Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
A message from the Royal Ministry of Koguryo
In honor of the 75th year of King Yuri's reign, you are invited by all the kingdoms to attend the 75th Platinum Jubilee! Please join Prince M'hul, Princess Lasahn, and Prince Kija on Friday, July 1, at 9 p.m., EST, to officially start the Jubilee celebration with a ceremony to be hosted by Minister Starrbrite of the Royal Ministry of Koguryo. Special events and competitions will be held from Saturday, July 2, through Monday, July 11. Please see more information regarding this on the Royal Victory Games post. This will culminate with the Royal Platinum Jubilee Ball on Saturday, July 16, at 9 p.m., EST, at the Kugnae Palace (location to be given soon).
All Royalty, including King Yuri, Emperor Aino Senshi, General Blight, and King SuroKim of Kaya, as well as M'hul, Lasahn, Kija, and Jeewon, ministries, and armies will be present to commemorate the anniversary. Awards will be given that evening by King Yuri himself to the top three Jubilee Olympians!
We look forward to seeing everyone there! Long live King Yuri!
Happy Yuri 75!
by: Rachel
-- 3:35 PM EST
 All of us from NexusAtlas would like to wish you a very happy 75th Yuri! From the looks of things so far, it seems that there will be many new and fun surprises entering our kingdoms. We will be updating you as information is released and we might even have a few surprises of our own for you. There are bound to be several new additions in the next couple of days or even weeks, so be sure that you don't miss any news postings! Oh, and one more thing. Be sure to congratulate Yuri when you see him!
What's to come?
by: Rachel
-- 1:59 PM EST
The anniversary celebrations have begun a day early and Yuri 75 is on its way. While we don't know just what's in store, we do suggest that you stick around to find out.
The Kugnae Courtyard now has several barriers on both sides, blocking off some hidden surprise. Perhaps this will be explained at tonight's ceremony or perhaps we will have to wait just a bit longer to find out..
Server Reset - Anniversary Swords and more!
by: Vini
-- 1:28 PM EST
After a long period of announcements today, Nexus had a server reset. The community was waiting for long time between the first server reset announce until it finally came.
 Small crown waits in East gate for the reset
For now, it's known that the Anniversary Sword are now back available and this time, 1 day earlier. Just go to Kugnae Throne room and click King Yuri to receive yours! The 7th anniversary mark comes with it!  Hony is also giving them out at the entrance of Buyan Palace. For now, it's not known if people are able to get it on Nagnang.
The Koguryo Royal Army has also received their new Barracks graphic. It looks really great and General Nykid kindly opened the doors for the public to see.
 KRA new barracks
 KRA new training room
About the King Yuri Crown Quest, it's not available anymore. Many people have been trying to do it and it's not working. Seems King Yuri has already enough crowns in case he loses one.
If anymore was found added in this reset please inform any of us here of Nexus Atlas. We are aware of the new rooms in Koguryo Palace, but seems they are not open yet to public. We'll report them as soon as they are opened.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 74, Moon 12~
New Elder of Shamans
by: Vini
-- 9:53 PM EST
Tonight, the long lasting Elder of the Shamans, Lady Izabella has stepped down from her position within the path. She who has been elder for 18 months has now passed the leadership of the Mudang to Lady Widget.
Congratulations Elder Widget and thank you Izabella for these many months you've served the shamanic path.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 74, Moon 7~
Emperor Senshi is coming!
by: Vini
-- 11:28 PM EST
While King Yuri is collecting new crowns for his back up if he ever loses his crown again, a not very well known but really important figure is preparing himself to make a public appearance this week.
Emperor Aino Senshi will be coming back to Buya and for the most part of the community this will be a great experience to first get to see the ruler of Buya state.
Princess Lasahn is anxious about the return of her father and has made a post on COTW about the ceremony of when he'll be coming back:
~| A Message from the Imperial Sovereign of Buya |~
Dear People of Buya, Koguryo, Nagnang, and the Wild,
It is with great enthusiasm that I announce the return of my father, Emperor Aino Senshi, to the Empire of Buya. In honor of his return, a welcome ceremony will be held and hosted by the Ministry of Buya.
The clans of Buya -- Heavens, The Lost Kingdom, Elendhirin, Phoenix, and Dharma -- are preparing a dazzling array of offerings to commence the welcome ceremony. The esteemed General of Buya, AceoStar, and his Imperial army will also be welcoming the Emperor home with an impressive demonstration of skill.
The title of Court Diviner along with the new Defenders and Affiliates of Buya will also be announced at the ceremony.
Minister Guerrund and the Ministry of Buya will further announce the details of this revered ceremony.
Hail Buya! Shining Jewel of the East!
~Princess Lasahn~ ~Head of State of Buya~
As her highness mentioned on her post, Minister Guerrund has also posted the details of the ceremony. Here's a copy of it:
Greetings! Emperor Senshi has been away for quite some time. He has been visiting the lands of Han. He will be comming back to Buya for the Festivities for King Yuri but first he will be returning to Buya to greet the citizens!
There is a special ceremony that will be held in his honor. There will be New Defenders, and Affiliates of the Imperial soverign named as well as a special reading for the Emperor!
I hope to see everyone there to welcome Emperor Senshi back to Buya! He will be wanting to see each and every one of you there.
Thursday, the 30th of June, 8pm PST/11pm EST Buyan Courtyard
Thank you, Guerrund Minister of Buya
For those who want to get to know Aino Senshi this is their chance, be there June 30th while preparing for July 1st celebrations as well as the arrival of the Yuri 75th.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 74, Moon 12~
Event Quick and Easy
by: Rachel
-- 2:34 AM EST
If you're having any trouble with the event quest, follow this guide.
1. Go to the Inn keepers and buy a Comb.
2. Go to Kugnae palace (109/93) and say "Yuri" to the CotW NPC. Say "Yuri" again and he will take the Comb.
3. Walk north into the throne room. Say "Crown" twice.
4. Walk out the palace, down to the Library (89/113). Say "Crown" again.
5. Go to the Buya mage guild (126/36). Say "Karima" to Eldritch.
6. Buy or gather 5 Fine metal, 2 Gold ore, and 2 Silver ore. (Iron Labrynth chests hold all three of these items)
7. Bring those items to the Wilderness village (200/138). Enter the wilderness from either Kugnae or the Arctic pass.
8. Say "Eldritch". Then say "Crown". Say "Crown" again and he will take your items. You cannot return to him for about 6 hours. You are free to log off, but first..
9. Buy or gather the following items: -10 Amber -5 Dark amber -White amber -Yellow amber -2 Topaz -2 Mica -2 Quartz -2 Amethyst -Diamond
If you want to gather these yourself, try the city rat caves(Mica/Topaz), the woodlands dog cave (Amethyst), or the mining fields (All of the first eight). You'll have to buy the Diamond though. These are selling for 20k to 35k.
10. After your wait, return to Karima. Say "Crown". Say "Crown" again and he will take the ambers and gems. Say "Crown" one more time and he will take the diamond and give you the Crown that you've been talking so much about.
 As said in the post before this one, don't equip the crown.
 11. Return to Yuri and say "Crown" once more to give his majesty another crown for his collection. After done, this mark will be rewarded:

*images added by Vini*
SwirlDot Hosting LLC
by: Steve
-- 5:18 PM EST
Once and awhile, I post here regarding SwirlDot Hosting LLC. SwirlDot Hosting provides web hosting services for NexusAtlas and many other NexusTK Fan Sites (3 of the 12 to your right are hosted at SwirlDot). I would like to take a second to remind everyone of the services provided by SwirlDot Hosting and to urge everyone to visit our website. We have made strides this past month, such as registering for legal coverage provided by an LLC, new merchant capabilties, live help via our website, and many others that I do not have the space to list here. Our plans are competative, feature-filled and start at only $4.95 per month. Please, just take a second and check out our services. If you are in need of high quality hosting, we offer instant setup on accounts paid for with credit card. If you don't need hosting, keep us in mind when refering others to a web hosting provider.
Visit SwirlDot Hosting at www.swirldot.com
Thank you for your time,
Stephen Corona Company CEO SwirlDot Hosting LLC 1-877-210-3372
Yuri's Crowns
by: Rachel
-- 4:02 AM EST
Congratulations to Rubi and Tyania on first to complete the Forged a Crown for King Yuri quest / event!! When I asked about a walkthrough they said it is very self-explainatory and very easy. As soon as we verify all of the information, we will have the full quest up for you.
The only difficult part is that you need a diamond to complete a part of the crown, but don't pay too much for these! Several players have dozens of them sitting in their banks.
WARNING!! WARNING!! Do NOT wield the crown once you recieve it!It will be stuck to your head and you won't be able to take it off! Not only that, but the crown will give you +50 AC! Jisong was a curious cat and wielded the crown, and sure enough, it wouldn't budge off his head. So sacrifice it to King Yuri to recieve your legend mark!  If you do get it stuck on your head, it will vanish after a few hours and you'll be able to start alllllll over. Also a few new items have been added to the rewards that you can recieve for your event tokens. So far, these items just seem to be variations of the older ones. If you're ever curious to see how many tokens you have, say Event Token to Pond and he'll let you know :)    There are quite a few people who helped complete this event/quest: Hypertension, Tyania, Rubi, Kowe, Bluekross, Jisong, & Terren. Thank you all! -Nagnag I was going to change a few things around, but I wasn't thinking (5am o.o) and I accidently killed Nagnag's post. That's why it's been posted under my name. Sorry about that! - Rach
Crowns worthy for a clumsy King
by: Conro
-- 10:49 PM EST
It seems, while fishing, Yuri's crown slipped off his head and into the river below him. At his age, going in after it would of certainly been a deathwish, so he's asked the community for help in forging new crowns, so if such a mess ever happens again, he'll have plenty of backups.
To start: You'll need (1) Comb
- Go to the Koguryo Palace courtyard, and say 'Yuri' to the Man who controls the CToW board. - Agree to give him a Comb to tame his hair. He'll tell you of Yuri's story. - Go to Yuri and say 'Crown' - Say 'Crown' again - Go to the Kugnae Library, and say 'Crown' to Pond - Go to Buya's Mage guild and say 'Karima' - Say 'Karima' again - Go to Wilderness village, where you become neutral, and enter the only open home there. - Say 'Eldritch' to Karima - Collect 5 Fine Metal, 2 Gold ore, 2 Silver ore and return to Karima. - Wait two Nexus days (6 Hours real time)
From there we are still waiting...
- Conro
(Warning to all, do not ask NexusAtlas staff for further help in the event. As we work through it, we will post further updates. If you don't know the location of a place, use F1, or ask a friend. Questions pertaining to parts of the event already discussed will be ignored)
Shadows return with new clan: The K'urimja! (--edit--)
by: Nagnag
-- 2:19 PM EST
The K'urimja Clan has their new clan hall, and have been added to the "F1 - Nexus for Novices - Join a Clan" section which shows their information (nothing yet) and the helmet graphic is bugged - it shows the Silla Helm.

Their new clan hall is also very impressive and very well designed. Click the links below for the full map screenshots of both public rooms of the clan hall.
Clan hall room 1 Clan hall room 2
New Appointments
by: Vini
-- 8:21 PM EST
Primogen SSVegito of Oceana has just announced that he is stepping down from his position. He who has been leading Oceana since Yuri 70 has now decided it was time to pass it to a new person.
The Sulsa-Do Master Zerocold was chosen as the new Primogen of the clan.
I would like to congratulate Primogen Zerocold on his new position and thank SSVegito for his hard work he has done for these yuris there.
Zerocold isn't the only one with new responsibilities. Head Judge tip has announced Narsisist as the newest judge to the kingdoms. He has been training for several weeks in court and is ready to get to work.
Congratulations to Judge Narsisist and good luck with your new duty!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 74, Moon 10~
Original post modified by Rachel
Reset changes
by: Vini
-- 3:01 PM EST
Around 2 hours ago, all the servers of Nexus were reseted for a few new updates. Once again the KRU Staff has graced us with posting on the official Nexus TK website the few changes which were put today. Here they go as following:
Added some maps in preparation for the Yuri 75 celebrations Players who cast Gateway inside the Destiny clan hall will no longer end up in Nagnang Updated the Tutor broadcast feature Updated the Silla Clan helm
 Map Updates: Map updates for Silla clan Map updates for Lost Kingdom clan
Minor Fixes: Minor fixes for Silla Clan Minor fixes for Pegasus Clan
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 74, Moon 10~
First Legendary Alchemist!
by: Conro
-- 12:13 PM EST
   After going through more than 200,000 Rat meat alone on his quest from Champion, Neuro has finally reached the pinnacle of his research, becomming the first Legendary Alchemist of the Nexus! As posted by Neuro himself on Community, describing his success rates, as well as an explination of what Black potion actually does, My Legendary numbers.
95,082 purple potion (115-140%) 33,259 Lime potion (104-112%) 580 Dart poison (180-240%) 74 Black potion (80-120%)
I used over 200k mixed meat for this couldn't have done it without the support of many of the community, especially all those in LK, Muslix, Bellatiamo, Ambient, Nitehawk and everyone else who has sold or donated meat to me in the past 2 years.
Black potions cast Chin Baek ryong ho, a version of an Ee warrior spell in Baram, the spell increases VITA based attack damage by 50% and lasts for 10 seconds. The spell does not increase the damage of any attack that uses MANA as part of the damage calculation.I've tested with several Black potions in the past after hearing this information and I can tell you for a fact that these potions to not affect the rogue attack spells in any way. After wasting much money testing various claims by alchemists to sell their potions, I lost interest and did not perform any further tests.
I have not tested with warrior stat attacks or the stat attack spells reserved for PC subpaths. If you do, please send your reports (Successful and not) as well as your raw data in an N-mail to Rachel or as an e-mail to Rachel_NA@hotmail.com and I will relay your results. - Rachel A huge congratulations from myself, as well as the NexusAtlas staff to Neuro on accomplishing the once thought impossible! Congratulations!
Kugnae palace redesign

The courtyard of the Kugnae Royal Palace has gotten a little redesign, it seems. Besides the cosmetic change, there have been a few new doors added, although those are currently under archon-blockade.
Thanks go to Destine for the info!
Remembering StriGoi
by: Lalia
-- 10:40 AM EST
The Forsaken Clan walked to the Valley of the Mudang, roses in hand, to pay their respects to StriGoi. Many roses were dropped as each participant remembered StriGoi and reflected upon her sacrifice.

A ceremony was held in the Valley as well.

Thanks go to BeffyCabeza for this info.
Kru Answers
I received Kru's answers to our first and earlier round of questions this evening. Kru is still answering some more for us, though, so keep sending those questions to FakeAiyana!
Here are the first ten, fresh from my mailbox.
(Question 1.) NA: More and more of the mapwork for clans and subpaths is being done by archons as a comparatively larger amount of nexus's graphics are unavailable to them. Are there any plans to release a more complete version of the map-editor to the primogens and elders then the version they are currently allowed?
Kru: There are no plans for this yet. Sorry! We will consider an open map editor after the new client is released. You have to admit that the current map makers are doing an excellent job with the resources that they have.
(Question 2.) NA: Is the ring/tribe system ever going to be fixed and re-released, or have we seen the last of it?
Kru: The rings and tribe feature was not meant to be announced or released. It slipped itself into an otherwise minor update. The Rings and Tribes feature will allow players to form smaller clans with less benefits, to help them gather the numbers neccessary for a full clan. The feature will be released when it is ready. That may be a disappointing answer, but it the best that we can give at the moment.
(Question 3.) NA: Most of us are pretty familiar with the new graphics, having snuck over to the baram website like internet ninjas. But besides those pretty graphics there's a lot of other new features involved in the client. Can you tell us anything about the "tons of new features" you guys are working on that might be a little less obvious?
Kru: We will have a full feature list available soon, with much more depth than we can go into here. Some of the cool features are helmets and accessories that show up on the character, from beards and moustaches to bunny ears. A bunch of new hairstyles and faces, including the ability to mix and match hair and face for greater customization. Some things players might find more useful are features that will display the health bar of your group members, a bigger item display area, and a display showing the aethers of your spells.
(Question 4.) NA: For a long time now, there has been a great deal of controversy and debate (or just squabbling, as the case may be;] ) about the balance between NPC and PC paths in regards to hunting, especially with the rogue and warrior paths. What is Krus opinion on the current hunting balance, and can we expect related alterations to the game any time soon?
Kru: See polearm answer, because it ties in very closely with this one.
(Question 5.) NA: How does Kru feel about the implementation of the new pole-arm weapons, and the community's reaction to them?
Kru: Class and item changes are a delicate thing. It is clear that problems exist. It is not clear how those problems can be eradicated. Polearms are the likely culprit of many of the class and path balance issues, however they are not the only issue. As of this writing there are 50% more rogue characters than any of the other three classes. We cannot offer any specific changes at this time, but it is obvious that class balance changes need to take place to even out the playing field. We will carefuly analyse the data that we collect before we make any decisions on what to change. As always, we welcome feedback with constructive suggestions or important information.
(Question 6.) NA: Can you tell us anything about the changes to Nexon since your restructuring and becoming Kru?
Kru: Some of the things that remain unchanged are the staff, most of our licensing arrangements with Nexon, and our love and appreciation for our patrons.
What has changed is our name, from Nexon Inc, to KRU Interactive. Our company is now completely seperate from Nexon, allowing us complete freedom to choose new projects and games. The Nexus TK resources, including client and server source code, are now under our control. And, of course, our level of enthusiasm and excitement for Nexus has skyrocketed!
(Question 7.) NA: Many players were upset at the last event by the monster drops. They felt that several of the items shouldn't have dropped, particularly the dragon daggers and big axes. What is Kru's opinion on this?
Kru: You never know when a large axe will come in handy.
(Question 8.) NA: With Kru Games being independent, will any support (especially in the face of the possible technical problems associated with a new client) from NexonKorea be available?
Kru: Our independance from Nexon will not hamper the development or maintenance of Nexus TK in any way. We have had one of the original programmers of Nexus and Dark Ages on staff for several years. His experience with the server and client has proven to be a valuable asset that has enabled us to get the new client working in record time.
Our relationship with Nexon remains strong. Although we probably won't need their help, Nexon will be willing to provide assistance with technical issues should the need arise.
(Question 9.) NA: With everyone eagerly working on Sam San trials, the demand for mythic bosses has increased exponentially. Compounded with the unforgiving nature of a Greater alliance (there are reports of a single non-boss kill ruining a GA), the task of finishing a GA has become an agonizing task to many players. Are there any plans to alter or improve the Greater Alliance system to counter this?
Kru: Yes. The Lesser and Greater alliance quests were recently updated as the first step in making alliances a little easier to complete. The kill-counting system that is currently used in Nexus is very old and out of date. We have newer methods of tracking progress in quests and are in the process of updating the current quests to the new methods. This process will be pretty much invisible to the players, and we don't plan on announcing each quest as it is updated. There are no plans to alter the way that the alliance quests are completed, however. You will still need to kill those mythic bosses to forge your alliances.
(Question 10.) NA: What's Kru's opinion on the current justice system and its ability to handle the needs of the community?
Kru: The justice system is intended as a way for players to help police the rules that they, as a community, have agreed upon. Some people may scoff at that remark, but it is the truth. To this extent it serves its purpose admirably.
The justice sytem is overseen by a team of dedicated people. The head judge is often a target of frustration, but he has remained level-headed and fair throughout his tenure. Errors within the justice system are corrected as expediently as possible. Just recently the Archons have announced a new way for players who have atoned for their past misdeeds to have their old justice marks removed. In the end the justice system serves the community's interest, keeping Nexus a friendly, fun environment for all ages.
I'd like to extend a big thank you to Kru for taking the time to answer our questions. I will be posting more as they become available.
Questions for Kru
Anyone out there who's just been dying to pop a few questions to Kru, now's your chance! Kru is going to be answering a few questions from the community; we gather them, they answer them. Sort of like a busy man's Question and Answers Forum. After we receive their answers through Nmail we'll be posting them here on Nexus Atlas for everyone to gaze upon.
That still leaves the gathering part, though, doesn't it?
I know you've got questions for Kru, so Nmail those puppies on over to character "FakeAiyana", and FakeAiyana only! The best and more frequently asked questions will be answered and posted here. Please keep in mind that immortals are forbidden to "Provide knowledge for solution of a quest", so don't bother asking where the ice beast is. Also, try to keep in mind questions that are more likely to be answered; Kru isn't going to tell us what the next event is, or what the trials for Sa san will be.
As soon as I have a decent pool of questions to draw from, I'll send 'em on over.
remember, send all questions to FakeAiyana ONLY! Anything sent to myself or another Nexus Atlas staff member will be scorned and deleted.
Silla clan gets their hall and garden!
by: Vini
-- 6:31 PM EST
The 4th of Nagnang has finally got their clan hall available for their members to use. It's located on 0088 00078 Nagnang. There, people may find some very unique theme garden available to anyone who wish to visit it.

The Clan hall is currently open for visitors, but will normally be closed just for members. Primogen Morick is adding his members officially to the clan now and shall be locking the doors soon.

Congratulations Silla clan on your new clan hall!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 74~
The Resurrection of The Four
 (Citizens await the opening of the Herbarium doors)
Nagnang :: After a great swelling of anticipation, the Resurrection of The Four finally took place this evening within The Herbarium. The Community met with Blight, Prince Kija and Historian Qantao to raise The Four and close the portal of the Wuhu Luanhua once and for all. Shamans Widget, Yashi, AntiFlag, BeffyCabeza, TediAvenger, DarkRain, ZeroGT, Sebelle, JerzeyKat, Izabella and Ravenstar entered the Herbarium amid the community's argument and confliction over what was about to be done.
The ashes of The Four, (Atrophy, Contagion, Marasmus and Abscess) were scatter for the ritual and there was a visible shudder from the crowd when Lady StriGoi withdrew two vials of adder poison from her robes. With the poison kissed upon their lips, General Blight and Prince Kija were guided by the shaman into the spirit realm where they sought out The Four.
 (StriGoi administers the fatal kiss)
The ritual grew larger in its air of gravity as the shaman cried out to the spirits again. "Guardians of the Spirit realm, hear and guide my plea. When the time rings true, bring only the ones we call out to back to this space!" Thunder crashed loudly outside and the earth trembled as the veils were parted to finally make way for the coming of The Four.
None of The Four came, though. Murmurs fell across those gathered as the shaman explained; the spirits of The Four had no earthly bodies house them, their ashes taken by the winds of the Nexus and scattered. Worry crossed the crowd as StrioGoi explained more. "They cannot be rejuvenated but must be reborn!"
As the ritual continued, the soil of Nagnang was mixed with the blood of Kija and Blight to form the new bodies of The Four. Qantao spoke again, "New lives... require new names. But at what cost?" Thus The Four were reborn as Apuen, Byeong, Chejungi and Sanghan.
  (The Four, reborn and renewed)
Something was very wrong, though. The new bodies of The Four winked in an out of the corporeal plane. Knowing what needed to be done, and acting before her brothers and sisters could stop her, Lady StriGoi withdrew a final vial of poison from her bodice and, swallowing the whole of it, fell to the ground. The ritual would be completed from the other side, and among the cries of the fallen shaman's family, the bodies of The Four solidified leaving the very confused men to ponder where they were and what was going on.
As the crowd stood stunned, Kija spoke. "The loss of such a great Shaman as StriGoi is a bitter blow. But her sacrifices will not be forgotten, hence forth each year on this day we shall commemorate her passing with a great festival..." The deed completed, everyone soon scattered to their respective homes to recuperate from the events of the evening. A small wake was held in the Shaman valley in remembrance of Lady StriGoi, and all who wish to pay their respects may do so by dropping a rose within those walls.
"New Number One!?"
by: Conro
-- 8:53 PM EST
Seem's one of the NexusTK staff has surpassed Shans in stats!

Reminds me of two years before, when Cerulean accidentally left his user page up while trying on the Ice robes from the Vortex!
Krub has the same legend and items as Winder, the Barbarian elder, so I think this may be just a test page. More to come, perhaps?
- Conro
From the Desk of the Editor
by: Conro
-- 8:07 PM EST
Hello NexusAtlas viewers,
Just a small note I'd like to point out to many who are just joining the game, and those who aren't used to updates being either announced or happening at all.
Bugs may be a bit more rampant than they usually are, both for NexusTK, and for NexusAtlas. Actual bugs only ever happen because of changes in the code for a specific section, and you should all keep this in mind when you arrive at such a problem.
The NexusTK support page should be used for in-game problems you may experience, while any problems with the NexusAtlas website should be brought to my or Rachels attention, by using the 'Contact' list, or dropping myself a Nexus-Mail.
Many changes seem to be occuring with the recent discovery of bugs in some rather untouched areas. To make Nexus the best it can be, any bug you discover should be reported immediately, to help ensure game security and playability.
Thanks, everyone! Hopefully this summer will be full of more change and new discoveries than the last!
- Conro Head Editor of Nexus Atlas
Nexus Updates!
by: Conro
-- 7:59 PM EST
As posted on NexusTK.com. (Thanks Dansom!!)
Nexus Update June 15th, 2005
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
All welcome the newest clan, Silla Clan!
Vortex hand items with the 'Ancient' prefix now have protection values Posting on the Community Board is now limited to 3 consecutive posts Added Lost Kingdom Clan history to Casandra Fixed Bug that was causing some newly registered characters to be unable to log in, and made sure it will never, ever, ever, ever, ever happen again Added some protection against Elixir Wars bugs Added some debugging messages to help track down the Elixir Wars bugs Fixed bonded bouquet item tiles Fixed bug causing some forged weapons to be nonbonded Fixed all the bugs with the Druid Bouquet quest (if you are still unable to complete it, please send in a support ticket with your character name and a brief description) Updated the Sam San quest to show your character's progress, the others will be updated in a future update
Map Updates: Added maps for Silla clan Map updates for Sun Moon clan
Minor Fixes: Minor fixes for Sun Moon Clan Minor fixes for Lost Kingdom Clan Minor fixes for Bear Clan Minor fixes for Nagnang Army Minor fixes for Rangers
I myself see that "Ancient Luck amulet" has been given a Protection value of 2.
Silla clan, while implemented, is currently down. If you find a way to travel to the maps, you get disconnected. This should be fixed shortly!
- Conro
The Lives of Four hang in the balance
by: Conro
-- 11:11 PM EST
An excerpt from Historian Qantao's Chronical of the Winds post.
Meet at the Herbarium ((Thursday, June 16, 2005 at 9:30 p.m. EST))
and let us perform the ceremony once and for all, to cleanse our lands of this portal, and bring stability back into our lives. I note, surprisingly yet somewhat objectively, that to rush could be fatal. But I am telling you now, that to wait past that time, is to incur certain doom upon us all.
May History look favorably on us all...
Yours in History,
Prince Kija and Qantao herself have been having several nightmares. Blight himself has made no public statement, but tension in the halls of the Forsaken show that he himself may be plauged by these demons as well. The Shaman have taken the biggest hit, losing several of their own to this darkness. Those with the power to survive do so only enough to breathe, and are quick to take rest and refuge.
The spirits stir with an almost black aura. Time will tell if this ceremony will truly close the Portal of the Wuhu Luanhua, and bring the Four Back to the Mortal plain.
- Conro Forsaken Vizier
The Totems Flow Through Your Weapons Again!
A moment ago Neul saged that the problem with the Totem weapons has been fixed! Thanks to the Archons for helping us once again.

NEVER drop your ITEMS
by: Nagnag
-- 3:53 PM EST
UPDATE: Byae sold my Engraved star armor to geddman who gave it back to me for no charge (after he rebought it for 1mil) moments after I got mine stolen. So any leads to who Byae's other character is (preferably his barbarian) would be helpful, thank you. [edit: I am Thou] Here is a prime example of why you should NEVER drop your items in Nexus --- me. I was being an idiot and dropping some items I had of mine, to show off to a couple kids that were dropping what they thought were "cool items". And so I had group off and everything, same with exchange - it was off as well. I didn't have them dropped for more than 5 seconds and I got pushed off of them by an invisible Barbarian.
The items that are missing: Blood NetZe robe Long bat Spirit rattle Big axe ** Tuxedo ** engraved star armor ** All that remains of Rhawen ** engraved lucky claw Polearm
A 1,000,000 coin reward is available to the person who turns in this corrupt barbarian and / or his other characters. Theft is not tolerated, but CAN be avoided. This case is NOT reportable because I have dropped my items. Winder, the Barbarian elder, is angered that one of his own people would do this, and the Merchants have been notified to not unengrave any of these items. This is not a plea as much as it is a warning
Errors fixed
As posted by Ahalya today on the Community Board:
Dear Players,
We are pleased to announce that "Accounts" are now functioning properly. It was a temporary problem. Users wishing to "add" new characters to their accounts may do so at this time, without any problems. Also, "Kimesh" option will be fixed at next reset and the area will be available to everyone. We will probably remove all NON bonded weapons since it was not meant to work this way. More information will be posted if needed.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Update on the 'kimesh' bug
by: Corath
-- 6:44 PM EST
Just recently, Ahalya posted on the community board in a follow-up on the non-bonding bug as stated before.
"Dear Players,
Currently, we are facing a problem with "kimesh" option in Hausson. We will block this area and will look into the cause and make any corrections needed. Please, be patient while this matter is being investigated. If you have any other questions or reports, please feel free to contact me again. I apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused.
Thank you, -Ahalya"
Non-Bonded Totem Weapons
by: Corath
-- 10:15 PM EST
There is a bug right now when forging a NPC subpath weapon, where it is not bonded. Here is tip's post, as posted on Community board.
"I just checked and this appears to be a bug, fair warning to those who will abuse the bug, we all know what happens.
Suggest you not make a weapon until the bug can be fixed
Head Judge tip"
So, for the time being, I suggest that you don't forge yourself a weapon if at all possible. Kru will more than likely look into this very seriously and make sure those who abuse it are punished.
Last day for Rogue Tutor applicants
by: Vini
-- 9:53 AM EST
Today is the last day for the Rogues wishing to become tutor to apply for the position of Nagnang Rogue Tutor. The deadline is 12am PST so don't lose time and start writing the applicaton now.
Here's the application form posted by TutorApp:
I am currently looking for the following:
Nagnang Rogue Tutor
To apply for one of these positions, you must be living in, or be willing to move to the town you will be tutor of if you are accepted. You also must be a member of the path that you are applying for.
Applications will only be accepted until June 10th 12:00am PST. Late applications will be deleted. The subject of the letter should be the position you are trying to obtain (please include the city).
Please send the following information to TutorApp: ____________________________________________________________ -- Tutor Application --
- Name: - Postition You Are Applying For: - Positive Subpath Brandings: - Negative Subpath Brandings: - Jail Brandings/Last Justice Matter Brands: (Please explain these) - Previous leadership experience (Positions held in Kingdom etc. Please include references) - SubPath (if any): - Yuri Born/Real life length of time played: (Time played as this character/total length of time played on any character) - Level or Vita/Mana: - Average Time And Days On Nexus per week: - References: (You must list at least three references. Please check with people you will be using as references before you list them) -All pervious and present characters. - Comments: (Anything important Please Put Here)
____________________________________________________________ NOTE: If you plan to use another character's position for any part of your answers (i.e. I was a judge on another character) you must list that character's name. The same applies to comments such as "I've been playing for 4 years on different characters". All character names and pertinent information will be kept confidential.
Once your application has been received, you will receive a follow up letter notifying you of such. Should you have any questions, please contact Neul
Thank you,
TutorApp -Applicatio Specialist
Good luck to all who apply!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 74, Moon 7~
My Apologies
by: Rachel
-- 8:52 PM EST
Hi, all. The other day, I was walking down the road...How did Wony's post go again?
Several months ago I promised you several new additions to the website, which would be released during the upcoming anniversary. Less than two weeks later, there were some security issues with the websites. At the time I thought that this would have no effect on our progress, but the speed of the legal system seems to be a bit slower than one would like. I am sorry to tell you this, but we will have to postpone these updates indefinitely. News and forums business will go on as usual.
I don't have a new client to offer you either. I'm hoping that we will have the chance to build a few areas, but even if this is possible, it will still be nothing as large as what I had hoped to accomplish.
You're all openly invited to the wedding of Thou & xKALIx
by: Nagnag
-- 7:08 AM EST
I am hoping that everyone please come to our wedding! NexusAtlas staff and visitors especially! If you come to this site you're obviously awesome so come on down. Presents are not EXPECTED but are excepted. It will be inside the Koguryo Palace's Throne room, the top left door will be open. Anoyances will be removed, and noted. There will be very fun times afterward. You can bring a friend or meet some there! I look foward to seeing you all there!
Poetry Revel Returns
by: Conro
-- 2:40 PM EST
As announced by Marama at 4:30 EST, the Poetry revel has returned!
This weeks topic is 'Chung Ryong and the Ju Jak', and will end on the 10th of June.
All you Ee san hopefuls, get writing, and good luck!
- Conro
Bouquet Fix
by: Conro
-- 4:12 PM EST
Bouquets are now depositable, so those of you worried you might damage these non-repairable items, you can deposit them.
Odd, though, when I deposited my Poppy bouquet, it suddenly changed flower types...
 A minor, workable bug, compared to not being able to deposit before.
- Conro
Druid quest Fixed
by: Conro
-- 10:10 PM EST
The problems with the Druid quest have been fixed, with a few exceptions
- Those who recieved "Sophie's Gift" before the fix, will find themselves bugged for a little longer. - Bouquets created from this quest are bonded, but are not depositable, which should be changed
To start this quest visit Sophie, the White Cat, in Elders Hideaway, a room on the southeastern corner of the Druid Mystic Garden.
The Grand Resurrection Approaches
Spirits call for blood as memories of the Four are conjured
 General Blight, "glad to be home," addresses the waiting crowd.
NAGNANG -- "Thank you Alter for keeping the Ashes of the Four safe," boomed the voice of General Blight as he travelled to the Herbarium in Nagnang. In a meeting with the shaman and Lady Qantao, the Historian of the Samguk, the general hoped to resurrect his fallen bretheren. Upon returning to the Herbarium, he expressed that he was well and "glad to be home." Indeed, history came "with all her knowledge to help," spoke the radiant historian to the crowd, ready to watch history be made. In her hand was a tome of the Ha zhi-p'i, and also revealed that she possessed an ancient work of the Dongbas for use by the shaman.
 A coterie of shaman join Historian Qantao and General Blight to prepare for the ritual.
Mog-Ur JerzeyKat, Mog-Ur BeffyCabeza, and Shaman Strigoi, elder-emerita of the family, directly lent their spiritual skills to this evening's ritual, bringing with them their vast wealth of experience, research, and knowledge. Unfortunately, according to StriGoi, it was not possible to carry out the resurrection ritual tonight, as the loose research yet remains to be pooled into a usable form. A ritual "must be written and performed when the time is right to bring back the four who are not the four," she uttered cryptically. JerzeyKat noticed that there appeared to be one vessel missing, and StriGoi replied that she was the fifth vessel, and that her body, less her soul, was the portal to allow the Four to reemerge. One part remained overlooked, however: the spirit threads of the Four have yet to be traced. Blight then announced that his blood, the blood of Nagnang, was the missing ingredient for this. This was confirmed by the research of Lady Qantao. "You carry within your veins that of the old Nagnang and you have blood bonded to the Four."
However, it was revealed that a "balance between old and new" is required. Immediately, Prince Kija's name flew from the crowd as an obvious bridge between the Nagnang of antiquity and modernity. "Even in the darkest night, daylight comes creeping forth," intoned BeffyCabeza. "The spirits have led us to the same path. Old and New must merge in a way never before tried!" StriGoi related a portentous vision of all of the totem spirits of protection surrounding her at once because, she surmised, "I went searching without the two components needed to finish the search."
 Prince Kija of Nagnang appears before the assembled crowd.
Determined that the blood of the two leaders was necessary for the ritual, General Blight remarked, with a wry, bloodthirsty smile, that he would be happy to help Prince Kija shed his blood. Above the crowd, divided between those calling for the prince's blood and those who would defend their sovereign, the voice of Prince Kija rang true, admonishing General Blight: "We find your continual habit of putting words in our mouth most irksome. We are perfectly able to speak for ourselves." For the honour of his nation and his late father's memory, the prince willingly offered his blood.
 The blood of the two leaders is spilled and collected as a component for the ritual.
Shortly after the sovereign appeared, Lady StriGoi announced that the blood was "only a path, the beginning and an ending," but that it led to a spiritual quest to find that which they both must share in order for the ritual to succeed. "As part of the ritual we shall hold," JerzeyKat cautioned, "you both must be willing to travel this dangerous path before your blood can be shed." United in bravery, the two leaders were informed of their impending journey to the higher astral plane. They were further strongly cautioned by StriGoi, "If we fail, there we will stay as the gods scrape the skin from our bones and cause our spirits to feel the burn of eternal damnation!" With the spirits screaming for blood, BeffyCabeza and JerzeyKat performed their will. With the blood of the two leaders shed and collected for the ritual, the two were escorted away to tend to their wounds.
The shaman will be spending the next seven days preparing for the ritual to resurrect the Four.
Blight comes tomorrow
by: Vini
-- 7:45 PM EST
Again General Blight has posted on the Chronicles of the Winds board about the Shape-shifters. Tomorrow night, the Herbarium will be re-opened for the ritual of shamans there.
 Herbarium entrance is located in Nagnang 0130 0090, near E gate.
Here's a copy of the post of by Blight:
The time for action is at hand. The Four, my brethren and friends must be revived! I know in my heart and soul it is possible, for a part of them still lives on inside me and the blood tie we share. I am only a couple days away. Upon further reflection, I know that those whom I need to meet with are the Historian Qantao and the Shamans themselves.
As you know, I spoke with a legendary Dongbas, who is like and not like the Shamans of our lands. He passed along the small piece of knowledge that only the Shamans can use. Ingredient which must be present in any attempt at revival. The "Ha zhi pi" which he helped write is specific. I carry one of the ingredients with me, the others wait in Nagnang. Because of the nature of the Wuhu Luanhua and their perverted means, I must pass along a few things to our own Shamans. As The Four come from our lands, our Shamans are the best equipped to handle this procedure. However, because of the insidious methods of the shape-shifters, certain things must be passed along, if we are to have any chance to succeed at all. As many citizens of all the Kingdoms gave of their time and life to collect the ashes, we have a chance. A slim one, but it is a chance I will take.
Shamans hear me. I will be at the Herbarium on Friday night ((8:00 p.m . est)). I would ask to meet with your representatives and Historian Qantao at that time. Also, the Dongbas Shaman told me to tell you that you will need to walk the dark paths before then. He says you will know what to do. Only in seeking out the darkness can there be any hope of resurrecting the Four.
Historian, you may have other knowledge we can use. The Dongbas was much impressed by the knowledge you managed to acquire and wonders how such knowledge managed to make it into your hands. However, he will make no move to try and take it from you, for I made it very clear that would be an affront to you, to the Kingdoms and to me. For some reason, the latter caused him some thought. In any event, I shall see you at the Herbarium.
The Blight is returning!
And soon too, shall the Four...
Love Live Our Beloved Nagnang! Forever may she thrive!
Long Live The FOUR They SHALL return.
General Blight Beast of |\|agnang
More will be posted after the ritual tomorrow.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 74, Moon 5~
TutorApp and CarnyApp
by: Vini
-- 7:08 PM EST
For those willing to become a Carnage host or a Rogue Tutor, this is the chance to get there. Applications for the position of Nagnang Rogue Tutor or Carnage host are now open and can be found on community board posted by TutorApp and CarnyApp.
Hurry up on applying to any of those positions, they won't be open for a long time.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 74, Moon 5~
Chaos is rising up!
After today's server reset, a few bugs were fixed.
-Ranger's obtain new room named "Rustic Sanctuary" -Druid Bouquet Quest bug possibly fixed - unsure though. -Sebastian's Token (Part of the quest above) is now a non-droppable item. -Destiny clan arena mispelt room from Destnny - Destiny
Heres a pic of the Rustic Sancutary:

Wony's Good News!
by: Cirran
-- 9:51 PM EST
Wony made the following post to community board this evening. It appears Kru is busy and good things are on the way! Nexus players have long been hoping to hear news regarding a client upgrade and here it is.
Hi, all. The other day, I was walking down the road, proudly holding the unique prize item for Wony's Challenge. Then, this person came to me and asked to be able to hold it for a moment so he could take a screenshot. As soon as I handed him the item, he disappears... Now we don't have the prize for Wony's Challenge. I am sorry to tell you this but we will have to postpone Wony's Challenge indefinitely. I will tell you over and over again, do not make this mistake. Otherwise, this is how you get to be hated by the whole Nexus.
I guess we will have to do something instead of Wony's Challenge. So we thought of.. WHOLE NEW CLIENT. Yes, new gorgeous graphics. New interface, tons of new features. We got the whole Nexus assets, everything, and we've been furiously working on them. As you all know, our Nexus is vastly different from Baram, so there are literally thousands of things that we need to work on. I must say it is just gorgeous. But if you still prefer the old familiar look of Nexus, you have an option of going with the older graphics. Could you ask for more? We apologize if we've been a bit slow with support recently, but you know why now. In a few weeks, we will select some players for the closed test to fix some final bugs, and then we will be able to give out more defailed schedule.
What is the moral of the story? Even stupid mistakes lead good things when it comes to Wony.. Mmmhahahahaha.
New Kogurian Poet Tutor
by: Vini
-- 7:34 PM EST
It was just announced by Neul the choice of the new Koguryo Poet tutor that was chosen through the application process to suceed the work of WiKidWind on tutoring poets. Samuhuri PoeticTruth was the chosen one to be the new Poet Tutor of Koguryo and has been given his powers just now.
Thank you WiKidWind for your hard work and Congratulations PoeticTruth on your new position.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 74, Moon 5~
Druid bouquet quest bugged
As posted this morning on the community board
~ ~To the Community~~
As most of you have read in the post of our Elder Supply, the Druid Bouquet Quest was recently released. Unfortunately, there are some minor problems that need to be resolved. This is already reported and we trust the Gods will correct them soon. ^^
So for anyone who is stuck on the quest now, we do appologize and we hope you may resume it in the near future!
/|\ The Druid Path