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Sunday, September 30, 2012
New Koguryo Defenders and Changes to the Royal Ministry
by: Vini
-- 5:03 PM EST
Last evening Koguryo had 6 new defenders recognized by King M'hul at Royal Coliseum. At the end of the ceremony, Koguryo Ministry announced an important upgrade to their roles within the kingdom's government, as they now have 5 divisions/roles to which citizens may apply.

The ceremony began with Minister Vales greeting the crowds and Royal Curator Loxie reciting the Anthem of Koguryo. Then, the King explained a bit of the process that comes in the choosing a new defender. Koguryo clans nominate 3 their exemplary members and the most qualified one at the time is chosen by King MuHyul to be recognized as a defender. The King also promised to make an important announcement at the end of the ceremony.
These were the citizens who pledged to defend Koguryo and earned their Koguryo azure-blue dye: SammanS, Primarch of Bear Clan Alvera, Moon Shadow of Sun Moon Sect AellaX, Head Watcher of Oceana Clan Fizgid, Head Samaritan of Destiny Clan BellaTiAmo, Primarch of Tiger Clan

Besides the five original chosen ones, King M'hul also recognized Primogeness Almalexian of Oceana Clan as a Koguryo defender as an extra honor.
As the ceremony approached its end, the King announced the changes he and Vales been working to expand the areas of activity of Koguryo Ministry. King M'hul announced that Vales is now Prime-Minister of Koguryo and that she overviews 5 ministry divisions:
Ministry of Development: Responsible for studying and suggesting improvements to the lands of Koguryo as well as handling the ministry Deed's Quest. Members: Minister Loxie & Royal Councilor Dartanis.
Ministry of Culture and Administration: Responsible for organizing cultural events and royal ceremonies. Members: Minister Phaeodra & Royal Councilors Gwisin and Satein.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Responsible for keeping close diplomatic relations with Buya, Nagnang and other neighboring kingdoms, as well as Tangun and Kinung. Members: Royal Councilors Aquairus and Elarra.
Ministry of Defense: Responsible for evatulating situations of risk to kingdom's defense and enforcing the Code of Defenders to all Koguryo Defenders. Members: Royal Councilors Vini and Owym
Ministry of Economy: Responsible for monitoring price list with merchang guild, keeping records of inflation and deflation of prices and advising on tribute to the kingdom. Members: (not currently filled)

Just before closing the ceremony, the Ministry also announced those who had accomplished the Deeds Quest and shall be marked as "Praised for Deeds of Citzenship". They were: Amaranth, Hydrapulse and LotusEmber.
Nexus Atlas congratulates the new Koguryo Defenders and all who were honored at this special evening for the kingdoms, in special to Vales who was "promoted" and became Koguryo's Prime-Minister.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 50, Moon 12~
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Defender's ceremony has began
by: Vini
-- 10:16 PM EST
Koguryo defender's ceremony is happening now at Royal Coliseum.
Come participate!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 50, Moon 12~
Friday, September 28, 2012
Koguryo Defender's Ceremony - Tomorrow!
by: Vini
-- 10:50 PM EST
It's time to recognize those citizens who have shown devotion to Koguryo and its King and shall bear the title and dye of Koguryo Defender, after pleding to defend the kingdom.
As posted by Minister Vales at Community Events board, the Royal Ministry of Koguryo invites everyone to partake in this very special celebration which will also recognize those who were praised for deeds of citizenship.

The ceremony is scheduled to be held tomorrow, September 29th, at 7:00 P.M. Est. / 4:00 P.M. Pst, inside the Royal Coliseum of Kugnae Palace. To reach the Royal Coliseum go to Kugnae Palace (Kugnae 110,093) then walk across the courtyard and move up the stairs towards the middle west door, cross the throne room and reach the northwest corner into the Coliseum Atrium.
Be sure to not miss this!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 50, Moon 12~
Thursday, September 27, 2012
New Buya Throne Room
by: Vini
-- 10:36 PM EST
It seems that during the honeymoon of Princess Lasahn and Lord Geumwa, the Buya Palace has gone under some some restructure and has been completed revamped, refurnished and redecorated. Here is how it looks like now:

At top part of the room they also got two thrones. Sounds like Buya will have important changes coming soon.

~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 50, Moon 12~
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Yesterday's server reset
by: Vini
-- 11:05 PM EST
Yesterday nexus servers were reset and brought the following changes: * September itemshop items will be going in today
 * A bug that occasionally prevented kills of mythic bosses from registering has been fixed
Minor updates for: - Dharma clan
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 50, Moon 12~
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Princess Lasahn and Geumwa are married!
by: Vini
-- 10:54 PM EST
Last Saturday, citizens of the Kingdoms of Winds witnessed the most important wedding over the past years: Princess Lasahn's wedding with Lord Geumwa of Han, celebrated at Kinung Chapel. The ceremony was conferred prestige by the presence of King M'hul of Koguryo and King SuroKim & Queen Jeewon> of Kaya. Prince ChaeRi of Nagnang unfortunately was not present.

Days before the wedding of His Royal Highness Princess Lasahn and Lord Geumwa began their preparations for the wedding. Lord Geumwa changes his haircut style. Princess Lasahn and her ministry had a Pre-Wedding Soiree on the hours that preceded the ceremony.

As the wedding hour approached, the vibrant buildup of spectators within the ceremonial chapel, at first seemed a bit empty towards an event of such importance. Then, the crowds finally arrived, all intending on squeezing into the same small spaces closer to the sparkling altar. Some were locals, but many had traveled across kingdoms to be part of this historical moment. Those lucky or determined enough to grab the best vantage points were also caught by the ink & brush of Nexus Atlas.

The ceremony commenced with a kaleidoscopic performance by Muses Guild of Buya, all dressed up as serpent dragons who danced to the resonant voice of Lady-in-waiting, Jolie.

The sacrament was followed by the enchanting words of Shaman Elder Inrequietus who blessed the matrimonial of the royals. After the beautiful vows bestowed by the bride and the groom, the wedding was made official. The newly minted royal couple, Geumwa and Lasahn, shared a kiss before the anxious crowd who expected to witness the long waited dreamful moment of any lady.

After the wedding ceremony ended, citizens were able to receive a legend mark stating that they were part of the ceremony which celebrated the Buya royal wedding.

~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 50, Moon 9~
New Spy Elder
by: Loxie
-- 9:01 PM EST
And the new Spy Elder is...
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
A Little Love from Sire Pit
by: LilB
-- 11:02 PM EST
Sire Pit was a bit lonely tonight.. so we decided to share some love with all of you!

There is nothing better than a little lovin' from time to time.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The Forums are back up!
by: Loxie
-- 11:23 PM EST
Some of you may have noticed that the forums are down. Choo has saved the day yet again by going in and fixing it for us. Thank you, LordAchoo!
Woodlands Diary Update!
by: Loxie
-- 12:47 AM EST
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Pre-Wedding Soiree

The Pre-Wedding Soiree is happening now at the Shining Jewel Foundation located inside the Imperial Buyan Palace.
The Imperial Ministry of Buya invites you to join to celebrate the future union of Princess Lasahn and Lord Geumwa. Special blessings will be given to Princess Lasahn and Lord Geumwa on behalf of Buya and the late Emperor Senshi, for a bright and successful marriage.
-,-@ Donjuan
Yesterday's Server reset
Yesterday, nexus servers were reset and brought ninor updates for the following clans and subpaths. Viper clan Pegasus clan Forsaken clan Druid subpath Do subpath Ranger subpath Shaman subpath Oceana clan
-,-@ Donjuan
Friday, September 14, 2012
Geumwa's Midnight Stroll
I had a chance encounter with the Royal from Han, Geumwa, Lastnight. Upon following him, I discovered he appeared to be trying to Serge, the man at the Buya Salon. Geumwa wanted a haircut! Serge took real good care of him, and Geumwa was satisfied with his new style. Geumwa then went to the Southern gate of Buya, where he was quite displeased with the defensive measures.

He did not understand why there were no guards, and why the gate was open to everyone. He thought that people should have to give notice to come and go from Buya.
By the end of our conversation, one thing was very clear; Major changes are on the way. He spoke of the lack of defense Buya had. He also spoke of his disapproval of Mu'Hyul's methods of ruling. He said he heard Mu'Hyul was a poser. That he tries to please everyone. He's too soft of a ruler, and does not rule like he should.
It seems Geumwa will have some very strict rules when he becomes ruler over Buya. One must wonder, just how strict will he be? Will Geunwa be a complete tyrant? Or will he simply make sure things are much more secure for his citizens? What exactly are his intentions? And what about Lasahn!? Will she no longer have a say in matters at all?
I suppose we will all see very soon...
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Upcoming Buya Wedding
by: Vini
-- 10:22 PM EST

The wedding of Princess Lasahn and Lord Geumwa will take place at Kinung Chapel on Saturday, September 15th at 10 PM EST. Please be sure to arrive early if you're willing to attend.
You are cordially invited to attend the union of Princess Lasahn Ling Chun Senshi and Lord Geumwa of Han. This is a joining of hands that will no doubt echo through the kingdoms for all of time; a ceremony that will delight and intrigue.
Two great lands will strengthen a bond with love. The Princess has many fond memories of Han, those that her father also shared.
Princess Lasahn wishes for everyone to join her on this day. A day that will celebrate Buya's great power, romance, and a bright future for the Empire and its citizens. The Princess assures us that this will only bring strength and prosperity to the Empire.
The ceremony will take place at the Grand Chapel in Kinung. All are welcome, but there will be a zero tolerance policy for interruptions. |
Nexus Atlas will be there to cover the most important ceremony if the year!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 50, Moon 8~
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Grab the S'mores
by: Loxie
-- 6:14 PM EST
Knoodel found a campfire on the loose in the Woodlands! It can be killed, but takes forever and gives no experience. Apparently the thing moves around as well. There is currently no information on what it drops, or it's purpose, but it's assumed the campfire is some sort of clue to the Woodlands Diary Quest.

New Kurimja Primogen
by: Loxie
-- 7:10 AM EST
Scud has stepped down in favor of Shyandera. Congratulations to the new Primogen and good luck in your endeavors!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Server Reset - September 7, 2012
by: Guldar
-- 9:04 PM EST
Server Reset, as posted by GM Stein:
* Updated Woodlands to provide more clues for the diary quest
--Guldar --The Ursine Ronin
New Spy Elder - AND Lockdown?
by: Loxie
-- 4:51 AM EST
There is a new Spy Elder! Payanes handed off Elder to Jaybird, apparently to the Archons' chagrin. The path has been put into another lockdown.