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Thursday, August 30, 2018
Temporary issue affecting the Forsaken clan members (Updated)
by: Vini
-- 11:25 PM EST
As of today, some or all members of the Forsaken clan may have found themselves in a very strange situation: somehow it seems they have all been removed from the clan. However, there's no need to worry. It seems it was caused by a temporary issue and the new Archon of Nagnang guaranteed to every member the clan that it was not disbanded and that the issue will be fixed soon. This isn't the first time something similar happened.

So, if you find yourself forsaken by The Forsaken today, do not lose hope, because tomorrow is a new day. The Forsaken Clan lives on!
Update: As of August 31st morning, the clan has restored partial functions and members are being manually re-added until GMs finish with the full restoration. To be readmitted contact Archon Yoki or one of the clan council members. Temporarily Sieo is the only council who restored ability to add members, but soon enough AxeBen and Dorothea will regain their powers and will be able to help too.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 98, Moon 5~
Ritual of Wisdom Performed!
Though the Minor Quest run is over, Visionary Kelsier of the Divine Order of Koguryo decided that a Ritual of Wisdom was in order!

Kelsier offered the following words, 'The community came together to cultivate and create energies of Responsilibity for new knowledge and abilities gained through the recent Minor Quest Run. Everyone shared different stories to help us create our ritual.
We spoke about how words can be more powerful then magic. Some spoke of times they changed course in life and it had a profound positive effect and others who have decided to walk down a path in life and hold steady the entire way.
We remembered times when we ourselves were immature and young and how we have changed...
Times when we thought we knew a spell, but had no idea the complexities behind them.'
While not everyone offered words of wisdom, many came and participated:
In no particular order:
Teluro, Stormin, Asta, Babao, Meccaryn, Tyche, Kisa, Marlon, Goyongyong, Kydra, Kleopatra, Morgaine, Skibba, Frenya, Lancin, Fanman, Deviance, Aventador, Kazakus, Kana, Gravewalker, Paritegi, Meccaryn, PlagueD, Elder Sieo, Asoma, Mood, SubChess, Nocsee, Milana and IcePixy.
We thank all who gave a bit of themselves, be it through words or time and wish everyone the wisdom of peace, the common sense of good choices and the shrewdness to succeed in their futures!
Hyul 98, 4th Moon, 5th Sun *;'IcePixy';*
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Server Reset - Minor Quest Run Week
There was a server reset this morning in which a MQ Run was added allowing people to as many minor quests they want per day, although they only get exp and daily coin every 12 hours still. This particular kind of event is super useful for those who want to reach Sa san faster, as doing 400 minor quests is the 4th trial of endurance. The Minor quest run will last for a week, until Friday 17th or Saturday 18th.
With this reset some clans & subpaths got their requests implemented. Rangers were the only who shared their new additions with Nexus Atlas, as they finally got an old request implemented, two new event winning recognition marks:

Monks also got new marks for a new quest of enlightenment that they're releasing soon for the community. The quest will offer a new form of earning karma, so stay tuned to subpaths board to learn when they have official information of how to undertake spiritual journeys.
 There is also new Ancient Training Grounds test caves, that are supposed to work just like the original ones or very close to it. To understand more about what is being teste, read the Dream Weaver post from Wony:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: Wony DATE: 8/11 SUBJECT: Server Reset Aug 11th 2018
- MQ Run is in, and will last for a week, until the end of next week.
- Subpath and clan requests and updates.
- We have a rather unusual update with this reset. An entire replica of Ancient Training Ground will be running on the event server. It's quite identical to what we already have but what's unique about this is that it is mostly done by a new system we've been building rather than the conventional method of manually entering relevant data. This means that our entire Nexus world is being systemized and analyzed, which is critically important in balancing and rapid adjustment, with far less possibility of human errors. This is something we've been, I've been, wanting for a long time, but really couldn't progress far with every day to day concerns and operations. The system is not finished, but we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. This is an attempt to test the system out with you. There could be bugs.
Now, I am sure many of you will be asking why we should do this when people are waiting on the end game content, and will probably want to burn me on a stake for setting my priority wrong. But actually this is the right order of matters for the long term prosperity of the game that has been around for 20 years, for so many reasons.
You can enter the Test AGS caves through the usual entries that are split for this. The stats are very similar, since we didn't want to anything abruptly, but for a few levels it's been slightly boosted. We are open for reports, and I need some sleep and beer, only if I don't have to hear that dreadful word in my dreams..
Thank you.
Good news that Wony is working on improving Nexus' backend system which as he says is critical for rapid adjustment in the future. (Which is something we are doing on NexusAtlas as well!)
The entrance to the cave is the same as the current location at West gate Kugnae. The bottom two tiles of entrance will bring you to the test cave which is on a different server, so there will be a server switch. You can see below marked by the Goh stones. The black ones bring you to the test cave and the white ones to the regular cave. (Thanks TwitchUser)

Here is inside the cave.. looks the same!

BabyVox let me know that Cave 10 gave 35 mil, Cave 11 gave 42mil. In Cave 9 grouped, we got 25mil.
The Shaman Prince
by: Vini
-- 9:55 PM EST
For the first time in Nexus history, a Royal has joined a subpath. The initiation ceremony took place in the Valley of Mudang last Friday when Prince Mobon of Koguryo became a Shaman.

This unique situation occurred after the Shamans diagnosticated in Prince Mobon symptoms of a spiritual sickness known as 'Sinbyeong' (also 'shinbyong'), which in koguryic language translates as 'divine illness'. According to the shamanic traditions, those who are affected by sinbyeong often have severe headaches, hallucinations, vivid dreams and physical pain caused by the spirit possessing them. The Sinbyeong is an ailment indicative of the 'Naerim Mu', which are Shaman that gain their powers via possession rather than being born of the genetic line of a Shaman. There are certain groups of shamans who believe that those who are affected by the Sinbyeong are possessed by a god, called a momju. There are ways to treat the illness by performing certain Shamanic rites, but the illness can only be completely cured by performing a Kut; the full acceptance of the Naerim by the spirits, causing them to gain control over the spirits and turning them into a Shaman.
This was what happened with Prince Mobon. He was reached out to via the Chronicles of the Wind by several Shaman asking him to allow them to examine him, as they feared for his well-being. Mobon spoke to a Shaman that was the former Royal Shaman and one that is very close to the Koguryo Royal family, Hatiki. Hatiki examined the Prince and found that his symptoms were indeed dire and recommended him to the current Royal Shaman, Decimus.
The Royal Prince met with Decimus, who went over the symptoms of Sinbyeong with him. Decimus warned that he might very likely die if he did not seek treatment. Mobon was resolved to follow this path to the end. Decimus accepted the young Prince as his 'Shinddal', which in koguryic means neophyte. They began to meet in the Palace regularly, the two training in Shamanic lore and ritual. During the discovery of his alignment, Mobon professed consistently that he wished to use this power for the good of the people of Koguryo; he wanted to become a healer. Decimus saw the good in the young Prince and recognized him as a Light Shaman, one of the first to be recognized as such in a long time.
After a vision quest, his totem spirit was revealed; a Black Fox. This was tattooed onto Mobon's back, a large tattoo of his totem spirit, with the characters for the Hae family and the Koguryo Kingdom serving as the fox's eyes. Mobon learned the ways of the Medicine Wheel, and the cyclical nature of life and how to use that knowledge to heal. When his training was complete, Mobon followed his Dohsa (Teacher) Decimus into the Valley of Mudang in Nagnang secretly. There the entire Shaman upper circle was waiting for him; including their founder, JaydePhoenix. As the case was a special one, and his Sinbyeong was progressing, the Shamans decided unanimously to perform the Prince's kut right then and there. They imbued the young Prince with their power, one at a time, ritualistically cutting his forearms with their YongSangs, the spirits within symbiotically infusing his hands with power. JaydePhoenix herself called upon the spirits to grant Mobon strength; a blessing that has not been afforded to another Shaman in decades.
When the ceremony was complete, Mobon entered into the Shaman circle as the newest member of the Mudang; Mobon, the Shaman Prince.

What will this mean for the kingdom of Koguryo and the royal family? Is Mobon finally cured of his headaches or is there still more to it? The Diviners seemed very concerned about this. Will a Shaman Prince aggravate the recent conflicts between Shamans and Diviners further or will Mobon be a key figure in ending the so-called Mages war once and for all? Time will tell and Nexus Atlas will cover it!
A Special thanks to multiple members of the Shaman path for sharing detailed information about Mobon's initiation.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 97, Moon 10~