game
and Nmail Kismet. In the subject line of you Nmail put "Different" if
you want us to assign different helmets to the Totems or "Upgrade" if
you want to assign the same helmet graphic but be able to improve it
over time. Voting will end 12pm PST on Monday, September 25th so log
in to Nexus and get your vote in.
Note, no votes from characters below level 11 will be counted in the