Past News
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I lost what's mine!
mug saged to let us know that there is a new event coming up in October. The details were posted on Whispering Winds and provided the following information:
I lost what's mine!
Heat rises from beneath the soil of the Northern Pass, melting the surrounding snow and creating an eerie, lingering fog. Animal habitants have scattered and an unearthly drone pierces through the air.
In response to these odd occurrences happening in the isolated north, a band of druids took it upon themselves to investigate. The fog, heavy and overwhelming, shadows the pass with images that toy with mortal sight. Several druids claim to have seen gallant figures roaming through the fog, clad in shining, golden armor.
The eye is subjective to becoming lost in the interpretation of a mind playing tricks... Close them. Shut them. Listen. The earth is quivering under a blanket of fog. What is lost in the fog can be found in what's yours and what's mine.
(Event begins on Thursday, October 8th and will run till around Thursday, October 15th.)
XoXo Kikoura
Friday, September 25, 2009
Server reset, Friday, September 25, 2009
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Minor changes for Covenant clan * Minor changes for Destiny
Subpath additions and fixes: * Minor change for Diviners
Other: * Added missing hair, the ramp, to the Buya hair salon * Large updates for new event coming soon * Large updates for new area * Rambling thoughts removed till new rules are made. You may NOT post any rambling thoughts on the Community board while this board is gone. It will return shortly. * Minor update for Kinung
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
New Head Host for Carnage Dept.
by: AkiKan
-- 5:22 PM EST
Today during a meeting with his fellow host, snoop has resigned himself as Head Host and has passed on the job to Cerixis.
 We thank snoop for everything he has done for the Carnage Dept, and hope Cerixis the best of luck filling in as the new Head host.  The new Division head for Elixir Wars is now Maya.  A Community Events board message from snoop Please congratulate your new head carnage host, Cerixis.
It has been a pleasure (mostly) working with the carnage staff and I wish Cerixis good luck.
I am sure some festivities are to ensue!
(as for my self, to answer any questions, I'm not quitting nexus, it's just time for someone else to lead the staff)
--snoop carnage departmentA Rambling Thoughts board message from snoop My Resignation
The title speaks for itself.
I want to make the most important part of this post right at the top, so it will be a little bit out of order. I want to thank all of the individuals in the community who at some point supported a carnage host. The job has become as thankless as any, and for many hosts, a simple thanks goes a long way. The amount of nonsense I personally have gotten by n-mail in the last 5 days alone is, simply-put, unreal. If I were paid money, it'd be a different story. But these last couple of months have been increasingly difficult, and to be completely blunt, depressing. I will be honest and confess that over the last few months my -actual- hosting has decayed to near nil as I busied myself with demanding updates and babysitting player vs host problems.
All that aside, there is no argument that I have passed my prime as a head host and it's time for someone else to have a go. I feel like I have reached a plateau some time ago, and the department needs a new direction.
As of tonight I will no longer be the head carnage host. Former Head of Elixir Cerixis will be occupying the position, I wish him the best of luck and a steady improvement of the department.
Before I finish up, I'd like to address some major misconceptions about the carnage department:
1) Why don't you hire people who can dye instead of noobs Misconception: There are thousands of awesome applicants Clarification: Usually there are ~15 applicants, out of which ~6 are hired. What you have now as a carnage staff is THE BEST THAT YOU CAN POSSIBLY GET OUT OF WHO ACTUALLY WANTS TO DO IT
2) Well I'm a top, I applied and got rejected Misconception: Pro combination of kbk/macro makes you a good candidate Clarification: The most important quality in a host is professionalism in combination with availability and legitemacy
3) Hosts get paid to host Misconception: Valuable prizes as pay Clarification: I haven't taken host pay in half a year because it's virtually worthless and I give it away if I ever do
4) Hosts are always late Misconception: Late to On-time ratio is high Clarification: There are ~thousands~ of carnages held yearly, with a successfully hosted ratio of over 95%. Compare that to any subpath or clan, or all of the above COMBINED. The fact that so many events get held on its own is shocking. What is a 10 minute delay in comparison? (8/day * 6/week * 51/year + randoms)
(Still around as much as ever if you have any questions or comments, but please, no complaints for a while)
Best wishes, --snoop former head host carnage departmentFrom the desk of,AkiKan Foxhunt Host Carnage Host Trainee
Monday, September 21, 2009
From Army to Clan
Due to the assassination of Prince Kija, Nagnang no longer felt like it needed an army to serve itself. The NagnangArmy has now evolved into a full-fledged clan known as the Covenant.
Presented below is diva Primogen WindBreakerx showcasing the new changes.

Covenant clan helm

Helm added by AkiKan
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Server reset, Thursday, September 17, 2009
by: AkiKan
-- 11:36 AM EST
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
As you know mug is working on a very large project for the game. It will be full of new quest and many new things that Nexus has never seen before. The project is definitely a work in progress but we would like to release the first part of it before the end of 2009. This project will be open to expansion and many new things will be added each month. We are very excited that mug has had time to work on it and have seen some of the great new features he is adding. So hang in there with us and be patient! He is working on not only this but the regular updates for the game. Thank you to all our patrons for hanging in there with us as we continue to do new things for the game.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Many updates for Covenant Clan to changed them fully from Nagnang Army * Correction to Buyan Army's new board name * Two merchants for Enigma were moved to Gordian's knot
Subpath additions and fixes: * Minor change for Shaman * Muse receives new map Echo's refuge
Other: * Kinung, Forest of Elders and the Kinung Crafters has been corrected to show change of time (darker for night, lighter for day) * New key was made for the Eternal Order * Correction to the Tiny white crown (will show up white now) * Minor fix to the Minor quest experience
From the desk of, AkiKan
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Ranger path goes solo
Today, on the 26th Hyul, Ouned has announced changes to the Ranger path as viewed on the Chronicles of the wind.
"To whom it may concern,
As a leader of a proud and capable path, I'm writing today to formally declare the end of the Ranger path dealing in any official capacity with any major governing body, organization, or otherwise official group.
Beginning immediately, formal diplomacy towards all unspoken allies or enemies has ended, although individual ties and biases will remain [very strongly in some cases, my own included] in effect.
To animate this change and to accommodate the myriad of individual Rangers' relationships with other paths, Trapper's paradise will be wholeheartedly enter-at-your own-risk. In addition, it should be noted that while our path is in this distinct period of isolationism, the sale or use of our arrows or any of our services (including scouting trips) will only be available to individuals.
`-Ouned Lee `-Ranger Elder
Friday, September 11, 2009
Server reset, Friday, September 11, 2009
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Destiny clan receives more Ginko trees * Silla clan receives changes to Shila (Buys slag and Steel daggers) * Buya Army receives new board "A Soldier's Tail" * Sun Moon receives Go to Tangun and Popette sells Ginseng * K'urimja receives changes to Seth who now lets you sell your experience * Enigma receives new warp in Gordian's Knot * Covenant clan gets its garden and moves out of the palace 
Subpath additions and fixes: * Minor update for Chongun * Minor update for Druid * Muse receive new board
Carnage: * Minor map updates for Carpet Arena / changed Elixir Arena back to normal * Minor map update for Mountain Arena (request statues to be removed from room)
Other: * Typo for past event fixed to say "Helped the Tae family business"  * Minor update for Kinung Archons * Work done to large new project
-Musoyen -Hyul 26, 8th Moon, 5th Sun
Images added by AkiKan
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Elder Sarina steps down
by: Vini
-- 6:50 PM EST
After 9 years of dedication to Diviners and nexus overall, Lady Sarina, has decided to step down from her position as elder of her subpath. This special day marks the end of an era in the kingdoms of winds, as Sarina was the leader who remained the longest ever in charge of same organization. Loved or hated, envied or looked up to, there can never be a common public opinion over this important figure, but there’s a single fact that people can’t deny: almost everyone in nexus knows her. Her popularity although isn’t something achieved through public speeches, postings or statements. Sarina in fact has always been quite reserved and saved her wisdom for the right times it was needed. Her popularity was gained through hard work, loyalty, caring and above anything - dedication. Because dedication is the main of many of her qualities, we of Nexus Atlas dedicate this whole post to her. If any Diviners would like to post special thanks to her here, please contact me and I’ll put it here (Please do not make it longer than 300 characters).
Sarina has been a good and loyal elder for over 10 years. There were many times she considered stepping down and we guides asked her not to. She has always been honest and fair and beloved by the circle and always will be. - Elyra Sarina was a great leader. I am sad to see her go. She was tolerant, forgiving, and genuinely interested the people around her. She ran our circle very democratically. She rarely (perhaps never) made a decision without seeking the consensus of the guides or all diviners when appropriate. Brevity disallows me from expressing enough praise and thanks. - LarryDeMarco Lady Sarina.. Our beloved Elder... Warmth of heart and fairness in judgment are just few of her many wonderful attributes... Her being as a whole forever sealed in a cloud of mystery. She has given her soul to the Divine Order and everyone's life is a little better when she is around. She is a living Legend of our time. - Iruma Sarina was in my opinion one of the most dedicated elders in the game's long history. She always took the time to teach walkers and aspiring diviners alike. During my time as a diviner and a guide she was one of the kindest and most trusting individuals that I had the pleasure of knowing. She always had faith in whatever I did during my stint as a guide and was always there when I needed guidance. I wish you well and hope for the best in whatever you do next. Thank you for always being kind. - SSaiYen
To succeed this legendary elder, Sarina obviously would have to choose someone dedicated enough as well to fit in her shoes. Iruma, a long time guide of the path who served for many of these years under Sarina, was the one picked to become the 4th elder of the Diviners.
 Congratulations Elder Iruma! Good luck on your new duties. Lady Sarina; thank you for all your hard work over all these years. You’re part of Nexus essence, do never forget that. ~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 26, Moon 8~
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
More on the bandits of Kinung!
Apparently, a group of bandits have been plaguing citizens who visit Kinung, ambushing them and holding them captive in an effort to enforce a 'tax' or 'toll' for enjoying our newly built city.
Please, I implore you to understand that these men have no bearing of political importance to Kinung! They are in fact bandits, trying to trick you or force you out of your hard earned gold!
The Kinung Councilors will be working with civilians to apprehend this ring, before their vile plague of crime spreads like wildfire.
Signed, Teikari
IldritchFire Hyul 26, 7th moon.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Bandits in Kinung!
After recent events with Mupa's appearance at the ball, Kinung has been in disarray with speculation rife over what will become of the village and the citizens within. Amidst all of this more and more citizens are flocking to Kinung to aid the families further and with some even opting to live there!
However, it seems that with an increase in activity and traffic, there is bound to be less salubrious elements arriving too. So when the council called for a public meeting to discuss day to day matters in Kinung, it was quickly overshadowed by reports of robberies and threats. Indeed MiakaYuki and Musoyen who both attended the meeting, related how they were both ordered to pay a "tax" for being in Kinung. No descriptions were given other than the bandits were disguised and made off with a lock of hair.

This is most troubling, and while other things were discussed, such as the threat of Mupa... the immediate threat of bandits seemed to monopolize the entire meeting, with citizens and councilors in feverish discussion on what the best course of action may be. Since then several more reports of robberies have been reported and there is even talk of patrols being started up to protect the community from more of this petty criminality.
Be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to a councilor!
IldritchFire Hyul 26, 6th moon
Friday, September 4, 2009
New Items Available
by: Vini
-- 7:13 AM EST
As was announced in yesterday's reset, there are many new items available for purchase in the shops of Nexus. Over 50 new options never seen before in the kingdom of winds. Some of them are just release of new colors of items that were already available before in Kruna shop, but there are quite a few unique options that you can check out next on these images:
8 new faces available:

A new mount and a new head accessory:

New hair options and new coat/wig combinations:
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 26, Moon 6~
Haengsa is on the move!
Hello everyone :^)
It seems Haengsa is up to his usual tricks and is hiding once again! Haengsa is now hiding in the Sunken tree at the coordinates of 061, 064 in the Wilderness. This month, Haengsa is playing "I spy" and wants you to bring him one item of each color!
Red: Sute's key (From Sute)  White: Stardrop (From Arctic ogres)  Green: Seaweed (From lobsters in Hausson)  Brown: Comb (From any Inn)  Grey: Wine (Regular from any Inn, 50 sips) Black: Mica (From mining or killing the white rat in Kug/Buya rat cave)  Purple: Well crafted dark amber (From gemcutting) Yellow: Noodles (From chefing)  Blue: Spent metal (From smithing) 
Once you give Haengsa everything he wants, he will reward you with 5 Pirate tokens which can be turned in at your local library for different prizes!
-Musoyen Hyul 26, 6th Moon, 10th Sun
Server Reset, Friday, September 4th 2009
Hello everyone :^)
Today the server was reset to fix a Kinung NPC and other minor updates for subpaths and clans. For those of you who spoke to Kohyang and decided to make Kinung your residence, you now have the option to leave Kinung and live somewhere else. Simply go back to Kohyang and he will assist you.
The other minor updates were for Forsaken Clan, K'urmja, Enigma, KRA, Merchants, Druids, Chongun, and Diviners.
-Musoyen Hyul 26, 6th Moon, 10th Sun
Kinung Walkthrough for those who need help
1. Say 'I like Crafting' to Cheyn at the Forest of Elders. He will give you 10 wool.
2. Go to Sun Hi at 87,61 and say 'I like to Weave'. Say 'I have your wool', she'll take the wool and direct you to Soo Jin, the carpenter.
3. Go to Soo Jin at 37,11 and say 'Are you the Carpenter?'. She will give you Soo Jin's scroll. Head to Splinter in the wilderness to sign it. Say "I Have Soo Jin's Scroll". Head back to Soo Jin with 10 ginko wood and the signed scroll. Say to Soo Jin" I have Splinter's signed scroll". She thanks you and gives you a token, and fine weaving tools.
4. Head back to Sun Hi and say 'I have your fine weaving tools'. She will give you a token, and 3 cloth.
5. Go to Hye Su, found just below Sun Hi and say 'Hello, are you the Tailor?'. Then say 'I have your cloth'. She will give you Hye Su's scroll. Go to Lin's tailor in Sanhae. Say 'I have Hye Su's scroll'. Then return to Hye Su. Say 'I have Lin's signed scroll'. She will give you a token, 10 poor ore, 10 medium ore, and a smelting agreement.
6. Go to Kwang Ho at 93,18 and say 'What is Mining?' to Kwang Ho. He will give you Kwang Ho's scroll. Take it to Thane in wilderness. Say 'I have a trade agreement to do with you'. Bring the signed scroll, as well as a mining pick and mining shovel to Kwang Ho. Say "I have Thane's signed scroll." Go back and get token and 3 pieces of metal.
7. Head right down to Sang Ki at 93,27. Ask him about 'What do you do in Smithing?'. Say 'I have your metal.' He will give you a token and a fine steel dagger.
8. Head over to Jung-Su at 53,12 and say I like smelting' and then tell him, 'I have your Ore'. He will take your ore. Then you say 'Lets make a trade agreement'. He will give you one token, 10 amber, and 10 dark amber.
9. Go to Kang-Dae at 46,82. Ask him 'Tell me about Gemcutting'. Tell him 'I have your Amber'. He will give you the Kang-Dae scroll. Head over to the gemcutter's hut, Sel, in the wilderness. Say 'I have Kang-Dae's scroll'. He will sign it for you and return. Say 'I have Sel's signed scroll'. Kang-Dae will give you one token, 10 crafted amber, and 10 dark crafted amber.
10. Head over to ChinHo, at 10,77. Ask him 'What is Jeweling?'. Then say 'I have your crafted amber'. He will take your 10 crafted amber and 10 crafted dark amber, and give you a piece of white paper, some ink, and a token.
11. Go back to Jin Ae at 37,11 and say 'What is Woodcutting?' two times. Say 'I have your fine steel dagger'. You will receive Jin Ae's scroll. Take the scroll to Sang Ki, at 93,27. Say "I have Jin Ae's scroll". He gives you the signed scroll to take back to Jin Ae. Say "I have Sang Ki's signed scroll". She will give you a token and 10 ginko wood.
12. Go to Dong-Jung at 51,43. Say "What are Scribes?" He will need some ink and white paper. Return to him and say 'I have a parchment'. He gives you Dong-Jung's scroll. Head to scribe's mountain to have Zephyr sign it. Say 'I have Dong-Jung's scroll'. Return to Dong-Jung with the signed scroll and say 'I have Scribe's signed scroll'. He will give you a scroll of invocation and a token.
13. Go to Eo Mo at 11,14. Say 'What is Fishing' to him. Then say 'Yep' to him. He will take your scroll of invocation, give you a token, 3 snake meat, and 5 rat meat.
14. Go to Hyun Ae at 02,32. Say 'What is Farming?'. Get a wheat and say 'I have your wheat'. She will give you Hyun Ae's scroll. Take Hyun Ae's scroll to Guk-su in Dae shore. Say 'I have Hyun Ae's scroll'. Go back to Hyun Ae and say, 'I have Guk-su's signed scroll'. She gives you a token, mining pick, and mining shovel.
15. Go to In Ho at 24,55 and ask him, 'What is Alchemy?', then say 'I have your materials'. He will give you In Ho's scroll. He will also ask for 2 antler, 1 splendid tiger pelt, 3 snake meat, and 5 rat meat. Head to scribe mountain and tell Zephyr 'I have In Ho's scroll' and he will sign it and Zephyr's signed scroll. Go back to In Ho. He will give you a token, 1 wheat, 5 small fish, and 5 tasty fish.
16. Go to EunHee at 08,47 and 'What is Food preparing?'. Then say 'I have your fish'. She will take the fish, and give you EunHee's scroll.
17. Take EunHee's scroll to the fisherman Eo Mo, at 11,14. Say "I have EunHee's Scroll" He will sign it for you. Bring it back to EunHee. Say 'I have Eo Mo's signed scroll'. You receive a token and 10 boiled fish.
18. Go to AeCha at 21,34 and ask her 'What is Cheffing?'. Tell her that 'I have your boiled fish'. She will give you one token and 1 splendid tiger pelt.
19. Head back out to Cheyn and say 'I have a Gift'. He will take your 15 tokens and give you a golden chef's hat, and a Legend mark which says 'Helped the Tae family business'.
Every NPC is also like a minor quest, so you get more minor quests and experience too! Have fun everyone!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Server reset, Thursday, September 3, 2009
by: AkiKan
-- 8:35 AM EST
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
The Back to work event starts today, Thursday, September 3rd and runs until Thursday, September 10th.
Don't forget that Haengsa has a new quest each month and he is on the move again!
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Minor update for KRA * Minor update for K'urimja Clan * Minor update for Enigma * Tiger clan receives changes to merchant ChinHwa (Buy's back Cftd yellow amber, Well crafted amber and Well cftd dark amber), Heph receives Metal Preparation and a new warp to Hamgyong * Dharma receives Minor quest on NinaP * Alizarin receives Smelting looms * Pegasus gets 15 trees to grove and Lumi now buys back Star gowns * Forsaken gets new board in garden, new Gem loom, Gorem now sells Mountain ginseng and Rice wine and Stigma now sells Flash dust
Subpath additions and fixes: * Minor update for Merchants * Chongun gets a major map update for Sacred Battlegrounds and minor update. * Minor update for Diviners
Other: * Kinung horse now moves at the speed of a real horse * Kohyang on the dock now sells scrolls for 100 gold each to travel to Kinung or if you want to wake up in Kinung he will help you out with that too. This is not intended for moving to the area but for waking up in the Roleplaying town.
 * Enternal Order of Nagnang gets new board name changes * A new board was added for everyday answers to everyday questions ((Players may send helpful hints to mug and if he feels they are important to players he will add to board.))
 * Minor update for item shop (More new releases today.)
From the desk of, AkiKan
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Kinung announcement!
The Kinung elders, Cheyn and Teikari, are excited and overwhelmed with the response the opening of Kinung has brought their town.
As such, they have decided to host a town hall forum with the community members who have been milling around the taverns and forests of the city. This is an opportunity for the community to make their opinions known about Kinung and to get together with the leaders to converse, discuss and debate any issues or matters that they feel would be of benefit to the improvement of our town
The councilors of Kinung have arranged for the use of the Town Hall for the end of this week:
((Friday, September 5th, at 8:30 PM EST))
Please come and join us for introductions, libations and discussions,
Hello Everyone
by: AkiKan
-- 12:42 PM EST
Lets see after being gone for about 2 months on LOA, I have come back for a while to see whats going on in the world I had left behind.
You'll be seeing more of me soon.
From the desk of, AkiKan