(1/12/2006)- Nexus 6.59 Patch - Today the Nexus servers were patched with the following changes:
- Spring heavy plate is now fatter and all emotions/actions are high-resolution
- Characters wearing a waistcoat will not disappear when firing a bow
- Heads will no longer display slightly to the left when wearing a ChutZe Robe
- Walking south while using a sword in the Nagnag gown no longer gives you three arms
- Riding a horse east or west while wearing war platemail no longer gives you multiple legs
- The ground tiles for Ice robes and Ice garbs now correspond with the actual armor graphics
- Control-w in the low-resolution client will no longer cause a crash
- Some objects that were blocked can now be walked through
- The text color dialog box buttons have been fixed
- Anyone in a clan can now view the contents of the clan bank
- The "dead" graphic has been updated in the high-resolution client
- Some map tiles have been fixed
- Carnage hosts have the ability to view how many participants from each team
are alive periodically throughout the battle
- We've improved the look for zibong rings and several subpath items
If the auto-patcher is not working for you or you prefer to download an executable,
you can get a patch executable on the download page.
(1/18/2006)- Nexus Screenshots - We need screenshots!!! We're replacing all
of the screenshots on the Nexus website and we need your help. Send in your best
screenshots of the new Nexus. You can submit them through the support tickets. Make
sure to put "Screenshot Entry" in the subject of the ticket. If your screenshot is
selected, it will be posted in the screenshot section of the new Nexus website coming soon.