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Sunday, September 22, 2019
A Golden Opportunity to establish a Buyan Clan!
by: Kydra
-- 9:18 PM EST

Recently on the Chronicles of the Winds, Queen Lasahn of Buya has announced an exciting directive to encourage the creation of and growth of new rings and tribes within Buya.
This directive will allow the Treasury of Buya to reimburse all startup-costs of all new rings, including 500,000 gold for the ring formation and 500,000 gold towards activities. It will also allow the ring Primogen to work with the Queen and the Buyan Tribunal from an early stage to acquaint themselves with and streamline the process to clanhood.
To qualify, a ring or tribe must be located in Buya and have a unique identity and rich backstory that sets it apart from established clans. All rules for creating an official clan must be followed.
Queen Lasahn's entire text is below. As an editor's note, the post has been slightly condensed for HTML clarity. The original can be found here.
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Queen Lasahn DATE: 5/1 SUBJECT: A Golden Opportunity
To all citizens of the Empire and beyond:
The Empire of Buya is excited to announce it will be enacting a new directive program to encourage the development and growth of new rings and tribes within our Kingdom, with the hope to one day become the next official Clan of Buya!
This directive is geared at helping give citizens the opportunities and support to become an official clan. Queen Lasahn and the Tribunal of Buya wish to help energize and excite those who want to establish their own part of history within our Kingdom!
A few things we would currently like to see these new Rings have in order to take full advantage of this opportunity are:
1) Located within Buya. 2) A rich and unique backstory. What has brought your group together? What makes Buya the place to lay your roots? What lore runs deep within your tomes?
3) Must not be a copy or too closely related to the already established Clans (all included). 4) Be in line with all rules for Creating an Official Clan located on Guide board post #535.
Under this new directive the Treasury of Buya will aim to reimburse all start-up costs of all new rings formed within Buya until further notice. This startup package will include 500,000 gold for Ring formation, as well as an additional 500,000 gold for use towards events to help the organization in its activities.
Ring Primogens may also seek audience with the Queen and her Tribunal from an early stage, so they may begin to acquaint themselves with the fellow leaders of Buya and the processes that it will take to become official. This is to encourage current Clans and the new Rings to help one another as we all strive to see the Empire shine its brightest.
If you think you have met these guidelines and are ready to mark your place in history, please reach out to Queen Lasahn or Minister BloodOfThor to set up a meeting to discuss your Ring and its potential place within Buya.
These guidelines are subject to change as we continue to develop and enhance this program. As it is please reach out to either Minister BloodOfThor or Queen Lasahn should you have any questions!
The Ministry led by current Minister BloodOfThor will also seek to help these new Rings in whatever ways we can. Whether assisting in events, helping plan out a road to success, or publicity announcements - we all look to see Buya shine with your participation.
Whether you are already a Buyan citizen ready to help lead the community, asylum seekers from other Kingdoms looking for new peace, or simply travelers looking to settle down - we hope to see you shine within the Empire's light!
~ Queen Lasahn ~ ~ Head of State of Buya ~
Friday, September 20, 2019
A Majestic Tournament
by: Vini
-- 8:05 PM EST
We don't usually post about clans or subpaths events here, since there are some many happening per day it would be impossible to cover all as news, would overcrowd the news with those and would be unfair to cover some and not others. But today I'm making an exception, because one of these events probably made history today as being one of the events with greatest prizes involved.
The Ranger path usually hosts Archery tournaments in their subpath area, but when they announced that today's archery event would be a multi-path event, they didn't imagine that so many other paths would be interested in helping. Seven of the twelve paths joined to build up a great prize for first and second places.

1st Place: Archery Tournament Win mark and Archery Skill up from Rangers; Barbarian win mark; I'Ching Reading from Diviners; Ba Gua Reading from Geomancers; Treasure Hunt from Merchants; Shousha Mark from Do; 1Mil from Barbarians, 500K from FanMan; 500K from GooMiho 200K from Selina; and 2 Faded Stones from an anonymous donor. First place winner: FanMan
2nd Place 200K and 3 Cursed Arrows from Rangers; Battle Scar from Chonguns; Barbarian win mark; 300K Gold from Tinuhen tribe; 500K from VitaAlluWant; and 2 Faded Stones from an anonymous donor. Second place winner: VitaAlluWant
It's great to see so many initiatives been taken together multiple subpaths. A few days ago the Diviners, Geomancers and Merchants held a set of mini-classes around the kingdoms and it went very well too.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 106, Moon 10~
Sunday, September 15, 2019
8 New Koguryo Defenders
by: Vini
-- 10:45 AM EST

Last evening there was Defender Ceremony held in Koguryo at the Royal Reception Hall and it was a historic one. This was the first time a Koguryo Defender Ceremony wasn't held by M'hul, but instead was led by his sons, Prince MingJung and Prince Mobon, while being overviewed by Queen Yun. The ceremony started at 6pm EDT and lasted over about one hour. It recognized 8 new koguryian defenders:
Bear clan: Jeffer and Liduchen Enigma clan: Clea Oceana clan: GooMiho and UlLim Sun Moon Sect: Sakilo and TaiPatron Koguryo Royal Army: Pudepi
The Destiny clan, the Tiger clan and the Royal Ministry of Koguryo did not nominate anyone to be recognized as defenders this time.
Nexus Atlas congratulates all the honored defenders and may their pledge to defend their kingdom be fulfilled for a life time.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 106, Moon 9~
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
New Leaders in Buya
by: Vini
-- 8:15 AM EST
A couple of weeks ago there have been two changes of leadership in Buya. First one was in the Heavens clan, where Primogen Savannah stepped down from her third but short term and this time appointed Iroas to be the new leader of the clan.
Second leadership shift was in the Buya Army. General Supreme stepped down after 12 Hyuls and appointed Teto as the new General, who came back from a hiatus and is now leading BIA in his second term.
Nexus Atlas congratulates Primogen Iroas and General Teto and wishes them good fortune in their roles. Also, good luck to Savannah and Supreme on their future endeavors too.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 106, Moon 5~