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Tri-Kingdom S7 Tournament
by: Maron
-- 8:24 PM EST
Hey folks! Over the past month, the KSG have coordinated with official sponsors (as well as anonymous donors) from Buya, Koguryo, and Nagnang to facilitate a Tri-Kingdom Tournament of S7.
For those unfamiliar with S7, it is a battle event frequently held in Stealth Grotto, typically exclusive to Rogues and Warriors to compete. Combatants will stand on opposite lines of pennies, and when given the signal, will run along their line and attempt to land a vital strike on their opponent. Rogues may only use spells Desperate Attack or Lethal Strike, and Warriors may only use spells Berserk or Whirlwind, to accrue points toward victory. Neither combatant is allowed to step onto their opponent's lane, and if each combatant vital strikes on the same tile or before returning to their "Home" penny roll. Matches, executed properly, go on best two-out-of-three (2/3) or best three-out-of-five (3/5) rounds.
The significance of this S7 Championship is to expose the battle event to a more public format, by exhibiting national pride for both observers and participants--who had equal opportunity to volunteer and compete for their chosen nation--and to garnish the competition with endorsements, namely cash prizes, from various Clans and Ministries, as well as establishing a VIP Guest section for which the Muse subpath graciously provided additional entertainment and refreshment.
Here are some highlights from each of the national tournaments, which occurred on June 26th, July 11th, and July 18th respectively:
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Congratulations to these six champions who will be competing in the Grand Finale for the S7 Tri-Kingdom Tournament.
 Currently, the projected date for this Grand Finale is August 8th. Please check Community Events board for additional details!
~ "Mark" Maron reporting ~ Hyul 121, 6th Moon, 3rd Sun
Monday Moonrise
by: Maron
-- 2:58 AM EST
Hey folks! The process for selecting a successor for the late Primogen Maya has concluded. The selection was between former Primogen Gummi and longtime Council member Smokester.

The latter prevailed, and SunMoon Clan shall henceforth be led by Kashou Smokester. She made the following statement upon the SunMoon board:
"Hello everybody,
It is an amazing honor to be the next Primogen after our beloved Maya. I hope that I can make her proud and keep her legacy strong in our family.
If there is anything at all that any of you need, please dont ever hesitate to ask me! My door is always open haha!"
Congratulations and well wishes as Koguryo moves forward somewhat from a recent tragedy.
~ "Mark" Maron reporting ~ Hyul 121, 2nd Moon, 14th Sun
23 Year Anniversary!
by: Maron
-- 8:34 PM EST
Hey folks! Happy 23rd Anniversary of Nexus and Happy Canada Day for North America. Today's server reset delivered the following new post:
Board : Dream Weaver Author : NexusTK Subject : Server Reset - July 1st, 2021 Date : 7/1
Happy 23rd Anniversary!
We sincerely thank you for your continued affection and support of Nexus for all these years. Thank you so much!
- Wony's modulator and Alilana Grande for exp. boost
- Anniversary swords and Free Anniversary orb coupon
- Wisdom staff and its matching skin |
The eldest and wisest of the Nexus community will have access to this new version of the Wisdom staff.

Also as every year, Anniversary swords depending on your level and stats are available!

Additionally players will receive an Anniversary Free Orb Coupon to be redeemed for a Fragile Orb for their path by visiting Wandering Spirit in Malgalod.
Within the Incubator (Tent in Buya Gathering) there are two items available for Level 99+ with 25% experience and crafting boost, each with 8 hour duration upon purchase: - Alilana Grande, cost 5 Daily coins - Wony's modulator, cost gold depending on stats: (99 - 25k, Il - 50k, Ee - 100k, Sam - 150k, Sa - 250k, Oh - 350k, Yuk - 450k)
More information will be provided as it develops.
~ "Mark" Maron reporting ~ Hyul 121, 1st Moon, 11th Sun