Past News
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Saturday, September 22, 2018
Autumn is in the Air!
As the leaves change colors around us, the scent of pumpkin spice and the spirit of Halloween begins to fill our spirits! Feeling this change, CoverGirl has felt inspired enough to release this Fall's Kruna!! See below for details:
BOARD TITLE: Item Shop Announcements FROM: CoverGirl DATE: 9/20 SUBJECT: Fall update
Hi Kingdoms~
Fall update! and Halloween is around the corner so I put some Black and Orange colors, but not the scary ghosts yet. They will be here soooon~ Boooo~
Courtship gowns and garbs are back, one of the most requested coats of ours. This time, make sure you get all your favorite colors! I know you will ask me again to put them back for your collection once they are gone..... Please don't miss your chance :)
Usable Items: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Weapons: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Mounts: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Head Items: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Mantle: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Necklaces: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Coats: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Shoes: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Perfect your Autumn Outfit and strut your stuff this Fall, I noticed West Kugnae has been fairly active! *winks*
Hyul 98, 10th Moon, 27th Sun *;'IcePixy';*
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
SUCCESS! Taal'yeein Prisoners Escape!

It seems that while we were busy with the recent 'ATG Test' caves, much has been going on in the Taal'yeein Enclave behind closed doors, including the Prisoners finally breaking out, it took many of us to help but we succeeded! Check out the details below:
BOARD TITLE: Whispering winds FROM: NexusTK DATE: 9/14 SUBJECT: Taal'yeein Prison break aftermath
Escape of high priority prisoners made Taal'yeein authorities take notice of the recent influx of new faces, especially around the market area.
Town now appears on high alert with streets quieter than usual. It's as if everyone is told to stay indoors and not to talk to strangers. Popular Game of Chance entrepreneurs are nowhere to be seen.
It looks like someone high up believes they were involved with the prison break, serving as a distraction. No matter how much Tuentuh and Tuk try to deny any knowledge of the above, their business is finished and location hushed. It looks like we won't see them for sometime now. All Hired Guards were let go of. Internal Militia is now in charge.
On the other hand, prisoners are thankful for their release; Taaisrhaa is reunited with his beloved wife SkoGul, ManlyMan is undergoing rehabilitation and will return soon, and as for the fisherman?? Well, he's so overwhelmed with feelings of appreciation that he wants to give back and do something nice in return.
And since this fisherman happens to be one of the very few who knows how to navigate the River of Stones, he's decided that he will man the abandoned ship where old Tersche likes to ??fish' and offer all of us free rides! He's just going to go back home for a brief visit in hopes to catch a glimpse or a word of Princess Serena, and then return right back to fulfill his promise.
Hang onto your hats Ladies and Gents! It sounds like we're in for a .. bumpy ride! *grins*
Hyul 98, 9th Moon, 25th Sun *;'IcePixy';*
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Yesterday's Server Reset
by: Vini
-- 11:20 AM EST
A server reset happened yesterday and introduced a new method to travel to Gogoon Islands. Captain Roilem now offers trips to Gogoon for 10,000 coins or a quest to travel there multiple times. It's not known if this is a permanent addition or a temporary thing, but enjoy it.

Captain Roilem is located at 090,060 east Kinung, near the Little Shop where Mananana, Dashae and Taek Pae offer their services.
Here is a copy of the reset notes as posted on Dream Weavers board:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 9/14 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Sep. 14th, 2018
- A new transportation available for Gogoon
- Item Repair added to Carnage NPCs
- Ongoing RP event
- SubPath/Clan fixes. (Sorry, Barbarians and Merchants. Yours is coming soon.)
- Test ATG caves closed

The item repair addition to carnage doors NPCs were a very interesting addition as well. Now if you have too many items to enter Elixir war and needs to deposit something or if you have items that aren't allowed in carnages, instead of having to leave the room to find a smith and risk finding the door locked after, you can now repair and deposit it there. Be mindful there are some items that still can be repaired, so a good preparation saves you and the hosts some time.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 98, Moon 9~
Friday, September 14, 2018
The Chongun Prince
by: Vini
-- 2:05 AM EST
One month ago, Prince Mobon of Koguryo made history becoming the first Royal to choose a subpath. Yesterday his twin brother also made history and after a long period of training he has sworn to uphold the Chongun creed.

The journey of MingJung into the Chongunate started many moons ago. Both MingJung and Mobon were still studying and learning about the kingdoms, both got trained in the Art of War and have shown great interest in learning the way of the Chongun.
Although Mobon has been recognized as a Shaman, he still shows interest in contemplating knowledge with the Chongunate and learning valuable lessons that may help him on his journey. Prince MingJung however decided to go beyond that. After his twin brother became a Shaman, MingJung decided to formally train to join the Chongunate. He studied the virtues the values and demonstrated understanding of honor, he participated in missions, classes, studied peace, strategy and finished heavenly advanced trials. Prince MingJung continues his training assisted with lessons from four different guides, studies for weeks and endured long hours of lessons on history of the kingdoms.
After undergoing a formal aspirant training, he took his initiation ritual at Heaven's Ascent where he sworn to the Creed in front of 8 other Chonguns and the new KRA General as a guest. After, the initiation rite was concluded he then continues his training but now as a Chongun Cadet.

After a Prince became a Shaman amidst the whole conflict between Mudangs and Diviners, this is surely another intriguing moment for Hae family, the Royal family of Koguryo. The Barbarians path, which despise royalty feel now that their long-seated disdain for the Chonguns has heightened at the addition of the koguryian Prince. Will the two warrior paths be able to continue sorting out their differences as they have been doing in past Hyuls? Time will tell, and Nexus Atlas will cover it!
A Special thanks to multiple members of the Chongun path for sharing detailed information about MingJung's training.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 98, Moon 8~
Thursday, September 13, 2018
New General of Koguryo
by: Vini
-- 11:47 PM EST
Last tuesday during the biweekly Koguryo Clan tribunal, the KRA General Amatus announced he would be stepping down from his position after 24 hyuls of service ((3 years)) to the kingdom.
As his successor he has been preparing his Lt. General Saiyanwar for the past 6 months to take over the position and leading the Koguryo Army. Sayianwar has been Lt. General for over two years and an officer for almost five.

"I'm here to strive and rebuild the Koguryo Royal Army with better possibilities and to work with every soldier", said Sayianwar.
Nexus Atlas congratulates General Sayianwar. on his new position and thanks Amatus for years of service to Koguryo and nexus community overall.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 98, Moon 8~
Monday, September 3, 2018
Secret Spider Room?

Many citizens of Koguryo have been receiving a odd message in their action box stating "A Trapdoor spider emerges to the surface." This is often triggered by stepping on a trap in Kugnae's Spider Cave to spawn a Trapdoor Spider.

General Amatus and Ranger Elder Baik became curious and was able to locate a new room in Spider's Web (26,22). This room has another entrance that is currently not accessible (storms). There are also skeletons, ravens, and trapdoor spiders that wander the room.
