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Saturday, August 26, 2023
Message of unification: Nagnang holds Defender Ceremony
 Xevu and Garamond lead a bone divination ritual at the Memory Garden, in a collaboration between the Diviner and Shaman subpaths.
The Ritual of Nagnang
Defender season is an exciting time, where individuals are nominated to honor their dedication to preserving the culture and safety of their kingdom. Nagnang opted to go first this year, with representatives of the Eternal Order leading into the annual ceremony with a ritual for the public to enjoy.
The event took place in Memory Garden, where the ritual masters had split the platform into light and dark zones, with ritual stones marking the shared center. Members of the opposite paths stood in these designated zones, soberly awaiting the ritual to come. Before it began, King ChaeRi was invited to step up and welcome the community with a brief message:
"Welcome, citizens and guests of the kingdom. Today, we stand on the threshold of a unique and profound experience. The joining of the Diviner and Shaman paths in a dual performance promises to unveil mysteries and insights beyond our imagining. Let us approach this ritual with open hearts and minds, ready to receive the wisdom that these paths offer. May their collaboration guide us toward a deeper connection with our kingdom's essence."
Xevu and Garamond then proceeded to share with us a message with this collaboration, using a conjoined practice of bone divination. Garamond would shake out a collection of bones he had been called by mysterious forces to collect onto the ritual circle from a silk bag, and the two began their reading.
Xevu, as the Shaman representative, offered the following perspective, immediately sensing the strong spiritual presence of the bones:
"I can sense the spirits inside the bones. They are talking to me. They are the ancestors of Nagnang! Past citizens, past Defenders, past nobility, many great ones of Nagnang! They are speaking! Can’t you hear them?
"They speak most important wisdom. We cannot go forward without listening to our past!
"Our virtues are our treasures. Treasures beyond gold or any other measure. We have Honor - honor to do what is right, to defend what is right. We have courage. We were not cowards who ran away or hid in our homes and clan halls. We have Unity. We are bound together by the land. We come together to support and serve Nagnang above all else. We have selflessness. We will defend Nagnang to our last breath and our bones decay to dust. Our sacrifice was so Nagnang could survive. Nagnang knows peace, prosperity, and security because we were willing to give up our lives so that others could live and thrive. Our ancestors have spoken! May we forever remember their words!"
However, Garamond, representing the Divine Order, was looking at the bones according to symbols visible in their presentation, and had a different opinion:
"I definitely knew these bones were offering something to us when I brought them today, but from my angle, I’m getting a very different reading! Look at the placement, with his sharp fragment pointing toward the West, where the sun sets, and the future resides.
"Sure, at first, you’d see that as a warning, but this cluster here of overlapping pieces suggests a barricade, like a fortress. I feel it’s telling us that we’re going to be protected in the future, and it’s not necessary to be hyper-focused on the past.
"The bones here toward the west, that are being pointed to... They’re not splintered, they’re in tact! Fighting isn’t in our future. Just wholeness. This is an auspicious reading! We have learned from the mistakes of the past from all the bloodshed. We are bolstering ourselves for peace!"
The two mages of opposing paths would then discuss their different findings. One was giving warnings from the past, the other, looking toward a hopeful future. They concluded that the issue they were experiencing was the fact they were using two separate skill sets, and exhibiting polar opposite perspectives in trying to solve their problem. Neither were incorrect, and in fact, their combined insight provided the true message from the bones: They were being called to unify in order to reach their ultimate goal, which was to protect Nagnang.
To celebrate the successful conclusion, Xevu and Garamond would perform a rite, clasping hands after slicing open their palms to let their blood drip along the bones at their feet. The sacrifice would animate the bones to join them in their dance of victory and newfound blood-brotherhood.
 Above: At the conclusion of the Nagnang Defender Ceremony, participants gather in Josang Hol for one last unifying gesture. Below: Sage WillowN presents her nominations to the royalty for honoring.
The Nagnang Defender Ceremony
Having gotten the mandatory bloodletting out of the way, as well as the community receiving commemorative markings from both paths, everyone was welcomed to join the court at Josang Hol to begin the ceremony proper.
King ChaeRi would commence the proceedings with a short speech to punctuate what everyone had just witnessed, and set the tone for the following honors:
"Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of Nagnang, honored guests, today, we unite to celebrate our unwavering commitment to safeguarding Nagnang. This Defender Ceremony holds a special place in our hearts, signifying our shared dedication to protecting our cherished land.
"In the pre-ceremony ritual, we witnessed a profound symbol of unity. This ritual reminds us that our differences are our strength, and our unity fortifies our resilience. As we partake in this ritual, let it symbolize our pledge to defend Nagnang as one united force, transcending our diverse backgrounds.
"Our diversity empowers us to face challenges with unwavering resolve. Each of us contributes to the vibrant tapestry that is Nagnang, woven from our unique stories, history, aspirations, and determination.
"Carrying this unity, let us enter the Defender Ceremony, inspired to safeguard not only our realm but also the values defining us. Together, hand in hand, let us embrace this journey as defenders of Nagnang. Thank you."
The Primogens (or designated representatives of their clan or organization) would then be invited to stand before the royal family. Each representative proudly shared the qualifications each individual nominated brought to the kingdom, and asked for the king to honor them. This year, the following denizens received the honor to be named Nagnang Defender, along the coveted violet dye and legend mark:
Alizarin Clan: Perennial and Kaleea Covenant Clan: Tsirl and Maduin The Forsaken Clan: MagikalPoet and Falaris K'urimja Clan: Victol and Cyprio Pegasus Clan: Mood and Supply Silla Clan: Cyprus and Family Royal Guard of Nagnang: Lancelot and NangenGuard Eternal Order of Nagnang: Garamond and Lyzand
[Editor's note: Those nominated that weren't able to be present for the ceremony will need to coordinate with the royal family at a later date.]
After all present had received their blessing from the king, all would unify on the stage for one last commemoration of the event, as they start the journey to the next chapter of Nagnang's living history. King ChaeRi offered the final remarks of the evening:
"Esteemed defenders, honored attendees, today, we conclude this Defender Ceremony, a testament to our shared commitment to Nagnang's safety. As united Defenders, you embody our collective strength and unity. Carry this spirit forward, upholding our values and unity. Your dedication echoes through time, ensuring Nagnang's enduring prosperity. Thank you, defenders, for your unwavering devotion."
With a resounding chorus over the winds of "Hail Nagnang, Land of the Dead," the ceremony was dismissed.
Much appreciated: A big thank-you goes to the Eternal Order, the Nagnang Royal family, and the volunteers that helped the evening's ritual and ceremony come to life. A congratulations and appreciation also goes to our Nagnang defenders, who help keep the community alive and whole.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Unity in the community: Lughnasadh Festival celebrated
 Druid Elder Supply leads path members during the opening ceremony for this year's Lughnasadh Festival at the Sacred Grove.
The Lughnasadh Festival is designed to highlight community and togetherness, alongside the spirit of thankfulness for the bounties that nature provides. Walking into the Sacred Grove offered a whirl for the senses, with flowers, fruits, and golden treasures carefully spread about the area in offering and praise of the god Lugh. The lights were low, lending focus to the festival fire burning in the center of the communal circle. Druid Elder Supply welcomed the community to the Sacred Grove to speak about the nature of the gathering, and lead fellow path members in seeking blessings of the festival:
poeticme: "On this sacred day, between solstice and equinox, we gather to celebrate another bountiful harvest, to honor Lugh, the radiant sun, and master of all crafts."
Galadrial: "In this circle of Unity, we embrace the spirit of community, remembering the ancient customs and traditions, games, feasting, and joyful competition ahead, fostering comradery and celebrating harvest."
Fiach: "Let us embody the symbols of Lughnasadh, the wheel stalk, a testament to the harvest's gifts. The loaves of bread, symbolizing abundance and sustenance. Lastly, the spear, representing Lugh's light and craftsmanship."
MedusaBuffy: "As we stand upon this sacred ground, let us remember the cycle of life and death, the planting, growth and sacrifice for sustenance, that resonate through the fields of the seasons."
poeticme: "With open hearts and gratitude, we offer thanks for the year's blessings, seen and unseen, for the oil and efforts bestowed upon the land."
Galadrial: "In the colors of gray, gold, green, and yellow, we see the ripening of crops and the warmth of the sun. Embrace the essence of Lughnasadh's spirit."
Fiach: "In this moment, let us come together as one, bound by the ancient traditions and the spirit of Lugh."
MedusaBuffy: "May our voices rise in gratitude and harmony as we honor the land, the sun, and first fruits of the land."
Supply: "Blessed be this sacred festival of Lughnasadh! May abundance and gratitude fill our hearts as we celebrate the harvest bounty! May the blessing of Lugh shine upon us all!"
Before the sporting events would begin, the elder asked the community to hold a moment longer for a few special announcements. First, the Druid path wanted to welcome its two newest Protectors of Nature, Sola and Chongde, and welcome them as friends to the Druid family. Second, Kaleea announced the winners of Awen's Tournament, a gauntlet of trials (events and games) leading up to the beginning of the festival. Dedication in participation and winning these trials earned various amounts of points tallied across the tournament. Sydnei was named the Awen's Tournament champion.
Left: SkyGoon chucks a noxious bowl of Girl's Soup at his fellow combatant, Rokkeu, in a round of Food Fight in Cluichi. Center: Dycean and Mastema clash knives during a match of Battle of the Bridge in the Sacred Grove. Right: Nykid and Brine circle the host, Zariel, in the Archery Tournament in the Mystic Garden.
Day one of the festival
What better way to celebrate a successful harvest than chucking the surplus goods at your neighbor? The crowd would be dismissed from the Sacred Grove to reconvene to the west at Cluichi, where Chongun and Muse representatives held a particularly spicy Food Fight. Bowls of Girl's Soup were handed to participants on a horizontal playing field, with only five spaces of vertical berth to maneuver on while trying to nail their opponent with hot (and likely poisonous) liquid. A successful hit earned a point, with the highest number moving on to the next round in this tournament.
No festival is complete without some form of martial combat, and Lughnasadh is no exception, especially since the event is named for the Warrior-King of the Gaelic pantheon. This classic Merchant game invites combatants to brandish only their skivvies (coat optional) and an Ilbon Knife to war for control of the bridge. Standing face-to-face, they could not maneuver beyond swinging wildly at their opponent in the hopes their blade would invoke a Kamakazi first. A successful casting earned a point, and the best results out of three matches lead them onward.
For those that prefer to engage their friends (and enemies) with sharp projectiles from a distance, the Rangers' Archery Tournament may have been more to their liking. Archers were provided with Spring Bows and Sleep Arrows, asked to strip down again or wear peasant clothes or only coats, and instructed to fire at their opponent; dropping to the floor asleep meant you had lost the round. Participants also had to fire around the host acting as a center obstacle. With tournament rules in place, the winner with the best results out of three rounds continued to participate until eliminated.
Left: Ogedei recovers from delivering a Whirlwind attack during a round of Barbarian Heal out in the Sacred Grove. Center: Wayward "disciples" cluster up to attack each other with Ice Sabres in a match of KenDu Mountain in the Mystic Garden. Right: Qian sings out while hosting Square to Square as the participants dance (or pretend to dance) along in the Sacred Grove.
Our friends in the Wilderness would invite the community back to the Sacred Grove to disrobe yet again (coat still optional), and prepare to knock each other senseless for sport. Barbarian Heal Out is a game of timing and skill, where four fighters stand in a cross formation with only a single space to walk forward on to attack in three directions. The objective is to remain alive by repeatedly casting the Soothe spell, while offering and receiving vita-based attacks from one's opponents. To perform an attack, no matter the path of the participant, they had step into the empty central space to assail their chosen opponent. If a player was unlucky enough to fall, they were eliminated from play for the round. The last figure standing would move on in the tournament.
The Do representatives ushered the still-bloodthirsty festival-goers to the Mystic Garden for one more battle tournament for the night. For the fourth time that day, armor and accessories would be omitted. But this was to better invite the bitter cold from an Ice Sabre the path provided for use, in a tournament of a shrinking, mountainous arena. Fighters would maneuver around the base of the mountain and slice at their fellow "wayward disciples," hoping their blade would cast a Chill upon them. Receiving the icy blast meant they tumbled off the mountain, and the survivors would climb the narrowing arena until only two remained on the summit. The survivor of the ordeal earned themselves a point, and the tournament continued until one participant had earned three points, with each new round inviting all participants back into play.
The visitors of the Sacred Grove still had some energy to burn after a day of combat. The Geomancers had the answer, as all were called to shimmy and shake in a few games of Square to Square. Dancers pranced along a field divided into four parts, each numbered. At a random call during the song, the participants would freeze into one of the numbered squares; if a dancer was unfortunate enough to be standing on the square corresponding to a dice roll, they waltzed out of play for the remainder of the round. The last dancer remaining earned bragging rights and a nice gold purse for their luck.
Finally exhausted, the festival settled down for the night, trailing over to Koguryo for the Midnight Merchant Madness. In honor of the festival, the Merchants offered the full experience of the MMM for the evening, with pot gambling returning for the night. A donation drive was held for the Druid path in thanks for the festivities, with donations counting toward a raffle for the efforts, and door prizes for Best Booth and Best Dressed were awarded.
Left: Statue and Kokabel react to tying with a choice of "rock" during a match of Jan Ken Pon at Cluichi. Center: PoeTxi and Byte revel in the misery of someone landing on Girl's Soup during a round of The Ten in the Mystic Garden. Right: Zeromus and Tokugawa clash during the S7 tournament in the Sacred Grove.
Day two of the festival
The community filed back into the Druid subpath area the next evening, which was refreshed with more colorful arrays of offerings and decor to accentuate the summertime harvest season. The Monks beckoned folks to the ritual grounds of Cluichi to try their hand at besting their opponent in some non-aggressive sporting. Jan Ken Pon is a game of chance and mindreading, with players selecting either a Rock, Paper, or Scissors (Weaving Tools) to best their opponent's choice. The classical children's game involves a cycle of one item overcoming another: Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beat Paper, and Paper beats Rock (to the trauma of individuals partial to rocks). Players were tasked to beat their component in a tournament of best two out of three.
Anguish is a part of life, and those partial to the fickleness of The Ten can agree. The Muses called curious folk back to the Mystic Garden, where columns of obstacles awaited on the field, each one symbolizing an awful circumstance and offense to the heavens, or a bit of fortune. Players roll from 1-3, in hopes of crossing the field of ten consequences corresponding to the whims of the ten Muse Goddesses. Landing on an Apple was typically a safe place, but Coins were up in the air as to whether the were fortunate. Girl's Soup, infamously noxious, drove players back to the start. To win the event, the racers had to land on the final space at the end of the source.
Rogues and Warriors delight in the combat tournament colloquially known as S7. This Spy event calls for two rows of seven spaces, where combatants travel horizontally and attempt to strike each other first with a Whirlwind, Berserk (or Feral Berserk), Desperate Attack, or Lethal Strike. A successful strike earned a point and reset the participants to their starting coins. Failure to remain walking on their line or an illegal maneuver reset the match without any points awarded, and nailing an attack at the same time, or on the same facing coins resulted in ties. Ties were also not worth any points. The fighter who did the best out of three matches moved on to the next tier of the tournament.
Left: StarArcherie announces the rolls during Druid Bingo while the crowd displays confusion over the various runes in the Mystic Garden. Right: Queen Yun gives an interpretation of a passage of the Tao te Ching during Tao te Ching Reflections in Cluichi.
Bingo games have exponentially risen in population over the last seasons, and the Druids brought a variation of the Destiny Clan game to the Lughnasadh Festival. The host rolls the dice in correspondance to an array of possible selections, which are announced to the players holding individualized Bingo cards. Having the selection on one's Bingo card meant they were allowed to "dab" the item on their corresponding 9 space grid as a visual indicator. The first game required the cards to be filled out in a diamond pattern. The second required an X pattern, and the third mandated a full black-out. Each game allowed for two winners to take home a purse of gold.
The last event of the festival was one of meditation and retrospection. The Diviner representatives brought the crowd back to Cluichi in order to discuss some choice selections from the Tao te Ching. The format of Tao te Ching Reflections involves the hosts reciting texts to the crowd, which was invited to offer interpretations or questions about the scripture in a forum setting. The topics of the night included a call to unity for the survival of all, the cultivation of what is more important in life, and the necessity of celebrating our differences rather than ostracizing each other. The result was a period of pleasant interpersonal conversation, where various voices offered their thoughtful contributions toward one another on the necessities of coming together as a whole, fitting for the theme of community togetherness the Druids offered for the Lughnasadh festival.
As the mood calmed down at the tail end of the evening, Druid Elder Supply called for all to join the path representatives back at the Mystic Garden for the closing remarks. To set the end of the celebrations, a chant of gratitude for the time and energy spent at the festival was offered:
ClamBurglar: "As the festival of Lughnasadh draws to a close, we gather once more around this sacred fire to honor the cycle of life and the harvest end."
Fiach: "In this circle of unity and gratitude, we have celebrated the blessings of the land."
MedusaBuffy: "We have shared the blessings of the land, forging bonds of community and kinship. Now, as we prepare to depart from this sacred space..."
Alys: "Let us take with us the warmth of the sun. Let us take the spirit of Lugh's radiant light within us, and may the memories we've made be blessed."
ClamBurglar: "With reverence and gratitude, we thank the fire."
Fiach: "Symbol of transformation, energy and purification."
MedusaBuffy: "For guiding us through this sacred festival, and for lending its sacred flame to our rituals."
ClamBurglar: "We walk away from the fire, but its light remains, guiding us through the harvest's closing chapter."
Fiach: "Embracing the lessons learned, and the memories cherished, we embark on the next steps of our journey."
Supply: "As we leave this sacred place, we carry its magic to illuminate our lives until we meet again!
 Representatives of the Druid subpath offer closing remarks and blessings for the season at the final ritual of the festival.
Handfasting: An old tradition brought to the Kingdoms
Though the festival itself had ended, and that page turned, an eager couple was starting their own story. In the observance of Lughnasadh traditions often spoken about but never-before practiced in the Kingdoms, Unmo and Soonmoon would be united in a handfasting ritual overseen by Druid Elder Supply. A ribbon symbolizing the forming bond would tie their hands together as she offered them a blessing and guidance for their one-year "trial marriage." Should the union prove unfavorable in this period, the marriage could be dissolved without any consequences for either party. Supply offered the following message:
"Today, we gather here to celebrate the love and commitment between Soonmoon and Unmo. Their hearts have found each other, and now they wish to bind their lives together in this sacred act of handfasting. Soonmoon and Unmo, before you take this step, remember that love is a journey. It requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to grow together. Are you both prepared to embark on this journey of love and devotion?
"Just as these cords are woven together, so shall your spirits be entwined. May your love be as strong as the oak, and as enduring as the evergreen."
The couple would offer each other their personal anecdotes, vows and promises for the union, and Supply utilized her authority as the Great Druid to sanctify the handfasting. Once the two were pronounced as handfasting partners, they shared a kiss and accepted gifts from the community in well-wishes for their journey.
Handfasting gives an opportunity for a couple to really get to know each other and test their compatibility before settling down in a permanent arrangement. We wish Soonmoon and Unmo the best as they go through this new era of their relationship.
Above: At the conclusion of their handfasting ritual, Unmo and Soonmoon kiss while Supply observes.
Much appreciated We wish to extend sincere gratitude the Druid family for their time and dedication in putting together this season's festival. We are also thankful for all the community hosts that chipped in to make the events extra special. The reporter also wishes to personally thank the Druids for the honor of being named a Protector of Nature; she won't let you down. We are also so very grateful for the community members that showed to support this weekend's events, for your presence is exceedingly meaningful and impactful.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting