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Server Reset - August 29, 2012
by: Guldar
-- 9:58 PM EST
As this happened a few days ago, I'm sure most of you already know the good news. Looks like we got something we've been asking for for decades. This is GM Stein's post from Dreamweaver:
* People who currently have the highest level of sage will be able to re-learn the spell if they ever forget it (such as when changing alignments) for 250k
Desty was kind enough to share with us what you will see when you go to re-learn your forgotten Sage 5* The ministry jubilee clothes are being removed Minor updates for: - Monk subpath - Druid subpath - Silla clan - Viper clan - Lost Kingdom clan - Oceana clan --Guldar --The Ursine Ronin
New Buya Primogens
by: Vini
-- 7:12 PM EST
Shortly after the Defender's ceremony, Buya has announced two new primogens: Arindale, who had just been recognized as defender was also announced as the new Primogen of Phoenix clan, replacing Guerrund who has stepped down. RipOut, who has been elected the new Primogen of Heavens clan, after a lockdown caused due to Phiirosan's sudden long absence.
Nexus Atlas congratulates Primogen Arindale and Primogen RipOut on their new positions and wishes Guerrund good luck on his new endeavors.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 50, Moon 4~
Saturday, August 25, 2012
The Royal Engagement During Defender's Ceremony
by: Vini
-- 4:11 PM EST
--- The Engagement Proposal ---

BUYA -- During last night's defender ceremony, Lord Geumwa, the nephew of Emperor Xiu of Han who arrived on Buya few days before the Ripple in Time, officially proposed to Princess Lasahn as requested by his uncle and announced by General Hanxin. The proposal was expected to come sooner or later, but her answer was quite suprising to most people. "For Buya" said her Highness with a smile on her face while sliding the engagement ring onto her left hand finger.

The proposal came shortly after the Buya Defender's ceremony was finished. Lord Geumwa asked a moment to speak and made a speech about how happy he was to move to this new home and how proud he was of buyan citizens and its new defenders. The young royal lamented not being able to ask her hand to her father and asked everyone at the Imperial Promenade to close their eyes and think of how prosperous Buya has been over the years, in respect of Emperor Aino Senshi. Since Senshi was actually a General before becoming Emperor, Geumwa asked Buya Army's General, Aurons, for the Princess hand as a symbolic act.

After the Princess said yes, they both wore their new rings for public to see.

--- The Defender's Ceremony ---

The engagement of Princess Lasahn was obviously the grandstand of the evening, but surely wasn't the only remarkable moments of the ceremony. The Buya Imperial Army had a brief presentation on stage before taking formation behind the royals and the muses had a song and dancing performance.

Here's a copy of the song performed by Muses:
♪ I've been here, I've been there, I've been everywhere But nothing can compare to the crisp Buyan air! The mountains, the ocean -- one or two at least They've got nothing on the Shining Jewel of the East!♪
C'mon, boys! Show me your Buyan pride!
♫ [CHORUS]: Yes ma'am, Big Red!
♪ There's not a thing about Buya I'd ever change Even the Sire pit has its charm, albeit it strange! The Golden Empire is a place for culture and beauty And everyone surely shines, from peasants to the snooty!
Oh, Buya.. you've always been my home!♪ .. except for that brief period of time when I live in Nagnang, but.. let's.. forget about that..
♪ The streets will put you in a trance, too Walk them and they'll Castaspella on you There's no better place than Buya in the nighttime Enjoy the girls of the Muse, they only cost a rhyme♪
.. except for me! I cost a hell of a lot more! Isn't that right, MistPrince? .. I mean .. Guerrund! .. I mean .. wait, who am I married to these days?
♫ [CHORUS]: As long as you're a Shaman, she's obviously game!
♪ You'll be up in the Heavens like a mighty Phoenix bird You can explore your inner Dharma and find your Lost Kingdom, I've heard! You simply cannot have any regrets, this is all Sans Sin A little evening fun can never hurt, ask the Twilight of Elendhirin!♪
It's Buya's night, ladies and gentlemen! Let me hear you SCREAM!
♪ March on like a mighty soldier, prove yourself to me Scream your love for Buya like a mighty and fierce banshee! Tonight you'll see all of those mighty ones who certainly do and they'll be rewarded with Buya's bright golden hue!
Welcome, everyone! Let's get this ceremony STARTED!♪
♫ [CHORUS]: Thanks for the dramatics, Jolie.
♪ It's what I DO!♪ After the dancing show, the defender's honors began. Here are the 12 nominees that were recognized as the new defender's of Buya that night and earned the right to wear Buya's golden color:

Adani, from Elendhirin clan Primarch Arindale, from Phoenix clan BeRLiN, from Lost Kingdom clan Council BloodOfThor, of Dharma clan Admin Major Dekato, from Buya Army Arts Laureate Kaiyan, from Buya Army Primarchess Sheilala, from Lost Kingdom clan Imperial Minister SoulGuard Sourapple, from SanSin clan Head of Paths Streetrat, from Phoenix clan Imperial Delegate Toxuen from SanSin clan Voltel from Elendhirin clan

Heavens clan did not have any defenders due to it being on lockdown and on process of choosing a new Primogen.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 50, Moon 4~
Thursday, August 23, 2012
A Royal Date
by: Vini
-- 2:20 AM EST
Few hours after Buya clan tribunal, while I was meeting with the new Minister of Buya and interviewing him for the news report below, the sages echoed through the winds of Buya: Princess Lasahn and her groom-to-be, Lord Geumwa, were going on a field trip for her to present him the clans of Buya.

Accompanied by soldiers and ministry members they ventured through the roads of Buya to visit 5 of 6 clans. First they went to Elendhirin, then to Dharma, then to Phoenix, then to Lost Kingdom but couldn't enter the hall and finally they went to SanSin. No member of Heavens clan had door key available at that time to open for them.

 At the end of the field trip they returned to BIA barracks where Jolie and two soldiers performed a singing and dancing preview of what's to come for the defender's ceremony this Friday. Lord Geumwa and Princess Lasahn seem to have enjoyed the presentation and both will be present during next ceremony.

~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 50, Moon 3~
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Shining New Minister of the East
by: Vini
-- 11:58 PM EST
Couple days ago there was an important announcement handled by Buya Imperial Ministry. A few days before the Defender's ceremony, Minister RebelMagic had to step down of her duties and appointed SoulGuard to be her successor.

Jeong-Do SoulGuard has also served Buya before as its Warrior Tutor and was until yesterday the Arch-Sentinel of Buya, who represents the leader of a inner ministry division called "Sentinel Faction".

Nexus Atlas congratulates Minister SoulGuard on his new position and wishes RebelMagic good luck on her new endeavors.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 50, Moon 3~
Upcoming ceremony to Buya Defenders
by: Vini
-- 6:00 PM EST
The next Defender's Ceremony is scheduled to happen at Buya this upcoming Friday, August 24th at 9pm EST. Such solemnity will be held in the Grand Imperial Promenade located within the throne room of the buyan palace.
Join Princess Lasahn and the Imperial Ministry of Buya at the ceremonial which shall recognize those who shall uphold the duties and colors of a national defender.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 50, Moon 2~
Server Reset - Friday, August 10th
by: LilB
-- 3:24 PM EST
There was reset at 3:30 PM EST today!
A small one, but the reset notes:
* New itemshop items for August
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Client Patch!
by: Guldar
-- 7:47 PM EST
Posted by GM Stein on August 8th, 2012:
* Take off all (Shift+T + A) will now remove shoes as well * Minor bug fixes
Now we can get nakeder faster! WINNING!
Also, GM Stein reminded Windows 7/Vista users to run as administrator for the client patching to be a success.
--Guldar --The Ursine Ronin
Taik Pae is back to work.
I was informed by Falgore, that Taik Pae was around about in Kugnae. He politely obliged me with a meeting in Iron Heart's home.

I asked him a few questions, and this is what I have discovered:
In the back of Mananana's shop (82,72 Kinung) there are some Kilns. Taik Pae's new home . He has decided to continue his work from here.
He will only be making the same weapons he always has. He is not interested in making anything new yet, as he is still shaken up from the disaster his Phoenix Sword resulted in.
He is happy to make everyone as many weapons as they would like now. However, these weapons will be made so that only their true owner can wield them. (Bonded)
I believe we will still see great things from this young, inspiring Smith. His talents are undeniable!
Ushallfeerme * edited to link to new map - AllyGator
So Much Good News!
by: Guldar
-- 9:48 PM EST
It seems tonight brings even more news! Keep the news tips coming people!
 First in the North-West corner of Koguryo by Baek's shop we have a strange assortment of the Royal Seamstress's clothing models. No idea what they're doing up here, but thank you to KeLLa for the tip!  Probably the biggest news of the night, is the triumphant return of Taik Pae the weaponsmith of legend! He has set up shop in the Kilns in the back room of his sister Manananana's little shop in Kinung. (82/72 Kinung) Big thanks to Sammori for this news tip. It seems from a cursory examination that Taik Pae is offering to forge citizens new weapons, even if they have forged one previously! When I spoke to him, he asked me if I wanted a new weapon! Seems the quest is the same as before, he started right off asking if I had some of Walsuk's Special dinner. If you forgot how to do the quest, here is a link! Taik Pae Weapon Quest --Guldar --The Ursine Ronin
Preparations for King Mhul's Jubilee
by: Guldar
-- 9:24 PM EST
Today has been a madhouse in Koguryo, between the sealing of the time cleft to Alt Kugnae and now the insanity at the Palace with the preparations for King Mhul's Jubilee!
Several new guests are at the Palace, bringing us some spectacular presents to celebrate the 50th year of our King's reign!
 First we have Honimoo giving out Parade Horse Saddles, which summon an armored steed with an azure color. Next to him is the Royal Seamstress, handing out free Special Robes and Special Draperies to all the good boys and girls. These coats are Koguryo Defender blue, and modeled after Mantles and Draperies. Currently they give stats, it is unknown if this is a bug or will remain. The male version has -4 AC and 3,000 durability. The female version has -6 AC, +1 Will, and 3,500 durability. I guess the GM thinks girls are more fragile! Thank you to Gwenstacy for the stats on the girly version. The seamstress wouldn't give me any since I'm a man! 
Next we have a lovely lady named LotusBlossom who is helping dye special flowers to celebrate the King's Jubilee! Azure Mugungwha! Step 1) Bring her 3 Pink Mugungwha Step 2) Bring her a Crystal Step 3) Enjoy your pretty new flower and celebrate! (Note: The dye process yields only one blue flower. Apparantly Mugungwha are a delicate flower and do not survive this process well.)  Third up we have the Fireworks Master visiting the Koguryo Palace this time around, rather than his hut at South Mythic. He is putting on a show at the Koguryo Palace. Stop by for some amazing shows designed especially to celebrate King Mhul's Jubilee!  As if that wasn't enough madness, there is a CIRCUS in town! Head to South gate Kugnae, and walk east to 163/203 or 164/203. There you will find the entry to the Circus Tents. There are two rooms inside at present, and they are unoccupied currently. Hopefully the circus folk will show up to entertain us in honor of King Mhul's 50th Year Jubilee! Thank you to ShdwStalker for sharing this information with NexusAtlas staff. Also, there is an entry to the Circus Tents from King Yuri's Statue to the East of the Koguryo Palace. --Guldar --The Ursine Ronin
The Time Cleft is Sealed!
by: Guldar
-- 8:19 PM EST
Following tonight's reset, several citizens began searching for trouble from Mupa and the rifts to the time cleft of Alternate Koguryo. To our surprise, the rifts were sealed! Keep posted to NexusAtlas for more breaking news!
 --Guldar --The Ursine Ronin
Server Reset - August 2, 2012
by: Guldar
-- 8:08 PM EST
As posted on the NexusTK.com website:
Server Reset - August 2, 2012
* A few new things for King Mhul's jubilee
Minor updates for: - Viper clan - Phoenix clan
--Guldar --The Ursine Ronin
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
by: Loxie
-- 11:40 PM EST
This just in! Soul Collectors are entering our world from the time cleft! Is Mupa still alive an plotting an invasion? Or was the the only thing keeping her world from ours? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Heeeeeeeelp!
 Alt Kugnae appears to be swarming with monsters! A call for help from Jainous revealed that the fighters are in desperate need of poets. It's a shame I'm a Chongun or I could help! -Sigh.- At any rate, they need people to help defend our world from Alt Kugnae! 