Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Kinung is open! Yet, RP Town Isn't
by: Vini
-- 10:16 PM EST
After a long period of waiting, citizens of the three kingdoms can finally get to see a sneak peak at how the RP Town will be like. The unihabited lands of Kinung can be explored by any traveler who can take a ship through the sea and reach the new found island. There's no fee to reach Kinung and the easiest way to go there is by taking a ship provided by the navy located at southeast of Dae shore, quite close to the passage to the Islets.
 Councilors of Kinung have already started contacting subpaths and clans for helping with the new buildings. But so far, Kinung is a large area (100x100) of plants and waters. Beautiful indeed. Worth taking sometime to explore it. But with the opening of the area for Kinung, people start to question themselves "when will RP town open?". People will have to wait for the next reset in hopes to find out. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 25, Moon 9~
Server reset, Thursday, July 30 2009
Server reset, Thursday, July 30, 2009 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
<> Over the past few moons, there have been reports of increased activity in the Mythic caves. The champions of each family are appearing more frequently and appear to be preparing for some sort of attack. Each mythic animal has made numerous alliances with members of the community and the citizens should be safe, so what could they be up to? The families are known for not being very trusting; they will only speak with those who they consider exalted among them. What lies in store for the adventurer who completes their task?
With all of this increased suspicion, the Mythic Guardians have become less concerned with who else you kill while in their service. They will permit you to slay other creatures while in their service, but will only recognize your completion once you have destroyed their enemies. This gracious gesture of the Mythic Guardians will be extended to all forms of an alliance.
((While killing bosses for your alliances, you may now concurrently kill any number of other things without your boss kills being erased.))
((Greater alliances can now be attempted at Il san. A new alliance is now available to players Ee san and above with 3 greater alliances completed.))
<> Citizens have noticed Cheyn and Teikari wondering around the kingdoms as of late. They appear to be looking for that perfect place to call home. After much deliberation between the two, they decided it would be best to head for the Tae family's lost village nestled in the lands somewhere south of the known kingdoms. Mupa's ice storm has passed and the snow has melted. The cool summer breeze has once again returned to the kingdoms. The winds are perfect for sailing! Follow the Tae and Yon to the land they will call home! Many years have passed and nature has overtaken much of what remained of the Tae village. There is much work to be done. Will you help them restore their village to its prior glory?
Cheyn has also stated the following:
Dear citizens of Koguryo, Buya, Nagnang, and the Wilderness: I have ensorcelled several boats to travel under their own power from the Kingdoms to Kinung! They will take you to our lands and back. I'm afraid there's not much to see there, yet. But you'll get an idea of what we need by taking a look around! Once we have our city plan set, we'll start collecting materials.
You can find the boats on Dae Shore, among the Buya Islets, in northern Nagnang, and south of the Wilderness village. Cheyn Tae Family Elder
((Please keep in mind that Kinung is a strict Role play town. If you speak out of character you can be removed from the town.))
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Destiny clan's Ancient Thicket now has spells turned off * Enigma changes name from Elyra's dream to Goridian's Knot * Bug for Clans new member title system should be tested to see if fixed Subpath additions and fixes: * Bug that removed Invincibility and Evaluate Others from Chongun guides was fixed * Bug that gave random heads from I-ching was corrected so it will no longer give out item shop heads or faces.
Other: * YeoDulpZe, YulZe and YeolHanBeunZe should work on carnage server now * Minor update for Archons * Winroute surpassed the invoke amount, this was advanced for future use * Updates for Kinung * Offline removal for tutors has been fixed * Major updates for Mythic bosses and alliances (see above post for more information)
Thane's Robot has arrived!
Kru recently announced that they would be giving a special Nexus pet to those who opted to help them beta test their newest game, Robosmasher. The prize comes in the form of Thane's Robot, but the price? To receive the pet, anyone interested must reach Level 15 in Robosmasher - no small feat according to one of the first recipients, Tilak. When asked, he stated that it took him around 100 hours of play to achieve the 15th level, so this will not be a simple endeavor by any means!
The Robot itself resembles the Illusion enemies that a Tutor is able to summon in their Guild Arena. The pet is able to be dyed, unlike some of the new pets that have been released lately (the bear cub, or the Captor for instance).
 Good luck to everyone seeking to earn this pet, as it will take quite a bit of determination and perseverance to obtain it. We're sure that KRU is glad to have help in ironing out any bugs that might be hanging out in Robosmasher during the beta.
Thank you to Tilak for the information, as well as for supplying images of the new pet!
Visits from the heads of the Yon and Tae families...
Recently, it has been brought to the attention of the Nexus Atlas reporters that the heads of the Yon and Tae families, Teikari and Cheyn, have been seen walking through the lands and communicating with the citizens.
 Cheyn, Head of the Tae family
 Teikari, head of the Yon family
It seems that they have taken the time to visit our lands, and fulfill their plan of creating a new village for their families. If anyone has any information they would like to share with us about the recent visits, please feel free to contact a reporter or document anything they wish on the News Report board!
The following is the letter that Elder Cheyn placed upon the Chronicles of the Wind board, in which he discusses their search for the old village of the Tae family, and what has become of it - it looks like things may not be finished with the families just yet...
I am very grateful for all you have done to save our families from Mupa's clutches. Your community has done more then any of us could have ever imagined. We doubted anyone could thwart Mupa's plans, but you did!
Now that we're alive again, we can continue with what Teikari and I dreamed up all those years ago. We wish to build a new village. Teikari and I discussed Building in Koguryo, Buya, Nagnang, even the wilderness, each had their spark, but I'm worried that if we were to build in your kingdoms that Mupa may be drawn to us, and I do not wish to bring any of your kingdoms harm. I think it's best if our families get as far away from Mupa as possible.
But at the same time, I wouldn't feel right deserting the kingdoms after all the effort you put into helping us. I asked Teikari about Yu Ryang, but it's too dangerous there. So we've decided to return to the Tae's old home. I hoped to reach it by river, far south of Nagnang.
I used one of the boats at Dae shore, and after some time mapping, I found it! Yes, the way back to our old home. The ride was quite calm the whole way and I'm sure anyone could follow, I'll just need to make several copies of my chart, that way you can pay us a visit!
Our town isn't what she use to be. Nature has returned to the land where our once beautiful village stood. No buildings remain. The flash flood that caused us to leave our home originally did more damage then I remembered.
The Tae's village can be rebuilt, it's just going to take a little time, and a lot of effort. But we will make it happen. We are the greatest crafters in all the lands after all!
In closing, I'd like to thank each and every member of these kingdoms, and I hope that I, as well as the rest of the Tae and Yon family will be able to repay you for everything you have done for us so far.
Now I need to get back to making copies of my sea chart!
Cheyn Tae family elder.
Sa San Sacrifice Vote Outcome
This evening mug took a moment to let the public know the final tally between the recent vote everyone was invited to take part in. The vote was opened up to the registered patrons of the game so that they may decide the fate of those who used the Sa San Sacrifice to radically reduce their stats for a multitude of reasons (hunting with friends, money, etc). This brought about concern due to the fact that those who have sacrificed can enter lower level caves and such while still having their Il, Ee, Sam and Sa level spells - without actually having the stats normally required to even attain those marks.
The original options listed for the vote contained the following:
a) Loss of spells and mark b) Return to base stats for the mark c) Do nothing, allow them to stay d) Allow them to retain spells and marks, ban from pk
After some time, it was narrowed down between options B and C, and the following is the post mug made on the Community board to alert everyone to the final outcome:
takes awhile to look through all the non-registered accounts but we removed them all and the final vote is:
B = 192 C = 208
so c wins it.
The Community has spoken and it has decided to allow those who used the Sa San Sacrifice option to stay as they are - without any changes.
Nagnang palace in ruins!
It seems the palace has gone to waste with the recent slaying of Kija, and there are a couple of familiar NPC's hanging around nearby. These NPC's seem to be in connection with the other various NPC's that have popped up recently. Perhaps this is a clue to what's to come in the future!
*scribbles a signature*
MistPrince Hyul 25, 7th Moon
My Return!
Hello fellow community members!
Just wanted to post a little Hello! As I have returned to Nexus Atlas after quite the hiatus.
Great to be back and provide you all with the latest news from the world of NexusTK!
New NPCs - What Do They Want?
Kugnae and Buya have new NPCs from the Yon and Tae families. They don't seem to respond to anything but maybe they are looking for a new home? ChinHo, in Nagnang says, "I see young ones carrying beautiful gems and all I need is a painted squirrel." A painted squirrel?!?
Oh yeah, Haesang is hanging around in Nagnang's Tavern of Wind. I suppose he needs a rest.
 Thanks to Toshimaru for finding this.
AllyGator Hyul 25, 7th Moon
Coupon slowdown
by: Rachel
-- 11:28 AM EST
There seem to be some major errors currently with the coupon purchase section on the NexusTk website.
Several players are complaining about this problem, but there are no answers or solutions from Kru yet.
Hopefully someone over at Kru can just personally send out the coupons through e-mail to the people who have purchased them. Otherwise the small number of players in the game will be shrinking even more..
In the meantime, some are suggesting that you buy your coupon several days in advance, in hopes that it will arrive in time. Good luck!
Sever Reset, Thursday, July 23
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
The ice and snow have finally melted away and things seem like they are back to normal in the Kingdom of the Winds. The families have been seeking a place to live. Perhaps they will find a home within the Kingdoms.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: + Eternal Order legend marks have changed from Nagnang Ministry + Destiny clan receives new map Ancient Thicket (Grove with 4 Ginko trees)
Subpath additions and fixes: + Geomancer's receive a Ba-Gua token + Fate's blade is now NO break on death and has 10000 durability
Other: + Minor updates for Kinung + Minor update on large project + Minor updated on new action sport + Snow items removed from item shop other items added back in
Looking for Images of New Items
Unfortunately I was not able to make it to the Jubilee Ball but I'd love to see the wonderful things you've gotten. Plus all of those who have turned in their hard earned cash to complete the Mystical Quest, care to share your beautiful new weapons? Hitoshura shared his Koguryo bouquet and MrUSA shared his Red glowing flame blade. Does anyone else want to let us see their items? If so, contact any staff member to take a screenshot. We don't need to hold the items unless you care to share the stats.
Thanks to all!
Mystical Quest Weapons
Server reset, Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Mupa, having fled the Ice Dungeon made one final attempt to thwart the happiness of the citizens and the Yon and Tae family. The family has been revived, yet, they have no where to go. Knowing that the families would be homeless, Mupa summoned an icy blanket to cover the towns. Being the middle of the summer, this snow is certain to be more of a nuisance than a hindrance and won't last long, but the citizens are unprepared for such a cold spell. Thankfully, Cup has worked quickly and filled the item shop with plenty of winter attire.
Updated the Sa san sacrifice you should be able to sell either your vita or your mana without going under your actual mark.
Anniversary swords are packed away till next year.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Minor update for Buyan Ministry * Updates for SanSin * New room added for Pegasus
Current projects in the works: New action sport New permanent quest
Bug fix: Minor bug fix for Sa San spell area Fixed Going to Tangun-should of read 54 not 50 to go back for free
Reset Friday, June 10 6pm est
For the Robosmasher Crossover event a new item was created to give to players who get to level 15. In addition to the 1000 kruna, players will also receive a special bonded item "Thane's Robot" for getting to level 15. This item is a pet which will be dyeable by using the kruna potions.
Small update for Elendhirin's grove so they can get to trees to cut them down.
Another Commission has been added to the game.
Another quest will soon be released.
King Mhul's 25th Hyul Jubilee
You are cordially invited to continue the celebrations of his Royal Majesty King Mu'Hyul's 25th Jubilee! Kugnae's celebrations continue throughout the palace grounds! Please join us in Yuri's Ballroom, Victory Square and the Jeongwon to celebrate his 25th Hyul as King. Our clans and subpaths of all nations will be celebrating this marked occasion by hosting a variety of events and games for your enjoyment! We welcome all to come to this fair portion of the celebrations and receive a special gift in his Majesty King Mu'Hyul's honor!
Opening of Ballroom - Victory Square - Jeongwon ((7 pm est/4 pm pst)) Clan & Subpath Events (( 7 pm est/4 pm est - 12 am est/9 pm pst))
Special Merchant Midnight Madness ((12 am est/9 pm pst))
Closing & Thank You's ((1 am est/10 pm est))
Have fun!
Commissioned Services
by: Vini
-- 10:14 PM EST
So far, five distinct shop keepers have been found giving Commission on jobs. All 5 can be found within the city of Buya:
Dok smith is collecting 10 Metal and 10 Fine metal Blossom seamstress would like a Holy ring Paryu messenger has troubles walking and requires a Titanium lance Pitch at the ring shop is in need of 3 Tao stones Ogi the butcher would like 2 Purified Water

The reward for each comissioned services rendered is a legend mark, minor quest experience and 1 pirate coin.
Special thanks to Belladona for posting a similar walkthrough on community board, and to Conro for discovering and posting about Ogi's task.
~Vini Normad'or~
~Hyul 25, Moon 3~
Today's Reset
by: Vini
-- 8:55 PM EST
The mysterious Haengsa has departure once of again after filling his pockets of items. Perhaps he's out for collecting more pirate coins; let's hope he'll be back next month. Yet, on his leave he has commissioned several shop keepers around the towns to distribute pirate coins citizens in exchange of work.
Just as Haengsa leaves, strange people arrive. A ninja figure called Mystical Summoner stands at Kugnae. Near the water refilling place (054 018) asking people "Why can't I use this thing?". Whatever is the "thing" he speaks of, community shall soon find out.
Another strange appearance is of a Mystical Goblin in the Wilderness, east of Iron Lab (077 172). The goblin sells 8 different color types of Mystical water for 5mil each. Quite expensive for something people don't know the purpose as of yet. The Mystical Goblin says in disapprovement:
What? You want some mystical water? The only reason anybody would need it is for that stupid tree. You know what the tree called me? Its outrageous! In return, I'll charge a pretty penny for this water. That'll show that cursed tree!

To east of there a new purple tree can be found. It’s called “Mystical Tree”. Not much is known about such tree, perhaps could use the water on it. Yet, one who probably needs water more is a man sweating profusely in Buya (93, 112) called Mystical Loiterer.

Members of Nexus community believe this may lead to the forging of new items such as (Color) shade leaf. Different colors for same type of weapon in which the base stats are: 100 vita/ 100 mana/ 100 regen.
 In other news, here’s the Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes with the reset: * Many additions for the King Muhyul 25th anniversary ball have been set up for the Royal Ministry. Last week new doors were added to the palace to help the ministry be able to unlock and lock their Garden and Game room * Alizarin receives additions to Otemba and Valkryie as well as their Scholar Courtyard * Elendhirin receives trees to their grove.
Nexus Atlas reporters shall post updated details on the Mystical quest as soon as more is found out. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 25, Moon 3~
KRU's invitation to Nexus Citizens
by: Vini
-- 7:43 PM EST
KRU Interactive has posted on Dream Weaver's board and official Nexus site two important information to citizens of the kingdom of winds. The first message attatched at the bottom of the reset's report informs that they fixed a bug that allowed members to sell down past their mark and are asking for opinion of players on such matter as this issue (See post below by Musoyen). They alarmed community to respect the usage of "Opinion" character as if it goes well they're willing to use again in the future.
In other news, KRU has posted an invitation to Nexus players to explore different lands with new adventures and experiences. Such opportunity comes with rewards of 1000 Kruna for Nexus. Good opportunity to try the new Kruna items available at item shop.
 Here's a copy of their original invitation: Robo Smasher and Nexus Crossover Event
Robo Smasher has officially launched into Open Beta. To promote the release of Kru’s new game, Kru will be hosting a Crossover Event with Nexus. To participate in this event, simply create a Robo Smasher character and play. Once your Robo Smasher character has reached level 15, you can get 1000 Kruna for your Nexus account (only one per account) by submitting your character for verification. A website will soon be available so you can submit your Robo Smasher character.
This is a limited time event, so hurry and get started at http://www.robosmasher.com/.
Note: Robo Smasher has higher system requirements than Nexus. Please make sure your computer meets the minimum requirements. Also, if you helped with our closed beta test and still have the game installed, please uninstall it and download the new launcher.Nexus Atlas is dedicated only to Nexus: The Kingdom of Winds. Therefore we'll not be posting images of other games unless it's posted in the official website of Nexus TK. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 25, Moon 3~
Your opinion counts!
A recent issue is being brought up in community board by archons and Mug involving the Trial of Sacrifice for Sa San achievement in which requires a sacrifice of 200k vita 100k mana. In such quest others can sacrifice their stats for you. The main issue is that the so called stats sacs can reduce player stats allowing them to enter lower level ranked caves and lower level carnages keeping their items and spells.
Concerned with the opinion of the players on how to resolve the matter considered a "bug" the immortals are calling for a public voting in which community shall decide how to proceed with this situation. Here's a copy of the original post that can be found on community board and Rambling Thoughts:
Stat Selling Bug
With the release of Sa San, players were given the ability to sell thier status to others who needed it for a Sa san sacrafice. This feature however; was never intended to allow players to sell stats below thier current mark. For example, a Sam san should not be able to sell below 640,000 Vita / 320,000 mana. An Il san should not be able to sell below 160,000 Vita / 80,000 mana. etc. This bug has been fixed in testing, however; we would like your opinion on how to proceed.
In our eyes, it is not fair for a player to be able to sacrafice down far below thier stats, but still retain the higher mark and spells. This gives a player an unfair advantage over others in the areas of hunting, farming and player killing.
Since this issue has already been in the game for some time unfixed, We would like your opinion on how to handle it.
1. When this bug is fixed, what action should be taken for those who have already gone below thier base value?
a) Loss of spells and mark b) Return to base stats for the mark c) Do nothing, allow them to stay d) Allow them to retain spells and marks, ban from pk
Please send your votes to me! "Opinion". We will collect votes from now until Wednesday, July 15th. Please only vote once per player and we will do our best to ensure the majorities voice is heard. A correctly formatted vote would read as follows.
On the subject line put the following:
Vote - b
Please be as prompt and understanding as possible. Requesting votes like this is a sign of good faith, and we would like to be able to do the same in the future if this goes well.
Please do not send letters about the issue we will not be changing the options.
As you can read in the post, there has been a character created specially for this. His name is "Opinion". Please nmail your votes to Opinion, not to Mug, not to Archons and specially not to any of Nexus Atlas staff members who have nothing to do with such voting.
*Edited by Vini*
Emote races!
 When the sun goes down, Buya gears up! Hot race track betting for emote racers!
New Oceana Primogen!
 Vini has stepped down from his long held position as primogen of Oceana Clan. DavidJM has taken over this position. Nexus Atlas wishes Oceana continued growth!
Haggard Witch's Final Words (Revised)
* Revised - I didn't have an Immortal Gem when I initially saw the "final words". There are two messages.
After you give your Immortal Gem, say 'Immortal Gem' to HaggardWitch again. She tells us:
Whether or not you believe that destiny is predetermined, one cannot deny the inevitable conquest from the present into the future. ...But who determines when the conquest should stop? How does one know that they have fulfilled their destiny? These are questions that only the Heavens have answers to, and it is only the Heavens that can testify whether Immortality is a gift or curse. But one thing is certain in this entire perplexing theory of Fate, destiny, and immortality: A mortal has no control over their demise. With that said, these gems are nothing but taunts and mockery for mortals like you, as you will never understand its purpose. ...and I do not say this with disdain or arrogance. No. Because of your acceptance of this, you do not need to look for immortality - you already know that this gem does not grant eternal life. The rest is up to Heaven now. I am certain the families were not meant to die for Mupa's purpose.
After you give your Vacant Soul, say 'Vacant soul' to HaggardWitch again. She tells us:
The Heavens recognize these threads. During this entire endeavor, we have always pressed forward. This inevitable conquest from the present into the future is something Mupa anticipated, and used to her advantage... Mupa's Guardian is a foe like no other, feeding on the souls of the innocent. Our souls are bound by life's silver threads, which are eventually cut by Fate. Given this, one must question what spins the origin of each thread. The answer to this is simple: Time. Time tells what is in store for each of us, and it is Time that weaves the experiences into what we are and what we will eventually become. With that said, Mupa's Guardian feeds on the threads of life, the unfinished and incomplete destinies of the innocent. By doing so, the Guardian is able to relive moments of Time, spinning threads of destiny for itself. In other words, the Guardian is immortal in its own right. This poses a problem for us, as this creature has the ability to relive this entire experience and potentially succeed... Not to worry though. the Vacant Souls that several have donated will serve as a vessel. Have you ever wondered why the 'soul mate' term was coined? *she chuckles softly* A soul is composed of fragments sewn together by life's silver thread. When the thread is cut, a soul's fragments can potentially disperse, thus creating duplicates of the same soul. With that, you can deduce the true meaning of a 'soul mate'. So, if fragments of the families' souls are stored in the vacant ones, we will always have a presence to relive and defeat Mupa's Guardian. We will become, in essence, keepers who continually seal the dungeon. When time is spun back into the moment of battle, be our hero again. Our souls are only fragments, so please do not take offense if we do not recall who you are. Now be on your way, good soul. For the sake of the Kingdoms' future, do not forget my words. *she turns to face the Dungeon doors, planting her staff deep into the ground* Tabae gave her life, she is the Yu Ryang witch who will always be ready for action!
AllyGator Hyul 25, 2nd Moon
Mupa's Ice Dungeon Walkthrough
1. Go Arctic Land then north to Lover's Lake. Go north through the gateway.
2. Say 'Mupa' to Tabae who is in the Ice Dungeon room.
3. All 4 of the entrances go to the first room, Cold Case. From Cold Case you can exit East to go the 2nd room Cryophobia. Each room as 12 NPCs (members of the Yon and Tae families). You must agree to help each of them and kill 30 of their captors! That's 720 total!
4. Exit the area and click NPC to finish that part. If the NPC gives you a Yes/No option to re-enter, it means you have done your job.
5. Finish all 24 NPCs, then go back to Lover's Lake and talk to HaggardWitch. You'll need to say the names of the bosses in Mupa's Lair. Nyalmot and Dzuteh.
6. - Once you finished both rooms with all 24 npcs done, head back out to Haggardwitch. Say 'Nyalmot', and then 'Dzuteh'.
7. Exit north back to the Ice Dungeon and tell Tabae, 'Mupa', 'Sagu', and 'Yon'. (If she doesn't say anything after you say Yon, go back and check to see which NPC you haven't completed).
8. Tabae will warn you about the difficulty of the next step and warp you to Mupa's lair. There are invisible traps there to spawn the bosses blue Nyalmot and white Dzuteh along with a set of captors. It's possible to spawn more than one set so be careful. Those cute bears can be vicious! Kill the white and blue bears.
  These guys randomly drop white and blue wings modeled by Clea and Desmond. Go spawn a few bosses and wear them proudly.  9. Be very careful at this point!! If you have an Immortal Gem and/or Vacant Soul have them in your inventory NOW, you won't get a second chance for this. Go back to Haggardwitch and say 'Nyalmot' (remember to have TWO inventory spaces open) to get your sub-accessory. Say 'Dzuteh' to get the legend mark. Then say Immortal gem to get your new Frozen garb/gown and Vacant Soul to 50 Pirate coins. You don't have to do this part to complete the quest. But if you want these items you must do it NOW. If you click I don't have one you'll see this? 
Ice Dungeon NPC Locations
Here's a location map for those who are running around trying to find them all.
 Cold Case 1. Jung-Su 006 003 2. Jin Ae 045 003 3. Eo Mo 021 008 4. Soo Jin 026 008 5. Cheyn 012 011 6. Ae Cha 002 019 7. Hyun Ae 031 021 8. Eun Hee 042 024 9. Chen Ho 031 033 10. Sun Hi 004 037 11. Kang Dae 030 042 12. In Ho 042 043
 Cryophobia 1. Kwang Ho 006 005 2. Tinn 029 006 3. Joo Chan 044 004 4. Kimoni 041 011 5. Namit 074 003 6. Hey Su 054 015 7. Xiali 073 014 8. Sang Ki 006 021 9. Dong Jung 018 022 10. Aafke 032 028 11. Yuangao 042 025 12. Teikari 055 029
Afternoon reset 7/2/09
by: AkiKan
-- 10:05 AM EST
fixed subs that wouldnt let you wear after taking off.
i hope no more stuck in walls now.
From the desk of AkiKan
Ice Dungeon's bug fixing reset
Server reset, Thursday, July 2, 2009 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Thank you to everyone who found small bugs in the event to help us squish them out. Great work team!
First off the sub-accessories have been bugged from the time we added them into the game however, I have figured out the bug and correct only the newest ones. They were not meant to have the crazy amount of Protection but instead Regen. You will see Regen is now +25 and Protection is +1. Thank you for those who saw this and pointed it out.
The monsters stats have been either nerfed or given more exp. Cave 4 had a major update in experience we are unsure what happened but it was corrected.
We have hurled a spell on the maps so that those evil monsters don't go throwing you into walls anymore.
We have also given a strict warning to KwangHo Captors they are no longer allowed to hang out with the Tinn Captors. When will they learn?
Tiger clan will be able to find Yuhwa who was also captured by Mupa but safely returned.
New Sub items from event
by: AkiKan
-- 5:05 AM EST
mug's post on Comm board.
there is a bug that i find with sub items from back when added long ago. i wont be changing any of the old items but i will correct them from this day on. so you will see a change in the stats after reset.
thank you for your understanding.
From the desk of, AkiKan
Haengsa Quest
by: AkiKan
-- 4:58 PM EST
1. Fragile rose  2. Chung Ryong Key  3. Pearl charm  4. Battle helm  5. Scribe's pen  6. Magical dust  7. Lucky coin  8. Key to pond  9. Tao stone  10. Lucky Silver Coin  11. Scribe's book  12. Purified Water 
----REWARD: 10 coins
Sengsu and Zulfarius worked together on this to complete
From the desk of, AkiKan
Event Riches!
People are showing off their new items! Thanks to MrUSA, Inflamed, Brant and xLordDragonx for trusting me enough to check them out. I'm assuming that Medullary items are for casters and Cambium items are for fighters. I haven't seen a gown yet. You get a new legend mark for saving the Yon and Tae family and if you have an Immortal Gem you can get the garb/gown. None of these items are bonded!!

 Wiccan shows off his new unbonded Nyalmot Frozen Wings which have Durability of 400,000 Jade MedullaryDura: 20000/20000 Armor: 0 Mana: +1000 Will: +2 Grace: +1 Regen: +25 Prot: +1 Level 50 caster Azure MedullaryDura: 30000/30000 Armor: 0 Mana: 2,000 Will: +2 Grace: +1 Regen: +25 Protection: +1 Level 99 caster Night MedullaryDura: 40000/40000 Armor: +1 Mana: 3,000 Will: +3 Grace: +1 Regen: +25 Protection: +1 Il san caster Crimson MedullaryDura: 50000/50000 Armor: +2 Mana: 4,500 Will: +4 Grace: +2 +4 Will +2 Grace Regen: +25 Protection: +1 Ee san caster Searing MedullaryDura: 60000/60000 Armor: +3 Mana: 7,000 Will: +5 Grace: +3 Regen: +25 Protection: +1 Sam san Torrid MedullaryDura: 70000/70000 Armor: +4 Mana: 10,000 Might: +6 Grace: +2 Regen: +25 Protection: +1 Sa san caster [no image yet] Jade CambiumDura: 20000/20000 Armor: 0 Vita: +2000 Might: +2 Grace: +1 Regen: +25 Prot: +1 Level 50 fighter [no image yet] Azure CambiumDura: 30000/30000 Armor: 0 Vita: 4,000 Might: +2 Grace: +1 Regen: +25 Protection: +1 Level 99 fighter Night CambiumDura: 40000/40000 Armor: +1 Mana: 6,000 Might: +3 Grace: +1 Regen: +25 Protection: +1 Il san fighter Crimson CambiumDura: 50000/50000 Armor: +2 Vita: 9,000 Might: +4 Grace: +2 Regen: +25 Protection: +1 Ee san fighter Searing CambiumDura: 60000/60000 Armor: +3 Vita: 13,500 Might: +6 Grace: +2 Regen: +25 Protection: +1 Sam san fighter Torrid CambiumDura: 70000/70000 Armor: +4 Vita: 20,000 Might: +6 Grace: +2 Regen: +25 Protection: +1 Sa san fighter
Anniversary Sword 11-Sa San
by: AkiKan
-- 2:20 PM EST
From Left to Right
11 - 30 - 60 - 90 - Il - EE - Sam - Sa
From the desk of, AkiKan
Shoot me!
That's right! Ever got tired of figuring out what to say to silent NPCs? Well GGrrIInn did! She told AeChe, "Shoot me" and AeChe said "BAM!". Who made these NPCs with a sense of humor? I don't know but it makes me laugh.

The new Ice Dungeon
by: AkiKan
-- 11:36 AM EST
Ice Dungeon
 This is the new look after the ice melted
Cold Case
 The first room in the new dungeon
Brain Freeze
 You go too this room by clicking the Cold Case NPC's
 This is the second room located on the up right side of cold case
Winter's Blast
 You go here by clicking the NPC's in Cryophobia room
Mupa's Lair
 After killing in all 24 rooms and saying "Yon" to Tabae you are sent to this room
South Mythic
 The location to the FireWorks Master room located south mythic
FireWorks Mater room
 The FireWorks Masters room
From the desk of, AkiKan
Happy 11th Anniversary
by: AkiKan
-- 6:10 AM EST
Server reset, Wednesday, July 1, 2009 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Happy 11th Year Anniversary, NexusTK! *In celebration, a fireworks show can be witnessed upon entering the building in south gate, Mythic Nexus. *Traditional anniversary swords are once again handed out by the Kingdom greeters. This time around, however, the swords glow a new hue!
The long-anticipated seal on Mupa’s Ice Dungeon is broken! It’s time to save the families and put Mupa in her place.
Haengsa has returned with a whole series of tasks! He will now automatically generate a new quest every month, and as always, he will wander – so make sure you continually track him!
A strange leech has appeared in the Nexus making itself at home. In exchange for its stay, it offers leech juice for sale for a limited time only! Stock up fast.
Soon there will be a update to add a little quest to help the economy.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * The Bear clan has received a new board and Ginko trees. * The Tiger clan has received a new board and the merchants Dangun (fishing) and Yuhwa (chef and food preparation).
From the desk of, AkiKan