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Sunday, September 27, 2020
The Tri-Kingdom-Celebration
by: Bunker
-- 8:49 PM EST
A celebration of the Zibong's defeat interrupted by public execution. Last weekend, the three Kingdoms of Kugnae, Buya and Nagnang came together for a grand celebration to mark the end of the Zibong plague. It was to be a full-day of games and enjoyment to honor the ones who helped rid the kingdoms of those evil spirits.
BOARD: Community Events #437 SUBJECT: Tri-Kingdom-Celebration DATE: 9/18 2020
Tri-Kingdom-Celebration ~`*`~ Nagnang ~`*`~ Koguryo ~`*`~ Buya ~`*`~
The Eternal Order of Nagnang, Royal Ministry of Koguryo, and the Imperial Ministry of Buya welcome all citizens to a day of celebrating the end of the Zibong infestation, and the defeat of KaKhan!
~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ WHEN: Sunday, September 20, 2020 WHERE: Tangun Theater (directions below) Events will begin at NOON EST, and will wrap up with a ceremony honoring those who helped protect our Kingdoms.
Event Schedule is as follows...
Noon EST Devils Dance hosted by Baltzen
1pm EST Jan Ken Pon hosted by BabyBoy
2pm EST Unlucky Number hosted by Keiara
3PM EST Goh hosted by Pexus
4pm EST Square to Square hosted by Scual
5pm EST Circle of Lore hosted by Bayde
6pm EST Archery Tournament hosted by Morick
7pm EST Oceana Bingo hosted by StarTropics
All Events will be held in the Tangun game room located to the right of the Theater. ((Cords 28,24))
~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ Directions to Tangun Theater: 1. Go to any Tavern and say "Tangun" 2. Locate the Large Pot and walk into the Pot from the top 3. Follow scrolls to the building on the Left ((Tangun 65, 136))
~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~`*`~ ~ |
Many folks came to participate in the day of fun and mingle, enjoying the company and competitive environment while roaming free of the Zibong's presence.
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The games came to a close, and we gathered in the Tangun Theater to watch the Royals pin Metals of Honor to those who helped free the Kingdoms from the Zibong terror. All members of the community where tanked for everything they do, and we celebrated.
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It was about this time when that the festivities took a sharp turn to the unexpected, as a man by the name of GrimZa was brought forward by one named Flit and executed by Lasahn during the ceremony.

Shocked by the actions of the Queen of Buya, some questioned Lasahn's timing for such a punishment. Many froze in-pace confused, while others departed soon after the bloodshed. To complete the ceremony, we returned to our Kingdoms of origin and continued as Fireworks exploded in the skies over Tangun.
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Monday, September 21, 2020
Miaoxin Jailed
by: Bunker
-- 4:11 PM EST
Miaoxin Jailed in Kugnae After the failed ritual of sealing, the Diviner Order scrambled to find a way to seal the tears in reality between our world and the world of Gamangnara, and hopefully keep the King at bay. Unfortunately his agent Miaoxin had other plans. Unbeknownst to us, she was gathering power in the North Ogre Fortress, hoping to continue to expand the tear she created before.
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When the Diviners figured this out, they called to action the citizens of the kingdoms. Joining forces with the royals of Koguryo, Buya, the Ministry and Army of Koguryo, and the Navy of Oceana, over 100 citizens forced their way into the ogre palace, hoping to thwart her once again.
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Once they arrived in the final rooms of the Northern Ogre fortress, they found that Miaoxin had torn a portal in reality, and was holding the Elder of the Diviners hostage.
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As she was beaten back, using the Ice Panthers as a sheild, she appeared to jump through the tear. As the citizens followed her, they found themselves in the Frozen Tundra, with Ogres galore, but yet no Miaoxin.
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As they were clearing the area, Miaoxin was heard saging from the Palace of Koguryo, threatening to topple into ruins. The party made their way back to the palace, finding it filled with gargoyles and evil spirits, as well as Miaoxin.
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Finally, Prince Mobon and Prince MinJung surrounded her, placing magical dampening shackles on her wrists, and dragging her to the Palace Dungeon for safe keeping.
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It is not the end of this story though, as we are unsure of what it will take to seal the tears in reality between the two worlds, as well what can and should be done about Miaoxin.
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Damaged Orbs Guide
by: Bunker
-- 8:48 PM EST
A Guide to the Damaged Orbs Recently many folks have been returning to the Kingdom and have asked about Damaged Orbs. This guide will summarize what they are, how to obtain them and how to use them. NOTE: This does not cover Mage Orbs or Fragile Orbs.
Damaged Orbs (a.k.a. "Solo Orbs") The Damaged Orbs come in 7 flavors, each offer its own affect and can be obtained by any path. This gives the folks who enjoy soloing the option to temporarily change their spell loadout for enhanced experience gains. NOTE: It is made clear that Damaged Orbs are test items and may change or be removed completely. Exact values will not be used because of this.
 Damaged Orb of Invoke Casts Invoke on yourself when (U)sed. (Restores mana to 100% as it takes some of your health)
 Damaged Orb of Suppress Casts Scourge on your target when (U)sed. (+50 AC Curse similar to Poet but cannot be cast as quickly)
 Damaged Orb of Whirlwind Ripple Casts a Whirlwind style attack with Overflow in the spaces directly in front and behind you. (Overflow is a warrior skill that allows the extra damage to flow to nearby foes when you overkill. This means you can hit 8 spaces at once)
 Damaged Orb of Lethal Strike Ripple Casts a Lethal Strike style of attack with Backflow in the spaces directly in front and behind you. (Backflow is a Rogue skill that returns unused Mana when you overkill. This means you use very little mana when attacking weaker foes)
 Damaged Orb of Restore Casts Restore on your target when (U)sed. ( % Mana heal) (Similar to Poets. *Cannot be combined with 100k heal)
 Damaged Orb of Ballad Of Miin Casts a 100k Heal on your target when (U)sed. (A very strong Heal Other *Cannot be used with Restore Orb)
 Damaged Orb of Volcanic Blast Casts a 5-Way mana attack on your target. (Similar to the Mage Dog spell)
Pros: Allows for expanded soloing capabilities and loadout variety, as you can choose what spells you wish to build into your rotation. A poet can now solo if they wish by selecting the Lethal Strike ripple. Or, a Warrior can Invoke and Heal themselves. Rogues may wish to Scourge for added damage and Mages can find healing after an invoke a joy with the 100k heal.
Cons: Damaged Orbs cannot be used while grouped. You can still have them with you, but you will not have the ability to use them.
Due to the overpowered nature, you receive an Experience penalty while using the orbs. It is recommended you only use a single Damaged Orb if you seek experience and go for more orbs if you are doing things like Quests when experience or drops is not an issue. As each Orb you acquire will reduce Drop and EXP gains by roughly 40%. This effect stacks, leading to progressively worse gains and drops the more Orbs you have on you.
How to obtain your Damaged Orbs Head to Buya Gathering and enter the Incubator tent to speak to WoonSoo. He is the same guy you get your Daily Coins from. Talk to him about Damaged Orbs and you will be met with the following conversation:
 Each Orb will cost you (2) Daily Coins. Return to WoonSoo every 12 hours to obtain your coins. You must be insight 50+ and registered to collect coins and 99+ to get Damaged orbs.
How to add (U)seable items to your Hotkeys? You'll likely want to add your new Orbs to your Hotkeys to make casting simple. Note that this works with most items.
1):Press (F11) to open your Hotkey window titled "Macros".
 2):Select a key to edit with tab or by Clicking on the slot.
 3):Now with your Mouse, Click on the 'ITEMS' tab located next to your inventory. You should now see your items on the side.
 4):Now press the letter key associated with the item you wish to add to the Hotkey. You should see it change to the name of the item.
5):Press "[OK]" on your Hotkey list to confirm and you're ready! You can now (U)se the item simply by pressing that key.
For more information on Warrior Backflow and Rogue Backflow, visit the guild Tutor board, located in the Guild hall arena.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Kingdom Heroes "Smash" Zibong, Insurgents
by: Maron
-- 12:44 AM EST
Hey folks! Thursday evening, representatives from each of the Three Kingdoms coordinated strikes from their respective cities, advertised in the posts seen on Community Events board:
Board : Community Events Author : Amatus/Baltzen/dee Subject : Zibong Slash/Smash Date : 9/10
Citizens - We have had enough. It is time for us all to gather together and work on ridding our Kingdom of these Zibong infested commoners.
Tonight - Thursday 9/10 at 9:30pm EST
The Citizens of Buya/Koguryo/Nagnang will gather on the Palace steps. Together we will adventure out throughout the Kingdom to slay as many infested commoners as we can. Please come prepared with your Shaman Charm.
See you there!
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Some encouraging words were saged by kingdom officials leading the fight.

While the Kingdoms fought, legendary brothers KaMing and KaKhan staged an epic battle between Sonhi Nomads and Insurgents in the Eastern Gobi Desert. While some expected to return home after fighting in their respective Kingdom, Queen Lasahn urged her people to investigate this Sonhi skirmish.

Those interested in following Queen Lasahn and Queen Yun into the Desert would struggle to navigate the old road from KaMing's Encampment, more so to meet each other in the face of overwhelming Insurgent forces marching upon the Desert Steppe.
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Roughly thirty paces from the western edge of the Eastern Gobi Desert Steppe, KaKhan himself joined the battle, targeting those nearest Queen Yun and slaying anyone he could. This included Visionary Maduin, which would be a fatal mistake for the Revenant Overlord.
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Seeing their leader defeated, the remaining Sonhi Insurgents that were not crushed by their invigorated foes soon retreated, and the victorious were called home. Particularly in Koguryo, those that returned to the Palace steps were celebrated.
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While the Stygian Order and Zibong Calamity have departed from the Kingdoms, evil may persevere and present conflict once again. Nexus Atlas News will make an effort to let you know if or when it does!
~"Mark" Maron reporting ~Hyul 114, 8th Moon, 20th Sun
Friday, September 11, 2020
No more Zibongs - the kingdoms are safe again
by: Vini
-- 2:45 PM EST
After 10 weeks terrorizing the lands, the Zibong spirits are finally gone from the kingdoms. No more Stalker Zibongs approaching you randomly, no more Scout Zibongs summoning you around. Today is the first day since early July that people can walk around safely without wearing shaman charms and not get targeted by the evil spirits. There's a new post at the Whispering Winds bulletin board summarizing the events that lead to the end of the Zibong Calmanity. Here is a copy of it:
BOARD TITLE: Whispering Winds FROM: NexusTK DATE: 9/11 SUBJECT: The end of the Zibong Calamity The Zibongs are gone. After weeks trying to put an end to the calamity that inflicted the kingdoms, citizens of the three kingdoms combined efforts to fight off the remaining plaguing Zibongs.
Meanwhile, a massive battle took place at the East Gobi Desert Steppe. KaKhan led a huge Insurgent army through the desert to take over the stranded Sonhi Camp. The Sonhi soldiers led by KaMing tried to fight off the Insurgents but the difference in numbers was massive. KaKhan commanded thousands of insurgents, while his brother KaMing had only hundreds of soldiers standing their grounds.
It would have been a certain defeat for KaMing's people, but Queen Yun, Queen Lasahn, and Princess Sutsang joined forces in a campaign to ward off the Insurgents from the Gobi Desert. Fortunately for KaMing, there is an old western proverb which says, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". When Koguryo forces defeated KaKhan in battle, the remaining Insurgents retreated from the Desert.
With the downfall of the "Revenant Overlord" and the Zibongs kept back, the commoners were finally safe to return to their homes and resume their regular activities. For once in a long time, peace finally reigns back in the kingdoms. Nevertheless, with the Necromancer Jieut still on the loose, this probably won't that be the last time people hear from KaKhan. |
The Nexus Atlas team is working on a detailed report of the events that occurred yesterday evening that led to the defeat of KaKhan and the Zibongs. Stay tuned!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 114 Moon 8~
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
New Primogen of The Forsaken
by: Vini
-- 11:33 PM EST
There has been another shift of leadership in the kingdoms today as Primogen Asoma has announced that she was stepping down from Primogen of the Forsaken after six Hyuls serving the clan. She chose her Primarch Keiara as her successor in hopes to continue the good work she has put towards the clan. Keiara has been in the Forsaken clan with multiple passages but also was a member of the Silla Clan and Heavens Clan in the past. She returned to the Forsaken almost a year ago and hopefully will serve them for many years to come.

Nexus Atlas congratulates Primogen Keiara on her newest position and wishes Asoma good luck on her next endeavors.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 114, Moon 7~
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
New Director of the Shining Jewel Foundation
by: Bunker
-- 12:16 AM EST
The Director's touch as been passed This evening the Shining Jewel Foundation has appointed a new Director, as Baltzen passes his torch to Altar. Nexus Atlas would like to congratulate her and acknowledge all of her hard work within our community. Thank you for all that you do!

Baltzen, who is the current Buya Ministrer and was the previous SJF Director stated; "It is with great pleasure that I announce the passing of the Director's torch to Artisan and Poet Tutor Altar. I am proud to have served as Director and look forward to the new vigor that Altar will bring to it!"
Altar, the new Director of the SJF provided this quote for us; "I'd like to raise awareness of the SJF and the services we provide, and also recruit people who want to actively help others. The more help we can provide, the better!"
For those who may not know about what the SJF is or what it's goals are, here is a post from the SJF board:
------------------------- <`> Purpose and Goals <`> -------------------------
Headquarters Location: x08/y09 Buya Palace.
The Shining Jewel Foundation is the pinnacle of Buyan charity. It was founded during the Blood War, where its headquarters became a place of refuge from the fighting. Later, the Shining Jewel Foundation bolstered its resources and began to help citizens in need.
In its most basic form, the Shining Jewel Foundation exists to help people within our lands. This is accomplished through a variety of nonprofit means. Programs include: Newbie spell packages and gifts, quest assistance, giveaways, donor rewards, SJF Membership, and much more.
One of the Shining Jewel Foundation's core goals is to promote Buyan culture throughout our lands. This is accomplished not only by helping others - but by offering the collective talents, facilities, and resources of the Imperial Ministry. We will aid any organization or nation; they need only ask. This includes providing sponsorship money for events which focus on Roleplay, Community Assistance, or Cultural Events.
Additionally, the headquarters of the Shining Jewel Foundation will always be a refuge to those seeking asylum from the fires of war or the harshness of our world. Our roof will always be available to provide protection to the lost or downtrodden, as this is the very spirit of the Foundation.
With these goals in mind, the Shining Jewel Foundation will be here for those who need it - always.
If you need help, feel free to reach out!
Although originally established as a Buyan program, the SJF has recently become it's own thing in order to reach more young people and there's word they will move from the Palace in Buya to the Wilderness in the future.
If you are one who enjoys helping checkout the SJF, located (for now) in the Palace at Buya.