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Friday, September 30, 2022
A flare-up of excitement: Fair coming to Koguryo?
 Pictured above is the reporter being desperate for information in a quiet crowd at west gate Koguryo.
Rumors and gossip have been buzzing about after the emergence of a post highlighted on the Chronicles of the Winds on Wednesday, originating from someone known as "Red Flare the Immortal." It promises, "amazing performance and events, fun for friends and family, and sights, sounds, and sensations."
Reportedly, the originator of the poster has been heard calling out via the winds (Sage), with the messages, "Ha ha ha ha ha! Prepare the ring! Yes, this will do! Ready the beasts! A few more days until showtime!"
What we can conclude is this is definitely something to look out for in the coming days!
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Friday, September 23, 2022
Onward and onward: KoiMermaiden named Prime Minister

The winds were deafening yesterday night, as the kingdoms celebrated the appointment of Koguryo's newest Prime Minister, KoiMermaiden. I was invited to visit the Royal Palace Mezzanine to check in with the appointee, who was joined by Prince Mobon and Tamo.
Thanks for having me in the palace. It's a pretty big place, and you've got a big future ahead of you, here. This is your first time holding a position like this? KoiMermaiden: Yes! It's my first time, and I am very excited to have this amazing opportunity to serve Koguryo.
I'm excited for you! What sort of future do you see for the Royal Ministry? KoiMermaiden: I'm no Diviner. (She chuckled.) But, if my vision is true, I see the Royal Ministry going through a time of change, with focuses on increased activity and service, and providing enriching experiences for the citizens.
What sort of services and enriching experiences does the Royal Ministry offer? KoiMermaiden: The Ministry provides a wide variety of new and exciting events. Our event roster is being actively improved to offer much-needed entertainment. We're also more than happy to assist community members. We're also pleased to offer insight into the rich and storied history of Koguryo.
What would you say sets Koguryo apart from the other kingdoms? KoiMermaiden: Koguryo is a place of blue - Blue sky, and blue of sea. It is also blessed by these components. From the sky, Koguryo's royal line is blessed by Samjok-o, the three-legged crow. From the sea, Koguryo's waters are blessed by the SeaNymph. Our Azure Kingdom is divinely blessed, and due to this, it is a place where many legends are born. Additionally, Koguryo offers a place that anyone can call home and find success in. After all, only a few Hyuls prior, I was a fish. Now, I can help more people than I ever dreamed of. Mobon: Koguryo is also blessed by citizens that go out of their way to enrich others' experience and daily lives. Without the citizens, there would be no life here, and Koguryo has no shortage.
As a self-professed former fish, what was it that brought you here to Koguryo, and to the Ministry and Army? KoiMermaiden: I am someone who is driven by a desire to help others. And, Koguryo is a place of blessed waters, rather perfect for someone like myself. I have a wide variety of skills and found them best utilized as a part of the army, as well as the Ministry here. It's been a very wonderful experience to call Koguryo home.
How would you describe the culture of Koguryo? KoiMermaiden: Koguryo's culture is one infused with divinity, tradition, strong morals, and finds its way throughout the kingdoms. After all, even our measurement of time is based upon the current king of Koguryo.
What role does the Royal Ministry play in the kingdom, and how can people get involved? KoiMermaiden: The Royal Ministry works closely with the royal family to provide cultural events, services, and entertainment to those around us. We work hard to serve the needs of our community. If someone wishes to get involved, they are more than welcome to submit an application. I look forward to working alongside those that want to help our Azure Koguryo move ever Onward.
What will you prioritize as you begin the first stage as Prime Minister? KoiMermaiden: Well, to be very honest, I am prioritizing adjusting to this role. I will be learning from those who are far more experienced with these lands than me, and I will be working to have a firm understanding as the foundation to do my work well as Prime Minister. After all, a house with a poor foundation is doomed to crumble.
Is there anything you wish to tell the Ministry or kingdoms, regarding your appointment as Prime Minister? KoiMermaiden: I am honored and overjoyed to have become Prime Minister. I hope to make a positive impact throughout the kingdoms, and I am thankful to all who have supported me during this time of metamorphosis. (Laughing.) In more ways than one. Mobon: The royal family of Koguryo is confident Koi will usher in a wonderful era, and trusts in the fact she has our kingdoms at heart. We appreciate her taking on the role. Tamo: Koi has been a good soldier, a good Minister, and most importantly, a good person. I know she will do well in this role.
We wish you and the Royal Ministry of Koguryo the best of luck in this new venture, KoiMermaiden. We look forward to the continued prosperity of your kingdom.
In other news Welcome back: Skum has returned to the position of Primogen of the elusive Enigma clan. Thank you for your time assisting the clan and kingdoms, Ecnor!
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Monday, September 5, 2022
'Greatest of All Time': Buya holds Defender Ceremony
 Jolie opens the event with a brief speech. She imparted the "seriousness" of the proceedings.
Buya held its annual defender ceremony Sunday, bringing in a new generation of nominees ready to respond to the kingdom's call.
The event began with Imperial Minister Jolie performing the "Buyan National Anthem," a goat-themed parody of "Hot In It" by Tiesto/Charli XCX, complete with choreographed caprine accompaniment.
Once the performance ended, the formal procedure began. Lasahn opened the ritual with a speech noting the need "to recognize those who have helped their clans, Ministry, and Buya. Our Defenders share the spirit of our kingdom, a guiding light that brings us together, even in times of conflict and disagreement."
Representatives then presented their nominations to receive the honor of being named a Defender of Buya, each giving a brief speech describing the criteria and qualifications of the individuals brought forward.
Each nominee was asked to swear to an oath: "Do you swear to defend Buya against all who would harm her? To spend your life in service to our people?" Upon pledging service, they were granted the mark and dye. Those that completed the prerequisites to be named Affiliate of the Sovereign were also commemorated.
Pictured left: Misled reacts to a rhyme spoken by Lasahn in his honor, "Miss Missy, quite prissy, how does your flower grow?" Center: WayaJr receives praise and a bow from Jolie, as he is commemorated as Affiliate of the Sovereign. Right: The attendees wish Primogen Minaj a happy birthday.
At the end of the event, Chez, AnnaBell, Misled, Rhaegal, Satiek, Yasutsuna, Caiden, Luminance, SandalZ, Krab, TwitchUser, WayaJr, and the Archon Frici were named Defenders of Buya. In addition, Prince Daeso, PoeTxi, snailz, WayaJr, and vegas were marked as Affiliate of the Sovereign.
 Jolie performs the opening act of the night, with a goat entourage.
Thank you, Imperial Ministry, for an entertaining event, and congratulations to all who were honored this evening. We look forward to the future of the kingdoms!
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting