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Nagnang, Land of the Dead, honors its defenders
 King ChaeRi addresses the crowd with a speech at the beginning of the Nagnang Defender ceremony.
"The mauve standard is not a prize to be won... It is the recognition that one has performed the sacred rite of preserving who we are, our way of life, and our rights of life."
These words, spoken by King ChaeRi in a speech inspired by General Heira, bracketed the mood of the Defender Ceremony on Sunday evening. The Eternal Order of Nagnang, lead by Sage Valkyrja, took care and energy to choreograph the night's festivities, in displays of uniforms, lights, and words meant to evoke the sobriety of the yearly dedication.
The night began with the community gathering in the Memorial Garden, where the Druids Nunu and her student DuplicitY invoked ritual sacrifice to bless the lands. Deer, oxen, and pigs were offered to the gods in hopes of Nagnang being gifted with protection and prosperity. Having sanctified the proceedings, the crowd migrated to the Josang Hol in the palace to begin the formal ceremony.
Left: DuplicitY stands center among the livestock to be sacrificed in the Memorial Garden. Right: The assembly of honorees receives applause at the closing of the ceremony.
The Eternal Order had assigned a dress code, where Primogens decorated themselves in wedding gowns or cloaks, and the nominees kitted with scale mail and their clan helms for representation. King ChaeRi and Princess Sutsang stood center, with the former presenting a speech to impart the spirit and responsibility of accepting the nomination.
"...To take on the violet fabric is to promise the kingdom that you will continue to keep us."
The Nangen Primogens were invited to present their nominees, and each gave a brief speech explaining why the individuals warranted the honor. One by one, the undyed mail was anointed with the kingdom's purple hue, until the dais was completely filled with people brandished with the King's blessing.
The finalized list of honorees this year includes Valkyrja, ReNeWed, ScruF, Asinamo, Erodus, HEMAN, BoomerSooner, BatSheba, Xevu, CanTique, Gisele, Volf, Quota, Nunu, Rozscha, Chifchirouge, and Kaouwaski.

Once the assembly was completed, the Josang Hol was thrown into darkness for a moment of silence. Beneath the honorees, the letter "N" was emblazoned in dim lights. As the six clans were invoked, the Primogen or representative lit a candle, until the darkness was symbolically banished.
After the ceremony concluded, the Eternal Order ushered guests to the west wing of the palace, where an archery tournament was hosted by lWitcherl for entertainment.
Left: The six clans illuminate in the darkness on the dais. (Photo composite courtesy of Valkyrja.) Right: lWitcherl hosts an archery tournament at the Nagnang Headquarters.
We offer a sincere congratulations to the Nagnang Defender honorees, and a thank you for the Eternal Order for putting together such a breathtaking event. Hail Nagnang, Land of the Dead!
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
This girl is on fire: Phoenix Clan welcomes new Primogen
 Pictured: PoeTxi stands bracketed by the phoenix Promise, with Jolie impersonating on the right.
Adding to the great news of this week, the winds were roaring with cheers at the announcement of PoeTxi taking on the mantle as Primogen of Phoenix Clan. Though I had to cross a bed of lava for the interview, and stare down a large firebird reminding me "Death is not the end" at intervals, it was worth getting a word with PoeTxi about her appointment, as Jolie observed from the side.
So! Phoenix Clan's latest rebirth comes in the form of you holding the Primogen's staff. How do you feel? I am feeling a lot of feelings right now. I am sad to see TheRighteous step down. He's the heart of Phoenix, and while he isn't going too far, I'm a little nervous about filling his big shoes. I'm also really honored to have been selected! As you know, it's quite a responsibility, and I hope to make our kindred proud.
With every new leader comes the idea of a new era. What do you see your clan's future looking like? I don't see this as a new era. I want to continue the "Kween of Buya's" legacy of being welcoming to all people! I don't see any major changes on the horizon. Change comes from within, as they say.
Could you elaborate on TheRighteous' legacy? TheRighteous is the "Kween of Buya," and during their tenure as Primogen, really turned Phoenix into a safe haven for all people. I'd remember them talking at Tribunal, and they'd end their report with Phoenix being a safe and welcoming place. So, my hope is that people will still feel the same while I'm Primogen. I want them to feel Phoenix is their home, and I want them comfortable being themselves here, and that they're taken care of by the Council and me.
In addition to people seeking that inclusive space, what sort of people might be attracted to Phoenix Clan? Truly everyone, unless they're on our banned list, and I won't reveal that. But, they certainly know who they are and what they did to deserve to be on that. Anyway, we enjoy a lot of different activities to varying levels here.
[At this point in the interview, TheRighteous himself appeared. We took the opportunity to include him in the conversation.]
TheRighteous, is there anything you wish to tell your successor at the time of her ascension? TheRighteous: There's plenty, but I leave you with this. Never stop leading with your heart. We're a family here. We grow because we accept those that others will not. Jolie: That's the only reason they let me in. TheRighteous: Always be kind. Always be accepting.
[Primogen and former Primogen shared a moment and a smile, here.]
Primogen, do you have anything you'd like to say in reply to that, or to your clan? Or, would you like to address the kingdoms as a whole? Mmhm, yes, I would. As you may have heard here earlier today, Phoenix is accepting. I, PoeTxi, Muse of Heartening, will continue to lead Phoenix from the heart, from a place of love. We would love to give anyone a tour of our lava-filled halls, and see if they're a good fit. I hope to make the incredible people we have in our clan proud in this era.
It certainly sounds like Phoenix Clan is in good hands. We wish PoeTxi the best luck in her new position, and give thanks to TheRighteous for establishing a great legacy.
Editor's note: Though the "Kween of Buya" is a majestic figure, they are not to be confused with the sovereign of Buya, Queen Lasahn.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
We're all an Enigma: Welcome back, Primogen Encor

Quietly and secretly, as appropriate for a clan named Enigma, a new Primogen was welcomed. The mysterious group located on the south border of Koguryo celebrated the promotion of Ecnor as their leader last week, and I was invited into their hall for an interview with him. Joining him were Saratogaa, sDogg, Tsirl, Ginji, Centril, Bitzei, and GokuM.
Well, hello, Primogen! I had to do a big of digging to find out about this. It's great news to hear about your appointment. How do you feel? Ecnor: I feel great, though this isn't my first time at it. Skum has done a great job, but as we all do at times, needs a break.
Tell us a bit about Enigma Clan. As the name suggests, it's a bit of a mystery. Ecnor: Ha, ha! The mystery is not so much a mystery. This is a clan with great people. Strength comes with unity. We bring folks in and unify in our honor. My (real life) son, Omni, helped found this clan. (He went by Omi, as well.)
A family legacy, then! Yes, very much. We at Enigma are family. Isn't that right folks? [Tsirl and Bitzel piped up with a "Heck yeah!"]
So, what is it about Enigma that unifies its members? Unity is about respect for each other, and sacrificing to help others be strong. We welcome old and new in this clan. [Note: Ginji was heard coughing at this statement.] There is so much history that is cannot be represented in one small interview.
Do you have any plans for Enigma in the immediate or far future, such as events? I will, with help of my council, bring back more clan hunts. In addition, life is a mystery to unfold, together. In unity, mystery is unfolded to find more mystery. The circle of life continues as we explore this relationship, and the kingdoms.
You mentioned this isn't your first time holding the Primogen staff. Will your leadership be different this time than the last? I have changed, so will the clan. We grow personally, and we grow as a clan. How do we grow, and in what way? That is part of Enigma.
Do you have anything you'd like to say to address your clan, or the kingdoms as a whole, regarding this appointment? I am looking forward to working with the kingdoms so that they may all discover new mysteries about themselves and the kingdoms. Actually, each clan is an Enigma unto itself. They just don't know it.
[The gathered Enigma Clan members desired to chime in.]
Do any of you have something to add? Bitzel: We are a clan that grows in numbers, strength, and love! Tsirl: We are simply excited to be a part of this welcoming family, and hope to be able to contribute as much joy and help as possible to all. Saratogaa: We trust you, Encor.
We're looking forward to the bright future Enigma Clan has, and the leadership of Ecnor (and his hat). We also want to thank Skum for all the years of care and dedication provided to the clan and kingdom.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Loads of fun at Lughnasadh
 Photo courtesy of Brine.
The Druids invited the community to celebrate the beginning of the harvest season with the annual Lughnasadh festival this past weekend.
Dedicated to Lugh, the pagan god associated with the Sun, crafting, and journeys, the festival is celebrated with gatherings, feasts, contests, and marriages. As opposed to the hand-fasting associated with Beltane, the Lughnasadh festival marks a time where couples can forge a marriage contract that can be annulled a year from this period. Sporting events of sword games are also welcome during this festival, and the one this year was no exception.
Left: Last Man Alive, hosted by the Barbarian path. Right: Weapons Dance, hosted by the Do path.
The subpaths banded together to create a packed agenda for the festival. Tarot Rush, Battle on the Bridge, Square to Square, an archery tournament, Weapons Dance (with a surprise round of Weapons Scrambles), Last Man Alive, a Koan reflection hour, Deadliest Poison, Liar Game, and a S7 tournament kept the action going through both evenings.
Thank you, Druids, for the planning and execution of a wonderful festival. We look forward to the next one!
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting