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The Wilderness Festival
by: Vini
-- 11:02 PM EST
Yesterday, the community came together to celebrate the Summer Solstice with the Wilderness Subpaths. The Festival that began at Noon in the Rangers' Retreat and, after enjoying an Archery Tournament, Sah Ruh Riders, Geo Jumbles, and Potion Explosion, the festivities moved to the Wilderness Stage. To mark the end of the Festival, the leaders of Druid, Geomancer, Ranger and a Barbarian Guide reinforced their compromise to the Wilderness pact signed years ago by the paths and agreed to continue upholding the terms of kinship and unity.

To witness such event, there were representatives from each kingdom, including Prince MingJung and Ministers BloodOfThor and Morick. The Wilderness Pact is a decade old pact of cooperation and mutual respect signed between the 4 subpaths that reside in the wilderness. In such festivity, the Druids recognized Elder Baik and Elder SkoGul as protectors of nature.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 104, Moon 11~
25th Elder of Geomancers!
In a surprising turn of events, Elder Rehkan after almost 10 hyuls of serving the Geomancer path stepped down and announced Destanie as his successor.

Destanie has been a Geomancer since Hyul 6 ((2006)), as well as serving the Geomancer path as a Laoshi under Quellious Eldership and well as being the Head guide prior to becoming the new 25th Geomancer Elder! She has also served the community at large as a previous foxhunt host.
She is excited to add her own touch to the path and had this to say: "Hello my name is Destanie. I was walked by Chinwomp under Elder Halome. My first act as Elder was to ascend Two guides! TwitchUser and Hauk Be sure to congratulate them both!
My goal is: To see the Geomancer path find our balance in the realms among the other mage paths.
My dream is: Help all paths have some type of assistance to bring to the community in a multi-path help event!
My favorite quote right now is.. Nothing is impossible. Chase your dreams. Grind, Invest, Give back, Do not give up. Don't forget about people who supported you. Loyalty is everything, Be humble, Great and be the best human you can be. -unknown
The nakie regime will live forever. ('/.) Geomancer of herbal medicine Leader of the nakie regime ~Destanie"
We wish Rehkan will have a great retirement and hope Elder Destanie all the success as she leads her path!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyu; 104, 10th Moon, 1st Sun
Lost Mines Weapons - Full stats list completed
by: Vini
-- 12:50 AM EST
 It took us a while, but I'm happy to announce that the weapons database is updated with the stats of all the new weapons obtained during the Lost Mines event.
Click here to view.
Special thanks to all who helped by providing the stats of their items to the Nexus Atlas staff.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 104, Moon 6~
Shift of Pegasus clan leadership
by: Vini
-- 11:00 PM EST
The Pegasus clan has gone through a Primogen election process as their previous one vanished without appointing a successor. After a few weeks on lockdown, the members of the clan elected as Drywater to lead the clan once again, now on his fourth term as Primogen and a cumulative of 4 years period.
Drywater has been working to put the clan back on track and regain the members during the past months. "In a weeks time we went from around 47 members back to 70, largely with the help of our new council member TwitchUser. Our members are working hard to restore the clan's activity and stability".
Drywater continues as Head Carnage Host. It's not the first time a Primogen holds a Head of department position as these are non-conflicting positions. The only rule regarding is that a Primogen cannot be Elder and vice-versa.
Congratulations to Primogen Drywater and good luck with your new duties.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 104, Moon 6~
The revelations of the Hobgoblin Merchant about the Jailed Gnome
by: Vini
-- 10:45 PM EST

For those of us who were surrounded by Dokkaebi monsters in the Echo Valley and in order to not die a painful death ended swiped through the story the Hobgoblin Merchant was revealing, here is a solution. Once again Shizuko has provided a great help to Nexus Atlas readers by documenting one by one each of the popups of what the Hobgoblin was saying. And now we can understand there's a lot of deep mystery involving the Jailed Gnome, who we learned that is a sorcerer gnome.

The quest of the Desolate Mines started with the jailed Gnome revealing his name is Etiju. the jailed Gnome then claimed he was once the leader of the Gnomes, but once the gnomes found out that Lucky was stealing from the for years, the other gnomes removed him from power and threw him in jail. He then asked community's help by venturing to the depths of the Lost Mines to find his wife, a gnomide called Arishatia.
The Jailed Gnome convinced us to create soaring steps to walk down the well, but once we reach the bottom, we were attacked by those vicious new creatures called Dokkaebis. Once exploring the Desolate mines, we couldn't find any gnomide there, but we were able to find the Hobgoblin Merchant who then revealed to us the whole story the jailed Gnome told us about his lost wife is fake and that he probably wanted us to go there so he could us to get more human blood for a macabre ritual.

The macabre ritual the Hobgoblin merchant refers to is the process how the Dokkaebis came to be. The Hobgoblin revealed that the Dokkaebis are 'enthralled goblins', which are the most freaking abominations he has ever heard of. The rituals in how Dokkaebi come to exist involve some very sinister dark magic, which the Hobgoblin claims no other gnomes can use, except the gnome dressed in black, also known as Etiju, the Jailed Gnome.

According to the Hobgoblin merchant, the gnomes are capable of animating objects and even food, but not meddling with the dead. The Hobgoblin merchant charges a minimum of 150,000 gold coins to share more information on how the ritual that creates the Dokkaebi is performed, but here you can learn more information for free!

The macabre ritual performed by the Jailed Gnome to create Dokkaebis has three steps: 1. First the black-dressed gnome would poison the goblin victim and drain them of their blood. That's probably the reason why there are so many capture and captive goblins in the Gnomes' village. 2. Then the Jailed Gnome does some sort of conjuring to summon the spirits of angry trolls who were trapped in the Lost Mines tunnels since whole cave collapsed last year (See Lost Mines 2018 event). 3. Last but not least, the sorcerer gnome would revive the dead Goblins possessed with troll spirits, by infusing them with human blood extracted from the leeches.
So yes, the Hobgoblin is very accurate when he calls the Dokkaebi creepy abomination as they are a combination of Goblin with Troll spirit and human blood.

According to the Hobgoblin merchant the plan of the gnomes to control the Dokkaebis backfired and the Dokkaebis now pose a threat to the gnomes themselves. The Hobgoblin them mentions that the Jailed Gnome invented he had a gnomide wife called Arishatia in need of rescue in hopes that we would open the way to let his creations escape.
The Hobgoblin them warns that the Dokkaebi are dangerous to all living things and mentions he has some weapons he 'obtained' from the Gnomes' vault. The Hobgoblin tries to defend himself saying he didn't steal the weapons, since they had already been stolen by the Gnomes from somewhere else. However, no one really accused the Hobgoblin of stealing, so why is he trying so much to defend himself?

Either way, we do not know how much the Hobgoblin can be trusted, but his story puts a big question mark in the whole quest of the Jailed Gnome. Have we all been tricked after all?
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 104, Moon 6~
Desolate Mines new split levels makes things easier
by: Vini
-- 8:35 PM EST
It seems the entrance to the Desolate mines has been modified to allow now two but three cave level selection choices. The different mine shafts now allows to enter a cave one level lower than your regular one or one above.

Examples: Someone who entered the Lost Mines 8 can descend into the well choosing between cave 7, 8 or 9. This makes finding groups an easier task and also to conclude the weapon quest with the Hobgoblin merchant. A low level 99 can solo at Desolate mines 2. A high Sam san can hunt with Sa san+ in Cave 10 for faster experience.
This is great blessing to many of us who were having a very hard time to collect the gemstones and talk with the Hobgoblin merchant without dying.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 104, Moon 6~
Ebony stump exists
by: Vini
-- 11:50 PM EST
The ebony stump mystery that had stumped so many is now solved.
 When Guji was building the walls of the new entrance to the Lost Mines he gave us the option to give either a sturdy ebony stump or a set of Ginko wood. Since no one knew how to to obtain such stumps everyone who helped with the new entrance to the Lost Mines donated 30 Ginko wood instead thinking that the ebony stump was not an option to take. However, a couple weeks ago I received a letter tied with a lilac ribbon from Shizuko Tsukino stating she had obtained an Ebony stump dropped by a Strange Thing in Southern Koguryo.

Today, after multiple tries I was able to obtain an Ebony stump and confirm the information shared by Ms. Shizuko. Thank you for sharing that with the community. As Shizuko wrote in her letter, although the new entrance to the mines has already been built, there's always the possibility that this discovery might be of use in the future.
Thank you for sharing this discovery with Nexus Atlas, Ms. Shizuko. We look forward to more of your contributions!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 104, Moon 6~
Steelthorn graphic was corrected
by: Vini
-- 10:06 PM EST
A minor fix to Steelthorn graphic was silently introduced some time ago with the latest resets. It seems the drop graphic of the item was finally fixed to match the wear graphic of the weapon.

Since the introduction of Nexus 6.0 the drop graphic of Steelthorn was showing Electra's graphic.

It's a very minor correction, but worth to notice that even minor things are being corrected with time. Weeks ago we also noticed the Woodlands Snake cave outside area was also fixed so it no longer has dozens of misplaced doors. If you notice any other minor fixes that went unreported please let a Nexus Atlas staff member know so we can report. Although they don't really affect much the game play, they're appreciated.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 104, Moon 6~