Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
On July 1st at 10pm Est a group of people will be standing in the the memorial to Mug at Wilderness (117,76) protesting against the lack of communication and updates to Nexus.
The event is organized by Koohwen and has no ties to NexusAtlas.
Here is his post on Rambling thoughts board:
As NexusTK is about to reach the 20th year of being online (Alpha and Beta). I'm sure many of you feel that same as I do.
I have long loved this game, it has out lasted most if not all of my real life friendships and activities. It has transcended past the realms of just being a game, in to a community, a education system, a finishing school, hell it even tough us morality and right and wrong. It tough us to connect with nature, to connect with the spirit world. To learn inner peace and understanding of ones self interests. Myself along with many others have grown a tight knit friendship with NexusTK.
Though this should be a joyous time, it is not. As our close friend is sick and needs help.
It is about time we are given a chance to have a sit down with Stein and have a Q&A sessions of the the future of NexusTK.
He owes us this at the very least for years of patronage, years of time, and plies of money that we have given to this game.
I wish for all of you to join me, to take part in something.
On July 1st at 10pm Est. I will be standing in the Wilderness (117,76) The location where Mug gave himself to protect the kingdoms.
I beg all of you to join me in protest of the lack of communication between the Kru and its patrons. There we will stand in protest until Stein decided to show himself and us a explanation of the future of my and your very close friend, Nexustk.
Below are a few questions I would liked answered.
If you would like a question added to the list for Stein please send me the question via N-mail. Remember this is not a witch hunt, we are not here to attack Stein, nothing that is considered harrasment will be added to the list.
1. It has been a very long time since any advertisements have be released for this game, as of now a players has taken it upon himself to create on. What if any plans does Kru have to increase the player base of NTK?
2. It has been talked about much in the community about NTK becoming f2p, is this something that Kru has though about?
3. Does Kru a lot a specific amount of time to spend working on NTK content? How much time on average is spent creating new content by Kru?
4. NTK has always been behind Baramue Nara as far as clients go, should we expect a client upgrade coming to NTK?
5. We have seen very few Dreams posts come to life, do you plan to allow more player input in to new game content in the future?
6. It has been the longest stagnant period between "real events"(Things other then Lucky ect.), though most of them recycled why have these events stopped?
7. Has Kru set a timeline to release new content over this year? What should we expect to see in the next year of NTK?
8. The stat gap is becoming larger and larger between old and new players make it quite hard to hunt at lower stats. Does Kru have any plans on how to allow new players to catch up enough to enter higher caves? Such as experience from crafting and other methods?
9. Many have spoke of Vortex or Mythic 4 caves, is this something we will see in NTK?
10. In today's NTK it has become very hard to create activity in clans, does Kru have any plans/idea on how to change the clan system to create activity? ex. Making it much easier for a clan to be disbanded for a lack of activity?
11. Many people have noticed old banned accounts showing up in NTK (items/stats intact most times) though it is quite obvious it is a new player behind the character. What is the screening process for returning past banned accounts?
12. The sale of in game items and accounts has plague NTK for quite some time, does Kru have any plans to combat this issue?
13. Duped/Hacked or Botted Gold is becoming more and more of a issue for the NTK economy, does Kru have a plan to remove some of the Gold from the game to stabilize the economy to allow it to be more available for new players to earn with out using illegal means?
Many Nexus organizations have or had forums to expand the communication between their members. Such forums are very useful to complement what Nexus boards can't do:
organize things by topic
keep unlimited posts (instead of board reset)
do polls to obtain opinion on future requests
share images of events or of ideas to future requests
keep connected with people who aren't registered anymore
However, many people have been noticing a recurring problem with such organizational forums. They're hard to setup, hard to keep active on and whenever the person responsible for that forum leaves or stops being active the whole forum stops being active and eventually everyone stops using or gaining access to new members. Therefore, we began allowing/setting customized forums for Nexus official organizations again. This has been requested to us by some people for a while now, and we're happy to help set them up.
Here's an example of a recent forum set for usage of all KRA soldiers:
As you may notice, there can be sub-forums inside the organization's forum and each can have a different level of access. In this example, KRA officer's forum can only be read by KRA officers (obviously), which is quite similar to what subpaths and most clans already use for the guides and council. Such customized forums are only visible by current members of such organizations. Not even NA staff or NF moderators can view or read them.
So, do you wish to set your Forum within Nexus Forums? Contact me and we'll help you customize one for your group. This offer goes to all official Nexus organizations: subpaths, clans, armies, ministries, tutor/carnage/justice departments. Groups others than these will be considered case by case.
"We consider fair and just all forms of love!" shouted some, "Celebrate all forms of love", continued others. "Even Mupa's Ice Dungeon can't chill the fires of the heart", completed JooChan, the chaplain of Kinung. Upon hearing news about the "wind of change" coming from western lands, a group of people gathered at Kinung Chapel to celebrate the most amazing virtue humans have: the capability to love.
From left to right: Jolie (in red), Amatus (in orange), Demil (in yellow), Tyrra (in green), CinderZ (in blue), Kindo (in purple) and Donjuan (in violet).
NexusAtlas would like to thank Jann for his time and efforts into making an advertisement video for our loving world that's in dire need of help. I know its not easy making videos this good But I hope you all share the link to your friends and family. Hopefully we'll see some new faces soon!
Sage Thameus posted an announcement on the Chronicles of the Winds board naming a few more individuals from the commmunity the honor of High Myongye's of Nagnang.
Along with those honored at the Defender Ceremony, I would like to honor a few more individuals who are more than deserving of such a title. Although they are not all Nangen, they have all done more than enough for the Nexus as a whole. It has been an honor being able to share the same environment with them and I hope that one day the newer crowd will have people of this standard to share the world with. The new High Myongye's of Nagnang:
Vini has been around the Nexus for some time now. He has kept us informed through various different outlets of media over a long stretch of time. From the Kingdom Tribune to Nexus Atlas he has always found a way to get us the news and information needed to make it in the Kingdoms. He has also served within the Koguryo Ministry, Oceana, and as a Kingdom Judge. Not to mention the various other positions he has held including a guide for the Chongun. We thank you Vini for all the hard work you didn't have to do but did it anyways just to serve the people.
Foxfire has been the Elder of Druid for longer than I can remember. She has also been a devout Kurimja member for even longer. She is always there when we need her to be whether it is for a simple flower or help with a quest. She always answers back with a smile on her face. We thank you Foxfire for all your hardwork and continuous support for the Nangen culture.
Hatiki has one of the longest resumes that I have ever seen within these Kingdoms. He served as the Master Librarian for many Yuri and still serves as the Kugnae Librarian. He is the General of the Koguryian army as was once the Prime Minister of Koguryo. He has served the Shaman for many many Yuri/Hyuls and has always been there when he is needed for help. We thank you for all you hard work Hatiki and hope to see many more moons with you in it.
Bidam has been a devout member of the Covenant clan for quite some time now. He served as the Primarch for a while before being named the Primogen of the clan. He has held this position for a few Hyul's now and has been able to keep one of the highest populated clans in all the Kingdoms. He also serves as a Judge for the Kingdoms and a Guide for the Druid subpath. He has always held a position to where he can further help people in need. We thank you Bidam for all your hard work and dedication to the Kingdoms. It has been an honor working with you and for you.
Donjuan has been a huge staple in the Nagnang community for a long time now. He served as General and Minister of Nagnang when it was combined and when it was split a few Hyuls ago. I had the honor of serving under him within the ARN for a few Hyuls and it was more than an honor to have him pass me the torch for the Minister position in Nagnang. He now serves both the NSA and the EON as the Kingdom Historian. He has been a huge help the past couple Hyuls especially with all his knowledge and experience. If it weren't for him we would not have a Ministry in Nagnang. We the people of Nagnang thank you, Donjuan. It has been a honor and a splendid one at that to serve you and to serve with you. Thanks for everything, pal.
To those who may have interest Nexus Atlas contact page has been recently updated. Here is what changed:
The return of LordAchoo
New organization dividing only by NA and NF staff
removal of "@" from email addresses to avoid spam caused by email harvesting bots
Also, in memory to those who dedicated their time in the past to help Nexus Atlas, we've created a memorial page listing all our retired staff members and their position. This will also harbor the memory to TSWolf and the other honorary mentions we used to have in contact page but now separating very clearly who is a current staff member and who has retired.
The Retired Staff list can be accessed by scrolling down to the bottom of Contact page, exactly where the honorary mentions used to be. In this new page there's also a link to the "Source List", a page created by TSWolf back in 2003 to honor all those who helped create Nexus Atlas in the very early days, including work from some of the old Nexus Network staff.
General Hatiki published a note on public boards announcing an important change to Koguryo Army membership. Any kogurian who wishes to serve the Royal Army may now apply to become a soldier while being part of his/her original clan, just like Buya Army has been doing for a while.
Upon admission person will be granted "Soldier of Koguryo" mark, be able to purchase soldier uniform and be part of KRA ranks, while still being a member of their clan. Note that this is a bit different than the system Nagnang Army has. Therefore, entering the army headquarters might be a bit harder than if you had KRA as your major "clan". Here is a copy of Hatiki's post:
Citizens of Koguryo,
For years the Koguryo Royal Army has only allowed non-clan members to become soldiers to serve and protect the lands of Koguryo against forces who sought to harm the citizens and royals.
Times have changed and in order for the army to grow and better serve the kingdom, the Koguryo Royal Army is pleased to announce that all Koguryo citizens may become a soldier without having to leave the clan in which they reside in.
Those who wish to become a soldier may fill out the soldier application and send to General Hatiki. If accepted, you will begin the process of training with the other soldiers of the Koguryo Royal Army.
If you have previously served in the army, it will be taken into consideration.
We hope by opening our doors to all citizens, regardless if they are a member of a Koguryo clan or not, that the army will be able to better serve Koguryo and it's citizens.
General Hatiki Sudeki Koguryo Royal Army
It is not known if KRA and BIA will ever change to be fully operated not as a clan, but similar to a ministry like was done to Nagnang Army.
The story entitled as "Obscure Taints from LinSkrae", seems to have occurred in Yuri 38, two yuris after the events described at "The Clash of Totems" and concluded by leading to the events that caused "The Imbalance". Such stories might be quite old, but seem like a good read in order to understand how past events were connected.
Unlike previous weeks, this time there was a server reset on a wednesday. According to GM Stein's post on Dream Weaver board, the updates were for the following organizations:
Couple days ago Biondeu stepped down and appointed Jolie as Buya Minister again. Member of IMB since Yuri 76, Jolie served also as Imperial Muse and Imperial Librarian.
"I plan to create a spark within the Buyan community. My second term will be reminescent of my first. I will focus on the culture of Buya, provide events and of course... start a little bit of drama", said Minister Jolie.
Nexus Atlas wishes Good luck to Jolie on her second term as Minister of Buya.
A short and straight to the point ceremony was held to honor the new Nagnang defenders. The solemnity counted With the presence of Minister Thameus, General Haterix and most nangen clan primogens. Prince ChaeRi recognized the following nangens who pledge to defend Nagnang:
Covenant clan: Shakeer* and PumkinKing*
Forsaken clan: Millinator* and TempestRaine
Alizarin clan: Huntyr and Jasa*
K'urimja clan: Haunt and Aemon
Viper clan: Lexus and Edge
Silla clan: Shinobi
Pegasus clan: Spazy and Starmoo* *were not present to do the oath and receive the mark.
From left to right: TempestRaine, Huntyr, Haunt, Aemon, Lexus, Edge, Shinobi and Spazy.
"To all the nominees that have become recognized Defenders of Nagnang this evening, my commendations and may you continue to server Nagnanf loyally so that we may prosper as a kingdom", said Prince ChaeRi who concluded his part of the ceremony by thanking everyone for their hard work.
Prince ChaeRi and the others present began to wonder if King M'hul had forgotten which kingdom he ruled, but later it was explained that the confusion what that he was actually talking to buyans and somehow misused the word. Still funny enough and unique moment.
After the defenders were congratulated, Minister Thameus appointed 6 new people who earned the "High Myonge of Nagnang" mark. Those were:
Primogen of Viper clan since Hyul 56, Grudo stepped down last saturday and appointed Lexus to become his sucessor. Congratulations Primogeness Lexus and good luck on your relentless pursuit of perfection through such new position.
Today, Maevalia has stepped down as elder of the Shaman Subpath. Earlier this evening all Shaman were summoned home for the announcement. When the meeting was adjourned we found that Maevalia had chosen Ellanor as her successor.
Thank you Maevalia for all your hard work and dedication to the Shaman path. And good luck to Ellanor as she begins her new journey as Elder of the Shaman path.
A thank you goes to TempestRaine for the information.
Couple days ago, the Historian of Nexus, lady Qantao, has posted on community board and COTW board asking for assistance in writing reports about a few past events. Those who may have material, that can help her by sending information of what happened in the events she listed. See her post below:
For many years I have been traveling throughout the kingdoms searching for new and old historical moments to document. I've recently been updating Drifting Winds and am adding new records to the board.
Some of such events I have collected enough material to scribe the posts, but there are some which I would require a few more details before concluding. If anyone has details of the following events please submit to me:
- God War (Yuri 32) - Nyogh's arctic hideout (Yuri 43) - Mythic war (Yuri 49) - Sonhi stronghold (Yuri 50) - Spy Dungeon (Yuri 58) - Alliance of Pirates and Ogres (Yuri 63) - The murder of the Alchemist of Kinung (Hyul 23)
Thank you in advance,
Qantao Historian of Nexus
Qantao has also recently posted a new history report on Drifting Winds. Entitled as The Clash of Totems, it narrates the episode when Totem animals were slain in battle by people in the wilderness who though they were attacking and explains the origins of the legendary weapon Chaos Blade.
Fixing a bug that allowed stacking of A/S/V potions on top of the Sa San poet ASV spell
* A small fix for the Carnage barricade updates from the last reset
Minor updates for: - Merchant subpath
All Merchants are allowed to host gambling services again with the latest update. Merchants can be a middleman for larger gambles as well using this spell. Don't forget to ask for Treasure hunting services as well.
A Nagnang Defender Ceremony has been scheduled to happen next tuesday, June 9th, at 6pm PST / 9pm EST. Different from previous years, such solemnity will be held at Nagnang Memory Garden which can be accessible by walking between the three statues at North gate of the city.
Since yesterday morning, Destiny clan of Koguryo has now a new Primogen: Upallnit, who ascended from her primarch position.
Member of the clan since Yuri 78, Upallnit has held many positions in Destiny over the years, starting as a Hunt host, Magus Sensei, Master Sensei and until recently the Primarch.
As a prominent figure of Koguryo, it was only natural that the passing of HealerofDoom would inspire King M’hul to write his own words of goodbye to a primogen who served the kingdom for so many years. Here is a copy of a public posting written by King Muhyul and Queen Yun dedicated to the longest lasting primogen of Destiny clan:
*\|/* From Royal Family of Koguryo *\|/* *~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*
A star has fallen. One that had shown so bright. HealerofDoom was loyal to the Kingdom and to the Royal Family. We in Koguryo are a family and watch over each other. As a family we mourn when there is great loss. The last Tribunal I saw an empty chair, the chair where Primogen HealerofDoom sat. He has served not only his clan but the kingdom. The Queen and I will sorely miss Primogen Healer of Doom.
King Mhul & Queen Yun
HealerofDoom was a Defender of Koguryo and his legacy shall live forever.