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Wilderness welcomes tri-colored tree
by: Kaleea
-- 10:39 AM EST
 The Wilderness community has been blessed with its very own tri-color tree, a symbol of the land's resilience and strength.
This tri-color tree was revealed to the citizens early this morning as the storms cleared. The majestic tree stands tall, its vibrant colors shining like a beacon of hope. This tree can be found in the Wilderness at 130/90.
This is the fourth community to receive its tri-color tree, following in the footsteps of Kugnae, Buya, and Nagnang, who all received their trees earlier this year. Each of these trees was grown through the collective efforts of the community and with the guidance of the revered Druids and SeaNymph's blessing.
It is clear that this tri-color tree will serve as a powerful reminder of the Wilderness community's strength and resilience, inspiring future generations to work together towards a brighter future.
<> Druid Sage Kaleea <>
Koguryo welcomes tri-color tree
 Visitors flock around the newly planted tri-color tree near the western gate of Koguryo early in the morning. The trees symbolize the desire for peace between the kingdoms, with Koguryo now welcoming their own blossoms. (Screenshot courtesy of Astraea)
As the storms flew by this morning, Kugnae's citizens woke up to the wonderful sight of having received their own tri-color tree. Buya and Nagnang had received theirs last March and April, with the assistance of the Druids and the blessing of SeaNymph. The lands had briefly fallen into discord and disharmony, requiring divine intervention to purify the negative energies; the tri-color trees are the icons of unity grown out of the strife the community had suffered in those past months.
Koguryo's tri-color tree can be found by visiting the western gate, and taking a quick stroll north.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Oceana Clan sees leadership transition
by: Kaleea
-- 1:49 PM EST
 Oceana's new primogen joins the reporter, former primogen Jamrok, and friends in making the announcement.
In a significant development, the Oceana Clan has announced a change in its leadership, as Primogen Jamrok has stepped down and handed over the reins to GunShin.
Jamrok, who has dedicated countless hours to the clan, has begun his retirement and is now seeking a well deserved break. He has been quoted as saying he looks forward to seeing the Oceana Clan flourish under GunShin's leadership and urges the community to support this transition.
GunShin, the newly appointed Primogen, expressed his excitement to build upon the foundation laid by his predecessor. He emphasized his commitment to continuing the great work of promoting a brighter future for Kugnae and ensuring its safety.
As GunShin assumes his new role, he inherits a legacy of dedication and hard work from Jamrok, who has been instrumental in shaping the Oceana Clan. The community is eagerly anticipating the direction GunShin will take the clan under his leadership.
Congratulations are in order for both Jamrok on his well-deserved retirement and GunShin on his appointment as Primogen of Oceana!
Congratulations Primogen GunShin and happy retirement Jamrok, from everyone here at NexusAtlas.
<> Druid Sage Kaleea <>
Congrrats to anotherr Prrimogen!
by: Maron
-- 10:04 PM EST
 New Tiger Primogen and the reporter share a joyful moment amidst the relaxing entrance spot for Tiger clan. (Click to expand image of the garden.)
Hey folks! Last weekend there was a shift in leadership in Koguryo. FireElement, who had served as Primogen of Tiger Clan since Hyul 126, has passed on the role to his trusted friend and Primarch, xBoneZx. Today I had the privilege of sitting with xBoneZx in Tiger Clan Garden to hear from him on what this will mean for the clan and community.
Firstly, how are you feeling with taking over as Primogen of Tiger Clan? I feel very grateful to be chosen for this position. I don't think a lot will change with Fire and I sharing similar thoughts on how a clan should be run. I think the most important thing we can do, is try to form a sense of community within the clan.
(At this point the representative clan storyteller Yiro told us to "Stay awhile and listen.")
That more or less answers my second question, which is, 'How will you lead the clan going forward?' Yes, I'm going to try and bring the feeling of community back by offering more clan hunts and events/activities. Also we have planned some joint events with Lost Kingdom [of Buya]. Nothing crazy new, just bringing back some more communal hunts/activities.
xBoneZx declares that he is honored to be in this position, and will continue to try and help grow Tiger.
~ Mark Maron reporting ~ Hyul 144, 7th Moon, 5th Sun
A new Sage, inspired by Awen
by: Maron
-- 7:13 PM EST
 Druid Kaleea and this reporter look on from the central monument in Nagnang Palace Courtyard, following an interview for Kaleea's appointment by King ChaeRi as the new Sage of the Eternal Order of Nagnang, and the 40th Minister for Nagnang government.
Hey, folks! I had the privilege of meeting with Kaleea in the Nagnang Palace Courtyard for an interview about her new role in the nation.
Greetings, Kaleea! Congratulations on your new position as Sage. Greetings, Maron. Thank you.
Could you tell me something about your predecessor and the transition with EON? I'm very unfamiliar with Nagnang government and I tried to do some research. As I took on the role of Nagnang Sage, I couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for my predecessor, Pyra. She was a wise and compassionate leader, just couldn't stay with us for long. The transition to my new role was a bit of a challenge, to be honest. As I move forward in this role, I'm committed to honoring all of the Sages before me and continuing to maintain our principles. Being the Sage of Nagnang is a big responsibility, but I'm up for the challenge. I know that with the support of our community and the guidance of the ones no longer with us in this realm, we can achieve great things together.
Excellent. This must be an exciting time indeed. As I viewed the list of past Nagnang "Ministry" it seems you will be listed the 40th person in that role. I did not realize that number was so high. I do plan on keeping it at 40 for a bit, though.
Great news. I figured it might be quite a milestone. But you seem to have a good plan for keeping the Eternal Order in good working... order. There are a few fun things in the works, already. However, it has been a top priority for me since taking the role of Sage and I'm committed to continuing Nagnang's legacy.
Do you have any additional comments about the organization and serving Nagnang? I've been working closely with our wisest scholars to develop a comprehensive strategy for maintaining harmony within Nagnang. I am confident the community will be seeing a lot of new and returning things from the EON. In short, my goal is to make Nagnang more active and bridge the gap between us and all of our neighbors.
After parting from the interview, I remarked to Kaleea that a majority of EON's past Sages consisted of those in the mage subpath. I asked her about the significance of being a Druid with the role of Sage. She allowed me to additionally post the following statement:
"Being both a sage and a druid means I am uniquely qualified to:
-Balance the universe and keep its harmony intact -Guide the community with my wisdom and insight -Empathize with all beings -See beyond individual perspectives and understand the bigger picture -I have a deeper connection to the land, which will help me make informed decisions that align with the land's needs -I will be empathetic and compassionate, building strong relationships with others -I'll strive for balance and harmony, balancing the needs of different factions and ensuring the land's well-being -My Druidic wisdom will guide me in making wise decisions that benefit the greater good -I have access to ancient knowledge and traditions, which will inform my decisions and provide guidance to others.
Being a Druid doesn't mean I won't face challenges. But my Druidic nature will give me a unique set of skills and perspectives that will serve me well as a Nagnang Sage.
The first Sage, Borfshwitz was also a Druid. Their accomplishments as a Sage have set the stage for myself. As I continue to evolve as a Sage, I will undoubtedly draw upon the wisdom and knowledge passed down through generations of Sages, and also from Druids."
Thank you Kaleea for your time and diligence which assisted in completing this news post.
~ `Mark` Maron reporting