Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
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Archon's Help Eve set for July 1
 The reporter is intimidated by the beautiful and omnipotent figure in orange known as Archon Primogen Alilolelotte as they pose at the center of the Mythic Nexus.
Are you the sort of person that curses the daylights out of the Mythic Nexus every time you have to do a Mythic Alliance? Well, for a few hours next weekend, you'll have some happy helpers to assist in the daunting task of smiting the enchanted local wildlife.
Archon Primogen Alilolelotte announced the exciting news today on the Community board:
In celebration of the 25th Anniversary of NexusTK, we are hosting an Archon's Help Eve!
The event will commence on Saturday, July the 1st, at 6:00pm EST and will go on until 9:00pm EST.
Archons will help you to complete alliances, so make sure to figure out what you need beforehand so you go in prepared and can use time to your advantage.
We will help you with: -Transport to Mythic Leaders -Mythic Bosses -Transport to Bon-hwa
We hope to see you there! The Archon Team
We are looking forward to the celebrations in store for the anniversary marking a quarter century the game has been in action. We appreciate the Archon team's efforts and time to assist the populace, and bid the best of luck to the community!
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Incentive for auto-renewal: Double Daily Coins
 WoonSoo and Shredder are yet again apathetic to the reporter during a visit to the Incubator.
After the storms this morning, a highlighted post was found on the Community board, detailing the double dispensing of Daily Coins from WoonSoo in the Incubator:
Woonsoo will now offer two daily coins instead of the usual single coin for players on an auto-renewal plan. We are truly grateful for all Nexus players over the years.
Please note that the auto-renewal cycle is tied to the original code purchase date, not the date when the code was activated. If you are considering transitioning from a one-month renewal to an auto-renewal plan, we recommend allowing your current account to expire first before registering with an auto-renewal code.
Should you switch to auto-renewal before your account has expired, please submit a ticket to us once you've done so. We will then issue a prorated Kruna credit for the remaining days of your one-month registration.
In addition to this new incentive, autorenewal users also benefit with a housing coupon.
For some players seeking to amass Daily Coins for Daily Coin Leaves in hopes of finishing the Ee San Culture Trial, this may prove beneficial. It may also prove to be an incentive to move away from monthly registration codes, or Kruna-purchased codes. Just be sure to write yourself a reminder to go get your Daily Coins every day from WoonSoo!
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Need to know how to stab? Arkanis named Head Tutor
 Head Tutor Arkanis offers a comment during his interview at the Tutor's Domain in Buya.
The dust in the cavern leading to the Tutor Hall met a new wind coming through. Arkanis has been appointed Head Tutor in the kingdoms, and is the eighth individual recorded to have held the staff. We met in the Tutor's Domain, which was sadly bereft of eager pupils tonight, where the soft-spoken gentleman was nice enough to meet and briefly answer a few questions regarding his promotion.
Former Premier of the Spy Guild, active Junior Premier, and long-time expert of all things involving brandishing a knife, we have Arkanis. You're adding "Head Tutor" to your resume, now. How does that feel? Feels ok. I guess I was bored with just stabbing things all the time. This feels like a good opportunity for something a bit different, maybe. Plus, I've been told I have a face for teaching.
Being Head Tutor means you likely have an opportunity to bring an entire new perspective to the community - to bring about awareness of how to get the most out of one's path, as just one of many examples. What sort of changes do you look forward to bringing? I will probably lay down some new ground rules. Rule one: No complaining when I accidentally stab you during a lesson.
What do you consider the primary responsibilities of a Kingdom Tutor? I think it's our job to really lead by example. For instance, if you see me running away from something, you probably should, too.
I imagine would mean you likely planted a bomb for demonstration purposes. So, what will be your first steps as Head Tutor? What's the plan? Well, I do plan on recruiting a few more highly-skilled individuals who can do some of my dirty work for me-- I mean, teach classes.
What are you looking for in your new teachers? People who inspire fear in their students. Maybe a bit of dread. If they're really lucky, a sense of impending doom. Also, the kind who doesn't ask too many questions, and has a high pain tolerance.
The beauty of this is I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, or not. But, I imagine dedicated folks with compassion are also welcome? Sure. In other words, anyone with a good aim and a sharp blade.
Sounds like fair criteria, to me. Do you have any messages you'd like to give the kingdoms regarding your promotion? Don't bother trying to replace me; you can't. To the kingdoms - if your loved ones come home with slightly more scars than they left home with, don't worry, it's all part of the learning process.
Ok! Well, congratulations on your promotion, and I look forward to what's to come!
If you are interested in applying to become a Kingdom Tutor, several positions are open.
Available positions: 4 Rogue Tutors 2 Warrior tutors 2 Mage Tutors 1 Poet tutor
To apply for one of these positions: - You must be a member of the path that you are applying for. - You must have your character's legend listed on the Nexus webpage. - You may not have any red justice marks, to be considered for this position.
For additional information, please see the 6/3 TutorApp posting on the Community board, or reach out to Head Tutor Arkanis with questions.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting