Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Candy Has Changed for the Worse
With the latest reset, candy no longer works. We hope this is something that got broken and not an intended "fix".
Rollback Due to Server Malfunction
If you wrote a ticket because you lost items in a recent reset, KRU responded with the following answer:
Early this morning we had a server malfunction which caused items to disappear. We are resetting ALL players back to Monday 12:40 AM PST to ensure that any lost items are restored. We are also compensating players by extending the "Attack of the Mongols" event until July 31st. We appreciate your support, and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
This doesn't help if you spent alot of time doing some activity and now you're back to where you started but it is a relief to those who lost countless items simply by entering the event cave.
Some Mongol Event Items
To get the legend mark, complete the walkthru then walk inside and back out of the event cave.

I've been asked to show what levels for the items. If I get around to making maps of this event I'll make a chart like I did for the Tree of Reflections event. For now I've made ugly markups for the images.
Mongol attack walkthrough
by: Conro
-- 9:22 PM EST
Go to Gan -- (049,042) KAMING'S ENCAMPMENT Say Blight Say Sword Say Fancy Armor Say Fancy Armor
Go to Blossom seams -- (019,119) BUYA Say Fancy armor Say Gan Say Supplies Say Items while holding 10 Cloth, 2 Fine Cloth
Go to Othotsk Blacksmith -- (036,010) ARCTIC VILLAGE Say Fancy armor x2 Say Gan x2 Say Items while holding 5 Metal, 5 Fine metal
Go to Gan -- (049,042) KAMING'S ENCAMPMENT Say Items x2
Go to Noxhil -- (014,144) ISLETS Say Blight Say Sword Say Sword Say Militant Kallal Say "WAKE UP!"
Go to Splinter -- (136, 187) WILDERNESS Say Noxhil Say Lunch with 1 Apple, 1 Soup bowl Say Lunch (again)
Go to Pine Grove -- (159,116) WILDERNESS Collect 5 Whittling wood by walking (or riding) around
Go to Gruff Smith -- (24,009) SANHAE Say 'Tools' Buy Steel dagger
Go to Noxhil -- (014,144) ISLETS Say Whittle Say Whittle (again)
Go to Dharani's place -- (012,081) WOODLANDS Kill a Mongol along way to get 'Vile of Venom' Say Blight Walk to Center statue collect 'Dirty stone' Combine Water jug + Dirty stone to make 'Washed stone' Combine Washed stone + Vile of Venom to get 'Clean stone' Say Clean stone
The message upon the stone says:
_ h _ _ t f _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ e _ _, e _ _ e _ _ _ e _ _.
"Wheat field is a tent, enter there."
Good luck. If anything is wrong, please correct and repost.
- Conro - TediAvenger - Nussan - Najun - LordDryn
Red Gutuls (Various forums) (Mana heavy) Accessory Black gutuls (Various forums) (Vita heavy) Accessory Tengri (Various forums) Hand item Vulture charu (Various forums) Hand item
Still no sign of the Kallal... :(
Server Reset
by: Vini
-- 5:01 PM EST
As posted in Nexus TK official website the servers were all reset and the Mythic server events server are also back working. Here's the list of changes available for this reset:
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: Destiny receives new merchant Minjung (Fishing) Minor fix for Buyan Ministry Kugnae Royal Army receives new craft room and merchants: Dulsoon (weave, tailor), Haesik (smelt, smith), Kirin (Gem, Jewelry) and Adelle (Alchemy, Scribe) Bear clan receives new room Minor fixes for Buyan Army
Subpath additions and fixes: Minor update for Rangers
Map updates: Garden of the muse Crafting Bazaar Elyra's Dream Walsuk Tavern Tao Te Ching Diviner Circle Shaman Circle Palingenesis
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 1, Moon 5~
The mysterious actions of Blight
by: Vini
-- 11:15 PM EST
A very strange post was posted on Dream Weavers board and Nexus Official website today. A post which would fit much better being on Whispering Winds board, reveals that the actions of Blight are not worrying only the citizens, but the Gods themselves. As posted last friday by Conro, Blight was roaming the lands carrying this very strange weapon called Militant kallal.
 Here goes a copy of the post about Blight and what he is doing: Yesterday while hunting in the woodlands, I noticed a movement behind a tree. I slowly approached the tree and suddenly saw a flash of purple. Underneath the lowest limb, was General Blight! I was shocked! Thank goodness he didn't notice me.
What was he doing out here alone and hiding? I looked at him closely and noticed he had a weapon tied at his waist. This sword was something I had never seen before and nothing one of our smiths had ever crafted. Roughly crafted but with graceful beauty my mouth watered for a closer look. He also had other unusual items displayed proudly on his armor. The sun hit the metal on the sword and I was drawn back to its beauty. Blight started to sneak into the shadows. Should I follow him? Would he lead me to similar treasures? Was I willing to risk my life or my family for a pretty blade? Not today, I thought to myself and saw Blight's shadow disappear. Well I guess it is back to rabbit hunting for me.
The strange actions from Blight aren't a surprise for many in the community. During the King Yuri's Ball a very strange worker spoke about Blight preparing for war and collecting a mass amount of weapons.

Would be the Militant kallal the weapon he was speaking about? In time people shall find that out. Only thing that can be presumed as of now is that the Blight was saw somewhere near the Woodlands Rabbit cave at northwest of the area.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 1, Moon 5~
Changes brought by server reset
by: Vini
-- 9:07 PM EST
As posted on Dream Weavers board and Nexus TK official website the servers were reset today with various updates. The mythic server and Event server still seem to be broken, so mythic functions continue to work in Games server. Here's a copy of the original post: The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
When using exchange you will be able to see comma’s where you put in the gold.
Clan & Army additions and fixes: Pegasus receives a new hall update Enigma receives new merchant Caballo (summon horse) Buya Ministry receives a new room update Primogens get new board for Clan administration
Subpath additions and fixes: Small fix for Chongun SP planning room gets a new board
Other updates: Update for Fox hunts
Map updates: Garden of Muse Chongun guide Ranger circle Ranger guide Angel’s Hideaway Renegade’s Retreat Buya Army Shaman circle Shaman guide Palingenesis Valley of Mudang Tai Chi Tao te Ching Spiritual Garden Do training area Ocean Hall Oceana Eden Southern Valley Stone bridge (Buya Lv63 Mantis cave, Water Changed) Forest crossroads (Pathway to Shield Quest Ice Palace (Ee san Arctic Ogres, Snow changed Koguryo Valley Southern Koguryo Islet Valley Great Gate White Pine valley (Vale polar bear cave, abundance of snow removed) Barbarian cave
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 1, Moon 4~
Blight's peril
by: Conro
-- 8:39 PM EST
The Hero of Nagnang, Blight, paid a visit through the Mythic Nexus, and later meandered through Nagnang before ultimately vanishing before everyones eyes tonight.
Blight was seen fumbling around with a small map, and when asked said he was looking for 'someone to talk to', and spoke of 'the west'.
Blight carries two new pieces of equipment, possibly from his travels in the west. The 'Militant kallal' is a black blade, mimicing the style of the 'Midnight cutlass', and the 'Black sturdy gutuls' are a relic (subaccessory) which look like Black boots. (My appologies as I didn't catch a screenshot of the gutuls).
 Douzens gather as Blight wanders through Mythic Nexus
 Blight weilding the Militant kallal
Many are now wanding the western Woodlands, amoung other areas, in search of this certain 'someone'. Attempts to speak to Dharani have been bleak as of yet.
- Conro
Staff of the Elements Quest Available Now
Three Primogens changes
by: Vini
-- 5:56 PM EST
In the past few days there has been three shifts of primogenship in the lands of nexus. Primogeness ChiaJen from Silla Clan of Nagnang has stepped down from her position and picked LarryDeMarco to be her sucessor. In Elendhirin Clan of Buya, the founder Rhianwyn is now back as primogen for the 3rd time in place of PesmergaXV. After them, Primogen Guerrund also returned to his position in Phoenix clan which has Kyas covering him while he was away.
Congratulations to Primogeness Rhianwyn, Primogen LarryDeMarco, Primogen Guerrund and special thanks to PesmergaXV, ChiaJen and Kyas for their services to their clans and nexus.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 1, Moon 3~
Sam san sacrifice
by: Conro
-- 4:35 AM EST
I am unsure if this is common knowledge, but while getting Sam san on my poet, it's confirmed that you only need to be just above the status needed to sacrifice.

PoyoMan went from 80260 vitality, to 260 vitality via sacrifice.
W00T, Sam san! :)
- Conro
KRU slays all in Sire Pit
Anyone who likes the Sire Pit would have been on top of the world tonight. Kru decided to join in the fun of killing tonight. He came as a small fireball, trapped people with in the branches of what looked to be, short oak trees. He splattered everyone with fire tornado and a quick whisp of wind, killing everything and everyone in sight.

New NexusForums User Groups!
by: Rachel
-- 8:07 PM EST
ALL Kru employees, Archons, subpath Elders, official clan Primogens, army Generals are invited to join our new user groups on NexusForums! They will be put into special member groups with extra abilities!
In order to do this, you must make a NexusForums account using your character’s name and confirm that you are who you claim, by sending an n-mail to “Rachel”.
Please Remember: It's always good to be extra careful, so don't use the e-mail address that you use for your Nexus account; just make a new one with a free e-mail service.
Ring and Tribe leaders may only join the "Primogens" group if they use NexusForums as their group’s official board. Read my previous post for details. The "Guides" and "Council members" groups are also reserved for groups with their own private forum on NF.
NexusForums News!
by: Rachel
-- 10:54 PM EST
If you want your old post count restored or your account to be upgraded to "Citizen", please read this this announcement.
Now for a new announcement..
The first 5 clans, armies, subpaths, rings, or tribes to register and validate 25 users will receive their own forums. Once as you have 25 registered users, your group's leader should send me a list of the 25 NF accounts and their Nexus characters (registered or not).
The forums will be moderated by the group's Elder/Primogen and up to 3 Guides or Council members. There will be 2 boards; a member board and a council board. Each will be protected with a password, which will be updated monthly or by request. The Elder/Primogen will also have the ability to post events on the NF calendar. (Details to be discussed and worked out later)
What are the benefits of signing up for this?
-Increased activity on your online forums (They’re all signed up and logged onto NF already! ^.^) -Let NexusForums users know about your group and its events! -Special NF user groups for your guides/council members, with extra abilities! -Ease of polling your members about important issues! -Stay in contact with members who are temporarily or permanently unregistered! -Communicate easily on computers where Nexus can’t be run!
This is LIMITED to the first five groups with 25 members, so act fast!
Why is it limited? This all takes time and resources to set up. We can't make an unlimited number of boards and account edits. Plus we need to be sure that these boards will be used. This will also serve as a test to make sure everything works correctly. We hope to create more of these boards in the future but there are no gaurantees at this time.
If you have any questions, the best way to contact me is by sending a NexusForums private message to “Rachel”. You may also n-mail “Rachel” or e-mail Rachel_NA@hotmail.com, but I may not see your message as quickly.
Edit: It seems that there are now only four openings left!
2nd Challenge
by: Vini
-- 3:08 AM EST
Hyul 1
by: Vini
-- 12:11 AM EST

It happened as many people were hoping or guessing and the years count started all over again. From this day on the community won't be counting yuris anymore, but hyuls. This may cause some confusion to some which wish to count their age but the formula is simple, since Yuri 83 turned to Hyun 1 to do age count do like this: 82-Born day + Hyuls. For those who are born after the Coronation of King Yuri it will be really simple to count.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 1, Moon 2~
A ScreenShot of the New Mark for those born or completing quests after Yuri's death.

Had only he croaked a day before it became Yuri 80 :( - Conro
Happy 8th Anniversary!
This month marks the 8th anniversary of our time in the Three Kingdoms. King M'hul found Yuri's weapons cache and delegated the Kingdom Greeters to disburse them to all citizens. To get your new blade, go to the palace and see the NPC outside.

Server Reset changes
by: Vini
-- 10:23 PM EST
As posted on Dream weavers board and the Nexus official website, the servers were reset on this friday, 10 minutes after the Coronation ceremony ended. Unfortunately some of the updates listed there did not go through. They go as the following:
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
All Hail King MuHyul! Anniversary swords are now available at the kingdom greeters Honi, Yoni and Nangen Ambassador.
Long ago, King Yuri opened a garden for all to visit and pick flowers. The garden had been locked away until now, King Yuri requested to be laid to reset here in his favorite garden. Now everyone may visit the old garden and Yuri's grave.
 The golden statue of King Yuri marks the entrance of the Garden. Inside the Garden under a blue statue lies the grave of Yuri. *The entrance to the garden seems to be bugged due some mapping errors, but it's possible to enter it.*
Haengsa told us he has a new challenge for you so find him and try his new quest!
When you ask Ox what time it is there will no longer be a pop up the time will now display in your status box. . *The pop up still seems to happen and it doesn't show on status box.*
Clan additions and fixes: Buya Imperial Army receives a new and improved army hall, new merchant Chronno (dye), new merchant NightRaven (karma) and changes to merchant DooSan. Pegasus' merchant Chops now prepares noodles.
Subpath additions and fixes: Rangers receive map improvements to Trapper's Paradise. Chongun receives a new merchant. *The new NPC didn't seem to arrive anywhere in Chongun areas.* Druids receive a small update.
Other updates: Work was done for Fox hunts.
It was also noticed that the Tree of Reflections at eastern Kugnae is starting to grow back again. Let's hope it will get back to it's original size soon.

More additional information coming soon!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 83, Moon 2~
The Coronation of King M'Hul!
 Tonight was a solemn, yet joyous occasion as citizens from all kingdoms gathered to watch M'hul ascend the throne of Koguryo! Flanked by Prince Kija and Princess Lasahn, King M'hul listened as Royal Minister Gilley introduced Muse Elder Aelis who performed the ancient and beautiful tea ceremony. Next Princess Lasahn told an amusing story of the young M'hul and Lasahn and their competitions ending by saying M'hul had proved to be a good son and a worthy man. Prince Kija offered words of wisdom and pledged to support King M'hul as a friend and that he would always honor the treaty between them. Diviner Phoennix followed with a reading advising M'hul to cherish the past and look forward to the future. Ranger Oakseer added their best wishes and fond memories of King Yuri. As Oakseer stepped away, Minister Gilley once again took the stage. She annointed M'hul saying that by virtue of his birth he is crowned King MuHyul of Koguryo! Lead by General Nykid, Kogurian soldiers each pledged their lives and service to the new king. Merchant Elder Vaughn spoke of their long search to find a bracelet that once belonged to M'hul former fiancee Yun. He gave this priceless object to the King. The Primogens of the Koguryo clans that were there renewed each of their loyalty and happiness on this occasion. Finally the Shaman staged a beautiful ritual to bestow the spirit's blessings upon the King! In closing the ceremony, King M'hul thanked one and all and yelled, " I've found the swords!" This was quickly followed by the Gods tamping down all life for a brief time (reset).

Changes at Koguryo government
by: Vini
-- 6:52 PM EST
The Koguryo Royal government is at changes these past few days. After the pass away of King Yuri, the Minister LunaStarling has announced that she was stepping down from her position and appointed Lady Gilley to be her replacement. As Gilley was the Ambassador of Koguryo, she had to leave her previous position and it was appointed Judge Maya to represent the kingdom. After the announcement of the new Ambassador, Minister Gilley has posted a formal invitation to the community attend Coronation of Prince M'hul. The Royal ceremony is scheduled to be held King Yuri’s Jeongwon located at the eastern part of Kugnae Courtyard inside of Koguryo Palace. The event will take place on this Friday, July 7th, at 8pm EST and it is required that the visitors come in formal attire, not wielding weapons.
Congratulations to the newly Minister Gilley and Ambassador Maya and good luck to both of you in your new duties.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Yuri 83, Moon 2~
Nexus Forums Announcements
by: Conro
-- 5:39 PM EST
Hello everyone!
With the revamp of our forums, I've come up with a few ideas while fixing things here and there.
I have two proposals, one I'm fully sure of, and one I'm not too sure of as of yet.
First, to what I'm sure of.
I am pretty sure many of you have used a Bulletin Board system in which if you hit a specific rank or post count, you can choose your own 'Title', if you will. My proposal is to start contests for these 'titles', as well as let members choose their own titles when they hit a specific mark on our forums. Titles given in these methods would include a * next to their name, to indicate it is a custom title.
My second proposal will be kept underground until I can figure wether or not we will have a layout soon. If not, I will hold a contest with some great prizes for those of you who have the time to create a layout :)
Thanks again for all of your support, especially during the headache inducing time of reinstalling the forums :)
EDIT: For those members who wish to use their NexusTK name as their forums name, but cannot get the name because someone else has taken it, if you provide to me proof you are the person who wants the name by NEXUS MAILING me on the character name, I will force a name change on whomever has taken your name. This is a feature that will stay with the forums, so at anytime you sign up and wish to have YOUR name, let me know! - Conro
Nexus Forums
by: Conro
-- 9:43 PM EST
Hello everyone!
After a four hour venture which involved me learning a little computer language, the forums are back!
If you discover any bugs, please let us know! Rewards will be given to those who help us discover anything.
Simply click below if you discover anything.
Thanks for your help everyone! Enjoy the forums!
- Conro
Nexus Forums Relaunch!
by: Nagnag
-- 9:32 PM EST
We are very sorry for the delay in bringing back the forums. We're back and we deeply apologize for any inconveniece this may have caused you, but all accounts had to be deleted for security purposes. So you will have to recreate your NexusForums account.
NOTE: Your passwords should NEVER be the same as your NexusTK password. Doing so puts you at risk, no matter what website you're on. However, also please note that no one, not even the administrators of Nexus Forums, can gain access to your passwords. They're encrypted beyond belief, and there is no way they can access them.
The attack we had on the forums was just a bug exploited from our old invision board, but we've now upgraded and are much more secure. Thank you for your understanding and patience and please rejoin NexusForums.com!
Forums down AGAIN!
In my famous non-curse words, ritzle friztle frazzle!!! Yes our forums are down again due to our favorite hacker friend. We will be deleting everything and starting from scratch. Unfortunately that means we will have no history at all and all of your wonderful images are gone! We sincerely apologize for this but it's the only way we can keep the guy out. Hopefully the new clean forums will be up soon. You will probably have to reregister as well. Again our sincere apologies!
Dharani's Place
by: Vini
-- 12:57 AM EST
During some strolling around the Woodlands, some members of K'urimja clan found a rather odd and until now, secret place in the woodlands. It's not known how it has been there but it seems rather big to be built in short time. The secret hiding is located inside a tent at west of Woodlands, south of the Bear cave. It's called Dharani's Place.
 This is the entrance to Dharani's Place, but it travels to Koguryo server for it.
 Dharani sitting next to the table with a map and tools.
Inside there's not to see besides Dharani who sits still there not saying anything at all. At the table near him it seems to have a map, some thing it might be of an island, others from lakes or a mountain. Whatever is the reason for this place to be here is still unknown but it shall be figured out sooner or later.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 83, Moon 1~
Anniversary sword explanation & more
by: Vini
-- 11:19 PM EST
Many have been wondering why in the first time in history of Nexus, the July 1st wasn't marked with anniversary swords and the anniversary mark. It was not forgotten at all, but due the pass away of the King it was delayed. Prince M'hul who was already a very busy man is now having to assume the responsabilities of his father and in a very hard time. Yet, he did give his explanation on community board about why this has happened, so have patience as the anniversary swords are still coming.
Here's a copy of his post in community board:
In years past my father always looked forward to this celebration. I think this was his favorite celebration of the year. The one thing my father never shared with anyone, was the secret hiding place for these special weapons. Indeed it is only a matter of time before I do find them. I assure you we will still have a celebration.
Thank you all for you cooperation,
Prince Mhul
Along with that, people can also notice that there's a new board in Bulletin now. To view it just need to press b and click it, the Tribute to Yuri.

Also, a few people who have been during the Latern walk have been asking to include the speech to the funeral report, it won't be done to not make the post too long but if anyone want to view it here is the images of the speech during the latern walk. Also thanks to Oleksandr who posted images on Nexus forums we have 4 more screenshots of the walk to be seen. The start at North gate. South gate, lights go out. The walk to east gate. East gate gathering.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 83, Moon 1~
Fluffy Robes of Wisdom
by: Conro
-- 3:58 AM EST
At 3:15 AM EST, new robes were introduced to the kingdom from the Wisdom Clothing tailors.
The YeoDulpZe robe is available to any player born before the great shift, with an unmarred legend.
YeoDulpZe is the 8th year robe.

Wear these new, strangely 'spot' like, robes with pride!