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Monday, September 18, 2023
Shining jewels: Buya Defender Ceremony held
 Heavens Clan Primogen Raymon stands in front of Lasahn with his Buya Defender nominees in the Royal Promenade during the Buya Defender ceremony.
Buya's revelry began Saturday evening in preparation for the Buya Defender ceremony the following day. The Merchants offered a full-scale Merchant Midnight Madness, inviting the community to keep the gold flowing in celebration.
Sunday night, the community was invited to file into the Royal Promenade of the Buya Palace, following a line of glittering yellow ambers and sunflowers from the north gate of the kingdom, to the waiting Buya Imperial Army guards on the interior ushering people inside.
A sister act to remember
Flanked by an arrangement of flowers, golden feathers, and sigils, Queen Lasahn would emerge to welcome everyone. Before the formal ceremony began, a light song and dance routine set the mood of the evening, consisting of a four-person sister act performed by insley, Aliviah, ells, and Gisaeng:
All: Buyans do as Buyans should, we all defend-our kingdom. Kinsley: I'm Kinsley. Aliviah: I'm Aliviah. ells: I'm EllssssssSssssSs! Gisaeng: And I'm Gi-saeng!
All: Buyans always stick together, especially when we defend! Kinsley: Like from the Sonhi... Aliviah: Against the pirates... ells: From the Barbarians... Gisaneg: With our... from King Geumwa!
All: Though our enemies are diverse and wide, we come together, side by side! Kinsley: Like at the Fox Hunts... Aliviah: Sire or Yusa... ells: I come for Bloodlusts... Gisaeng: I... like finding rats!
All: We've cherished this time together, but it's time to start the show! Kinsley: Farewell~! Aliviah: Ta-ta for now! ells: Good bye~! Gisaeng: I once tried to cast a spell, but I summoned a ferocious green squirrel, so I took it home, and I fed it some nuts, and now it brings me gold acorns, Buya loves gold!? Doo doo doo doo!
Lasahn: Thank you, thank you. Truly... enchanting. Were her eyes really that large, or am I losing my eyesight? Moving on!
(Those familiar with Saturday Night Live's Lawrence Welk skits with the Maherelle Sisters will appreciate the reference.)
Left: Kinsley, Aliviah, ells, and Gisaneg perform their musical skit before the formal ceremony begins. Center: SanSin Primogen PoeTxi presents the "Peabird Patrol" to Queen Lasahn for consideration as Buya Defenders. Right: Mastema barges into the ceremony to threaten Queen Lasahn with a beheading in the form of a well-oiled Big Axe.
Buya's Defenders are honored
Each Buyan organization would be welcomed to the center of the stage to present their nominees. The clan, Buya Imperial Army, and Imperial Ministry of Buya representatives would laud each figure by presenting the Queen with lists and details of their contributions to the kingdom, or other reasons why they have warranted the honor. This year's Buya Defender nominees:
Heavens Clan: Kaspar, Kamily, Ivar Lost Kingdom Clan: Gracey Phoenix Clan: Exquisite, Millie, Emmy SanSin Clan: WECK, Feminist, Arwa Buya Imperial Army: Teabong, Theoden, BigstRongman Imperial Ministry of Buya: Huna
Each representative was asked to give an oath to Queen Lasahn: "Do you swear to spend your life defending our home and people from all that seek to destroy us?" Upon agreeing to the term, the nominee was formally granted the right to be named a Defender, as well as the bright yellow dye and marking signifying the honor.
Near the ending of the ceremony, the Defenders nearly got a chance to prove their commitment to the oath. A Barbarian known as Mastema would storm the stage with violent intent toward Queen Lasahn. The queen was able to dodge the axe with some quick and forceful maneuvering, and the BIA summarily escorted the Barbarian out of the ceremony grounds.
Returning to the scheduled proceedings, the community would bid Archon Frici a final farewell, as he announced his formal retirement and succession by Gizela as Archon of Buya.
More fun to be had
The revelry was not over once the Royal Promenade closed its doors. Destiny Clan of Koguryo welcomed everyone to a grand issue of Destiny Bingo, with the Buyan organizations as the primary sponsors for the evening. Not to be outdone, the Muse Guild of Buya would hold a Cabaret session, as an endcap to the celebrations.
The result of the weekend was a lighthearted nod to the spirit of Buya and its place in the community as a whole - a center of culture and liveliness.
Creses returns as Phoenix Clan Primogen
The announcement of Phoenix Clan welcoming back Creses as their Primogen may have gotten lost in all the celebrating of the weekend, but NexusAtlas bids good tidings to the clan and its leadership. This is his second time taking on the staff of the clan, and his last interview can be found in the archives for Sunday, December 4, 2022. Creses asked NexusAtlas to relay a message for him: "I wish to include a thank you to Castleberry on behalf of the clan for being such a good steward and advocate for the clan over the past 9 months."
Much appreciated Thank you, PoeTxi, Reanalla, and friends of the Imperial Ministry of Buya for putting together this year's Buya Defender ceremony. Your efforts are very appreciated. We also wish to thank the defenders themselves for their dedication to their kingdom and the community. We wish the "Great Lobster King" a peaceful and restful retirement, and the best of luck for Gizela.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Saturday, September 9, 2023
Recipe for success: Xevu named Sage of Nagnang
 Sage Xevu mildly threatens his friend the reporter before their interview begins at the Nagnang Palace Courtyard.
The Nagnang Palace Courtyard was silent during the midnight hour, as Sage Xevu stood with the grave of Prince Kija as his backdrop. It wasn't too peculiar a place to meet for an interview of good news, given the nature of the interviewee, and the position he was undertaking. The announcement of a change in the Eternal Order of Nagnang's leadership had arrived over the winds late into the night, but the gentleman Shaman (and infamous host of Deadliest Poison events) was willing to entertain an interview to express his joy and eagerness to serve as Sage.
Sage Xevu, we're standing here at the graves of Prince Kija and the royal parents on the evening of the announcement. What's going through your mind right now?
That it's most humbling and honoring that I would even be considered for this role. I hope to live up to all the expectations. But, I have a great support team, and the Order is in really good shape with its present staff. Also, there have been many people that have reached out to me to offer their additional support. With all that, I know the Order will be just as amazing.
Recently, in the Nagnang Defender proceedings, you were the centerpiece of a message of unity. Will this be the message you continue to give as Sage, or do you have other messages you want to present in your tenure?
I think unity is a good start, and that needs to start here in Nagnang. I would like to see the clans and the Order work together more on collaborative events. As for reaching out to other kingdoms, I'm not opposed to it at all, but it's not as high a priority as unification here in Nagnang. Another message I'd like to bring back is on Nagnang's history. Nagnang is the "land of the dead," and I feel that so many people don't know the history of that. It sounds so macabre when you don't know the history.
Nagnang is certainly rich in culture and history that outsiders may not understand. A lot has been lost through the generations. How do you plan to bring more cultural awareness to the land?
The Order has a Nagnang Knowledge Night event that is hosted occasionally. I hope more people will participate in that, and will learn something as a result. Another great opportunity to bring in cultural awareness will be coming up in about two months or so, with the Jesa Festival. It will be an affair to honor and remember our ancestors - not just our familial ancestors, but all ancestors. We inherited this land, and our roles from them.
Is the Eternal Order looking to recruit more to its team? If so, what sort of individuals are you looking for?
I'm always interested in adding more people to the Order. We have a great team that works very well together. We each have great events we like to host, and will take the initiative instead of just waiting around. I would love to have more members to the Order that can add to that mix. And, a love of Nagnang, and its history and culture would be plusses.
Are there any other announcements you'd like to make to the Kingdoms, either about this appointment or other matters on the table?
I'm excited to step into this role. I don't plan on making any big changes to the Order. The previous Sages before me really helped set me up for success. I'm eager to see what happens in my tenure, and I hope we can keep the momentum of regular events and the occasional festival going, so people won't be bored for long.
We're excited to see what you cook up next (besides your "medicines" and soups.) Good luck as you step into the role, and we're looking forward to seeing what the Eternal Order offers next.
Much appreciated We would like to sincerely thank Xevu's predecessor, WillowN, for her time and dedication always offered to the Kingdoms, and wish her the best in the next steps of her journey.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting