Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
CreataChar v2: New Client Edition
by: Nagnag
-- 8:04 PM EST
Thanks to all those that PM'd me about this. Within the next week or two I may be either inviting more VIP viewers, or just releasing the entire thing, depending on a lot of things out of my control. I hope all that recieved the link to this enjoyed it! BE ON THE LOOK OUT, I might do something CRAZY again! So have a NexusForums account made and ready incase I need another 100 PMs!
Event on the way?
by: Vini
-- 4:24 PM EST
Addding more spice to the community expectations for the upcoming features for Nexus TK, now it was Marama's turn to give some hints about what is to come soon to the Kingdom of Winds lands. From the way it seems there has an event being worked to be released short after the new client is released.
Here is a copy of her post in community board, the original one can be found by the subject of Events:
Kru Int. is and has been working hard on the new client that will be coming out soon because this requires so much time this is a major reason for not having an event, but we have also been working on an event but it needs some programming before it is ready to go to the community this event will have maps, quests and some old names you haven't seen in awhile. So please be patient the new client is major priority at the moment.
"...some old names you haven't seen in awhile". Seems some past event people are preparing their hands to show up back in our community. Should this be considered a new threat to the community's peace only time will tell.
As Marama said herself, for now the expectations should turn around the "Much anticipated Nexus version 6.5 coming soon" , mentioned in Kru Inc. top bar of Nexus official page.
Special thanks to Pingu for posting about this news on Nexus Forums.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 76, Moon 3~
New Nagnang Ministry Members
by: Vini
-- 1:03 AM EST
The Prime-Minister of Nagnang, Lady Simbel, has posted on the community board the about the new additions to her ministry. The original post can be found by the subject of [/\/] New Ministry Staff!
The list of the names of the new members goes as the following:
Archdruid Asuza - Aid to Harmonious Baekho BeZal - Aid to Community & Pursuit Arstisan Carlein - Aid to Momentous Muse Dria - Aid to Community & Pursuit Mog-ur FalenAngel - Aid to Momentous Panoply Inflamed - Aid to Momentous Oracle Lilac - Aid to Momentous Baekho Taku - Aid to Community & Pursuit Mage Vinbarton - Aid to Harmonious Diviner Zario - Aid to Momentous
Congratulations to each of you and good luck on your new duties within the Nagnang Ministry.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 76, Moon 3~
"Free Engrave" scam.
by: Nagnag
-- 5:07 PM EST
For the past week or so there have been many victims to this "free engrave" scam. Some fell for it, and others pulled back at the last minute once they realized the person was not a Merchant. The scam goes as follows:
The person claiming to be a Merchant claims they are in a rush, and to have the items ready. Prior to this, their have either a friend sage or yell saying they are giving away cheap or free engraves. Either way, they pay off with the scammed items.
DO NOT fall for this scam. The most recent scammer has been named after the Merchant Elder AphroditeXO --- only switched the "XO" around and so the scammer's name is AphroditeOX. Be aware and KNOW WHO THE PEOPLE ARE 100% BEFORE EXCHANGING! When exchanging, also note that next to their name is their Path. SUBPATHS ARE SHOWN... therefore, if they say "Well Merchant is a subpath of Rogue, that's why it says Rogue"... no. It would say Merchant _______. So everyone be very weary over the next few weeks while Jusice and Kru (hopefully) put down the hammer of justice on these morons.
Koguryo 5.0 Maps Released
Another section of 5.0 maps has been released. All of the areas on the Kugnae server are now available.
All of the maps on the Buya server have been previously released. You can reach the maps buy clicking either Clickable Maps or Map/Cave Listings under 5.x to the left. You can also access all the maps by going to the World Map. I hope you find this information useful and enjoyable.
If you find any errors please post them in the Bugs topic or you can email AllyGator
Koguryo Royal Blessing Ceremony
by: Vini
-- 11:14 PM EST
Last Saturday evening was a memorable moment for the Kingdom of Koguryo. Prince M'hul, Minister Starrbrite and her Koguryo Ministry have hosted a ceremony at the Royal Coliseum at the Palace to honor and recognize those blessed as Koguryo Defenders and those praised for deeds of citizenship.
A few hard working people from clans and sub-paths have been brought forward to receive the honor to pledge to defend Koguryo towards Prince M'hul and were given the marking and the dye typical to the defenders. The Primogens of all the kogurian clans thanked each of these members for their dedication to their clans with this noble indication.
The clans members blessed were: Sun Moon sect - Cunning Erruk and Sammasati xuans Enigma - Essence FoxyHealer and Force Fearn Bear - Sulsa-Do Nightwatcher and Samaruhi Lumina Destiny - Gypsy Tsumoro and Force Zanadon Oceana - Chongun SaltyHorse and Adventurer FenixKiroz Tiger - Essence Saera and Cunning Linuxkiddy
 Primogen Gabe of Destiny clan calls Tsumoro and Zanadon to receive the blessing from the Prince
The elders of Koguryo sub-paths were also given the opportunity to indicate one of their members to receive such honor. The sub-path members blessed were: Chongun Karina, Spy Spades and Merchant NeoPandora. The Diviner and Monk paths have not indicated anyone this time.
 Elder AphroditeXO of Merchants call NeoPandora to be blessed
Minister Starrbrite also took this opportunity to honor a few members of her ministry by indicating them to be blessed as well by the Prince. These hard working members were: Muse Gilley, Barrage BotanChan and the Ambassador of Koguryo Diarmuid LunaStarling.
 Lady Gilley from the Ministry stands in front of the Prince to receive the blessing
 Ambassador LunaStarling also received the blessing as she should have been long ago as she's Ambassador
After the rounds of blessings given from Prince M'hul, Dame Starrbrite has given the Royal Ministry Mark to those who were Praised for Deeds of Citizenship. The noble citizens who finished the quest and were recognized that evening were: Swift Azasimus, Artisan Toucan, Chongun Deimos, Sonbae Deamian Deamian, Diviner Krylon and Sam San (P) MrPoetPo.
Congratulations to all those blessed and recognized for their deeds that evening and a special thanks to Starrbrite who has informed about all those honored at the ceremony.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 76, Moon 2~
Tiger Clan welcomes a new Primogen
by: Lalia
-- 9:17 AM EST
Apparently, the winds have shifted in the hall of the Tiger. The Tiger Clan now has a new Primogen, as Yiro has promoted FPickleDog from Primarch to Primogen. The vacant Primarch position remains open for now. Congratulations to FPickleDog!
Thanks to ThreeC for reporting this information!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
News Problems
by: TSWolf
-- 4:41 AM EST
The news problems have been resolved. We've identified the process causing it and it will be remedied quicker next time. Hopefully this doesn't happen again for a while.
Buya Mage & Warrior Tutor Positions
by: Rachel
-- 1:37 PM EST
Questions for Kru
by: Rachel
-- 1:07 PM EST
News Problem
by: Rachel
-- 12:30 PM EST
I'm not sure what the problem was, but it seems that our news feature is in working order again. If our news page ever goes down again, please check NexusForums Official Announcements board for your news.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
New Client Alpha Test is open!
by: Vini
-- 7:28 PM EST
As posted by WM on the Nexus Official website, the Alpha testing fase of the New client is open. A few players have been invited to test the new client and figure the bugs. The names of the chosen ones are probably confidential so we cannot bring any screenshot of the testing fases to the Nexus Atlas fans.
Here's a copy of the post from WM on the news page of NexusTK official site: Greetings,
I know everyone has been anxiously awaiting news of the new client update. Now we finally have something to report. After many weeks of hard work and internal testing, the Nexus client has entered its first stage of testing! The update is getting closer and closer to completion. With the help of the alpha test we'll be able to fix all of the remaining issues. We expect the alpha test will last for 2-3 weeks, after which will be an open beta test, where everybody can get an early glimpse at the new client.
Many people have been invited to participate in the alpha test of the new Nexus client. Some old and wise players, former beta testers, and some lucky names we picked from a hat! Check your Nmail to see if you've been invited.
If you haven't received an invitation yet, just wait! We'll be issuing more invitations over the next few weeks as we ramp up to the open beta.
Sincerely, WM Nexus Update Project Lead
We're excited to see this new client coming and hopefully it will bring great joy to all Nexus community members.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 75, Moon 12~
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Servers reset today
by: Vini
-- 3:41 PM EST
Around 3 hours ago, the servers of Nexus were all reset and these few changes were made:
The Sam San repair spells have been updated to allow repairs of another player's item. There is no longer a need to exchange your item in order to have it repaired by a Sam San warrior. The "Push" spell will now give the victim a message that they've been pushed, and by whom. Added new arrows types to Rangers' Carve Arrow skill. It is now possible to obtain a new Staff of the Elements if you have lost your first. Visit the merchant who helped you to create your first one to find out how.
Map Updates: Map update for Dharma clan. Map update for Phoenix clan. Map update for Elendhirin clan.
Minor Fixes: Minor fixes for Merchants. Minor fixes for Silla clan. Minor fixes for Pegasus clan
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 75, Moon 11~
Oceana Primogen Shift
by: Cirran
-- 8:13 AM EST
A few days ago Primogen ZeroCold stepped down and the position of Primogen went to Druid Igraine. Apparently this went semi-unnoticed, but congratulations to Igraine on her new position.
New head of Nagnang Ministry
by: Vini
-- 11:20 PM EST
This friday, Prince Kija of Nagnang has announced on the community board a proclamation with the sad news of Nayuki stepping down from her position prime-minister of his kingdom.
Gladly, for her replaced it has been chosen someone who has been hardworking for quite a good time in the ministry, Lady Simbel of K'urimja clan. She who already has spoken about her new position, mentioned that the applications to join the Nagnang Ministry are open and she'll be accepting it until August 20th. Anyone who wish to receive an application form should nmail her.
Congratulations Prime-minister Simbel and good luck with your new position.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 75, Moon 10~
P.S. Thanks to Basketboy to point the news on News report board of nexus forums.
Carny applications are open
by: Vini
-- 4:49 PM EST
The applications for the Carnage Staff are now open again to the public. Those who ever dreamed about being an Exilir War host, a Bloodlust host or a Carnage of Riches host this is the chance to get it.
Head Host Drywater has posted on the Carnage board the application form but be quick, the applications are being closed on August 13th.
A copy of the application form can be found on the Carnage Schedule board by the topic of Carnage Host application. Keep in mind that all applications must be sent to CarnyApp, not to Drywater or the Head of the divisions.
A note to the past applicants: anyone who has sent in a previous application and not received feedback, It's still on file and will be reviewed.
Good luck to all of the applicants and may great choices be picked!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 75, Moon 9~