Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Impending Event
by: Uoiea
-- 11:43 PM EST
Alilolelotte was kind enough to update us on the status of the event we've been anticipating. Disappointing news? It has been postponed. Good news is WE GET AN EVENT. HALLELUJAH. EVENT COMING. SOMETHING NEW IS ON ITS WAY. I don't know about you, but I can't wait.
Hello everybody,
With regards to the upcoming event ---
Little setback - Stein caught a bad cold and the end-of-the-month event needs to be postponed by 1 week. Stein is actually willing to release 1st part of the event this Friday as scheduled, but I talked him out of it; you all are so quick to solve things it will be more frustrating to get to the middle and then wonder if its "bugged" and then needing to wait 1 more week rather than just waiting 1 week and then having the entire content available to stick your teeth into.
So, I've asked Stein to hold off for 1 week and release entire event at once next Friday. I know many of you are waiting and excited about this, and I appologize for the delay. I hate to make you wait longer, but I just think this way you will get more satisfaction out of it.
In regards to the list of questions that Koohwen put together - that's put on hold until event is finished and then we will continue to work on them. There are some questions there can only be answered by KRU, and I cannot be sure that we'll get an answer at all, but we will try what we can. :)
Thank you, Alilolelotte
NexusTK.exe is compatible with Window 10
by: Vini
-- 4:03 PM EST

Today marks the day of new Windows available and if you're anxious about updating to Windows 10 (especially if you were at 8 versions) worry not! Nexus TK is compatible with the new version of Windows and so far it has shown no single difference of stability from before.
Be advised that you may be required to "Run NexusTk.exe as Administrator".
There's a new Nexus Forums topic discussing the possible effects Windows 10 may have in Nexus. Be sure to share your experiences there or your concerns prior to updating your system.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 73, Moon 8~
Server Reset
by: Uoiea
-- 4:26 AM EST
Without warning, there was a server reset at 4:20AM EST on July 27th. If you lost anything be sure to ticket KRU.
There was no update accompanying it.
~New Primogen for Oceana

Drucilla has decided to step down from Primogen and has appointed the position to Musadan Vini. Vini once again as Primogen of Oceana will be taking the necessary steps needed to restore Oceana back to its righteousness ways and become strong again.
Arsoning in Nagnang
by: Vini
-- 10:55 PM EST

Yesterday, an hour after the meeting with Queen Yun, the Shaman Elder Ellanor screamed through world shout announcing her house was on fire! Worried about loss of lives and wares, many citizens communicated into finding the location of the house at north Kyongju, a housetown within Nagnang southwest coast.
Initially, Ellanor believed the arsoning was work of Shaman ZenRu, who never liked the fact that she had moved to Nagnang, but while the house was being evacuated, some of us were still attempting to put down the fire and amidst the smoke and flames there was a shadowed figure lurking around the house. His face couldn't not be seen, but his male voice was somewhat familiar to someone I hear often.

If the mysterious man was responsible for the arsoning it is not not known, but Ellanor and her fiance are doing fine and actually were able to salvage most of their belongings before moving to a new house.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 73, Moon 9~
Queen Yun's friendship with Taiisrhaa
by: Vini
-- 3:26 AM EST

KUGNAE -- Throughout the recent communications between Queen Yun and her new "friend" Taiisrhaa, a tea tipsing was scheduled to be held last evening at Koguryo Royal Palace vicinities. The King was not present nor invited to the informal meeting, but was made aware of its occurance by his soldiers who were set to protect the Queen during her stroll outside the palace.
Taiisrhaa arrived at Kugnae Palace Courtyard accompanied by Avathian, the Nagnang Ambassador and also by Shaman Elder Ellanor, her husband and Shaman ZenRu, the same one who found traces of poison in Geumwa's corpse. Queen Yun was accompanied by the new Koguryo Prime Minister Loxie, by Shaman theSavior, the same one who performed her wedding ceremony with King M'hul and was escorted by four KRA soldiers: Amatus, Saiyanwar, Vini and KyoKun.

The tea sipping got delayed a bit due to an unsual sighting behind Taiisrhaa. A strange figure with pointed ears was following him everywhere. Kogurian soldiers couldn't really understand if such "person" was human or not, but questioned about her hands being bind by shackles and chains. Taiisrhaa claims she wasn't his slave, was only but a companion, although all evidences pointed against that. This female creature calls him "Master" and her name was revealed to be Suvola.

After the initial inquire about Suvola, the Queen requested to move out for a stroll. The convoy ended going to Yuri's Garden just east of the Royal Palace where the Queen admired the beautiful flowers. While chat was flowing naturally and tea was being served with help Pupedi, another KRA soldier who arrived afterwards.
After much walking at the garden, the Queen who was still wearing a flower bracelet in her hand, given by Taiisrhaa, has done some reckless move. She took a healing salve by Taiisrhaa and used it against the recommendation of the soldiers guarding her. In the end, she seemed to be fine, but Taiisrhaa refused to give any sample of the salve to others to test the legitimacy of it, although offered by both shamans and kogurian officials to test it.

Other than the "minor" incident with the untested salve, the whole tea sipsing went well. The Queen went back to the palace to rest not long after, as her belly quite heavy by now with the pregnancy and her legs can't stand much walking.
Yet, During the whole friendly gathering at the Flower Garden, the behavior of Suvola was very strange. She would ran around the garden to catch food or other objects just like if she was a pet, while she would only feel comfortable around Taiisrhaa and at the end around Avathian too. The simple act of standing next to Suvola, stare of talk to her would cause her to flee. At one of the many attempts to communicate with her, while she was fleeing, I actually was able to see she had 9 tails hidden under her dress. Could that be a costume? Could Suvola be nine-tailed fox morphed into a woman or could she be a were-ninetail fox? Not much is known but obviously her relation with Taiisrhaa isn't normal. Suvola seems too much afraid of people, despite not a single violent move being perfomed. She acts like a pet too afraid of being beaten again.
The mysteries surrounding Taiishraa grow bigger with the discovery of a slave human-like creature. An insignia was noticed on her left hand inscribed **Taal'yein insignia**, what could that mean? Perhaps finding what Taal'yein is, is the first clue to figuring out through the mystery behind such strange characters.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 73, Moon 8~
The return of Taiishraa
by: Vini
-- 7:37 PM EST
It seems the mysterious Taiisrhaa has returned over the past days and has now walked the Shaman path under guidance of the Shaman elder Ellanor, instead of Salise, his previous guide. Taiisrhaa been visiting clans and subpaths events again and has been communicating with Queen Yun, despite King MuHyul's orders for him to stand back and away from Koguryo.

For those who don't remember Taiisrhaa, he is a strange huge-eyed looking fellow who was first seen at Forget-Me-Not ball. During the ball he forced himself to get as close as possible to kogurian royals as if he was a long term friend, but in fact they had just met. Taiisrhaa claimed he attended the Ball on behalf of Lady Mihi, as an envoy of Kinung. This was actually later confirmed by Mihi, who claimed he had been visiting Kinung recently and when she was too unwell to go to the ball she asked him to represent her instead.
The suspicious sudden proximity to royals during the ball and his cynical non-confronting behavior made Taiisrhaa become the prime suspect of the poison which killed King Geumwa of Buya a day after the ball. Authorities of Buya and Koguryo have been working together in finding more clues of his involvement and found evidences that he is in fact a proficient alchemist and herbalist. He is known of being capable to create powerful healing tonics or dangerous dozing poisons. He is also known to have been a Conjurer prior to joining Shamans, which makes it even more suspicious.
Taiisrhaa is no celebrity, but due to the high alert involving obscure actions, Nexus Atlas will continue to covering his major moves as news.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 73, Moon 8~
Did you know?
Four related augury visions
by: Vini
-- 9:08 PM EST
Recently the Diviners had augury visions pointing out to imminent future events. All of these four visions below mention a purple dragon which most likely represents Prince ChaeRi of Nagnang. Here are copies of the augury visions as seen by Southwood, Diskord, Triantos and Elder Lithium:
Received a vision just moments ago that I wish to share for all---
The sun sets to the west while to the east the sun rises; two celestial bodies shine and cast upon a warm aura as a symbol of continuity of life.
The warm feeling leaves and further the vision alters ---
A purple scaled flying serpent flies beyond the clouds surrounding the new rising sun in the east with constant flight. Bright azure blue skies mixed with purple serpent reflects a striking sight, yet not unwelcomed.
The joining of two larger forces may ignite the life forces. An unexpected surprise - maybe? Traditions may be broken!
Could this be foresight into the event looming on the horizon just to the east?
~Southwood Grey Diviner | *he closes his eyes, sitting on the steps of his Hall's garden, puffing on a pipe. When he opens them again, his body is as if frozen in solid ice, and images pass before his unblinking eyes*
Setting sun; Rising sun;
Two planets glow warmly in the skies. Continuity of life.
*a painful flash cuts throw his eyes and suddenly the vision changes*
Purple dragon flies high Surrounding the rising sun in its fluent flight.
Azure skies entertwined with purple a striking sight, yet not unwelcomed.
An unusual union of two larger than life forces, Unexpected surprise, gasp, broken traditions.
*his eyes twitch rapidly just a few more times and then close, smoke pouring from his nostrils and motion returning*
||Diskord Byron Dorkus ||Bard Primarch of Destiny ||Grey Soothsayer | Lately, sleep has not come to me easily. I am filled with a nameless dread whenever I try to peer into the future; something is coming, but I cannot yet see what. Last night, as I managed to calm my worried mind, a vision came to me.
A mighty purple dragon drinking from the lake, steam rising from his jaws. Bathed in the morning light, the calm surface of the water disguised what lie beneath.
In the depths awaited a blue serpent. As the dragon drank, the serpent siezed the opportunity and leapt out of the water, latching onto the mighty beast.
The dragon reared his head and roared. As the blue serpent coiled itself around him, he spread his wings and took flight. The dragon soared and cried out, the serpent tightening it's grip. He flew straight ahead, towards the burning golden sun. With great speed he made contact, and as their bodies burned together a beautiful haze of purple and blue could be seen across the horizon.
I know the vision of the colored horizon will be forever etched in my memory.
` Lithium | Last night, as I plodded through a series of works by a forgotten scholar, I felt a pressure building in my mind. Unable to concentrate, I put my work aside and began to meditate to clear my head. As my mind cleared, the pressure continued to build until I was overcome with a vision:
I stand in a field watching as the sun rises, time passes and the sun races across the sky before setting. Night falls, the stars come out. In the vision, two points of light glow more brightly than the rest. The night passes as rapidly as the day and the stars fade as the sun rises. For an interminable length of time the cycle continues.
At the dawn of a new day, a dragon appears on the eastern horizon. As it flies away from the rising sun, it draws closer. As it approaches, it becomes apparent that the scarred and battered hide of the dragon is purple. The shabby beast passes overhead and continues to the west.
Undisturbed, the golden sun continues its journey across the sky as the dragon flies. The dragon shrinks into insignificance and fades from view. The sun sets. Purple mingles with the azure in the sky as darkness falls.
In the darkness, the earth seethes with disquiet, and the stars fade from the sky leaving only blackness.
-Triantos |
It's not certain what the augury visions are pointing to, but the only recent involvement between Prince ChaeRi and something "azure" was gift he gave to the new Prime Minister of Koguryo, Loxie, prior to a Muse's college class. It seems the Prince gave her a bouquet engraved as ** Nangen rose **.

Could the two of them been dating since the Forget-Me-Not Ball?
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 73, Moon 7~
New Koguryo Prime Minister and Defenders
by: Vini
-- 8:16 PM EST
Last night's Koguryo Defender Ceremony was a very special one which not only recognized 13 new kogurian defenders, but also marked the last ceremony held by Vales as Prime Minister.

Vales began as the head of Koguryo Ministry back in Hyul 20 ((6 and half years ago)), she was the longest term Minister in Nexus history and lead the ministry through quite a few changes, one of them which created 5 departments of work: culture, development, defense, foreign affairs and economy.
The new chosen Prime Minister of Koguryo is our very own Loxie, who has been in the ministry for about 9 years!

Here is a list of the new defenders: From Tiger: Juuzou Threec Southwood
From Destiny: Cobby ScorchedSun
From SunMoon: Bernathis Hinorei
From Enigma: Holangl Toxa
From Oceana: Nefercardi Molli
From Bear: Besoul PyroAce
No Nominations from KRA or Ministry.
Koguryo celebrates the new defenders and the new prime minister. Congratulations to you all!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 73, Moon 6~
Koguryo Defender Ceremony - Tomorrow!
by: Uoiea
-- 1:02 AM EST
Koguryo is celebrating with their citizens a Defender Ceremony to be held tomorrow, starting at 7pm EST. Revels will be held at it's usual time of 8pm EST, and there will be a special performance in honor of Vales prior to the ceremony, which shall start at 6pm EST in the Kugnae Theater.
More Primogens stepping down.

Silla - Neigno Promoted to Primogen Akiudo steps down
(Image coming soon)
Enigma - Ecnor Promoted to Primogen BruXinha steps down
Summer has finally Hit TK!
* Anniversary swords and the ability to get the legend mark have been removed
* July Kruna has been given out to all auto-renew accounts and seasonal items are filtering back into the itemshop throughout the afternoon including a few sales, so check them out!
* Minor fixes for Buya Imperial Army
~New primogen for Lost Kingdoms

Demil has step down from Primogen of Lost kingdoms and appointed Guardian rEwRite to take the role of Primogen! He promises to try and make Lost Kingdom more active.
King Mhul's successful Treasure hunt
Hyul 73 moon, 3rd sun The king of Koguryo set off on a treasure hunt He long awaited to take. Mhul with the citizens by his side and the Legendary treasure hunter PrinceTrust all met by the north gate of koguryo. The king gave PrinceTrust a Treasure map that's been collecting dust in the royal library for him and the community to set off into the Wilderness to find treasure! As they reached the Wilderness, PrinceTrust had some issues reading the map since it was old and faded. The King along with the community forged their way through sheep fields to be Ambushed by Pigs!
 The dangerous pigs where strong! some of the citizens fell in battle but managed to be revived by the poets assisting, in the end their remands scattered the grounds.
 As the battle was one, Mhul went on with the treasure hunt following PrinceTrust near the gate of Buya, Mhul instructed the citizens not to enter Buya as PrinceTrust stumbles onto a old pile of bones.
 The King and PrinceTrust both curious of the bones they poked at it a bit, a Spirit arose from the bones, "The curse!!" cried out Mhul As an army of skeletons arose from the dead.

Quickly the citizens fought off the skeletons! the king went off in the distance and found The treasure he was seeking! A flame blade!
 the citizens rejoiced as PrinceTrust instructed everyone to come to the Merchant study to mark everyone for participating.
 This marks another Epic journey within the kingdoms which I hope happens more often. Community involvement is crucial to keeping the Kingdom of the Winds strong.
So long Wisdom star, hello Foxhunt tokens~
* The wisdom star is gone and the vortex bosses are back! Anniversary swords and the ability to get the legend marks will remain for one more week.
* Fox Hunt tokens have been added as a new prize for winning Fox Hunts which can be redeemed for special mounts that are only available through this system. Return to natural balance will aslo be run when exiting carnages via "Leave Hall".
Updates for: - Oceana clan - Buyan Imperial Army - Enigma clan
New Diviner Elder
The legendary Laren has stepped down yesterday from Diviner's eldership and appointed Lithium as his successor.
Brought to you by, -,-@ Donjuan
Primogen shift in Heavens clan
Empirico just recently stepped down from primogen of Heavens Clan and named Sigma her successor.
Two major events are on the way
by: Vini
-- 6:43 AM EST
Although sometimes it seems like people's opinions are not being heard out. They in fact are. Archon Primogeness Alilolelotte has made a public posting in response to the concerns of lack of communication by immortals and revealed that two events are in the way:
Hello everybody:)
As promised I've brought up your concerns to Stein. Thank you Koohwen for organizing players meeting and for making sure it was conducted in an orderly manner.
So, Stein is currently working on an event for you, which is scheduled to be released by the end of this month. This will be a large new event that has some connection to the Secrets of the Buyan Haunted House and is second in the series of three. These three events are independent in terms of quest/reward, but the plots are connected between each other. I hope you will enjoy riddling out this connection and putting all the pieces together. I know that many of you were also specifically asking about next part of Asmodi Event, and to answer that - there is next part ready and will be implemented when Stein is ready for it. :)
So, enjoy Wisdom Star and stay tuned!
Alilolelotte Archon Primogen |
Kudos to Koohwen for organizing the protest in wilderness as it seems to have been paid out. The immediate response from Immortals renews people's faith in better days. Stay tuned to Nexus Atlas as we'll keep you informed of the development of such events and other updates.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 73, Moon 2~
Server Reset - Wisdom Star starting!
 Wisdom Star's double bonus exp
Servers were reset a while about and brought the classic Nexus' anniversary features. Here is what's new, as posted by GM Stein on Dreamweaver board:
Happy Anniversary!
In celebration of Nexus' 17th Anniversary, a Wisdom Star has begun. It will last until the 8th of July, so there will be plenty of time to hunt! During the Wisdom Star the Vortex bosses will be scared away, but they always seem to come back

Anniversary swords and legend marks are out, so make sure to grab yours for this year's Anniversary!

New wisdom clothes for those who are eligible are now available from the Kingdom Greeter: behold the YeoiIigobBeunZe clothes! The seventeenth version makes you look powerful. Check it out:
 |  | YeoiIigobBeunZe robe |
YeoiIigobBeunZe gown |
Fixes and updates for: - Covenant clan - Tiger clan
*Tiger clan NPC Bumsagi Updated to sell -Coal,flash dust, mountain ginseng, herb pipe, yellow scroll, meat scrap, indigo potion, brown potion.
*Tiger Clan Grove received a lot more trees and a larger map
*Edited by Vini
Nexus' 17th anniversary!
by: Vini
-- 8:00 AM EST

Today we celebrate the seventeenth year of Nexus TK since it went commercial and nearly 19 years since the US beta version. Such impressive mark is an achievement of Nexus community thanks to a very special group of people: YOU!
Congratulations to all who contributed to this mark and let's keep united for a grand celebration of 20th years soon to come!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 73, Moon 1, 1st Sun~