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Something Shining this Way Comes!
by: Barter
-- 6:38 PM EST
The Imperial Ministry of Buya has seen a changing of the Minister in recent days. Minister Baltzen Balitang has served as the Minister for more than 8 years of MuHyul's reign, in which we've seen great growth and activity from the Imperial Ministry. When asked what he thought of all this, Baltzen stated: "It was an honor and pleasure serving the Ministry for my tenure. I can only hope that the Ministry continues to shine like the Shining Jewel it is. Good Luck to PoeTxi with your new adventure!"
 The new Minister, PoeTxi, is excited in moving forward with the Imperial Ministry. Regarding this transition, she shares with us, "I appreciate the service Baltzen has made towards our great nation. I am truly honored and humbled to be called to serve Her Majesty, Queen Lasahn, and the great people of Buya. It is my goal that we will foster a welcoming and supportive environment while showcasing the strength of the Shining Jewel of the East."
Thank you for your service, Baltzen - The Imperial Ministry of Buya has grown because of you. As for PoeTxi - congratulations, and may you serve Buya well.
Koguryo Defender Celebrations
by: Maron
-- 2:57 AM EST
Hey folks! I hope your week is starting out well. Here is the latest news for you as of the past weekend.

To round out three consecutive weeks of planning by each of the Three Kingdoms, the Royal Ministry of Koguryo had coordinated with several organizations for a full day of events held within Victory Square, leading up to the defender ceremony in Royal Reception Hall on Saturday evening.

Congratulations to the following nominees that received the honor of pledging to defend Koguryo: Bear: Sarie, BoRiCha Oceana: BoomerSooner, Amotis SunMoon: Gematria, Bokanaught Tiger: Yumi, GinSama Destiny: Geotide, DethDealer Enigma: Uoiea Ministry: Number, Tanguneer Army: SirKossa, Chara, Omat

More information to come as it develops...
~ "Mark" Maron reporting ~ Hyul 122, 5th Moon, 7th Sun
Merchant announcement; Buya Defender Ceremony
by: Maron
-- 12:40 AM EST
Hey folks! The following recent statement can be found on the Chronicles of the Winds board (located at numerous convenient locations including Barbarian Cave, Buya/Koguryo/Nagnang Palace, Tangun Coordinates 024,124, and Chongun Sanctuary).
Board : Chronicles of the Winds Author : everclear Subject : [M] Official Proclamation Date : 2/14 ____ __ / / _ /|/| _ _ _ / _ _/ / _ '/_/ ( /)(- / |(-/ ( /)(//)/ (__)(//((/ . ....... \ . ` ....... `\/__ _ ` `S _ _ P` /\ ` ` E / \_/ \ A.` ` ` ` L / \ T ` ` ` `F / /\_/\ \ H` ` ` ` /_ / \ _\ ` ` _ __` `. COMMUNITY .` ` /\. ````````` . ` / \ `````````
The Merchant Guild formally renounces all affiliation with the nation of Koguryo and their government, effective immediately.
The Merchant Guild finds it untenable to continue to operate out of Koguryo while trying to maintain our core value of neutrality among all nations and peoples, and more particularly be an independent entity which chooses its own destiny.
Therefore, we seek to move out of Koguryo and into neutral territory immediately.
Going forward, the Merchant Guild would like to split up its operations and service to the community equally among the three Kingdoms, including Koguryo.
While we make this transition, we hope to continue to serve the citizenry, clans, and subpaths of Koguryo as we do all nations, as well as all free people who also claim neutrality.
We have no interest in open conflict with the nation of Koguryo or its royalty. However, we will not tolerate any obstruction in our attempts to detach from Koguryo and serve all people equally.
Many decisions are still to be made in the days ahead. The Merchant Guild will keep the community apprised of any changes which affect them going forward.
We appreciate the patronage of all people of all nations.
~everclear~ Merchant Elder |
Some controversy has reached the Kugnae streets regarding this announcement, as the relocation of Merchant facilities will have an impact on its historical legacy. However, public sources within the path are asking for patience as well as privacy as the changes unfold.
Meanwhile, a more traditional, annual event took place within Buya Palace, as Queen Lasahn called for representatives from Buya Clans, Ministry and Army to exhibit their Devotion to and Defense of the Northernmost Nation of Nexus.
 (Image courtesy of HrtLvr)
The nominees who exhibited Buya devotion included: Dharma: JediJosh, WahCantiknya Phoenix: MrChu, MistPrince Heavens: HrtLvr, Raymon SanSin: izakaya LostKingdom: Vectorx, PoeTxi Ministry: Eponine, Jenkyns Army: BigStrongMan, Neji

 Prior to the ceremony, a block schedule of events took place within Buya Palace and elsewhere, with plenty of gold prizes awaiting the winners.

 Furthermore, an unexpected raid of masked robbers were found infiltrating and possibly stealing from Buya Palace, but at Queen Lasahn's public call for help, plenty of brave citizens came to the rescue to eventually stop the intruders.
~ "Mark" Maron reporting ~ Hyul 122, 3rd Moon, 13th Sun
Nagnang Defender Ceremony
by: Maron
-- 11:43 PM EST
Hey folks! Sunday evening, King ChaeRi and Princess Sutsang and Sage YongSu of Nagnang invited the community to observe as select representatives from their Clans, Ministry and Army would be honored with the opportunity to "Pledge to defend Nagnang" and receive the esteemed purple defender dye.

The nominees who were honored are listed by organization as follows: Alizarin: socks, Sydnei Covenant: Bond, Schlafly The Forsaken: Sinjo, MzBitz Kurimja: Chongde, NhikamuZe Pegasus: Xiuling, MissFlyn Silla: Sugarbye, Ranfield Royal Guard: (Redacted), Draven Eternal Order: Lathander, Heira
(Representatives of Kurimja and Pegasus Clan were noticeably and regrettably absent, however General Heira and Sage YongSu were able to declare their chosen defenders. Furthermore, there was one nominee that was not announced. Each of them would be honored at a later occasion.)
Of course, it was seen fit that Archon of Nagnang, Nehebka, should also receive this honor!
Congratulations to all of the newly pledged Defenders of Nagnang!

Incidentally, it was announced toward the beginning of the Defender Ceremony that a robbery had taken place within the palace. In order to follow leads that would reclaim stolen property and determine the whereabouts of the culprit(s), an expedition into the Woodlands was arranged by Ranger Elder Kabob and Primogen SoulHunter (with blood brother Prime Minister BaByBoy of Koguryo), joined with King ChaeRi, Princess Sutsang, General Heira and troops of Royal Guard of Nagnang, and other important figures.
 Participants of this expedition would be granted this fairly new Ranger mark for the occasion.
Seen something we haven't? Let a Nexus Atlas reporter know!
~ "Mark" Maron reporting ~ Hyul 122, 1st Moon, 14th Sun
"Minor fixes" ; Tri-Kingdom S7 Finale
by: Maron
-- 11:23 PM EST
Hey folks! Glad you are still tuning in to the evening news presented to you at your reading leisure on this Monday August the Ninth, Twenty-Twenty-Won (or whenever you happen to visit this page and read).
A few days ago some organizations were granted some requested adjustments based on the following instructions.
Board : Dream Weaver Author : NexusTK Subject : Server Reset - Aug. 6th, 2021 Date : 8/6 Minor fixes for clans and subpaths. Other minor bugs fixed.
(Some findings of the actual adjustments will be documented upon discovery!)
Now, as was previously reported, the Tri-Kingdom S7 Finale took place on Sunday August 8th.
Here is a quick rundown of the match results:  PuDePi (Kugnae) VS. Zeromus (Nagnang) : PuDePi SkaggY (Buya) VS. Sunder (Nagnang) : SkaggY Rokkeu (Kugnae) VS. Sugarbye (Buya) : Sugarbye PuDePi VS. Sugarbye : PuDePi SkaggY VS. Sugarbye : Sugarbye SkaggY VS. PuDePi : PuDePi PuDePi VS. Sugarbye : Sugarbye ; Rematch : PuDePi
Here are some highlights from that exhibition in The Hammer and Nail:
 (Click to expand)
 (Click to expand)
 (Click to expand)
Congratulations to Major PuDePi of KoguryoArmy for prevailing in this competition! She reportedly received a total of 11,000,000 gold donated by several organizations, as well as an engraved wristband signifying her as the S7 Kingdom Champion!
On a final note, word has reached us that each nation is planning to hold defender ceremonies within the month.
Seen something we haven't? Let a Nexus Atlas reporter know!
~ "Mark" Maron reporting ~ Hyul 121, 11th Moon, 19th Sun