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Monday, September 27, 2021
Lost (Kingdom) in the Mail?!
by: Barter
-- 5:07 PM EST
 Have you ever had those moments where you know you're forgetting something - I'm sure you can relate. It's almost like you open the letter, and then you lay it down, and forget to do anything with it. We've all been there - and this reporter is truly sorry for the delay in getting this news to you all. It's been almost a month since the formal announcement of the newest Primogen of the Lost Kingdom Clan, vegas. I was able to catch up with her a few days ago, and we chatted briefly.
When asked what she would like to share, vegas said: "I'm honored to have been chosen by Lost Kingdom to serve as Primogen. I've grown up in LK and I'm excited to reconnect the members with LK's roots and to increase LK's presence in the community with more events and activities!"
It certainly is an exciting time within the halls of Lost Kingdom, and we look forward to a time of great service with Primogen vegas leading the way.
Saturday, September 18, 2021
New Oceana Primogeness
Last Thursday evening Primogen DeeSwyfticus shifted the tides in Koguryo's Oceana Clan and passed the torch over to Visionary Celindon. DeeSwyfticus served as Primogen for just over 8 months. The community thanks him for his service and we wish him well on all his future endeavors.
We wish to congratulate Primogen Celindon on her new position. I met with her to get a few words just after she ascended: "I'm excited to again take up the mantle of Primogen of Oceana. I am looking forward to working closely with my council to bring back regular clan events including weekly Bingo, Siren's Song, and many others."

Remembrance Through Giving
by: Barter
-- 9:54 PM EST
 The Shining Jewel Foundation is an organization that leaves a great impact on the citizens of the lands through the spirit of giving.
Newly appointed Director of the Shining Jewel Foundation, DarkHorse, know's exactly what I mean. He says, "It is very exciting to be given such a wonderful opportunity! The SJF is a very capable and equipped means to reach and assist SO many players in the Kingdoms and I am beyond eager and ready to utilize it. The Foundation members are diverse, spirited and already cooking up some great ideas to bring people together in the spirit of help and giving!"
This spirit of helping others has been contagious, and many folks have stepped up to help others through generous gifting of money, items, and time to their fellows.

The Merchant Guild, with the wonderful encouragement and participation of the Community, also was able to raise funds and awareness of the great cause in which the Shining Jewel Foundation was founded.
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: everclear DATE: 09/12 SUBJECT: Thank you.
I wanted to extend a personal thank you to everyone who came to this most recent Merchant Midnight Madness, with an extra thanks to all those who donated to the Shining Jewel Foundation as well as to extra prizes for tonight's winners.
Thanks to the amazing altruism of so many, tonight's Merchant Midnight Madness led to:
- Roughly $115 million in coins and items being donated to the Shining Jewel Foundation
- A *MASSIVE* $120 million MMM raffle jackpot!
- $40 million paid out over 10 different winners out of those who donated
- $4.5 million paid out to 9 different door prize winners
On a day marked by a terrible tragedy twenty years ago, where we are reminded to consider our humanity and what is important, many in this community rose up with a great spirit of generosity and together did some seriously amazing things.
To all those who donated: Regardless of how much you donated, even if it was just a single sen glove, it matters that you sacrificed something of your own to help others out.
We have great hopes that all these donations will further empower the Shining Jewel Foundation to carry out its mandate and show new people, as well as those returning to the Kingdoms, what makes these lands so special and that this is a place worth sticking around.
Well done; the Merchant Guild is incredibly appreciative of you all.
The Merchants hope, and I also personally hope, that everyone had a great time tonight.
We feel honored to be able to hold an event where so many special things have happened... not just tonight, but so often over the past year, and hopefully many more times in the future as well.
It's a privilege to host MMM for the community and we're glad so many of you enjoy it.
Thank you.
~everclear~ Merchant Elder |
It is certainly an exciting time to bring joy to others through offering a helping hand, and casting a smiling glance to a stranger. Keep it up, folks!