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A bright future: duckie is named The Forsaken Primogen

Excitement is brimming from Nagnang after the announcement of the promotion of their new Primogen, duckie. I rushed to meet the appointee and her fellow clan members to talk about the breaking news. Joining us in the Inn of Iniquity were HEMAN, skeletor, BoomerSooner, and EvilLyn.
Nice to meet you, duckie. Congratulations on your appointment. Is this your first time holding a Primogen staff? duckie: Nice to meet you as well, Chongde! Thank you. Yes, this is my first time.
That's exciting! The Forsaken is a great clan, with a lot of deep history in Nagnang. How long have you been with the clan? duckie: It's been almost a year now!
What sort of plans do you have for the future of the clan? duckie: I'd like to continue to build the connections that Quistia set in place. We've got a great clan full of good people, and I'd like to solidify those bonds!
Excellent! Nagnang always has had a rather tight-knit environment and culture. What do you see as being The Forsaken's place in the grand scope of the kingdom? HEMAN: We are #1. duckie: HEMAN is correct. HEMAN: We will continue to be #1. duckie: But, I'd like to maintain our close-knit community, and also contribute some fun events for the kingdoms.
What sort of events are The Forsaken planning in the near future? duckie: We're looking at hosting more S7s and clan PVP events. They've been a hit in the past!
The Land of the Dead is no stranger to its bloodsport! duckie: We do love blood! She chuckled. BoomerSooner: My god...
Tell me, what sort of person might find their best home in The Forsaken? duckie: Those willing to help, and who enjoy being in good company!
Do you have any messages you'd like to tell the kingdom, or community as a whole, be it about The Forsaken, yourself, or the appointment? duckie: I think it has to be noted that Quistia has taken such good care of The Forsaken clan, and we have such a strong Council. I'm very excited to be given this opportunity, and hope I can keep that going. BoomerSooner: I'd just like to thank Quistia for building such a strong foundation for duckie to take over and continue to build great things. We're in good hands. HEMAN: Yeah, I see a bright future ahead of us.

Echoing what was said here, we wish duckie the best luck during her leadership, and look forward to seeing The Forsaken continue to prosper. Thank you, Quistia, for your time as a dedicated primogen of your clan.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
The ritual for Nagnang's protection, and Talaghad's retaliation

In response to several Hyuls of combatting the threat of Talaghad in Malgalod, the Valley of the Mudang was entreated to perform a ritual to protect the kingdom from the evil influences. The following press release was submitted from General Heira of the Royal Guard of Nagnang.
In past exhibitions in Malgalod, we encountered the entity known as Talaghad. He has shown to be a volatile force, with powers of raising the dead, animation of inanimate objects, opening rifts in reality, and summoning of great beasts and deities. He has an unnatural hold on the Malgalod forces, driving them to their deaths for the purposes of fueling unholy rituals.
Talaghad had consistently barraged the tree-line between our kingdom and the encampment. In the past, this was answered by sorties on their home ground, but we found that this was only serving to strengthen him. He was baiting the community and our King into coming in and slaughtering, as his dark rituals need blood to proceed.

Knowing that our enemy uses occult rituals as their source of strength, we sought out the Mudang to assist us. Xevu volunteered to formulate a ritual to ask the native spirits of Nagnang and the Four Totems to protect us with a barrier.

The entire ritual was littered with Talaghad on the winds, aiming to distract Xevu as he proceeded. But, successfully, the spirits of fallen citizens, patriots, and kingdom guardians were summoned and received a plea to aid us in preventing Nagnang from seeing harm.
Talaghad grew restless, and breached the trees. His forces flooded the ritual grounds, resulting in a bloodbath. The Four Totems themselves blessed us with effigies of their forms, rising from the ceremonial fire to protect the King. Fortunately, all enemies were purged from the sacred grounds, with the intervention of our spiritual allies, and the mass of community members that had arrived to witness the ritual, and responded to the calls for arms.

For a majority of the battle, his lilting tone was heard in our ears, mocking the kingdoms for our disharmony and the people's desire for chaos. He spoke of providing the violence that people were desiring, and how the disunity was only strengthening him.
He affirmed his servitude to a "Black Beast," an unseen entity that seeks to "grow roses in the blood" shed in the battle. He sought to make Nagnang the next grounds for whatever ritual he was concocting.
We ascertain that Talaghad is not someone that has a corporeal form, and is possibly a spiritual entity himself. He chastised the ritual in its inability to establish dominion over him, claiming the spirits being summoned were "weak and small." When King ChaeRi demanded to see him, Talgahad claimed "he was already there, in the dark souls of everyone."
In the end, our allied spirits pushed forward to defend us, driving back Talaghad, who screamed about being pulled apart, and promised that he would return to finish what the "Black Beast" had started.
 Image courtesy of Pyra.
We still don't know what this "Black Beast" is, but we correlate the allusions to blood and roses as an attribute of the Bloodrose Tree. We know that Talaghad is merely an empowered minion of this creature. Outside of this, we don't know what the ultimate goal is, and seek the community's input.
In the meanwhile, we advise caution when going into the Malgalod encampment, knowing that any deaths on the battlefield, enemy or ally, are only fueling Talaghad's efforts.
For more information about past developments of this crisis, please see entries for October 16, 2021 and December 30, 2021. A big thank you goes to all members of the community that responded to the call for help, and came to lend their strength to Nagnang.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato, reporting