Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Server reset, Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Currently the things we are working on for Nexus: * Hunting area to be added to the game (this is not the same area as the new Sa san house trails) * New event * More work for Sa san has been completed such as new House area has been tweaked, Spell names are in the works and so on? * Minor addition for item shop
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Kurimja gets update to Merchant Avarice (Sells Wine, Rice wine, Herb pipe, Tea and Root liquor
Other: * You must now be level 5 and do the justice quest before you may leave the first gate of Tangun. * Crusader's great blade was corrected to give the missing stat. * If you are still having issues putting your Golden shield in the bank just ask a merchant to un-engrave it or send a ticket.
XoXo Kikoura
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Ultimate Screenshot Post
by: TSWolf
-- 3:10 PM EST
Hey all!
For those of you who haven't been tuning in on NexusForums, I've begun to discuss some upcoming projects I've had the pleasure of working on. I've been giving people the opportunity to ask questions referring to past events on Nexus and the websites, in hopes to try and establish a level playing field for which this upcoming project can be created.
After a couple days of posting, I noticed an increased interest in "seeing" these things, and not just hearing about them. So I sat down with Allygator and discussed what would be the best way to do this... on the fly.
So for the next few days, those of you who have NexusForums accounts can head on over to the Community Board and submit any requests for screenshots of anything you'd like to see in Nexus history (within reason of course). And c'mon over and join in the conversations we have going!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
More Information on the Diary Quest
 Tormented TomeSolving the Diary Quest has been a huge effort for a few years. There has been a dedicated group that has always hunted the Woodlands bosses to find the items and have pondered the various clues. So far to no avail. It's known that you don't have to see an NPC to start the quest (maybe there is no NPC at all). It's known that you need the 6 diary pages to solve the quest but now we can release the information that there is another item you must have. Tormented Tome! We don't know if the "Tome" has a level assigned to it like the diary pages have. ["Stolen" diary pages can be found in the 99 to Il san cave levels while "Original" pages can be found in Ee san+ cave levels.] If you want to read the diary pages and the bindings click here. GM mug has also told us that it's possible to combine items from the Woodlands drops along with "something" from the towns in the creation system and that this item is part of the Diary Page quest. Many players have tried combinations with no success. The group of dedicated questers have asked that we provide this information: "It (Tormented Tome) has been confirmed to drop from the Desert Wanderer in Raheem. We don't know if in fact group size was a factor, but for the record we did kill it with five people in the group. It has a value of 500,000 coins and has a deposit price of 25,000. We obtained this long before several pages were discovered by other members of the community; to our knowledge it was one of the first estimated 10 "rare diary drops" to be found. It has absolutely no useful function, there is no text associated with it, and combining it with other diary pages has turned out to be futile. We have not obtained the full diary set to try combining... but its something we wish to try upon attaining all the pages.
Anyway, we'd appreciate it if you would post it in an effort to gain more attention towards the quest. We feel pretty alone in hunting the woodlands, and I am sure mug wont release hints without more people actively looking."Discussions about this quest can be posted on Nexus Forums. AllyGator
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Server reset, Thursday, August 14, 2008
As posted on the official Nexus TK website...
Server reset, Thursday, August 14, 2008 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Minor update for Nagnang army * Nagnang receives a chapel "Gale Chapel" and Fen who will marry you. (128,052 - Thank you, BlazingGirl!). * Heavens clan receives the following: New merchant Sahabat (travel to kingdoms), new merchant Privet (Deposit), Love now sells Rice wine and Tiger's hearts, Room Paradise has been fixed and now has its own wood cutting grove, Hanulson now sells Root liquor, Aged wine and Ink, Aislinn has been moved to the Garden and Tadpole has been moved to Twinkle's Crafting Den. New update to main hall * Dharma gets more trees in their grove, and Aria now buys back some gowns. * Phoenix gets a new look to Generosity and you can now sell some rings also. * Lost Kingdom gets minor changes to Glee, Mod and Tip * SanSin gets new merchants Ero-Latem (Smelt and Smith), Shin-Guarda (Travel to other Kingdoms and Chin-Hwa now lets you deposit.
Subpath additions and fixes: * Minor update for Elders' Haven * Work on the Druid quest has been started.
Other: * Minor update to the sound of the Slogs club, Slogs heavy club and Slogs ponderous club per request from players. * Players have begun testing new areas for Sa san trials. Some minor tweaks are being made and testing will continue next week. (Available to the community for a little while, the Malevolent Clan area has been removed as of tonights latest reset)
 Fen, of the Gale Chapel
BIA has a New General
by: Vini
-- 7:43 PM EST
There's a new leader in the Buyan Imperial Army. General Erucolindo has trained a sucessor for the past months and decided it was his time to step down yesterday. The sucessor of Chongun Erucolindo in leading BIA is the former Colonel, Druid Kirikka Solinarus.
She who is married to Erucolindo has been serving the Imperial army under several positions for many Hyuls and Yuris. Her ascension marks a new era to the Buya Army as she's the first woman to serve the Imperial Army as General.
The Nexus Atlas congratulates the 8th leader of BIA soldiers, General Kirikka and thanks Erucolindo for all he has done to Buya and nexus overall.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 17, Moon 12~
Server reset, Thursday, August 7, 2008
Anniversary swords have been packed up for another year.
Sa San "We are going to give you a small update on Sa san. Sa san will be in testing phase shortly. The trials are going to not just be like the past ones. There will be new hunting area for all players to have more places to hunt; for example one of these areas is like Dragons 1. There will be 2 new instances for players to complete depending on their stats. So stay tuned!"
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: Minor update for Nagnang Army Sansin clan gets new room Crafter's Delight
Subpath additions and fixes: Minor update for Diviner's Tai Chi room
Other: Pet dyes from another pet should be corrected.
XoXo Kikoura
Crusade fun!
 As the Crusaders waited patiently in the hall for 3 teams to be dyed, mug decided to pay a "secret" visit. Not actually showing himself, he magically made the room dance and smile for him! He then proceeded to summon - shortly - what seemed to look like new pets! Due to the short spawning time, we were only able to see what looked like a phoenix and this little pig!  What could be coming? I sure hope wolves! Ahem..! XoXo Kikoura
New Bear Clan Primogen
by: Aens
-- 8:13 PM EST
The Honorable Teragg has retired from his position as Primogen of the Bear clan. Teragg has been working hard for his clan and has helped it to become a great success during his time as its leader. In his place, Teragg has chosen CurlyM to lead the clan onward to greatness. Best of wishes to both of them as they start a new chapter in each of thier lives.
-Thank you to Guldar for this information-
The Dragons Head Pub!
by: Aens
-- 11:42 PM EST
In the tradition of days gone by, the K'urimja have once again thrown open the doors to the famed Dragon's Head Pub. Originally located at the Kamchatka ballroom in the frigid artic, the Dragon's Head can now be found at K'urimja hall in northeastern Nagnang. The Pub, owned and operated by legendary bartender Opus "OpusD" Deveron, provides a relaxed environment where people of all kingdoms and walks of life can come together for good times and merrimaking. Come on in, happy hour begins now!

Special thanks to Rubicant and the Kurimja Clan -Aens