Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Do you love kruna?
NexusAtlas is seeking an individual to help us!
 We're seeking an individual to help fill out the Kruna section of Nexusatlas. Please note! this is a volunteer job like every other position in Nexusatlas. you'll be tasked to Photoshop/use a photo editing program to remove backgrounds from kruna items to be posted on the kruna database.
If you're interested you may fill out a application Here!
If you have any questions you can N-mail me or message me on discord. Thank you for being interested in helping the community =)
New Leadership Changes
A few days ago, both the Leadership in K'urimja and Pegasus changed.
Chidoja ClogHat has stepped down and in his place, Foxfire has become Chidoja of K'urimja. Thank you ClogHat for your service, and good luck Foxfire.

Also within Nagnang, Pegasus Leadership has changed! Drywater has stepped down and given Leadership to Aiwendil. Thank you Drywater for your work with Pegasus and congratulations to Aiwendil!

There was also a change of leadership in a Rogue subpath, which we will not mention!
Congratulations to all the new Leaders and I hope all those stepping down enjoy their retirement!
Save Lives portion of Zibong Event
Save Lives portion of the Zibong Invasion event

1.) Talk to KaMing in Aprok Chief House and listen to each topic he has to discuss.
2.) Talk to the High Shaman in the same house with KaMing.
3.) Say "Save lives" to the High Shaman.
4.) Collect 50 Sonhi soul, 25 Sealed spirit, 15 Black amber. They can all be recovered from the Zibong in Eastern Gobi Desert.

5.) Say "Save lives" to the High Priest again to turn them in. You will be rewarded with the legend mark: "Saved 1 lives from the Zibong plague (Hyul 113, Summer)"

6.) Say "Zibong essence" to turn in a Zibong essence dropped from the Zibong boss in the Desert. You will be rewarded with "Soul safeguard" which restores vita only and can be used multiple times with a long cooldown.

If you try to say Zibong essence again the High Shaman will say: "I got a Zibong essence from you. I hope you make good use of your Soul safeguard. Its power won't last forever."
If you say "Save lives" again he tells you to bring him the same ingredients. It has been confirmed to be repeatable but will only increase the soul saved counter.
---- theSavior with credit to Liandrous and TwitchUser
Supplying Aid to Sonhi Nomads - Walkthrough
by: Maron
-- 8:29 PM EST
Hey folks! TigerRyu was kind enough to share this guide on the Community board for completing one of the legend marks for the current Sonhi-Zibong event.
Thanks to Nobrows, Sarita, Byte, Quav, NayPoet, AznCloudBoi, theSavior, TwitchUser, Sola, NamJaDa, hostility, in no particular order.
Notes: This is all assuming you've completed the event up to this point.
You must first talk to KaRim in the Sonhi Aid Control Center at Eastern Gobi Desert S (037, 051) in the new hunting cave. After, you must talk to the corresponding tent NPC in the new before their gypsy counterparts will talk to you. I'd recommend visiting all 5 tents before heading out to speak with the gypsies and start gathering items. Due to the character/space limit, I'll only be describing the more obscure item locations. Use NexusAtlas and WoodlandsTK to fill in the blanks.. or just ask me.
Corresponding Tent Map: Eastern Gobi Desert E (053, 011) Eung Docks, Nagnang Farmlands
 ~ 041, 015 x12 Raw Honey - Bees in Abandoned Apiary on Gogoon x12 Bai tuoy - Gogoon Rhinos x12 Eelgrass - Underwater Cave, Gogoon x12 Lemon grass - Dropped by Takrai plants on Gogoon Island x6 Healing waters - Dropped by Sandy Skeleton in Raheem Desert x1 Life Blossom - Purchased in Bodhi Sanctum, Monk subpath area
Corresponding tent: Eastern Gobi Desert CT (037, 050) Pae River, Nagnang
 ~042, 022 x1 Jug of water - Made by carpenters, filled at 30, 30 Kugnae. x1 Skin of water - In KaMing's Encampment say "Desert" & "Water skin" at Gan's Shop, then at Sya's Shop say "Water skin" to make one with Wolf pelt for 500 coins; fill it at Kugnae 030,030. x1 Purified water x1 Clear water - Drop an empty water jug in or around the puddle at the southern end of the second room in Gogoon Imps. x6 Spring water - Dropped by Dune Wasps in Raheem Desert Desert x6 Crystal water - Dropped by Sandy Skeletons in Raheem Desert
Corresponding tent: Eastern Gobi Desert W (037, 051) Eobu Harbor, Buya Shoreline
 ~018, 029 x12 Cloth x12 Fine Cloth x12 Silk - Dropped by Silver Defenders in Woodlands Rabbits x12 Fine Silk - Dropped by Silver Defenders in Woodlands Rabbits x12 Beautiful Leather - Dropped by various snakes in Woodlands snakes x12 Worn Leather - Dropped by Goitered Gazelle and Gobi Ibex in the Eastern Gobi Desert Steppes
Corresponding tent: Eastern Gobi Desert E (016, 048) Jolbon Farmstead
 ~006, 013 x12 Rice x12 Grilled Beef x12 Eggs x6 Boiled fish x1 Flour x1 Salt block
Corresponding tent: Eastern Gobi Desert W (010, 013) East Gobi Desert Steppe Before she will talk to you, you'll need to deliver a filed water jug to her husband at ~051, 109 East Gobi Desert Steppe. Be warned, he wanders a lot.
~222, 046 x1 Weaving tool x1 Axe x1 Mining pick x1 Smithing hammer - Purchased from Hausson Smith x1 Wood planer - Purchased from Splinter x1 Sewing scissors - Purchased from Sanhae Tailor x1 Basic sickle
There is a 3-hour wait period between turning in the items and being able to receive your crate. You can have multiple timers running at once, so there's no harm in gathering all the items and turning them all in at once to their respective gypsies.
Once the 3 hours is up, simply return to the gypsy and say "crate". After some dialogue, you should get your crate!
Take it back to the tents you visited earlier that correspond with the type of crate, and say "crate", the tent master should take it from you. Once you've turned in all 5 crates to their respective tents, return to KaRim at the command tent and say "Aid" to receive your reward.
 Legend mark: "Supplied Aid to the Sonhi Nomads" Item: Spiritual Inscription - Gives you XP once upon use, crumbles in 30 days if not used.
A guide for the other part "Saved Sonhi live(s) from the Zibong" is in development. Stay tuned, and we thank you for your NexusAtlas viewership!
Zibong and Sonhi!
Today with the daily reset, Anniversary is over and the July event has started.
ATG Caves are temporarily closed as well.
While you're out and about don't be surprised if a Zibong Stalker whispers you and follows you everywhere.

WARNING: Stalker Zibong will likely target you relentlessly and be unstoppable until you purchase a Shaman charm for 3000 coins from Soul Haven, northwest in Valley of the Mudang (east gate Nagnang). Note: Shaman charm is dropped by your character when killed or logged out.

But that's not all! If you head to Kaming's Encampment and go to the Southern reaches, you'll begin to find a path to this fabled Desert that the Whispering Winds speaks about.
At the south entrance of KaMing's Encampment you will load a new map that takes you to the old Sonhi road.
 (Courtesy of an image from past news November 2013)
At north central Aprok Village, enter the Chief House and you will encounter KaMing.

By learning about "Reaching the Desert Camp" you will obtain a KaMing pass, to be used at the Sonhi guard posted in West Aprok. He will also give clues about "Supplying Aid to the Sonhi Nomads" and "Saving Sonhi lives from the Zibong."

By handing over your KaMing pass, you will have access to Eastern Gobi Desert.

There are plenty of unique creatures to discover while passing through.

 Spend 9000 gold at the Desert Vendor for a Sonhi talisman to instantly return there.
To the west you will enter the main split-leveled event cave that has multiple maps filled with Sonhi commoners as well as Zibong (seen above).
(Credit to Amatus for images as of 6:30 AM PST.)
We are working hard to get information about the new event. Be sure to check community board as well for updates.
Welcome to Coin Star!
Happy 22nd Anniversary NexusTK!
July 1st reset comes with a new Patch update that includes new resolutions in the TKDisplaySelector application.

Some have reported problems with the newer resolutions, the native resolution for NexusTK is 1024x768
If you're having Mouse problems it seems there's a bug When TK is in fullscreen mode..
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 7/1 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Jul. 1st, 2020
Happy 22nd Anniversary!
We sincerely thank you for the love you have given to Nexus for over 2 decades. May we dare say we have the best community?
Thank you!
- Anniversary swords, New Wisdom staff and Anniversary Free Orb Coupon (One time use. NPC will take money/insignia first if you have them.)
- Wony's modulator and Alilana Grande available from WoonSoo. Vortex bosses will stay during this exp. boost period.
- We may have a client and subsequent patches a few hours after this regular reset.
22nd NexusTK Anniversary started today with A wisdom staff!
 SeuMoolDooBeunZe staff
Get your 22nd Anniversary legend mark and sword while you can

 Click here to check the Anniversary sword stats
A member of the community gone out of their way to post the information about Wony modulators and Alilana Grenades!
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: Nobrows DATE: 7/1 SUBJECT: Wony's modulator and Alilana Grande
Buya - Buya Gathering - Incubator
Speak to WoonSoo in Incubator bout "Wony" or "Alilana".
Alilana Grande :- . cost : 5 daily coin . boost : +25% experience, and crafting skills . duration: 8 hours
Wony's modulator :- . cost : 25k to 450k+ gold (varies by "mark" stats) . boost : +25% experience, and crafting skills . duration: 8 hours
* you may stack both for cumulative experience boost of ~56% * 99 - 25k, Il - 50k, Ee - 100k, Sam - 150k, Sa - 250k * Oh - 350k, Yuk - 450k
 Commoners are roaming around all Three kingdoms, no information on what their purpose is at the moment. They seem to talk about living in the kingdoms/hoping nothing happens to the kingdom.. or asking about mods from WooSoo.
 There's no reports of anything dropped from them but they have some silly phrases or straight out call you a murderer..best to leave them be for now.
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 7/1 SUBJECT: Client Patch - Jul. 1st, 2020
- Different colors for the new chat channels.
- Tab Target/Lock disable can be optionally chosen by the carnage department. The department will follow up.
- Sound setting log on/off preserved .
- Message window size log on/off preserved.
- Display selector has different resolutions. But the text may be pixelated depending on the resolution. Smoothing them out slowed down the client, due to our client platform and driver. We considered not putting it in, but thought some many find it useful.
- Other internal security/technical fixes and updates.