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Signing in for sigils and SanSin: PoeTxi named Primogen
 SanSin members rally the community to show off their Rock Guardian Sigils at the north gate, in a spontaneous "Sigil Vigil." Even Archon Primogen Alilolelotte responded to the call for visitors, arriving with an array of fireworks.
Buya is no stranger to displays of flashiness, and so a sudden onset of community members standing proudly with their Rock Guardian Sigil at ready was not out of character. Over 30 individuals from the tri-kingdom area came out for the purpose of having a little fun in the aftermath of the recent "mini-event."
After the crowd dispersed, PoeTxi would invite me into the SanSin Clan Hall in order to discuss the recent news of her appointment as the latest Primogen. The announcement came over the winds Friday evening that she would be taking on the position as Snailz's successor. The former Primogen of Phoenix and Imperial Minister was happy to usher me in to a waiting group of friends and clanmates.
Hello, hello, hello again. We heard the news, but there was a little delay getting here to talk to you. What on earth is going on in SanSin, and how are you feeling right now?
I am exhilarated! SanSin is an incredible family and we have had a whirlwind few weeks here preparing for the departure of our beloved Primogen! His 2 years in this position have left me in an excellent position to step in and keep things moving along.
What plans are in consideration for the clan?
Yeah, that's the question, isn't it? We had a lovely Sigil Vigil at north gate Buya, WECK has been fighting off witches in Malgalod as a bonding activity, and Nobrows keeps everything running along smoothly here! The goal? To keep our clannies happy, and maintain the close-knit community we've come to know and love!
What sort of clan is SanSin, or what sort of person would find their home here?
Well, we're very private, and I'm not sure if I should reveal our core demographic audience... Hmm. If I had to compare us to a holiday film from another realm, I'd think it was like the Island of Misfit Toys. It's just an eclectic group of people who really enjoy each other's company. We use a referral system to recruit and ensure, like, you know, the "island" runs smoothly and everyone gets along.
What do you hope to see, in terms of SanSin's future? PoeTxi: If I wake up 2 years from now and see things exactl the way they are today, I haven't burned the hall to the ground, and the kindred are happy, I will be happy. [She turned to the group behind her.] What do you all hope to see, other than more Sigil Vigils? (I love rhymes.)[She laughed.] Caiden: Just a happy and healthy group of kindred!
Are there any announcements you'd like to make about this appointment as Primogen, or do you have anything else you'd like to add? PoetXi: Yes! SanSin would like to share our appreciation for Kru and the Gods for the fantastic event and interesting sigil mantles. We are counting down the days until 7/1/2024, as I'm sure many people are! We would also like to thank you and the entire NexusAtlas staff for your walkthrough, and for taking the time to come to our humble hall and meet with us! I am very excited for the future of SanSin, and grateful to uphold the values that our clan holds dear - loyalty to Buya and Her Majesty, the Queen. I'd also like to say hello to my mom. Hi mom! I did it, I'm SanSin Primogen! Xerath: And a big shout out to Ciri and Nobrows, pillars of SanSin culture!
That's sweet of you to say, thanks. Well, we wish you the best of luck, and hope your clan and friends have many wonderful adventures.
 Primogen PoeTxi stands with her clanmates behind her in the SanSin Clan Hall to give tidings.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Rocking back and forth (through time): A familiar enemy
 Above: Throngs of citizens file into the Isle of Alihoru after being whisked into the distant past by a time-traveling boulder. Below: Archon Primogen Alilolelotte hangs out by the Rock Guardian to point out where to get information in the Isle of Alihoru.
Looking for just the simple instructions, no spoilers, on how to complete this event? Arkanis has you covered over on bils.ca.
Back to the past (Full event walkthrough)
Stranger things have happened.
A sudden storm washed a large boulder at the (30,49) point of south gate Mythic Nexus. The community gathered around this strange occurrence, discovering it was a Traveling Rock, offering to create a bridge between points of time for us to explore.
Note: This event does not appear to have a level prerequisite.
We arrived at the mystical Isle of Alihoru, where a Rock Guardian at (71,145) informed us of the grave incident requiring our assistance:
"We are the Sentinels of Time. The passive observers of history. Existing between the past, the present, and the future, Guardians of the Ethereal Bridge.
"On a rare day such as today, you, too, were able to find your way to the ethereal bridge. And here you are. Welcome to the Isle of Alihoru. In the very heart of the island stands the Tower of Knowledge. This is the source of all knowledge in the world.
"It is protected by the Eight Guardians residing on the island. They are the only ones who may enter the Tower. They are responsible for allowing just the right amount of knowledge to sip into the rest of the World in a timely fashion, at the appropriate time. This insures that the balance is maintained.
"However! We have a recent visitor whose nefarious intentions threaten this very balance! If no action is taken then we all shall fall into a great peril. An evil woman is on the run here. She wants to get inside the Tower and steal all the secrets stored within. The Eight Guardians are too strong for her magic, but she is clever, and cunning. She may find a way to get what she wants.
"In her selfish pursuit of power she will end up unleashing horrors the world has yet to learn of... and a young soul may forever perish to darkness.
"This is why you are here now. Help us capture this woman. Ever since she found out she is not welcome, she's disguising herself as one of the pilgrims. Perhaps you can figure out a way to find her."
Mupa is a name that has crossed the annals of the Kingdoms many times through the decades, as the source of evil ongoings, ranging from the assassination of Kija, to the plight of the Bullkoch Kingdom. Knowing full-well the sobriety of the situation, we pressed through this idyllic island to find more answers.
North along the stones set in pools lined with water lilies a man in red named Sirius awaited at (69,118). He had more of the story to offer:
"Greetings. Have you come to worship? If so you can get clean garments in the hut above. Enjoy your time here, but be on your guard. We are on a lookout for a dangerous woman. There are rumors that she and her husband were thrown out from Kugnae with disgrace, and that now they are on the run. She is here to gain power, so she could return back to Kugnae with a vengeance and smite all those that gave her grief. Her name is Mupa. And she is very much at large. If by chance you are here to assist us then listen closely to what must be done...
"She is hiding amongst the pilgrims. With faces under the hood it's hard to tell who is who, so she blends in well. So, in order to catch Mupa you will need a method that won't harm the other pilgrims in the process! One such method comes to mind... You will need to gather an item to represent each element: air, water, fire, metal, and earth.
"Once you have them, go to the beach and buy a simple fishing net. Walk along the beach line and find statues of the eight guardians. Those statues hold great power. Ask them to imbue elemental magic onto your net so that it will capture a dark heart. Use the net on the pilgrims. It will not harm those of pure heart, so no need to worry. Once you capture Mupa, bring her to Rock Guardian right away!"
It was time to explore this vast island and all its features, in order to discover the five elements needed to imbue the fishing net with the powers to capture Mupa. The first four elements were easy enough to find with a little trekking about.
Note: Warps exist at (114,123) and (4,23) to get to opposite points of the map.
We scooped up a Bright Flame at (50,71), some Supple Earth at (140,40), a Stealthy Spearhead at (129,74), and a little Crisp Air at (6,36.) The items magically appeared in our inventories as we walked about the approximate location. But, we still needed something symbolizing water.
A hooded pilgrim named Ymene stood innocuously enough on a little island at (11,134). We asked him about getting some Grotto Water from the shining portal to the Snake Grotto nearby. He suggested entreating the kid inside for some. Calling out her name, "Taeniuru" got her attention, revealing herself to be a a shapeshifter in the form of little fox. We exchanged a Stardrop in exchange for a jug of the stuff.
Note: These five items, and the Fishing Net/Enchanted Net are not droppable nor tradeable.
Having all five of the elements, we needed a net to enchant. On the beach at (139,151), the Island Fisherman will sell you a Fishing Net in exchange for 8 Daily Coins. We were smart enough not to equip it yet. We then took our net and elemental items to the waiting circle of eight guardian statues at (121,126) to start the ritual.
The statues recognized we wished to capture someone. When prompted, we answered Mupa. (Giving the wrong name doesn't result in anything.) The guardian statues would enchant our net for us. Curiously, we still had some Grotto Water left over.
Equipping the Enchanted Net, we then set to work trying to bag a witch. We were assured that despite the fact we had to assail innocent Hooded Pilgrims, those with a pure heart wouldn't be harmed at all. So, we started swatting at any we saw with the net. The 25th Hooded Pilgrim ended up being our target, and we'd eventually nab Mupa - or so we thought. We would only have a small vial of Mupa's Cursed Blood in our bags as proof we even encountered her at all.
We took the meager spoils back to the Rock Guardian in disappointment, who offered us the following:
"You did not succeed, but fear not. I sent you on your quest knowing that's how it will go. I wanted to teach you a valuable lesson; although you cannot change the past, you have the power to change what is to come. So, as you head back to your time, remember that and think about your actions. Use your knowledge wisely. Here, take this sigil and keep it safe. It will protect you. I am afraid I am unable to cleanse you of Mupa's blood, it's cursed. But I suspect someone in your time will be able to help you remove it. Take care now."
It figures. We were offered a Rock Guardian's Sigil, a triangular glyph that acted as a mantle, and sent on our merry way back to our own time. At least we came home with a new set of legend marks: "Crossed the ethereal bridge" and "Gained Wisdom from the Rock Guardian."
Rock Guardian's Sigil (Any level, path) Durability: 1,000,000 Vitality increase: +701 Mana increase: +2024
The item is able to be dropped and traded, and does not break upon death.
Editor's note: Is there a significance in "701" and "2024?" For 7/1/2024 would be next year's anniversary.
Left: Tamo was conned into modeling the Rock Guardian Sigil, having not yet made the choice of how to align it, as well as the Enchanted Net in his hand. Center: Having made the choice to seek Zephry's power, the Rock Guardian Sigil turns blue, becoming a Wind-Imbued Sigil. Right: Misled sought to embrace Mupa's curse, brandishing a Blood-Stained Sigil.
Back to the future
We only had the hint that someone from our home timeline would be able to assist us. Fortunately, we knew a few folks who know a thing or two about curses. But, there was a choice to make.
Choice 1: Counter the curse Zephyr at the summit of Scribe's Mountain is no stranger to the particular curses from the witch. For 20 White Ambers and Mupa's Cursed Blood, he will imbue the Rock Guardian's Sigil with the power of light to counter the effects. The golden sigil will turn a vibrant blue.
Choice 2: Embrace the curse In the depths of the Taal'yeein Enclave, at the Cursed Cauldron in the Altar of Truarkh, Tezaura has his own answer. He asks you what is causing you grief, and answering that it's Mupa's Cursed Blood yields a suggestion of imbuing the Rock Guardian's Sigil with it. Doing so turns it a deep black with the taint. Be sure to give him 100 Dark Ambers and Mupa's Cursed Blood at the same time to do the ritual.
Note, you must have both Mupa's Cursed Blood and the 20 White Ambers/100 Dark Ambers in your inventory for it to work; do not attempt to give them individually.
This walkthrough will be updated as more information becomes available.
 Blooper: When the Traveling Rock first arrived at the southern gate of Mythic Nexus, it wouldn't talk to us. People even tried breaking the law, berating it, and screaming questions to try to get it to crack. But fortunately, another storm (reset) convinced it to start yapping.
Much appreciated A big thanks goes to Cruelty, Tsengyu, Arkanis, OpusD, Mood, Chifchirouge, Mandera, Hunt, and Tamo for your assistance getting information, screenshots and clarifications. I couldn't do this without you.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Little things, big changes: A ritual and a new Diviner Elder
 Between 62 and 65 visitors packed into the Tao te Ching to witness a peculiar ritual Monday evening.
Going through life, it is easy to miss the details and signs thrown at us. Often, at times, it's the combination of those little omens and hints that finally gets our attention. The smallest notion can lead to a greater idea, such as the first leaf turning from green to orange signaling the incoming of autumn. The hints begin to add up, like the individual drops of water descending from the falls in the Tao te Ching leading to the central pool.
The Diviner Subpath called the community together in this spirit for a ritual Monday evening. The Diviners lending their energies called for the assistance of the elements to further their push for insight. The community was invited to share the burden of carrying elemental offerings into the scrying pool. The Guides of the Subpath would take turns entreating the elements to help parse meaning from mysterious sensations they were undergoing.
Having performed the necessary invocation, the Diviner Elder SSaiYen was able to determine what Fate was trying to tell the populace: change is inevitable, and part of the healthy cycle of life. With this breath, he continued with the announcement that he would be passing the role of Elder over in order for a new chapter to begin in the Divine Order.
 The reporter, BatSheba and Aamin gather under the waterfall in Tai Chi to discuss the change in Diviner leadership.
BatSheba is named Elder of Diviner
The large crowd, topping between 62 and 65 visitors, immediately burst into notes of congratulations and gratitude for BatSheba and SSaiYen. After a rare, commemorative legend mark ("Understood that which is small") was offered to all who witnessed the occasion, business would begin anew. Outside the public eye, BatSheba would receive the Elder of Diviner staff and be ushered in as the path's figurehead.
Once the chaos and flux calmed, the reporter was whisked through the back door of the Diviner Subpath area to get drenched and have a brief discussion over the breaking news.
Elder BatSheba. I can only imagine what must be going on in your mind right now after such an exciting night.
It's largely crickets in there at the moment! I think my mind fled some time ago, in all the hubbub! All seriousness, though, I'm feeling a lot of things. A lot of love, a lot of joy, a lot of hope, and a lot of pride. This place has been my home for - I don't even know how long, now. And naturally, I've ever wanted to give it every bit of my heart. (A lot of fear, though, too - a Diviner never lies.) [She chuckled.]
This is a new role for you, I'm sure you've got a lot cooking as you're walking into this new era of your path. What do you think will be your first steps?
Well, the Divine Order has been very fortunate to have Elder SSaiYen steering the course to calm waters over the last, oh, three years or so. And smooth sailing it has been. [She laughs.] We have a lot of really bright and excited Diviners, and it feels like we have more joining every week; it's my hope that we can continue to get out and engage, bring light to the darkness, and really getting back to the fundamentals of service and setting minds at ease as only a Diviner can.
What sort of individual is the path looking for to help with its goals of community service and setting the minds at ease?
Of course, the gift of foresight is always a benefit. [She chuckled.] But any young seeker of truth and knowledge is welcome to test their hand in the art of Divinity. It takes a special soul to be a member of our Order - a true willingness to help and to guide, with an honest and open heart. Our duty is a sacred one, and one we take seriously. Granted, that's not to say we don't have fun as well!
Do you foresee any major changes for the path during your leadership, or changes being considered?
I see what you did there. For now, however... "Reply hazy, try again."
Fair enough. Meanwhile, what we can expect from you as the newest leader of the path?
I think just about everyone around me has more confidence in me than I have in myself... I think the fondest sentiments that I have ever heard, perhaps that is what I will answer with. I was told once, by someone much wiser than myself, that I would bring a lot of heart to the Order as our Elder. And I hope that prophecy is true.
Do you have any other messages you'd like to give the kingdoms about this new appointment?
Mmm! Only that I thank everyone for their support and their well-wishes, and our continued promise that the Divine Order will always be there, should they need anything.
We wish Elder BatSheba the best of luck in this exciting transition, and wish to thank SSaiYen for his years of service to the Diviner path.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
For the 'Warrior-King:' Lughnasadh Festival soon
 Druid Elder Supply humors the reporter after she is found loitering at the western gate of Kugnae.
Lughnasadh is one of the four seasonal festivals offered by the Druid path in the Kingdoms, inspired by the event by the same name originating in Irish mythology. The god it is named for, Lugh, is considered a warrior-king and artisan, and is a member of the Gaelic pantheon known as the Tuatha de Danaan. The festival itself is thought to have begun as a funerary rite for the god's foster mother, the figure known as Tailtiu (thought to be an earth goddess, but sources vary). Other writings suggest the figures being honored are Lugh's sister-wives, Nas and Bui. Either way, In this spirit, the festival is considered a mourning period, but the mood of the event is far from somber.
Sporting trials, similar to the Olympics, were a sure course for the Lughnasadh season. Other rites for the festival include a presentation of the first fruits, or first corn of the season, by burying them as offerings to the gods. The festival typically falls in the harshest season for growing crops, late July to early August, with weather being unpredictable. As with Imbolc, holy wells received offerings in hopes of being filled by the heavy rains.
Arts and crafts are also celebrated during the festival, and in some traditions, a wild goat is crowned the festival "king," and some lucky girl gifted with being its "queen." It is a season for proclaiming laws, settling interpersonal or business disputes, and matchmaking. "Trial marriages" were conducted, consisting of couples holding hands through a wooden barricade of door. (The marriage could be dissolved a year and a day later with no issues.)
Keeping all this in mind, we now look to the Kingdoms' variation of the yearly Lughnasadh Festival. Druid Elder Supply released the following statements about this year's events:
You're all warmly invited to join us for the enchanting Festival of Lughnasadh at the Druid Sacred Grove on August 5th and 6th.
Experience a weekend of magic with captivating storytelling, exciting games, and friendly competitions. The festivities begin with a sacred Druid Opening Ritual at 5 pm EST on August 5th, where we'll honor nature and ancient traditions.
Everyone is welcome! Let's come together, share laughter, and create cherished memories as we celebrate the harvest season.
We're grateful for your presence and for helping spread this invitation to the wider community.
Mark your calendars and let's make this Festival of Lughnasadh unforgettable at the Druid Sacred Grove.
Tentative schedule (all times EST) August 5th 5:00 PM - Opening Ritual 5:30 PM - Chongun Kitchen 6:15 PM - Battle on the Bridge 7:00 PM - Archery Tournament 7:45 PM - Barbarian Heal Out 8:30 PM - KenDu Mountain 9:15 PM - Square to Square August 6th 5:00 PM: Jan Ken Pon 5:45 PM: The Ten 6:30 PM: S7 Tournament 7:15 PM: Druid Bingo 8:00 PM: Tao te Ching Reflections 8:45 PM: Closing Ritual
NexusAtlas will revise this schedule as more information becomes available.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Mini update: Mini event?
 The reporter bothers Maso in his quarters in the Buya Rogue Guild in protest of the constant foot traffic to the Incubator as of late.
We at NexusAtlas hope you had fun and met your goal of daily steps while roaming about curing people of the Horse's curse, or saving the land from certain peril due to the dastardly deeds of the terrifying Green Squirrel. And we hope the guildmasters have collected more than their fill of Ice Ogre blood for their experiments.
The run to complete as many Minor Quests as possible is finished, per an announcement provided by the Kingdom staff after the morning storms. But, it came with an additional announcement:
MQ Run is over. But, as you may already know, you can still get your Minor Quests done with the help from WoonSoo, using your saved Daily Coins. We are preparing a mini event to celebrate the Anniversary month, and it will be introduced soon.
An event to look forward to? We can hardly wait!
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Hot and spicy: First Sambok Festival held in Nagnang
 King ChaeRi welcomes the community at the Nagnang Fairgrounds during the opening ceremony of the first Sambok Festival held by the Eternal Order of Nagnang.
Day one of Sambok
Summer days are long and cumbersome, with intense heat baring down on one's head and shoulders, leaving people to scramble to find some relief from the oppression. The Sambok Festival was formulated as a cool drink of water during this apathetic, humid season. It presented the community an avenue for some fun and fellowship to distract from the blazing sun overhead during the "dog days" of summer.
Punctuating the Eternal Order of Nagnang's mission of providing enrichment and cultural preservation, King ChaeRi opened the ceremony with a speech to set the tone and explain the reason behind this new festival:
"Honored Ministers, esteemed Elders, courageous Generals, resilient citizens of Nagnang, and distinguished guests from the farthest reaches of our great land, as I stand before you on this auspicious day, my heart swells with an extraordinary mixture of pride and humility. The familiar aromas of our rich and diverse culinary traditions fill the air, as does the anticipation of a grand festival - our beloved Sambok.
"Sambok, our summer retreat, holds a dear place in the cultural fabric of our magnificent kingdom. Savor the joys of feasting and fellowship during the hottest days of the year. It is a testament to our unity, resilience, and unwavering commitment to preserving our unique heritage.
"Our Sambok Festival is more than just a celebration. It is a reaffirmation of the strength of our society and our commitment to uphold the values that make us who we are.
"But the Sambok Festival, my friends, is not merely a time for feasting and merriment. It is a season of introspection. As we pay homage to the forces of nature, we are reminded of our responsibility to maintain balance and harmony in our lands, and in our lives. We are reminded that as custodians of our great culture, it is upon us to ensure that it thrives for the generations to come.
"So, let us revel in the festivities. Let us uphold our customs and renew our bonds of friendship. Let the spirit of Sambok infuse us with strength and vitality. Let us make merry, share tales of heroism, and remember the noble virtues that bind us.
"Together, we will feast, we will celebrate, and we will make our ancestors proud. Together, we will ensure that the legac of Nagnang, and he spirit of Sambok, continues to burn brightly for centuries to come.
"Long live Nagnang, long live our noble traditions, and long live the spirit of our people. May the Sambok Festival fill our hearts with joy, our minds with wisdom, and our kingdom with enduring prosperity."
The Communal Soup
Sage BatSheba was then invited to explain a unique feature of the Sambok Festival - the Communal Soup. The idea behind the Communal Soup involves a designated area to contribute items of any value to a giant soup pot, where everyone brings their unique item and flavor to the whole. Each contribution, whether it was a single Acorn or a Red Potion, counted as one point to the contributor for that specific 15-minute window.
More contributions could be made for additional points through the weekend, in an encouragement to keep visitors cycling through the festival. For example, if someone added an ingredient to the Communal Soup at the 4:00 opening, the act earned them one point. They could do so again at the 5:00 opening for an additional point.
In addition, participation or volunteering for the festival's events earned bonus points. She explained the person with the most points from contributing to the Communal Soup would win a special prize at the end of the festival.
Left: Soonmoon adds her unique contribution to the Communal Soup, while a line eagerly waits to the side to also be a part. Center: Dycean forgets he is meant to be inanimate while bantering with Garamond during a game of Maypole Madness at the Nagnang Fairgrounds. Right: Flux chucks a raw fish "realistic, fish-shaped stuffed toy" at an array of mounted runners during a round of Fish Toss at Eun Docks.
The games begin
Maypole Madness is an event constructed by the Eternal Order specifically for Sambok, consisting of a circular arena decorated with flowers. Players were asked to roll between 1-4 to determine how many steps they would take, leading them to a flower to add to their inventory. As they metaphorically danced about the central axis, they were tasked with fighting Lady Luck to gather four of one flower type. If their roll resulted in them bumping into another player, they were asked to take a step back to untangle the mess they made.
Visitors of the last Surasang Festival will remember the game known as Kimchi Toss. But instead of flying cabbage, the Eternal Order (in collaboration with Alizarin Clan) invited everyone to the cool breeze and waters at Eun Docks for a different variety of projectile-based fun. In Fish Toss, three volunteers on mounts would cross a track running east-to-west, while a player tried their luck beaming the oscillating figures. The players were outfitted with 15 assorted fish, and amassed a point per successful hit, no matter the location of the rider. At the end of the tournament, scores were compiled, and the player with the most points won.
Left: Anika explains something very dear to her in the recipe being crafted during the Chongun Kitchen at the Dragon's Head Pub. Center: Garamond and Oppressed react to being fed a "hot coal keiku" during Deadliest Poison. Right: Princess Sutsang is eliminated in a game of Musical Eats after a round of enthusiastic dancing.
Part of the tactic of combatting the fatigue brought on by the intense heat of Sambok is to partake in rich, hearty foods meant to restore one's vitality. The Royal Guard of Nagnang (in tandem with the Chongunate and K'urimja Clan) invited everyone into the noticeably cooler, darker terrain of the Dragon's Head Pub to witness a cooking demonstration, where Anika volunteered to whip up a summer delight. After having their fill, visitors to the Pub engaged in a trivia contest, with the topic being Nangen history.
What do you do when you have leftover food, and no way of keeping it fresh in this heat, as refrigeration isn't yet an option? You reuse it for a game of Deadliest Poison (held by the Shaman path in tandem with K'urimja Clan). This classic game involves trying to roll the die (1-75) to beat the host's number announced at the start of the round that determines the potency of the poison. Failure to do means having to swallow an antidote (another roll, 1-25, with the number added to their original roll). If you still can't match the potency, you're considered "dead" and eliminated from play.
Because Nangens are known for their iron stomachs, festival guests were invited to close out the day with a few rounds of Musical Eats. In this version of the classical music-based position game, players danced around an array of delicious treats placed on the ground. The host would then call out a "recipe," which had two answers corresponding to the items on the field. For example, a "lemon-limeade" meant a player could stand over a Lime or a Lemon and not be eliminated from play. The last player to remain on the field was crowned the victor.
Now thoroughly exhausted, but at the same time, invigorated from a day of friendly sport and food, guests were ushered home to rest in preparation for the second day of Sambok on Sunday.
Left: Sage BatSheba doles out watermelons after a series of lucky rolls during Fickle Feasts at the Nagnang Fairgrounds. Center: ShaYlin continues to the madness of the narrative taking place at Literary Potluck at the Memorial Garden. Right: King ChaeRi expresses his severe displeasure about being overdosed with beans, for the second Nagnang festival in a row.
Day two of Sambok
Fate was extra feisty in the Sambok-attuned variety of a Diviner game known as Fickle Feasts. A roll of the dice corresponded to an array of spicy treats and cool delights. Depending if fate dealt you a pleasant surprise or more oppression via spice or heat, players accumulated points or suffered the consequences in a race against each other. Similar to the more familiar version, Fickle Fates, landing on a cookie meant a turn missed due to distraction from a delicious confection.
The soup wasn't the only dish served hot at Sambok. Literary Potluck invited participants to add their own flavor to a grand narrative being told throughout the event, with each person offering an additional three sentences to keep it flowing. The result was an absolutely chaotic story being told across the group, culminating with a lucky individual being deemed the top contributor for creativity and laughs. Co-sponsored by the Alizarin Clan, the senseless fun was something "unseen" in proportion.
Food is a vital component in the art of bonding between the community, and the ruler and his people. In this spirit, the event known as What's For Dinner is a delightful display of King ChaeRi inviting the community to his supper table. A buffet of dishes labeled 1 through 8 sat in wait for participants to select via a dice roll to present to their sovereign. This tradition originated with efforts from the Eternal Order of Nagnang during the last Surasang Festival, with the King becoming irate when the same dish was fed to him in sequence. And it is quickly becoming a mainstay in Nagnang that King ChaeRi harbors a sincere disdain for being fed beans twice in a row as a result of this event.
Left: Garamond taunts the runners in a match of Beat the Heat as they are afraid to jump over lines of fire at the Nagnang Fairgrounds. Center: King ChaeRi corrects everyone as they call out their claim for the summit during a round of KenDu Mountain held at the Dragon's Head Pub. Right: BatSheba announces who gets to hold the heralded "Souper Douper" bowl at the closing ceremony of the festival at the Dragon's Head Pub.
Tarot Rush is a punishing racing game of luck and endurance, where crossing a track laden with tarot card traps hinders the runners. The Sambok variation Beat the Heat, funded by Alizarin Clan, paid homage to its originator by forcing its racers to cross fields of fire, and the scorch of the Sun. Diving into a river was the sole reprieve, save the neutrality of standing on a stone in the path. The player would roll from 0-4 in hopes of dodging the obstacles laying before them. The River would usher players forward a single space, whereas the Sun hindered them one. Those unlucky enough to land in the Fire were sent back to the last checkpoint.
When nature itself deems it necessary to oppress the masses each summer, it's not unheard of to crave a frigid breeze to cool ourselves down. The "disciples" of KenDu Mountain took this to heart as they brandished heir weapons and sought to freeze each other in place in order to claim the summit of the mountain, and it would not be a Nangen festival without at least a little blood spilled. This game, brought by the Do path, consists of a sole survivor surpassing a shrinking arena in the form of climbing the narrowing mountain. The participants must use the Ice Sabre to cast Chill on their opponents; receiving the cast meant an instant elimination for the round. Being the sole member to stand atop the summit landed a point. The figure with the most points after cycling through the battle for the duration of the event was crowned the king of KenDu Mountain.
Something ends, another begins
It was a short trot to the dining area of the Dragon's Head Pub after the blood-rush ended. Sage BatSheba waited to give the closing remarks to the community, and let the festival simmer down:
"The sun hangs low on the horizon, and Sambok draws to a close. As our hearts yet pound in our chests, as our feet ache from our merry marching, as our laughter yet clings in our throats, let us reflect on this time spent together.
"These long dog days of summer, we are blessed with hot days and clear skies, with nothing but possibilities stretched out before us. We frolic, we play, we splash in the water. We eat until exploding! We laugh and we share. The sweet sting of the sun bares light and hope and warmth.
"Let us bask in it, hand-in-hand, each day that we yet have, before Autumn grips the land, before the harvest comes, and before the snows blanket the land again. Let us live for today, and let us live it together.
"The soup that circulates tonight, let each spoonful remind us that though we have little or lots ourselves, we are greatest when we come together. When everyone contributes a small bit of themselves, amazing things can happen! That is as true now as it ever was, and ever will be. We are all but a small part of big, wonderful things! And magic happens when we come together."
The Sage then announced the final tally for the Communal Soup, where it was revealed Xerath had rallied 13 points, and claimed the prize: a rare Longevity Noodles appropriately engraved "Souper Douper." Kinsley took home a Gold prize for coming in second place with 12 points.
The last announcement of the evening came as a shock to the community, where BatSheba revealed that she was stepping down as Sage of Nagnang. WillowN was welcomed as her successor, with King ChaeRi punctuating the news in a brief statement:
"Our Sage did spring quite a surprise on us, didn't she? But as we know, life is all about transitions. We bid farewell to our Sage, whose wisdom has illuminated our kingdom, and usher in a new dawn under Sage WillowN.
"Just like Sambok, we're reminded that change is natural, and it brings renewal. And today, that's exactly what we're experiencing.
"So, let's welcome Sage WillowN with the warmth of our community. And a hearty thank you to everyone for being here, and embracing Sambok in all its glory. Under this Sambok sky, we're stepping into a future filled with optimism."
The evening would crest and wane with an echo of "Glory to Nagnang, Land of the Dead" booming across the hot, summer winds.
Culture and unification: Nagnang ushers WillowN as newest Sage
 Above: Sage WillowN responds to the reporter's question of, "What's up with the jail within earshot of the inn?" after the interview concluded at the Inn of Iniquity at The Forsaken Clan's hall. The Sage said, "The ambient screams of the imprisoned, of course." Below: Nangen officials give good tidings to BatSheba and Sage WillowN after the staff is offered, outside the Eternal Order's meeting room. (Photo courtesy of BatSheba.)
The crowd would disperse, no doubt exhausted from a full weekend of merriment, food, and sweatiness. But, business was not yet finished, as King ChaeRi, Princess Sutsang, and the Eternal Order proceeded with the transition of power for their newest Sage.
After the noisiness died down, the reporter met with the new leader of the Eternal Order at The Forsaken Clan's Inn of Iniquity, in hopes of getting a few words jotted down before all would turn in for the night.
Sambok just concluded, and what a twist ending. It's not an unpleasant one at all, though. Sage WillowN, you're holding the staff for the first time. What's going through your mind right now?
That this staff is heavier than it looks! [She laughed.] I mean that both literally and metaphorically. This is an immense opportunity that I've been handed here, as far as serving Nagnang is concerned. I'm feeling a little nervous, but I have a growing list of things I want to get done. And now, I feel like I have the ability to bring them to life.
What sort of changes are you mulling for the Eternal Order, or for Nagnang?
The Eternal Order is in a unique position to serve as a liaison between all the disparate groups of Nagnang. Nagnang has been very quiet for a long time now, despite being home to so many clans and a unique, penetrating variety of patriotism that is very different from that of Buya or Kugnae's. I want to bring the Eternal Order to the forefront in leading Nagnang toward unifying to some end, under the banner of our commonality as Nangens. There will be more events, and more opportunities for Nangens of all walks of life to commune and collaborate.
Is the Eternal Order recruiting new members, and what sort of people is the organization looking to enlist?
We are absolutely recruiting new members. We are going to (and already are) plotting and organizing new events, from our new monthly Nagnang Knowledge Night, to our biggest festivals, like Sambok. So, we're looking for people who like to brainstorm, be creative, collaborate, come up with and host events, et cetera. We're looking for people who would love to conspire to create some really fresh, amazing, and fun things in the community that they haven't experienced in the Kingdoms before. We have a place for anyone that feels driven to make things happen in the Kingdoms, particularly Nagnang, whatever your expertise is. We're also on the lookout for all the Nagnang history nerds. I must stress, we really appreciate outgoing people with energy.
Are there any messages you would like relayed to the Kingdoms about this transition in the Eternal Order, or anything to the community as a whole?
BatSheba did an astounding job during her time as Sage of shifting the focus of the Eternal Order to culture. She got us on the right track, and I have some work ahead of me trying to fill her shoes. I want to continue her legacy, keeping the focus on our culture. This weekend at Sambok, there was high praise from loads of people about the quality of the events, and how much fun everyone was having, just gathering and having an excuse to get together and have a good time. That isn't going to change. If anything, I want everyone to see more of it. Those of you who enjoyed this weekend, stay tuned to see what else the EON can come up with! Keep your eyes peeled for Community Events posts with our name on it. If we're doing it, it's going to be a good one.
I don't know about you, but I'm ready to tuck in for the night and cool down after such an exciting weekend. Good luck in all your future endeavors!
Much appreciated We wish to thank the more than 40 individual people who came to participate and visit at the Sambok Festival. We also extend appreciation to the volunteers, planners, and hosts who made this series of events special by donating their time and energy. It is events like these that make the Kingdoms a very unique place.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Bear with me: Temperance to lead clan
 After the interview wrapped, Bear Primogen Temperance addresses any eavesdropping clan folk.
It was in the very early hours of the morning when the news tip came through the grapevine that the Bear Clan of Koguryo was welcoming their newest leader, Temperance. It was fitting that the reporter would be ushered by the first-time Primogen to the cool, clear waters of Bear Falls for the interview, given the hot summer day and the hot news to be discussed.
Hello, Primogen Temperance! Nice to meet you. We just heard the news of your promotion last night. What's going through your mind, now that the noise has died down? Well, firstly, I'm very excited to be here, and I'm honored that Balakirev has chosen me as his successor. My mind is swimming with ideas for the future! I'm waiting on some input from members of Bear, but I'd like to start with more in-clan activities, as well as interkingdom activities, clan hunts, events, etc.
Events are a good way of keeping and boosting morale, and attracting new members to your clan. What sort of people do you feel would find their home in Bear? We're like a big family here! Anyone that wants a relaxed, casual, helpful, friendly clan would feel at home. It's what has drawn myself, and so many others to the clan, and kept us here.
What would you say lets Bear Clan stand out from the rest? We have some of the kindest, most helpful people in the Kingdoms. What makes Bear stand out from the rest is our clan members themselves. I get emotional when I talk about Bear, because it holds such a dear place in my heart. And it truly is the members that make Bear Clan the best!
What sort of events are you and Bear thinking about? I would like to continue Balakirev's trivia events, along with some Diviner events in the future that are in the works as we speak. Anyone that would like to collaborate on events is more than welcome to reach out to me!
Sounds great to me! Are there any messages you'd like to give to the public about this new journey, or your promotion? Bear Clan is a welcoming place, full of wonderful people. It truly feels like a home. If you are a young or old Warrior or Poet, and you're looking for a place like that, reach out to myself or any of the Bear Clan Council. We would be more than happy to tell you more about the clan, give you a tour, and welcome you with open arms.
I'm sure bear hugs are also involved! We wish you the best of luck, Temperance, and thank Balakirev for his service to the community.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Endurance round: Minor Quest Run takes off
 The reporter questions WoonSoo in the Incubator over the coincidence of him appearing as the subject of so many recent news articles. He had no comment to give NexusAtlas on this conspiracy.
Wisdom Star has waned away, but the constellations realigned for another divine announcement this morning. Whereas the Anniversary Swords have been packed away until next year, the community is invited to pull out their hunting gear and talk to their favorite Minor Quest-giver.
Whereas the Gods announced WoonSoo as the primary contact for the Minor Quest Run, any NPC with the ability to answer to the word "Quest" is your target to begin the run. The timer between Minor Quests has been temporarily lifted, and no Daily Coins are required to perform consecutive Minor Quests. Simply get another quest from your quest-giver to continue.
Note that experience is diminished with consecutive quests (similar to having bought one with Daily Coins). However, the repeated quests do count toward your total on your legend. The periodic increments of Karma rewarded from Minor Quests are also still in effect.
Important: If you abandon the Minor Quest you are on, the timer returns, and you have to wait to get another one. During this Run, you can perform a maximum of 50 Minor Quests per day.
For your convenience locating your Minor Quest targets, see the compendium of locations here.
Get to it! Now's the time to chip away at the daunting Sa San Trial of Endurance!
Much appreciated A big thanks goes to Cruelty, Yvie, and Chifchirouge for confirmation of information.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Embrace the heat: Sambok Festival announced
 The reporter questions Sage BatSheba's choice of swimming in the dead of night while wearing multiple layers of silk garments.
The citizens of Nagnang absolutely love the heat, whether it's the gochu peppers in the kimchi or the divinely warm days of summer.
Sambok (also referred to as "boknal") are three nonconsecutive days of summer considered the hottest of the year. To celebrate these "dog days," nutritious summer foods and splashes in the water beat the sweltering sun to keep our energy and cool. Ice? Who needs ice? We have hot, meaty stews to fight fire with fire!
Falling (approximately) between July and August, the three days of Sambok, called Chobok, Jungbok, and Malbok, happen in a span of twenty to thirty days. But in Nagnang, the celebration is condensed to a joyful weekend planned in the near future.
Sage BatSheba offers an invitation to the community to join the Eternal Order of Nagnang in this brand new festival:
The heat of the summer upon us, we celebrate those long, hot days with frivolity and festivity! A time of rest before the summer harvest, we fight fire with fire, sharing our best warm and cool concoctions at the water's edge, dip our toes into the streams, and delight in sweet, cool treats, melons, and teas.
We bid you join Nagnang to applaud the dog days of summer with fun games, hearty food, and good company at our Sambok festival!
Tentative schedule Saturday, July 15th 3:30pm EST: Opening Ceremony 4:00pm EST: Maypole Mayhem 5:00pm EST: Fish Toss! 6:00pm EST: Chongun Kitchen 7:00pm EST: Deadliest Poison 8:00pm EST: Musical Eats!
Sunday, July 16th: 4:00pm EST: Fickle Feasts! 5:00pm EST: Literary Potluck 6:00pm EST: What's for Dinner? 7:00pm EST: Beat the Heat 8:00pm EST: KenDu Mountain 9:00pm EST: Closing Ceremony
NexusAtlas will update this schedule as more information becomes available.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Explosive celebrations: Archon Help Eve and fireworks
 Above and below: A crowd of citizens watched the explosive fireworks display in the moments before Archon Help Eve began. The event helped mark the 25th anniversary of NexusTK. (Screenshots courtesy of Chifchirouge and MzBitz.)
25 years is an important milestone, and it needed appropriate commemoration. Members of the community donated a few minutes of their time to chat and gather around the Fireworks Master south of Mythic Nexus while they waited for the main event of the night to begin. NexusAtlas thanks the community members, Archons, and Royals that dropped by! Archon Primogen Alilolelotte welcomed the explosions with a brief "song" just before the first crackle: "Happy Birthday to NexusTK! We are doing A - OK! We are going to rock, we are going to roll! We are never going to flop or fall!"
Everyone was excited with the knowledge of Archon Help Eve being on the agenda for the evening. For three hours, the Archon team would hold an entrance open to an area known as Empty Cloud, where Fiatlux, Aura, and Malayari were hard at work summoning Mythic Beasts. The entrance was located a few steps north of the Mythic Ox cave.
Entering the Empty Cloud revealed three paths of colored ambers leading to Archons ready to summon. The western path of black ambers lead to Aura, in charge of summoning Rabbits, Tigers, Snakes, and Monkeys. The eastern line of ambers met with Malayari, punishing Horses, Oxen, Dragons, and Roosters. Fiatlux awaited at the end of the red amber trail, where he taught the Rats, Sheep, Dogs, and Pigs who was boss. Participants were asked to temporarily group with the Archons, who would amass the creatures and summarily dispatch them. Those in need of the spoils of war were welcome to them after.
After Mythic bloodshed was spilled to satisfaction, those seeking to further their Mythic Alliances were welcomed to enjoy temporarily shortcut portals to the Mythic Leaders, located next to the gate of the appropriate animal.
A shortcut to Bon Hwa was ready in the Wilderness, next to the stairs leading down to the Forever Tree, awaited people seeking to fulfill their trials to become Ee San as an additional feature of the event.
Left: Archon Aura herds cats Mythic Tigers for sacrifice in the Open Cloud Archon Help Eve. Center: Archon Malayari won't be outdone as she wrangles Mythic Roosters. Right: Archon Fiatlux readies a pack of Mythic Dogs for the slaughter.
A pack of Diviners dutifully waited by the south gate of Mythic to inform people about the changes in their Karma after completing the Mythic Alliances.
Events like these are an excellent opportunity to thank the myriad public service figures - GMs, Archons, Royals, Clan leaders, Ministry leaders, Subpath leaders, tutors, arena hosts, and community event hosts - for their time, energy, and dedication to keeping the Kingdoms a fun and active place.
These things have so many moving parts and planning involved, and we appreciate you.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
'WE MADE IT!' NexusTK turns 25
 Historian Qantao was first in line to find the reporter in order to model the latest Wisdom swag, the SeuMoolDaseoBeunZe Staff, seconds after the morning storms. It would only be a matter of time before the citizens swarmed to celebrate the special day.
Red Flare has been chased off a second time, our hard-earned Arctic tools are tossed to the void, and now the Kingdoms are breaking out in celebration of a milestone anniversary for the gaming community. Logging into the game offers a distinct message:
You are the most valuable asset of Nexus and you enabled us to be a part of your life for the past incredible quarter-century!
- New exp modulators! DC modulators will boost 10% of your exp and can stack up to 3, on top of the Wony's modulator and Alilana Grande (20% each). Please talk to WoonSoo.
- New Wisdom staff and its matching skin. Anniversary swords, and Free Anniversary orb coupon.
Happy 25th Anniversary, and thank you from the bottom of our heart!
'Coin Star' returns
It wouldn't be an anniversary celebration without the annual wildlife purge. The event colloquially known as "Coin Star" (or "Wisdom Star") has come back to the Kingdoms.
WoonSoo in the incubator responds to the phrase "Wony's Modulator" with the offer of purchasing one. The cost of these modulators scales with the player's stats:
Level 99: 25,000 Il san: 50,000 Ee san: 100,000 Sam san: 150,000 Sa San: 250,000 Oh San: 350,000 Yuk San: 450,000
Saying the phrase "Alilana Grande" to WoonSoo brings up the prompt to buy An Alilana Grande modulator for the price of 5 Daily Coins.
Both these modulators last 8 hours. Each provides a 20% bonus to hunting experience.
New to this year is the DC Modulator, which WoonSoo will sell after giving a statement of "DC Modulator" in the Incubator. These modulators can stack up to three times, and cost 5 Daily Coins each. A DC Modulator adds a 10% bonus to hunting experience.
A GM clarified in a post on the Community board that "Stacked modulator experience factors are multiplied, not simply added, resulting in over 90% boost if all 5 are stacked."
Note: NexusAtlas has not been able to verify if the modulators effect crafting.
So, fork over the coinage on a heap of modulators, and get to hunting!
 Denizens start to gather at west gate Kugnae in order to show off their Anniversary Swords early in the morning.
Anniversary swords
Once you're done weighing down your inventory with modulators, it's time to give your favorite kingdom greeter a visit. At the Koguryo, Nagnang, or Buya palace, select the option of Anniversary Sword for your annual reward. The greeter offers the following message:
Many years ago, a great cataclysm struck the Nexus. Many heroes perished in the chaos, never to return. But others survived the disaster and the hoardes of attacking dragons. They mourned the lost of their friends. New friendships formed. The community goes stronger. Today we celebrate the Nexus emergence from the cataclysm, and its Anniversary with a special sword. This year, I will also give you a coupon that will get you an available orb for free. Congratulations, there is a nice sword for you. Wield it with great pride on this great day, for soon they will be collected.
You are then gifted with a temporary Anniversary Sword appropriate for your mark. More information on the Anniversary swords can be found here.
The greeter also provides an Anniversary Orb Coupon to be turned in at the Incubator in exchange for a free spell orb appropriate for one's class. Checking your legend marks, you'll find a commemoration for the 25th year, as well.
A shiny new toy
Part of the excitement for anniversary is seeing the new vanity garment available. The SeuMoolDaseoBeunZe Staff and matching weapon skin mark the 25th year the character has been in the game.
25 years is a long time. Entire families have been born and thrived in that timespan, with the kingdoms being a fixture in our lives. Some of us denizens have been around since childhood, and the kingdoms have had a permanent effect on the outcome of our lives. Perhaps you were inspired by the fantasy Korean setting, where dragons and magic were real, and you could slay evildoers and right wrongs. Maybe it was then a welcome escape in your adulthood from the doldrums of life and responsibilities. Whatever the reason you are still here, cherish this community, for it is the only one of its kind.
Thank you, from the reporter and NexusAtlas, for a quarter century of joy. We hope to share many more years to come.
Quote gumper, a citizen the reporter encountered while writing down information in the Incubator:
Much appreciated Thank you, Historian Qantao, for scaring the daylights out of me appearing before me to model the new Wisdom Staff. Appreciation also goes to Chifchirouge for helping confirm the modulator information, and to prior NexusAtlas reporters for consistent information.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting