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Friday, September 23, 2011
What is Taik Pae up to?
by: Rachel
-- 5:17 AM EST
We do not know what will happen next, but this is what we do know!
Taik Pae will randomly speak. This is what he says:
True, brother! But, it's for our KING!
Oh no. I am missing something! How can I go on! *pulls his hair out*
*sighs * Oh, Dashae...
I remember when things were simple, all you need were rocks, sand, and heavier rocks
I can’t leave it! No, not when I am so close….
Now a pinch of this, and a drop of that… Perrfect! *rubs hands with glee*
*looks around* La! Just one piece! Just one.
He also responds to the following words and phrases:
Element: Shhh… I am not doing anything wrong here…
Lost mines: How can they be lost, la!
Smelt: La! This smelt I am making will be like no other!
Phoenix: Oh no, no. I can’t talk about it, it’s forbidden ya know!*looks sideways*
King: I will make a special sword for my king! Juuust as soon as I finish this smelt…
Mhul: I will make a special sword for my king! Juuust as soon as I finish this smelt…
Dashae: A fine woman. We miss each other, but she understands…*sighs* She knows.
Mananana: La! That’s my cousin thrice removed!
Beard: My brother is an excellent blacksmith!
Pirate: Ghastly fellas, but hey, they need weapon mending like the rest of us!
When you give Taik Pae the Walsuk's special (See Vini's post just below this one) you will get a status message:
As you peek over Taik Pae’s shoulder, you notice something that’s brighter than fire in the kiln.
(Thank you to Nimaway for posting the missing quote on the community board)
Here's a copy of the Whispering Winds post:
After Nexus citizens facilitated Taik Pae?s release from the Temple of Elements, Beard asked him to come over for a visit so they could catch up on lost times. Beard was very excited on the prospect of having his little brother by him once again. He encouraged Taik Pae to take some time to rest. Taik Pae thought it was a splendid idea, and the fact that this would situate him within a close vicinity of Beard?s custom kilns sealed the deal! It seems that Taik Pae can't stay away from smithing even on vacation! But, being back from such a long journey, he must be too exhausted to begin any serious project...
Walsuk's Special Walkthrough
by: Vini
-- 1:36 AM EST
As Lost Mine is closed, seems Taik Pae is now visiting his brother, the Beard smith, at Kugnae. And with this visit there's also a new quest for citizens!
 1. Go to Beard smith at Kugnae and click Taik Pae. Choose the option "I will bring you that Walsuk’s special!"
2. Go To Walsuk Tavern a and say "Walsuk’s Special
3. Hear what she has to say then ask about the "ingredients" for Walsuk's special.
4. Bring her Peas (3), Grilled beef (1), Noodles (1) and Salk block (2) and say "ingredients" again.
BUG - (After Walsuk takes your items, do NOT repeat the phrase "Walsuk's special" there ever again or else she's forget she took it from you and you'll have to gather them again)
5. Wait 30 irl minutes for the dish to be ready. Return to Walsuk and say "ingredients" for the third time.
 6. Take Walsuk's special to Taik Pae in Beard's shop - click him and he'll take it from you. ----------------------------------------------- At this step everyone is still stuck. We'll update as soon as anyone finds the next step.
 Citizens attempt many keyword combinations to find next step of Taik Pae's quest.
Special thanks to Cybella and Excaliber for posting walkthrough on community board.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 42, Moon 11~
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Lost Mines are closed!
by: Vini
-- 11:25 PM EST
Today there was a server reset in the lands of Nexus and with the shift of the winds, the entrance to Lost Mines got closed once again.
Check below a list of other changes that came from the reset: * Fixed a long-standing bug with the fox hunt system that would require people to re-log after summoning 8 foxes
* Updated elixir maps for carnage system
* New carnage champion legend marks
Minor updates for: Oceana clan Forsaken clan Pegasus clan Dharma clan Heavens clan Shaman subpath
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 42, Moon 11~
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
New old elder of merchants
by: Vini
-- 1:37 AM EST
Just now, the merchant guild witnessed its 27th elder shift during the history of the path. The twenty-eighth elder is actually a well-known face among the Merchants: AphroditeXO, famous for being the elected elder that during her first eldership (Yuri 73-Yuri 76) fixed the bad impressions towards the path left by her predecessor, Ilios.
AphroditeXO takes over the leadership of the path for the second period, but this time she assumes it when the guild is already in a very good shape. That is thanks to Elder Keaira, who led from Hyul 36 to Hyul 42 with dedication and much hard work.
 Nexus Atlas would like to congratulate Elder AphroditeXO on her new old position and thanks Keaira for her deeds to the lands of the winds. ~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 42, Moon 10~
Friday, September 16, 2011
Judge Mintaka
by: Vini
-- 11:34 PM EST
A few days ago Mintaka finished her justice training and was appointed as the newest judge of Nexus. Born in Yuri 51, Judge Mintaka is also a Sa san Monk. Nexus Atlas would like to congratulate Judge Mintaka for her new achievement and wishes her goodluck when serving the community with fair judgment.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 42, Moon 2~
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Shifts in Power
by: Guldar
-- 8:19 PM EST
A couple of days ago, there was a shift in the leadership of the Pegasus Clan of Nagnang. AkiKan has retired, leaving the clan in the hands of Polgandra. The retiring Primogen made the following statement to this NexusAtlas Reporter, "I wish Polgandra the best of luck, and hope her reign over the clan will be an exciting one."
 From Left: Ret. Primogen AkiKan, Primogeness Polgandra
There has also been a shift in the leadership of the Phoenix Clan of Buya. Primogeness Leilei has stepped down, leaving her clan in the capable hands of Guerrund. At the time of this posting, this reporter had not been able to reach the Phoenicians for comment. Thank you to Scintilla for the news alert. --Guldar --The Ursine Ronin
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Somebody needs a friend
by: Guldar
-- 8:01 PM EST
It seems that all of the rocks blocking the little Air spirit from getting back to his mother finally got smashed to bits by the citizens of the Nexus. Now there is a Bored Rock, and he is feeling a little depressed now that his friends are all gone.
In the Blazing River, after you walk across the lava with your Shoes of the Lavawalker, you will find the Bored Rock.
 He is in a bad mood, griping about how lonesome he is now that his friends all left.  If you click on the Bored Rock, he will tell you his story. 
If you don't feel like taking pity on such an ornery rock, he gets upset and says some bad things. Maybe we should report the Bored Rock to Justice, and let him have a chat with the rock in the Donjon?

If you feel sorry for smashing up his rock friends, then you can try to cheer him up!  Bring him 29 Rock Pieces, since he didn't like Harry, and he will feel better! Rock pieces come from the Lost Mines, and up until today were considered trash and littered the floor. Now that they're of use, many miners are hoarding them and charging prices that rival the cost of Fire Essences. However, you can still find plenty of them laying around on the floor, or find a miner with scruples who will give them up for free. 

 Your reward is knowing in your heart that you did the right thing to make ammends for killing the Bored Rock's friends, and of course, the legend mark so you will never forget it! --Guldar --The Ursine Ronin
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The hunt for Goblin Spearmen
by: Vini
-- 11:48 PM EST
 Over the past days people have been selling essences of fire, which are crucial to finish the Lost Mines event quest, for extreme prices such as 50k per item. A price that began with 1mil a set and the slowly has gone down to 500k-600k the essence set. Some players have been expending their savings to buy these since at higher level caves they seem to be really hard to obtain. Players been hunting for hours to obtain 1-2 essences of fire enough to lose their patience and decide to buy the essences of fire for extreme prices. The most important thing people realized after a while of hunting Lost Mines goblins is that only one type of goblin drops the essence of fire which is why it is a little harder to obtain. It is the green goblin called " Goblin Spearman" (see picture at the top). Picture below shows how easy it is to obtain the rest of the elemental essences:  What some citizens have been doing is: hunt these Goblin spearmen at Lost Mines cave 1 since it's easier. Therefore they get a full set within 30 minutes and still sell it for "exorbitant" prices. Keep these options in mind and decide if you would rather hunt the essences of fire on your own or pay the price being charged. And by all means, have fun at the event! ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 42, Moon 7~
Bones! (Updated with images)
by: Rachel
-- 4:05 AM EST
I was asked to make this list of the bones carried by leech bosses.
They have the same stats as Lost Mine Diamonds.
Bones of clumsy intruder = Jade diamond
Bones of klutzy intruder = Forest diamond
Bones of tired traveler = Azure diamond
Bones of exhausted traveler = Lazuline diamond
Bones of unlucky adventurer = Night diamond (Corrected)
Bones of hopeless adventurer = Shade diamond (Corrected)
Bones of puzzled trekker = Crimson diamond
Bones of lost trekker = Cerise diamond
Bones of relentless seeker = Searing diamond
Bones of devout seeker = Lucent diamond
Bones of reckless researcher = Torrid diamond
Bones of fearless researcher = Radiant diamond
Thanks to spydol and dragoneer for helping! Thanks to amaroq for the correction on Il san bones!
Thanks to Naberius, Verin, and Name for their help with the bone images! Thanks to Carecup for correcting the Il san graphics!
There is also a new practical item in the Kruna shop called "Item protection". It enchants a single item to return to 100% durability upon your death. It only works one time.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Reset September 6th, 2011
by: Loxie
-- 7:19 PM EST
Server Reset - September 6, 2011
* Fixed a few minor bugs in Lost Mines event
* Added Item protection and Empty crafted amber bag to itemshop
Friday, September 2, 2011
Information on the Mines - Updated
by: Guldar
-- 12:19 AM EST
Lost mines are here and so are the annoying bunnies and squirrels we all love to hate! After 15 Hyuls ((2 years)) since Nexus community "aided Yithly", the best place for mining is open again with a new quest and new items to obtain. Within this year's Lost Mines , there here are two unrelated branches of this event cave. The mines consist of four rooms of squirrels/rabbits (2 large mining areas), the blazing river & elements area and then several rooms of goblins, followed by leeches at the end of the inner mines.
The elemental branch of the Lost Mines consists in a quest that will require collecting a lot of items from the cave. those who complete it will be rewarded with two legend marks (Braved Lost Mines after talking to Beard Smith and entering the cave) and Tried by Air, after finishing the whole quest.
 There's also a item reward of new necklace items called "dashae's ribbon". There are 6 different ribbon types (level 50, level 99, Il san, Ee san, Sam san and Sa san).
Click here to access the quest walkthrough!
The Goblin/Leeches part of the Lost Mines consists in a hunting area which rewards with "Discovered Inner Mines" mark and some unique items such as potions and new subaccessories called "Bones of the seeker" for fighters and "Bones of the Traveller" for casters.
 Click here to access the Inner Mines/Leeches information!
The Quest Walkthrough
1. Click Beard in Kugnae's Smith shop and hit the 'Beard's request' option. Choose the option to help his brother and you'll get a note.

2. Take the note to coordinates 1,25 in the room called "Inner Mines" (3rd room, far left of the map), and it takes you to another room called "Blazing River".

3. Click the Dashae and choose the option "I have a note for Taik Pae. Where is he?". She'll ask for 5 shiny fur , 4 silky fur and 4 mica to craft "Shoes of Lavawalker". Shiny fur comes from the little bunnies, silky fur comes from the rabbit "sentries" and mica is mined or obtained at Kugnae rat cave.

4. After getting the Shoes of Lavawalker, walk across the fire path directly north in the grassy room.

5. To destroy the boulders, you have to hit them repeatedly. Don't stop hitting and it doesn't mind how strong your rage/cunning is. Every time the rock "dies" it comes back to life with slightly lower health. Takes about 20 'kills' to get it out of your way.

6. Click the spirit in the middle and it says thanks and gives you a Gift of Air. This allows you to pass through the first set of popups in the air shrine.

7. Walking through the arching gates in the shrines takes you through a series of rooms with four elemental guardians.
8. The elemental guardians ask you to grab a certain number of essences of their kind. The first needs the Gift of Air or 5 essences of air, 2nd needs 10 essence of water, 3rd needs 15 essence of earth and last needs 20 essence of fire.

9. Elemental essences are dropped by Goblins deeper in the mines (4th room and later) at the road to Leeches.

10. After you turn in all the essences, you get to the holding chamber that holds Paik Tae. He talks about "escaping somehow" and takes the Beard's note and reads it.
 11. Say "Phoenix Ore" to Paik Tae.
12. He'll ask why you want to use the phoenix ore. Say "It's far too dangerous.." He'll give you Paik Tae's letter and say "I'll catch up soon."
13. Take Paik Tae's letter back to Dashae and she'll award a Dashae's Ribbon similar to the Pendants we got from valentine's day. It also awards a three line legend mark: Tried by Fire, Earth, Water and Air (Hyul 42). 14. Return to Beard Smith in Koguryo, and click "Beard's Request" to receive a Cash Reward of 50k!
The original quest walkthrough was shared at community board by Gimpy. Step 14 was shared with NexusAtlas by Obduracy.
The Inner Mines & Leeches
1. You take three diamonds (mine them with "Mining Pick" at Lost Mines) to the NPC (Mananana) in the top left corner of 'Inner Mines' (3rd room) to get a Borrowed key. Note: Borrowed Keys only last 24 hours, before you will have to pay another 3 Diamonds to borrow another.

2. Take the Borrowed key to the room with the big gate (about the seventh room), walk through the gate, and it takes you to the deeper mines (leeches).

3. From the leech entrance, go east a room and north twice through the clearing and you'll find "Hairy Goblin" that will create you transformation potions for one of each essence. "Hairy Goblin Potion" casts the costume/mimic spell to copy whatever person or creature you're facing at the time. Desolate Mines -> Underground Cavern -> Muddy passage -> Goblin Stronghold
4. Leeches (at least in cave 10) are confirmed to drop 95 weapons and leech juice. Boss leeches drop subacessories that mirror sub-diamonds for stats.

Special thanks to Gimpy for the original walkthrough and Xiji, Makjank & Tita for helping with screenshots.
This news brief has been brought to you by,
--Guldar --The Ursine Ronin
~Edited and updated by Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 42, Moon 5~
Thursday, September 1, 2011
New Subaccessories!
by: Loxie
-- 11:24 PM EST
Here is an image of some of the new subaccessories. Thank you to Harem for the picture.

Server Reset - Sept 1, 2011
by: Guldar
-- 6:19 PM EST
* Lost mines are here! Check the Whispering Winds board for more details
* Changes to carnage balance: - The Rogue spell "Set trap" has been disabled on the carnage server. Rogues may use the individual trap spells instead - The duration of Sleep traps has been decreased from 38s to 10s, the same as Doze - Spy subpath spells which allowed people to instantly be killed have been disabled on the carnage server - The Barbarian subpath spell "Push" has been given 2s aethers on the carnage server
Minor updates for: Alizarin clan Kurimja clan Pegasus clan Viper clan Silla clan Bear clan
--Guldar --The Ursine Ronin
Server Reset
by: Loxie
-- 5:16 PM EST
The ten minute server reset warning has just been announced. Prepare your mining hats for...
These are trying times for the local Koguryan Smith Beard. It appears that his long lost brother, Taik Pae is in over his head meddling with things that ought not be meddled with. It?s been many moons since young Taik Pae set off in search of that special something that he could smelt to make weapons the likes of which were never seen before! Beard and Taik Pae learnt their craft from their father, who was taught by his father in turn, so passion for blacksmithing is in their blood! But, while Beard was able to satisfy his desires in a rather popular city shop, Taik Pae just could not settle! And so, Taik Pae set off on his journey. At first, Beard received regular mails from Taik Pae, but as time went by, letters arrived less and less frequently?until they stopped coming altogether. Beard worried about his brother, but with time he figured that Taik Pae was just too busy or too far away to worry about letters, and so eventually Beard relaxed.
This all changed on the day that WinSong, a renowned scholar, visited his store. WinSong has been collecting pages from a Wizard?s Journal. Upon organizing his findings, he saw that one page did not belonged with the rest. This was a letter from a certain Taik Pae addressed to Beard. Recognizing the famed Koguryan Smith?s name, WinSong headed to his shop right away. He wanted to make sure this letter finally reaches it?s intended recipient! Beard was most happy to see a letter from his brother. But, then a great worry settled upon his face. The letter was dated over a year ago. It was sent just a month after the last letter Beard ever received before. Beard felt a sharp pang and screamed outloud for allowing himself to believe that everything was fine all this time!
As worrisome as he felt, Beard went on to read contents of this letter, where Taik Pae talked about his most recent venture ? to a long lost mining area. Taik Pae then mentioned that he has met a hermit woman by the name of Dashae and that they are now living together, and that although he has ?settled down?, he did not forget his dream of fining special ore to make that special alloy.
Folding the parchment, Beard thanked WinSong and headed promptly to the area Taik Pae described in this letter.
But, alas, fate was not on Beard?s side. Just a few days into the journey, Beard was climbing down a steep hole and fell. His leg felt limb and he could progress no further. Brokenhearted, he was helped back home.
Now, he is back at his shop and you can hear him soliciting every passer-by, trying to get them to go in his place. It was heard that Beard is offering his best goods as a reward for going after his brother.
Are you ready to tackle the elements and face the eminent fear that is Lost Mines?
(Before the whispers and nmails start flooding in, I'm not posting a walk-through of the event on NA. Sorry. You'll have to convince a different reporter to do your dirty work for you!)
Lost Mines Preparation
by: Loxie
-- 12:52 AM EST
A group of people are already waiting on the Lost Mines. Such eager little guys! If I had to guess I'd say the Lost Mines will probably be about noon tomorrow, but don't quote me on that.
