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Saturday, September 20, 2014
More from KRU on Fraud
by: Loxie
-- 12:24 AM EST
We are still communicating and working with our payment processors regarding the fraudulent transactions. As of now though, we really can’t find anything on our end, and the volume of fraudulent transactions we've received and reported are so small it’s making the review process harder.
We are confident that the security of our credit card processing is very high. But since there are players that still may feel uneasy, we’ve added many alternative payment methods through Paymentwall. You will see during checkout that Paymentwall now includes many credit card and non-credit card options to choose from. For autorenewal subscriptions, you can always choose Paypal as an alternative to credit cards.
Thank you
Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: Department: Account / Billing
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Snatched from RT
by: Loxie
-- 5:02 AM EST
Lead posted this on the Rambling Thoughts board. It makes sense, but where do the two wells come in?
it seems like these are hints to solve the diary quest... the more crab you hand in, the more clues you get for solving that quest
most of them are hinting at the number of items and possible combinations...
8 leads you to 5... There are 8 items you can make from the diary quest: Polished Stone: Wings of Fury: Plate of metal: Lightly Stiched Shell: Focused fire amber: Tortured Human soul: Heavy Champion rune: Snake Skin Mesh:
but somehow we combine these into 5 I'm guessing
Well good luck to those who invested in it a while ago, they are about to get rich(er)
Woah, woah, woah!
by: Loxie
-- 2:18 AM EST
"Goddess" Lasahn killed Guerrund? What is this insanity? He is one head shorter as a result of "hearsay and disobedience". I bet Kinung is happy!
I received more information on this:
All Primogen at Tribunal were asked to sage their support of the Goddess Lasahn. Guerrund, always disobedient, refused, and so the Queen ordered him executed. He was dragged onto the palace steps by the Buyan Army and slain by Goddess Lasahn. A man named Metatron challenged the Queens Godhood to her face and was named a Heretic.
So after Guerrund died, the Army Chased Metatron for a bit but he escaped.
The palace was attacked by a strange man who seemed to be asking for help as if he couldn't control his actions. He kept exploding into piles of monstrous spirits. Soldiers fought him and his spirits off, and he eventually managed to share that his master wanted the Generals head for his part in the death of Guerrund, and that his master was the man all in red(someone suggested that that sounded like Crewelye a shaman). A Giant spirit ripped out of him and swung massive swords knocking the general to the ground and denting his armor(and breaking a few ribs) The spirit moved into the palace where he summoned a legion of these things, and when he tried to take Reon's head, the general, exhausted and sliced up from continual battle, got in a lucky swing dispersing the creature, but not banishing it from our world.
The general was lead by soldiers to the barracks to bandage his wounds, remove his dented armor and recover.
A soldier was attacked in the palace, about a half hour later, while clearing out the last of the abominations. Engell of the Phoenix clan, held a soldier at sword point, and the general, knowing he was needed, limped out of bed but proved too injured to fight. The men, all from Phoenix, former employees of Guerrund, tortured and beat the already injured general, as soldiers attempted to stop them. They stabbed Reon in the gut before departing, and Reon fell unconscious. After tense healing magic that didn't seem to be fully effective, the general was moved to the barracks for more in depth medicines, and rest. He has been unconscious since.
General Reon is expected to make a full recovery in time.
Meanwhile, while the general is in bed recovering, the Buyan Minister Biondeu has been busy rounding up support for his group of rebels against Lasahn. The only ones suspected of joining at the moment are the Phoenix clan, but who knows how many clans and individuals will decide to join up. Biondeu scoured every area of the palace except the barracks for the Queen, but could not find her. No word on what he was planning to do if he DID find her. Many meetings are being planned and held throughout the kingdom to figure out how to respond to the Quee...Goddess's most recent 'Commandment".
by: Loxie
-- 2:13 AM EST
All of SanSin's licking Lasahn between the toes has now paid off! She has declared herself a Goddess. Thank the Dreamweavers for sane Kings like my Mhuly. -Smooches her Mhul drawing.- So here is what she had to say:
~| A Message from the Divine Sovereign of Buya |~
People of Buya,
For too long, heresy has run rampant and blasphemers have been casually tolerated. Until recently, no one recognized me as a Goddess. This has changed. All must now realize their mistake, all must see my holy nature. Therefore, sacrilege will no longer be accepted.
Henceforth, Buyans must worship me above all others. The worship of lesser deities and impostors will cease immediately on penalty of exile or death. This includes those upstart totem beasts who call themselves Gods and the nine Muse charlatans. The Goddess Lasahn is to be the only deity recognized in Buya.
~The Goddess~ ~Shining Jewel of the World~
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Help Hana!
by: Loxie
-- 9:22 PM EST
Uh oh. It seems like someone couldn't keep her lover in the kingdoms! Hana's man fled to the ocean and they're afraid he won't come back.
 Fortunately for them, you're here to help! Once you speak to Soon she'll tell you a long, drawn out story where you agree to save the day. (Warning, if you don't agree you'll probably have to wait a few hours. I have know clue if that's true, though. Didn't feel the need to try it.)  So you agree to help out (I mean the poor girl just sits there crying, what else would you do?) and she continues on.  And on. (Again, we agree to help.)  And on!  Just make sure you're full, otherwise your offer will be rejected and she will make you speak with her all. Over. Again.  So once you've agreed she gives you a nifty little torch to use for cooking some crabs before they eat the campfires. Why do the crabs hate Hana? No clue.  If you don't catch the crab in time, it'll eat the fire and the fire goes away. No spells, no other weapons, nothin'. You have to kill it with your handy dandy torch and sometimes they just don't die.  And once you do kill them you get the claws, which Soon will take from you.  Alright, so when you have 25 claws and turn them in, you get to go back and assure Soon you have them. Click on the "I'm Back!" Option.  And more talking.  At this point you receive minor quest experience and a torch weapon skin of your very own! GO YOU. On a side note, people are telling me she gives clues to the Diary Quest. Here is what was found so far. Some hints so far are: From Teto- Eight will lead you to five. Two wells are all you need. From Reon- Catastrophic hurricanes should not be taken lightly. MegaBuster - Count the Plate carefully I received: Pinacle of cowardice
Server Reset September 17th, 2014
by: Loxie
-- 6:10 PM EST
* Soon and Hana are distressed: Hana's lover is missing, see if you can help out! Hana has been setting up fires on Dae shore
Minor updates for: - Geomancer subpath
Saturday, September 6, 2014
New Ranger Elder - He's a BeastGuy!
by: Guldar
-- 11:19 PM EST
 Breaking news! Only minutes ago there was another shift in Eldership in the Wilderness. Marlon has stepped down, choosing his right hand man Elder BeastGuy to take up the reigns and lead the Ranger path. When the new Elder was asked for comment, BeastGuy made the following statement, "I would like to thank Marlon for all his hard work and service. As Elder I look forward to teaching new blood the ways of the Ranger, as well as upholding our traditions." Keep up the good work, and good luck! Ranger on! --Guldar
For the Horde! - New Barbarian Elder
by: Guldar
-- 10:56 PM EST
 A few nights ago, the not-so proverbial Barbarian Torch was passed on from the hands of Zarcom to his successor Elder SkoGul. We at NexusAtlas wish both SkoGul and the Barbarian path a better and brighter future. When asked for comment, Elder SkoGul only grunted and snarled at this NexusAtlas reporter before she rended her garments screaming "FOR THE HORDE!" as she streaked out of Kugnae. --Guldar
Kru and Fraud Charges
by: Loxie
-- 8:20 PM EST
Received another email from KRU's support:
If there are players that have not reported in yet with specific details of the fraudulent charges, it would help if they provide this info individually to us. We are currently communicating with payment processors to figure this out, and only a few players have reported to us so far.
Thank you for your help.
Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: (Removed) Department: Account / Billing
If you're receiving fraud charges please ticket KRU with the following information. They can't look into it without your help.
Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
To prevent such a thing from happening in the first place, we do not keep any credit card information in our system. And the user interface you see during checkout is actually the interface of the payment company. It's very very heavily encrypted transaction, and their business is secure payment processing. Because of that, we need to get a better understanding of your (and other players) incidents. If you could provide more information, such as :
- Who fraudulently charged your card, and for what amount (info you see on statements) - What coupon (registration, kruna, autorenewal etc) you purchased prior to this incident - Payment processor, if you remember
Any information would help us to look into this in more depth.
Thank you for your constant support.
Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: (Removed) Department: Account / Billing