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Koguryo and Nagnang are saved!
Stop the press! Stop the mining in Kugnae and Nagnang! citizens cheer on as they've disarmed the 10,000th flame amber from Kugnae and Nagnang this afternoon.
It seems there's no more traps to be found in kugnae and Nagnang! move onto Buya to find more: Flame ambers, armors rocks..clay...And nothing..

You might not have all that much longer to get the long awaited legendary sun armor if all flame Ambers are mined up So get to it!
Sun Underfoot!
With all the Flame Ambers the Stygian Order placed around the kingdoms, avid miners have been using their dowsing rods to dig them up.
Some effects of mining include: Finding clay, rocks, nothing, flame ambers, minor explosions but also a rare chance for armors.
Star, Moon, and Sun armors have been dug out from the dirt of the kingdoms.
Ready your mining picks and dowsing rods!
Please also check Community Board for tips as well updated information concerning mining spots.
Server Reset - June 19th, 2020
This morning the servers were reset with the following changes:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 6/19 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Jun. 19th, 2020
Flame amber rush event adjustment:
- Traps spawn increased. - Rods detect range increased. - Rods cooldown reduced by half. |
Should lead to an explosion in flame amber farming!
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or
Flame Amber Foraging: A How-to Guide on Saving the Kingdoms
So you've heard that the Stygian Order has buried thousands of flame ambers all over the Three Kingdoms and you want to try your hand at diggin' some up?
Well it's easy and it'll make you feel like a great citizen to boot!
Step 1) Head to the Kugnae Palace Courtyard located at (109, 093) in Kugnae. Speak to King Mhul's assistant, Hye Ap, to your right when you walk in the entrance.
 King Mhul's operative Hye Ap
She will explain all about how the Stygian Order quietly planted bombs throughout the Kingdoms as we were distracted by KaKhan and the insurgent operations. She'll inform you that using a regular mining pick you may be able to dig up any flame amber traps that have been buried. She'll also tell you that there are a few ways you can find flame amber quicker by using Dowsing Rods.
Step 2) With this information, head to the Diviner home of the Tao Te Ching located at (126, 169) in Kugnae. Towards the right side of the room you'll meet Sheng who will tell you a bit more about the Dowsing rods and also offer to sell you two different types. She'll tell you that they are primarily used for water, but that her sister may know how to attune them to other elements...
 Sheng will sell you Dowsing rods to help find Flame amber
 The regular "Dowsing rod" will have a 60 second cooldown and cost only 100 gold, while the Oak dowsing rod will be a quicker 20 second cooldown but cost 500 gold. Some tips and tricks on using your dowsing rods is shared below!
Step 3 Head to see Sheng's sister at the Geomancer's home, Hallowed Pass, located at (213, 107) in the Wilderness. Enter through the Circle of Creation and all the way to the back and enter the Earthen Cove. There you will find Earth's Treasure, Sheng's sister.
 Sheng's sister, a different picture I promise
Speak to Earth's Treasure by saying "Sheng" out loud and hear what she has to say about how her sister doesn't visit her anymore. Reply that you're looking for information on the "Dowsing Rods" and she'll help attune you so that you may find the fire beneath the earth.
Step 4 Travel around Kugnae, Nagnang, and Buya using your dowsing rods or just dumb luck to try and dig up any flame amber traps. You'll do this just by dropping and picking up your Mining pick!
If you're dedicated enough to find a flame amber trap you'll bear a note on your legend for your deeds:

Whatever you find be it clay, stones, setting off explosions, or finding flame ambers will also help improve your mining skill! Plus you'll get to keep the flame amber for whatever future use you plan... just don't go planting it in a different Kingdom!
That is all we know for now. Each time a Flame Amber trap is disarmed it will update with how many traps have been found in each Kingdom. We'll keep an eye as we slowly make our way to finding every last one of them!
Here are some tips and tricks to using your new Dowsing Rods provided by PoeticTruth on the Community board:
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: PoeticTruth DATE: 6/17 SUBJECT: How to/Tips for finding Flame Ambers
Hi all,
Just a few thoughts on this.. have found a few so far...
Find an open area with clear bounds Use the Rod. If you get the prompt "Ah, you're onto something" then there is a trap on your screen. TIP: Mark your mining bounds by throwing some clay.
Mine until you get one of these reults: Stygian ambush, "You found nothing.", sabotage trap (4 flames around you, you get hurt), or you find a flame amber. TIP: Finding rocks and clay do not count as a trap
Once you get one of these results, use another rod. It'll tell you if there are more traps on screen or if the trap is now gone. TIP: If the Rod still has aethers (1 minute) keep going! There are often multiple traps/screen.
You'll frequently get sabotage traps. Don't be discouraged! Keep on going.
Reward: Flame amber, "Uncovered X Flame amber traps" legend mark, and Mining skill up (Not known if it's increased over normal mining, but assumed it is similar to Lost Mines)
Good luck! -PT |
Go out there and dig up the Kingdoms! Hopefully we don't all collapse by displacing too much of the earth...
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or
The Next Step of the Stygian Order
We have finally found where King Mhul has been as KaKhan moved in under our noses - he was continuing work to get to the bottom of the Stygian Order's invasion. With the help of his trusted operative Hye Ap he uncovered a plan that the Stygian Order was burying Flame Amber under the Kingdoms in preparation for their own explosive party!
 King Mhul's operative Hye Ap
BOARD TITLE: Whispering winds FROM: Yondung DATE: 6/17 SUBJECT: The Hidden Menace
An old legend shared by one of my predecessors warns about the dangers of the Flame ambers and how ten thousand of them could destroy an entire city. The Stygian Order was secretly collecting those ambers for the past years and decided to put the legend in practice. They've hidden thousands of explosive traps around Kugnae, Buya, and Nagnang and are planning to use them soon. Now
Fortunately, King M'hul was determined with finding what the villainous order was doing in the kingdoms. He put one of his most skilled operatives to investigate the recent invasion of stygian acolytes and she was able to discover the truth. Hye Ap has now arrived at the Koguryo Palace Courtyard to share her alarming findings.
The kingdoms are in danger! Will you help disarm all the Flame amber traps before they go off?
- Yondung - Spirit Guide |
 Picture provided by Akidoshi
As the community gathered to hear Mhul's findings, Hye Ap began to tell us how to go about finding the flame amber and digging them up before it is too late.
Now with thousands of flame amber buried beneath the Kingdoms, will the community be able to find them all in time to prevent another attempt at destruction?!
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or
Haggard Witch Rescued
As the race between insurgents and bomb defusers came to a head, Queen Yun lead a strong group of individuals consisting of Prince MingJung, Prince Mobon, Queen Lasahn, King ChaeRi, and a multitude of the community's best and strongest deep into the pit of KaKhan's operations once more. Her goal? To rescue the HaggardWitch who had been locked behind KaKhan's gates.
Fighting their way through countless Sonhi they finally came to the door and were able to help HaggardWitch find the right key to unlock her cell. After escorting her to safety they discussed the recent events outside of the Kugnae rat cave. HaggardWitch was informed of her companions from the Frozen Fortress, the invasion of the Stygian Order, the plans of KaKhan & the insurgents to blow up Kugnae, of the letters that were intercepted, and of the danger that still loomed over her daughter.
HaggardWitch thanked everyone for the rescue and insisted she needed to find her daughter. Queen Yun's mission was victorious.
BOARD TITLE: Whispering winds FROM: NexusTK DATE: 6/15 SUBJECT: Queen Yun's victory
KaKhan's plan has failed, at least for now. The Revenant Overlord's attempt to destroy the palace was ruined when the Insurgents' explosive storage was crippled with thousands of disabled explosives. Furious with his brother's treason, KaKhan led an attack at the Royal family of Koguryo but failed.
With the Sonhi Hideout unprotected by the KaKhan, the Queen of Koguryo led a rescue expedition to save the HaggardWitch from the Sonhi Hideout stockade. Happy to finally feel the fresh air, HaggardWitch left Kugnae to find he Gongpo and Ara who were taking care of her daughter.
HaggardWitch promised to return in the future to discuss with Queen about what KaKhan was trying to obtain from her. |
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Yun DATE: 9/6 SUBJECT: Royal Proclamation
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Thanks to the aid of King ChaeRi, Queen Lasahn, and my sons, Prince Mobon and Prince MingJung, along with citizens from all nations, the foray into the Sonhi hideout to save HaggardWitch was a complete success. I would like to thank everyone who came to support her escape.
Through the organization of my Lieutenant General Amatus and Prime Minister BaByBoy, in concert with the support of the Chongunate and Merchant Guild, and many citizens of Koguryo and our allies, we were able to overcome seemingly impossible odds, and defuse enough explosives to hold back the Sonhi insurgents.
It warms my heart to see such overwhelming support in our time of need, you all have my gratitude and I'm proud of each and every one of you. In the near future I would like to properly thank those who went above and beyond.
For those who oppose us, while I would prefer to settle our disputes peaceably, know that I will take any measure necessary to ensure the safety of our kingdom and its people.
Koguryo will also continue to fully support our allies of Buya and Nagnang should they need our help in the future. The winds carry word of struggles yet to come, but united no enemy can best us.
Yun Queen of Koguryo |
With HaggardWitch safe are KaKhan's efforts finally foiled? Will the Stygian Order retreat now that our efforts may be refocused? Or is this only the beginning of the danger...
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or
Phoenix Hall's New Phase
by: Maron
-- 7:12 PM EST
Hey folks! The daily reset was met with a Dream Weaver post declaring the memorial day event ending and a new one on the horizon, as well as some updates to a few organizations.
One of these was that Phoenix Clan of Buya has received a makeover to their main hall!
 (Click to expand to the full Phoenix Hall image)
Primogen of Phoenix, TheRighteous, had this to say about the change:

Congratulations to Phoenix (incidentally my first clan).
More news on other recent updates to come soon!
~Maron reporting ~Hyul 112, 9th Moon, 6th Sun
KaKhan: Resurfaced
by: Maron
-- 11:54 PM EST
Hey folks!
Friday evening, Stygian cultists and Sonhi Insurgents worked together in a surprise attack against Kugnae.

After plenty of time fighting, the Royal family of Koguryo (minus King Mhul) decided to venture into Sonhi Hideout to deal with the source of the disturbance, the Insurgent leader KaKhan himself.

Warlord KaKhan taunted the Twin-Princes and Queen about Mhul's absence, while also avenging his fallen Sonhi brethren with indiscriminate slayings of anyone that crossed him.
When it became apparent a victory against KaKhan was impossible, Queen Yun pleaded for those fighting him to retreat, while some citizens voiced their opinions about the situation.

Eventually, KaKhan resolved to seek out Mhul in Koguryo Palace, but was met with plenty of resistance.

An impromptu plan to lure KaKhan to the Royal Coliseum to meet Mhul played out, and a well-known Regal Guard of Sun Moon Clan managed to deliver defeat to the Warlord.

With this setback for KaKhan, Queen Yun was emboldened to lead a final assault on Sonhi Hideout in order to free HaggardWitch. More on that to come...
~ Maron reporting ~ Hyul 112, 8th Moon, 24th Sun
Server reset: a few clans get their requests!
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 6/13 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Jun. 13th, 2020 Requests implemented for:
Covenant Clan Dharma Clan Heavens Clan Lost Kingdom Clan SanSin Clan Silla Clan
Updates for:
Forsaken Clan Kurimja Clan Pegasus Clan Phoenix Clan
| A server reset today has given some buyan and nagnangian clans requests, none from Kugnae. Memorial day event is still going on, reports of Battle axes are being dropped a bit easier, Get them before the event ends!
The Nexus Cold War arms race
by: Vini
-- 11:58 PM EST
 A bomb squad task force has been working together to disable Sonhi explosives
The cold war happening at Koguryo has once again taken another turn of events today as the coalition to prevent the destruction of Kugnae Palace has taken the lead again in the arms race. The efforts led by the Koguryo Royal Army, the Royal Ministry of Koguryo and the Chongunate has produced today enough disabled explosives to push back the KaKhan's insurgency supporters back to racing against the clock. With the joint support of Koguryo clans, also citizens of Buya and Nagnang, the numbers of disabled explosives are almost 800 more than of weapon crates now.

Although the Merchants Guild is adopting a more neutral stance in the conflict, they've agreed to financially support their Chongun allies if necessary to break the bank of Sonhi Insurgent supporters. Queen Lasahn of Buya and King ChaeRi of Nagnang have not made any official statement in support yet, but along with the Ministers of Nagnang and Buya, King ChaeRi and Prince Daeso of Buya were present in the mission a few days ago to fight off the Sonhi Insurgents invading the Monster Keep. This shows that their kingdoms are also supporting the cause.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 112, Moon 8~
ChaeRi's proclamation regarding Hawkmori's involvement
by: Vini
-- 10:30 PM EST
While King ChaeRi of Nagnang has already been actively fighting off the Sonhi Insurgents and Stygian followers, this week he has gained a new motive to increase the fight. After reading about the intercepted messages between the Stygian Order messenger and KaKhan's messenger, the King of Nagnang publicized an official Royal proclamation after the confirmation that Hawkmori, the assassin of Prince Kija, is involved in these attacks.
Here is a copy of his Royal Proclamation as stated in the Chronicles of the Winds:
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: King ChaeRi DATE: 6/10 SUBJECT: Royal Proclamation Attention fellow Nangens,
A few days prior it seems there were two letters intercepted by the Spies. The contents of these letters are quite alarming. It appears Hawkmori and KaKhan are communicating with each other about a devious plan of some sort. It also appears that Mupa has some involvement as well. For anyone that is not aware, Hawkmori murdered my brother Kija. KaKhan was The Forsaken's first ally and betrayed them and Nagnang. At this time, I have ordered the RGN to have more guards than usual stationed in the palace. For everyone's safety I am warning that all Nagnen citizens stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity to myself, Sage Aquariuss or General Dee. We are a strong nation and we will not let these criminals terrorize our lands once more.
From the desk of The King of Nagnang ChaeRi |
History reminder: The episode of KaKhan being "Forsaken first ally" mentioned by King ChaeRi happened back in Yuri 40 and 41, when the Nagnang forces General Blight made a secret alliance with KaKhan which resulted in Buya being captured by Sonhi.
Back then, the Sonhi forces held the city captive and Buyans took shelter in Koguryo. Blinded by his temporary victory, KaKhan has "forsaken" Blight in their cause and blocked them from entering Buya territory as well. Feeling betrayed, Blight ended up being a key figure in helping blow up the south gate of Buya and helping Princess Lasahn retake control of the city.
This historic event happened before The Forsaken became a clan, so it was more like an alliance between two Warlords than the two groups itself. Either way, this clearly points out that KaKhan isn't a welcomed person in Nagnang either.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 112, Moon 7~
KaKhan's undertaking is gaining strength
by: Vini
-- 8:50 PM EST
Over the past days the dispute between disabling Sonhi explosives and has intensified. Ever since Sunday evening the number of weapon crates donated passed the number of explosives disabled.

The timing of when Sonhi Insurgents and the people funding their cause finally turn things around coincided with the moment the Insurgents were caught invading the Monster Keep. Reports from Koguryo Army Intelligence point out that the invading troops were trying to destroy the stock of disabled explosives that the kingdom has collected so far.
The enemy is on the move and there is yet to be any official statement by the Koguryo Royals on the matter. There is much at stake.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 112, Moon 7~
Intercepted messages between Sonhi Insurgents and Stygian Order
by: Vini
-- 11:20 AM EST
Yesterday before the insurgents attack at the Monster Keep, the Koguryo Spy Guild intercepted two messengers facilitating the exchange of communications between KaKhan and the Stygian Order. The information was shared by them at the Chronicles of the Winds board.
A Sonhi emissary was discovered at the Arctic Lands on his way to deliver a message to the Stygian Order. When confronted by KSG agents he handed over a blank piece of paper in exchange for his life. While it seems to be an ordinary paper, the spies were able reveal a message from KaKhan that was hidden with invisible ink. Shortly after another group of KSG agents intercepted a Stygian scout at the Sonhi Encampment and retrieved a second paper with hidden message. This second one was signed by the assassin Hawkmori.
The Koguryo soldiers have discovered our hideout and are interfering with our plans.
Have your acolytes finished their set up?
KaKhan | Mupa wants to know if you had progress interrogating your prisoner. Our patience is running out.
I haven't been able to find her daughter yet. If she doesn't tell you where she has hidden it, just execute her.
Hawkmori |
One of their agents contacted me to show the original intercepted messages and I was able to verify the authenticity and the existence of those messages. Here is what they looked like:

Reading these two messages a few questions come to mind:
- What are the Stygian acolytes setting up and where?
- What is HaggardWitch hiding that KaKhan and Hawkmori want to such?
- Who is the HaggardWitch's daughter? Are they trying to find her to use her as leverage against the magician?
If there was any doubt that the Sonhi Insurgents and the Stygian Order are working together, there is no more. While KaMing had already alerted us that his brother KaKhan was working with Mupa (sinister witch) and Wiyae (cold-blooded sorcerer), this seems to be the confirmation of what the Sonhi leader was saying.
For those of you who forgot or don't know who KaKhan and Hawkmori are, here is a brief reminder:
 KaKhan was the leader of the Khan tribe. His tribe was defeated in a war against Koguryo and he died on the battlefield. His brother KaMing, leader of the Sonhi tribes, years later took advantage of Koguryo's mercy during a harsh winter and went searching for his brother's tomb. Through some wicked and unexplained methods, KaKhan was resurrected and woke up with a pure desire for revenge. Since then, KaKhan has led several strikes against the kingdoms, including a period when he and a group of Sonhi soldiers following him captured Buya back in Yuri 41. Since then, KaKhan hasn't been much of a threat until now.
 Hawkmori is one of the most wanted enemies of Nagnang. He is an assassin who infiltrated the Nagnang Army back in Hyul 23 and murdered Prince Kija during a Nagnang Defender ceremony. Back then Hawkmori affiliations were not known and a temporary government quickly assembled by the Nagnang Chancellor hastily declared war against Koguryo, Buya, and Wilderness in one of the saddest moments of Nexus history known as the Blood War.
Years later, in Hyul 35 Nagnang government discovered that Hawkmori was working Wiyae, the sorcerer who murdered King Zhou and Queen Filia of Nagnang, and also with the witch Mupa. Hawkmori was captured by the Koguryo Royal Army after Wiyae was found trying to steal some tomes from the Kugnae Library. Hawkmori was held as a prisoner of Koguryo for over a decade until the governments of Koguryo and Nagnang negotiated a transfer of custody when Nagnang had finally finished rebuilding their palace to have a palace prison of their own.
A royal trial to decide the fate of Hawkmori was held by ChaeRi, who was still Prince of Nagnang back then, and since Hawkmori hadn't spoken anything in years, the verdict was that he would just be executed. Blight and his followers interrupted the trial and captured Hawkmori. Blight tortured Hawkmori while the Four fought off the soldiers in the room. Under extreme distress, Hawkmori revealed that the death of Kija had something to deal with bringing Sagu back. Prince ChaeRi and Blight fought and in the middle of the havoc, a shadowed figure rescued Hawkmori. It was Itsuwari, who was known to be the right hand of the deceased Johaih. Since Itsuwari helped Hawkmori escape not much has been heard of those two, but now with this letter, it's a clear confirmation that Hawkmori is also part of the Stygian Order and perhaps we can assume Itsuwari is too.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 112, Moon 7~
Battle at the Palace Monster Keep
by: Vini
-- 11:55 PM EST
A couple of hours ago a hefty invasion of Sonhi Insurgents was discovered underneath the Kugnae Palace at the Monster Keep. Their sneaky attack was uncovered during a tri-kingdoms operation held in the sewers of Kugnae. A small group lead by Queen Yun of Koguryo and King ChaeRi of was infiltrating the Sonhi hideout when they noticed the possibility that the insurgents were climbing up the ladder from the northeast part of the Sonhi Hideout Pit up into the Palace Monster Keep.

Soon after their discovery, they alerted the rest of the kingdoms and citizens of the three kingdoms as well as some the wilderness folks came to their aid. Prince Daeso of Buya also came to help. A massive battle then begun in the Palace Monster Keep, where may people were worried what would happen if the huge monsters got released from their magical prison. Fortunately that did not happen.

After hours of battle, with few casualties from Nexus community, the Sonhi Insurgents were defeated and the few ones that remained fled the area. Queen Yun accompanied by her two sons Prince Mobon and Prince MingJung declared victory over the invasors, but reminded everyone that the battle against the Sonhi Insurgents is far from over.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 112, Moon 6~
Faerie Light is now a mini-quest!
The mentor spell was recently removed to avoid karma awarding confusions. The removal of mentor spells did not affect the ways to gain karma, as mentoring hasn't been giving karma since 2016. If you didn't know that, that's probably the reason the spell got removed, to end the confusions. However, with Mentor spell gone, for a few days there was no means of creating a faerie light. Many community members choose to create the faerie light for a Sa san trial.
With the recent reset reported yesterday, the gods have added another way to get the staff by doing a short quest. Here is the walkthrough:
1) Go to a librarian in any kingdom and say "Faerie light". Make sure you have a very high karma. Something between Angel tear and Angel karma. If you have Angel karma you're good, but low level of angel tear won't work, as shown below:

2) If you have sufficient karma they'll ask you what do you want to know about. Choose "How to get one".

3) and read until the end until you get confirmation that you've learned about the staff.

Optional: If you want to learn more about the story of the Faerie Light click on "Tell me what they are for".

4) Grab an Angel's tear and Go the Great Tree in the Wilderness (155,005).

5) Drop a Angel's Tear next to the Wood plant.

6) You'll get a prompt asking to keep your karma or claim a Faerie light. By choosing "yes" you'll sacrifice a lot of karma and get a Faerie light item.

Special thanks to Amatus, TigerRyu, and Baltzen for helping produce this walk-through!