Did you miss that important news story? Do you
want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's
where to get that info!
Note: In January 2006, NexusAtlas moved to a new server and a new ISP. In that
process the software that manages our news archives dropped its links. We do
not know exactly why that happened nor are we able to fix it without support
from someone who knows the software. Therefore, we are calling news prior to
March 2006 "Archived News" and it can be accessed by the link below.
If you want to see archived news,
click here.
The Celebrations Have Begun
After a seemingly eternal time waiting for the servers to stabilize, everyone was able to get their new shiny swords. We found out that the experience bonus is 1.5 times normal. There is now a new NPC near south gate in Mythic but if you attack him it makes him mad and you get sent back to your home ! The Fireworks Master holds a show every 2 hours and it's a sight to see.
People are now forming groups to massively hunt while the bonus is available. Log on and join in.

The long awaited reset is here!
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
We hope you enjoy this weekends Anniversary events! We will begin the experience bonus today! The bonus will last through the weekend with a reset sometime early Monday. We also have a surprise in store for you so be on the look out in Mythic Nexus! Thank you again for being with us another year! We look forward to bringing you more great fun in the future.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Minor updates for Destiny clan
Just before the reset a restless crowd was waiting. . . .

For those looking for their new set of Wisdom clothes, please keep in mind that it goes by the real life date in which your character was born!* The Anniversary resets are usually before the actual Anniversary date.
* - Starting with people born before the great shift, who (I think) receive their new clothes on July 1st, around 3:00am pacific time - Rachel
New Geomancer elder
by: Vini
-- 9:30 PM EST
Just a few minutes ago, there has been a shift in the leadership of Geomancy subpath. Elder Halome, has just stepped down to deal with some personal issues that kept her from continuing to help the much she could. The position was passed over to Rhew, who will carry forward the legacy of the Geo eldership.
Congratulations to Elderess Rhew and thanks to Halome for all she did to the path. Also a special thanks to KenZi who informed about such change.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 8, Moon 12~
Experience Bonus coming
by: Vini
-- 3:47 PM EST
Early today, Mug has posted on Dream Weavers board informing that during the festive weekend of Nexus 9th anniversary there will be an experience bonus. It will last from Friday 29th to Sunday, July 1st. The amount of the bonus isn't known yet; people might have to wait to see it in action or can start guessing about it.
It is not known if this experience bonus is what Mug was referring to when he mentioned a small surprise for the anniversary, but sure does sounds like it: "...along with another small surprise to make sure this anniversary year will be a truly festive one to experience!" Of course people hope that this surprise is something else; after all, everyone likes good surprises.
Coincidence or not, in the morning of this July 1st, the 9th anniversary of nexus, Nexus will also be celebrating the 9th Hyul which means 9th year of King M'hul's reign.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 8, Moon 12th~
New Woodlands Item Found
Early this morning Shikari nairbnosk slew the mighty Honoured Dog and was rewarded with a Noble Tag!

Noble tag Dura: 140,000 AC: -8 Hit: 7 Dam: 3 Vita: 9000 Mana: 800 Might: 2 Will: 1 Grace: 1 Healing: 3
It is Il san peasant item and a very nice one even if it is BOD.
Hyul 8, 11th Moon
Happy 9th Anniversary
Today Nexus released this announcement:
On July 1, 1998, Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds was opened for players in the United States. This weekend, we mark the ninth year since Nexus left beta testing. To help celebrate we will be bringing back the traditional Anniversary swords, along with another small surprise to make sure this anniversary year will be a truly festive one to experience! Players will be able to collect their swords beginning on Friday, June 29th. As always, we would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of our customers for their support over the years and for making Nexus: Kingdom of Winds one of the longest running RPG's in history!
SP planning room
Subpaths Planning Room meetings have started up again. Mug and Yulli were kind enough to show up at last weeks meeting to show their support! With high level support look forward to some wonderful subpath events soon.

New Haengsa Quest
After the reset there is a new item you can purchase with pirate coins. For those who can't afford to purchase Item shop collars for a permanent mount, you can buy 10 mounts that have a 1 time use. You have a choice of Horses in black, white or yellows. If you don't already have pirate coins Haengsa is ready to fill your pockets! Meet you at the library.

Find Haengsa in the Wilderness at 57/56. You will need these items: 1 Blood 1 Electra 2 Flamefang 1 Frozen spear 1 Gold acorn 1 Holy ring 1 Star-staff 1 Steelthorn 1 Whisper bracelet
Reward: 10 pirate coins
Server reset
by: Vini
-- 7:51 PM EST
There has been a recent reset with the return of Haengsa. His location is at wilderness 57/56.
Server reset, Friday, June 22, 2007 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Haengsa has come out with a new quest and he said he has something else up his sleeve for you. I am sure you will figure it out.
Many more updates have been put in for the new area. This area will be released for testing when it is ready. We had hoped it would be out by the end of May but felt this update should be free of any problems. Each time we thought we were done, we found more things to add. You asked us to keep you up to date on projects so we just want you to know things are being worked on to better help the game. Please be patient!
Thank you! Nexus Team
Tangun Entrance Blocked
Now to cover some news that was missed last week....
Forum user xrunex told us that the entrance was blocked after the June 9th reset. Why? No one knows. Watch for more to come. In the mean time, anyone who needs to fill water jugs can use the lake just south of the Tangun entrance.

The Databases are Back
Thanks once again to ZARKH (my personal hero), our databases are back up. That means you can now check out spells, armor, monsters, ect. There are still a few missing images but I'm working on that as fast as I can.
Forums are up!
by: Rachel
-- 3:22 AM EST
While we were gone..
by: Rachel
-- 4:36 PM EST
For both records purposes and for anyone who hasn't been playing lately..
Server reset, Thursday, June 14, 2007 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Because mug is in such a good mood toady he will be giving everyone who is registered 50 Kruna and anyone on auto renewal will get 100 Kruna! Enjoy!
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Phoenix clan can now sell Tarnished wt amber and Crafted wt amber to Generosity. They can also sell Star gowns to Responsibility. * Pegasus clan receives small update.
Other: * Minor typo in tutorial fixed. * More large updates for new addition once it is ready everyone will get a chance to test it before its final release. * Large update for item shop (will be release shortly today) * Haengsa has gotten ill from all the Brassica he ate. He will return soon with another quest once he feels better.
The item shop update added several new items, the first faces, and several functional items. These items can warp you, repair items, and protect your experience during death.
The biggest sellers seem to be Mounts. With mounts, you can summon a ride (currently panther or doe) anywhere except carnage. They can be purchased for an average cost of 912 kruna. About a day after the mounts were released, they added a 3 second delay to summon the creatures, stating that instant summons made them too powerful. While some were upset that they couldn't get a refund after this change was made, most complaints about mounts have gone away.
Focused blow (Sam san Ka'e) was fixed to remove the overflow or splash damage. Kru said, "You guys will see why soon enough"
A hellfire bug caused hellfire (and I think sam san's doom fire) to do less damage for every space you were away from your target. The bug still exists on the Nagnang server. Kru said that, like rogues, mages should also expect some interesting changes in the future.
We're Back!
Thanks to Heavens Primogen Zarkh for helping to debug our news software. Yes it's ugly for now but I'll be fixing that soon. My web host was experiencing denial of service attacks and they had severely filtered their routers which is why so many of you couldn't see the site. They've revised their filters and now it is working. There is still a lot of work to be done to get the Forums running as well as the database pages (i.e. armor, weapons, monsters).
NOTE TO NEXUS ATLAS STAFF: Contact AllyGator to renew your Coranto access. I had to delete all accounts to fix the problem.
Sever reset, Friday, June 8, 2007.
by: Songa
-- 5:02 PM EST
As shown on the official NexusTK website ..
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Silla clan receives new merchant Pigment (Arena dyes) and other small update. * Pegasus receives room update and minor changes. Vira now sells ink and Epeius now sells axes. * Alizarin receives minor update. * BIA will now be able to see merchant AceoStar.
Subpath additions and fixes: * Do path receives a test rage.
Other: * Minor update for Historian Qantao. * Minor fix for Anchorite Door. * Very large updates for new addition. * Removed the enflame spell from mythic bosses (fixes monsters attacking the boss when its almost dead). * Large updates for Item shop. * Updated the way mining shovel works.
Tiger Clan Primogen Shift
Earlier today Primogen Healinkisses of the Tiger Clan stepped down from her position, and handed the title back to FPickleDog. FPickleDog, for those who remember, took on the position after Yiro stepped down - and will surely do a great job as Primogen once again!
Thank you for all of your hard work Healinkisses! We hope for nothing but the best for returning Primogen FPickleDog!
 Primogen FPickleDog of the Tiger Clan
New Prime Minister of Nagnang.
by: Songa
-- 1:25 AM EST
The Prime Minister of Nagnang, JooEun, has recently stepped down. To take her place, not an old face, but in fact a former Prime Minister, Asuza.
Congratulations to Asuza on his newly appointed position, and good luck to JooEun in her future endeavours! :)
Kugnae Recognitions
Tonight in the Royal Coliseum of the Kugnae Palace, Minister Gilley and King MuHyul hosted the annual Defender Ceremony! At the conclusion of the ceremony, these individuals had been given the honor of being recognized as Defenders, as well as those who have been Praised for their Deeds of Citizenship!
Congratulations to each and every one of you for your hard work and dedication!
Oceana Clan: Youji and DavidJM Destiny Clan: Poebow and AshaOnyx Bear Clan: Esmeralda and Icespadez Enigma Clan: Darin and Slowharley SunMoon Sect: Hydrapulse and Silerphix Tiger Clan: Izabella and Nightfall Koguryo Royal Army: Todaka and Kayamu
Praised for Deeds of Citizenship: snoop, Silerphix, Muckish and Ethanol Other Recognitions: Dame Starrbrite, the first Royal Minister of Koguryo, was also awarded the Koguryo Medal of Honor for all of her hard work and efforts in the past and present!

Poebow and AshaOnyx of Destiny Clan recieving the King's blessing.
June 1st Server Reset!
As posted on the Dream Weavers board today!
Server reset, Friday, June 1, 2007 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Large update should be ready soon. We are testing and making a few changes in the next week or so. We will let you know more soon.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: *Koguryo Buya, and Nagnang armies receive level 1 and 2 boss monsters for training
Subpath additions and fixes: * Minor fix for spy
Other: * Minor update for Poetry Archons * Very large updates for new addition