Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened
while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old.
What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug
occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived
News section.
Nexus Atlas Staff Members! Thursday Meeting
by: TSWolf
-- 9:57 PM EST
This meeting is rather spur of the moment, but is mandatory. PLEASE contact me if you can't be there.
The meeting will take place Thursday, July 1st, at 10 pm EST. If you cannot make it, please let me know.. Some MAJOR things are going to be discussed.
All members should have the latest version of AIM so we can run chat flawlessly. Please message or nmail me your AIM name so I know who is who.
Warrior Tutor Applications - Update
by: Rachel
-- 12:44 AM EST
This application was posted on the community board by Charisse. She said that you can apply for both the Buya and Nagnang positions, but you should make a note of the one that you would prefer to have.
I am currently looking for the following:
Buya Warrior Tutor Nagnang Warrior Tutor
To apply for one of these positions, you must be living in, or be willing to move to the town you will be tutor of if you are accepted. You also must be a member of the path that you are applying for.
Applications will only be accepted until July 11th 12:00am PST. If your letter is time marked 7/11, you've sent it too late. Late applications will be deleted. The subject of the letter should be the position you are trying to obtain (please include the city).
Please send the following information to Charisse: ____________________________________________________________ -- Warrior Tutor Application --
- Name: - Postition You Are Applying For: - Positive Subpath Brandings: - Negative Subpath Brandings: - Jail Brandings/Last Justice Matter Brands: (Please explain these) - Previous leadership experience (Positions held in Kingdom etc. Please include references) - SubPath (if any): - Yuri Born/Real life length of time played: (Time played as this character/total length of time played on any character) - Level or Vita/Mana: - Average Time And Days On Nexus per week: - References: (Please check with people you will be using as references before you list them) - Comments: (Anything important Please Put Here)
____________________________________________________________ NOTE: If you plan to use another character's position for any part of your answers (i.e. I was a judge on another character) you must list that character's name. The same applies to comments such as "I've been playing for 4 years on different characters". All character names will be kept confidential and applications will only be read by Charisse.
Once your application has been received, you will receive a follow up letter notifying you of such. Should you have any questions, please contact Charisse.
Thank you, Charisse
The Artificial DeathPile and MORE! - Random Acts of Kindness Celebration
by: TSWolf
-- 10:39 PM EST
Currently our major Giveaways are as follows -
- Simply seeing a Random Act of Kindness, we give away cash and prizes.
- We have "fake" newbies wandering.. everywhere from level 1 to 99 and beyond, asking for assistance in some areas of the game. People who give it their best effort will be greatly rewarded.
Starting Sunday evening, a new giveaway is beginning. This one is called the Fake Deathpile. This fake deathpile may or may not include bonded items, items of value, or whatnot.. Some of them may just be 3 things. Either way, we will "stragetically" place this pile of items somewhere in the Nexus... In a cave or near some "Deadly" squirrels at S Gate Kugnae.. If a person should take the deathpile, then the game is over. On the other hand, if the person watches over the deathpile, or retrieves the belongings, and follows up with trying to find the person who OWNED the items in the deathpile, great rewards lie for these folks.
So keep an eye out for people who need help, stranded deathpiles, and just remember to give that average looking player a helping hand.
You don't know just who is holding lots of money and prizes.
And Better yet, even if they aren't.. You may make a lifelong friend just by sparing a few minutes you'd spend sitting at a gate anyway. So give it a shot!
Ice Shard Returned! ^.^
by: Rachel
-- 9:24 PM EST
Thank you very much to Vitamin (Pictured below) for returning Licht's Ice shard earlier today! ^.^

This lost item was quickly returned, but not everyone is so lucky. If you ever find a bonded item on the ground, it is a good idea to send an n-mail to its owner and ask if they would like it back or not. Accidents happen and you could lose something of yours in the future.
Lost Item - Ice Shard
by: TSWolf
-- 3:47 AM EST
Normally I wouldn't post on news about a lost item, but this is entirely my fault on someone elses behalf.
During the Kindness event yesterday, I had a number of Diamonds I was giving out. In that, I handed away a friends Bonded "Ice Shard" with the name Licht bonded to it.
If anyone sees this, please contact me or him. We will reward you for its safe return.
Flooded Fortress re-opened
by: Vini
-- 11:17 PM EST
The doors bug around the Flooded Fortress weren't fixed yet but archons gave us some credit for another try to use the Flooded Fortress without being abused. Just now, Head Archon Cerulean unlocked the doors around it but it will only stay open if people do not abuse it again.
So, for god sake, I hope people will take this chance well to just have the Flooded Fortress back available to us, do not abuse it or we'll lose it again.
Remember, bug abuse is a crime, that can ban people, do not play with this.
~Vini Normad'or~
Random Acts of Kindness
by: TSWolf
-- 8:52 PM EST
A person much wiser than I once said, A smile is contagious. Kindness rubs off. A small smile from one person to another can end up brightening 50 peoples days before its done.
We've embraced this philosophy and have introduced, today the "Random Acts of Kindness" series. Today was a premature test, but many thanks to those who PROVED its success.
Let's face it. The Nexus is at an all time depressing low. People simply aren't doing anything for anyone anymore. How do we plan to combat this? Simple. We find the ones who are keeping the kind spirit of Nexus alive and reward them.. Heavily.
Today I gave out over 1 million coins of my personal money to people who were helping others. Sure, I wouldn't doubt some did it for the sole sake of GETTING money.. But others went ABOVE and BEYOND the call of duty.. Sitting with newbies made by other people (Namely Renew. Thank you for making a newbie to get people!) and explaining what seemed to be dozens of little questions.. What may seem like everyday things to us but new to them..
One thing I regret not doing is writing down every name of people I handed stuff to. Next time, I will.. And I will probably take screenshots of everything done.
All I can say is this.. If this results in one person gaining one friend, then our mission is complete.
As the weeks go on, our Random Acts of Kindness handouts, which we give to people doing acts of kindness for no expectation of reward, we will be giving bigger prizes. We will appear on newbies, on our high levels, and sometimes just be invisible watching.
I will also ask that any clan/subpath/organization who wants to contribute to this, nmail TSWulf and I will be sure that we can see this be a huge success. In the end, I hope to have a kingdomwide vote to see who the TRUE kindest people in Nexus are, and hopefully shower them every way possible. I will also ration some of my staff with money to give away.
It's all about the kindness and making people happy. Its so much easier than making people upset. We're here on Nexus to have fun everyone, don't forget that. If you're not having fun, let's find a way to make you have fun!
Special Thanks also to Ranger Revengior for assisting me in finding people doing kind things.
And keep your eyes peeled. That newbie asking for help may be one of us. More times than not, it will be.
This was posted on the community board by Head Judge Tip. It has vital information regarding Judge Baltzen.
If you were arrested by Judge Baltzen in the last two days, send me a nmail telling me what for and also make a web page so I can check the jailing.
Do not report a jailing is you were not jailed.
Head Judge tip
By Webpage, he means "userpage" you can create this by clicking F1 and following the instructions.
Woodland caves are back! (edited#5)
by: Vini
-- 9:48 AM EST
After the today's reset that implemented the new Woodcutting system, we also noticed that the woodland caves are back!
We are currently checking out the changes that might have been done in the caves. For those who which to help complete this information please contact me to ask how can you help on it and remember always to screenshot your findings, we need proving of your words, rumors we are already full of hearing=)
The caves are: Ancient Ruins: Dogs and Spirits. (0073/0073) Level to enter: 21 Boss name: Master Mutter boss drop: Muddy potion
Flooded fortress: Snakes and octopus (0101/0147) Level to enter: 11 boss name:Aiy-Ary boss drop: none confirmed yet.
Frozen tundra: Bears and birds(0013/0058) Level to enter: 51 boss name: Dhaulagiri boss drop: none confirmed yet. Raheem desert: Scorpions, wasps and Skeletons (0002/0131) Level to enter: 61 boss name: Desert Wanderer boss drop: Desert spetum
Rosey Ridges: Rabbits (0015/0015) Level to enter: 41 boss name: Shee-Lee and Neesha boss drop: none confirmed yet.
Sandy Bridges:Lobsters and Flys (0061/0025) Level to enter: 31 boss name: Fire Lobster boss drop: no boss seen.
This post will be edited while we are collecting more information.
Thanks for your colaboration. Special thanks to Keaira, RoHon, Gingerbread, MegaManZ, Zerocold, Arkheal, Revengior, HeavenzDvl and Elrebril people who have been helping me on this.
~Vini Normad'or~
*edited by Vini*
Wield your Axes for woodcutting!
by: Vini
-- 8:56 AM EST
After many dreams of people and much waiting, Nexon finally released the new Woodcutting system, which now you no longer drop the axe and pick it up, like you do when mining, now you equip your axe and swing the trees.
It's easier to work with but might take a while for people to adapt to it.

It seems the new system isn't very stable yet, as was posted by Delphi on Dreamweavers board. Hopefully they'll have it fixed in the next few hours like he said.
~Vini Normad'or~
Minor FTP Problems - NForums Progress
by: TSWolf
-- 1:56 AM EST
Theres some minor FTP programs which have caused FURTHER delays on the release of NexusForums. We were hoping to have it up 2 weeks ago. I hope all can be resolved within the next couple days.
Once again I apologize for all the time this is taking.
New Do elder chosen
New elder "deeply honored" to be ascended
 Masana, the third elder of the Do subpath.
BUYA -- An announcement was made this evening by HwarangDo keely, stating that the eldership has been passed. In keely's announcement, she encouraged the kindgoms to rejoice as Do Masana of Nagnang had ascended to become the third elder of the Do.
In an exclusive statement made to NexusAtlas, the new elder said that he was "deeply honored by two things: first that Elder keely would trust me to be capable of leading the path in the first place," and second, "that among all of the Masters who were all qualified, I am honored that she chose me."
Elder Masana hopes to do his best for his subpath, especially in these trying times where the future of subpaths as a whole is flanked by uncertainty. "I hope to continue training and emphasizing our main basic codes: humility, patience, and honesty." On the quota, Masana believes that "all paths, guides, and elders can choose to live with it or die without it. The Do choose to live." The elder is confident that the positive presence of the Do in the community at large, as well as a positive pattern of growth and "strengthening the roots" of the subpath, will be maintained.
The elder likened the Do to a hundred-year-old tree: "huge, an awesome sight if you understand and appreciate it. But if you walk away from the tree, and ten years later return, it will look mostly the same, barring any natural occurrance. But it has grown, and underground at the roots it has spread and become even stronger, only you can not see it."
On behalf of NexusAtlas, I would like to congratulate keely on her term as elder, and extend my best wishes to Masana for a prosperous eldership.
King SuroKim of Kaya
by: MarekP
-- 8:45 AM EST
To the courts of His Royal Majesty King Yuri of Koguryo, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Senshi of Buya, and His Royal Highness Prince Kija of Nagnang:
It would appear that a time of darkness looms over the horizon. It has come to our attention that a pair of powerful magic users, by the names of Lady Yieta and Master Wiyae, have made incursions into the Three Kingdoms under the pretense that they represent the Kingdom of Kaya.
This is not so.
Lady Yieta and Master Wiyae are not citizens of Kaya. Of that we can be absolutely certain. However, we remain uncertain of their point of origin.
With regards to Lady Yieta, we have been informed that she masqueraded as an ambassador from my kingdom, and even went so far as to profess to being our Minister of Culture. Again, this is not so.
With regards to Master Wiyae, it is known that he is a treacherous murderer, wanted for the slaying of thousands of innocent Kayan citizens. He is a magician of no small power, and if ever he is encountered again, we advise utmost caution. He has posed a threat to our kingdom in the past, and we fear that your great nations are at risk as well.
We are dismayed to learn that these two malefactors have succeeded in tarnishing the reputation of our kingdom by fraudulently representing Kaya. However, we beseech you to understand that they are our enemy as well and understand that such acts are not tolerated under our crown.
Anyone who dares to make the suggestion that Wiyae and Yieta hail from my kingdom will be deemed an enemy of the Kingdom of Kaya and jailed for treason if ever he or she sets foot in our nation.
Furthermore, consider a warrant issued against Wiyae and Yieta for the crime of treason against the Kingdom of Kaya.
By my hand,
Suro of the House of Kim
King of Kaya
House bug
by: Rachel
-- 5:14 PM EST
I'm writing this because I didn't quite understand the house bug that existed. I thought it just wasn't sending out notification n-mails. (It may or may not, I really don't know)
Do not renew your house right now. There's a bug where you will lose it. This just happened to me after I paid for several months of rent. =/
If you get the notice from Nexon that you need to pay your rent, here is my suggestion: (I don't know if it will help though. o.o)
-Choose the option to make sure that you live and wake up in your house. -Invite at least one of your other characters to live and wake up in your house. -Pay for 1 month and only 1 month of rent.
My other characters that did wake up in the house still do, so it might work that way if the owner of the house wakes up there. Only pay for 1 month because it might steal the money and the house. =/
Dark forest passages found (again)
by: Conro
-- 12:21 PM EST
After a short downtime after the last event (Ice Forest), the Dark Forest was impassable. Those aspiring to get shields couldn't.
The Dark forest, as of yesterday, has reopened, and works just fine. Those of you wishing to get your shields -- go! :)
by: Rachel
-- 11:12 PM EST
Several item prices were changed. If you disagree with any item values, please send an e-mail to Rachel_NA@hotmail.com or n-mail "Rachel" in the game.
There's still some problems with NA, but whenever it's all working, I'll start adding all of those new game items to their respective pages.
Lots of Bugs
by: MarekP
-- 6:34 PM EST
Wow, we have alot of Bugs going on here in Nexus...
House Renewal Bug Dog Spell Bug Dark Forest Bug Possible Shield quest bug A Chongun with 4 bill. positive or negative arrests.. People with Old sage warning still unable to get robes after change. (thank you MarekP for that one :P)
If I am missing something or something has been fixed.. Please list them.. Because this sounds like an infestation of bugs... Help get the Exterminator out here.
As posted by Charlamayn on Community Board.
-General MarekP
Royals Returned!
Prince M'hul of Koguryo sent out his messengers for all of the lands to meet at the Koguryo Courtyard inside the Palace. Upon arrival, Prince M'hul makes it clear, that an offer was created. The offer from Tutor Wiyae. Prince M'hul needed a consensus of the kingdoms if he should take this offer into consideration. We have already been hurt by the actions of Yieta, and can we trust any Kayan's anymore... upon consensus, the community agreed.
 Prince M'hul accepts Wiyae's offer of help.
On moving to a different room, the Tutor Wiyae, let us know he... was also an accomplished painter. Carefully stroking every move, he created a portrait of Yieta on a canvas. Out of nowhere, the powers of the paint summon Yieta to the palace. Furious with Wiyae, she immediately puts a curse on him.
To all of our horror, Yieta has started to burn the portrait of Prince Kija and Princess Lasahn.
 Wiyae succumbs to the power of Yieta.
With a miracle, Wiyae gathers himself together and shows he has just as much, if not more power than Yieta. As all great witch's and warlock's have their chants, this... was Wiyae's.
Tower o'er the banished soul, Hatreds only light, Cover over the anguished soul, Cast her into the night, -extinguishes the fire-
Cries like a banshee were made when the powers took hold of Yieta. She quickly retreated, but with a fair warning that she would be back.
 Wiyae chants a spell to banish Yieta.
With horror and dispair, the community makes sure the painting of Prince Kija and Princess Lasahn has not been damaged. Wiyae, taking up the portrait, paints Prince M'hul's picture inside it, and sets it back down. Like clockwork, the two missing royals appear out of thin air.
 Prince Kija and Princess Lasahn are reunited with friends and citizens.
Upon finding out that Wiyae was the one who saved them, Prince Kija... was baffled. He tells of Wiyae, a murderer and traitor to Kaya. The murderer... of thousands. Baffled by this, Princess Lasahn questions why the armies were not summoned before hand to rid the lands of his evil.
Before anyone could focus their attention back to Wiyae... he vanished.
As mysterious this may be, the royals are back, safe and sound...
Yieta On the Run!
by: Lalia
-- 11:00 AM EST
Last night, while Lady Yieta was staying at the Koguryo palace, Prince M'hul asked her if she'd like to paint his portrait.
Lady Yieta happily agreed, and the pair met in the theatre in Kugnae. When Yieta got out her paints, M'hul noticed something strange about them: they were bubbling!
Realizing that paints don't normally bubble, Prince M'hul asked Lady Yieta what kind of paints they were. She called them by name, and when the prince said that such paints were unfamiliar to him, Lady Yieta forced a laugh and said, "They would be." She then asked him to sit still so that she could begin his portrait.
M'hul's curiosity was piqued, though. He started to rummage around in Yieta's bag and discovered a portrait with Princess Lasahn and Prince Kija in it, together! Their expressions were quite gloomy. Prince M'hul started to ask many questions then, and Yieta tried to evade answering them until she finally snatched the portrait away from M'hul, screamed "FOOL!" and ran away.
The Prince has asked the KRA to find Yieta, and they are probably in that process right now. Then, he called for Kiyuu (remember, he's the mortal who is in love with the immortal Shoshun of Spring, Ichiji[Father Time]'s daughter). Kiyuu seemed to know a lot about Yieta, but said that he has been doubting himself a lot lately, and that is why he never spoke up until now.
Kiyuu told M'hul (and the rest of us) that Yieta was a powerful sorceress of Kaya and was engaged to Prince Kija. She gave him the choice between ruling Nagnang and being her husband, and Kija decided to rule Nagnang, for his parents' sake.
Just then, a person by the name of Wiyae (thanks to Mirfors for the correct spelling) showed up and offered his help. Wiyae claimed to be a tutor from Kaya, and said that he could remove Yieta's curse, but M'hul was not about to trust another person that he did not know.
Thanks to Mirfors, here is a picture of Wiyae:

Just what is Yieta trying to accomplish? Could this be about revenge? And who is this Wiyae and what does he want? Stay tuned...
Legend additions and Rune change
by: Conro
-- 5:22 PM EST
With the latest reset, occuring around 6:30 PM EST, a few additions have been made.
- Extention to your legend, with marks showing you made progress to find Ugh, and another to show if you helped stop the tiger invasion - Rune graphic change, to a small gem, in the colour which represents that totem animal. (Baekho - White, Ju jak - Red, Chung ryong - Blue, Hyun moo - Black)
 Pictured above are the additions to your legend, and the new graphic of the Baekho rune
Perhaps more is to come this weekend, and we'll finally find why Bluestone and Nyog are speaking with each other? Time will tell...
- Conro
Rune Graphic Change
by: MarekP
-- 4:42 PM EST
Today we have also changed the graphics used for the rune items gained from the last event. While we did not think that the graphics represented anything offensive we felt that since some people did, and others felt like using it to offend others and gain attention, it was best to change the graphic to avoid any possible problems.
Event Token Changes
by: MarekP
-- 4:42 PM EST
Based on comments from the event tokens during this event we are going to make a few changes to the system for the next event.
First the amount of tokens will be increased slightly, mainly for the harder to solve parts of the events.
Also the group of the first person to do a part of the event will also get tokens. This way it will not be a totally solo reward, and if you work as part of a group you will all enjoy the rewards together.
They are gone!?!
by: Vini
-- 8:39 PM EST
This afternoon the Horse-rider messenger Kabocha showed up again in Kugnae to bring terrible news. He started shouting things around the lands then stopped to post on Chronicles of the Winds this unfortunate message:
A most dreadful thing has happened! After much searching, it has come to be discovered that our beloved Prince Kija, as well as the lovely Princess Lasahn, are both missing!
We were unsure as to Prince Kija's status until now, but upon finding the Princess of Buya non-existant as well, there can be no more room for doubt! Please, good people of the realm, if you hear any news at all as to their whereabouts, let the kingdoms know!
Something must be done, the future of both Nagnang and Buya are at risk!
Short after that Yieta came to the lands looking for Princess Lasahn, since she didn't find the princess, she seemed to be a bit conformed of what she though that happened, looks like Prince Kija and Princess Lasahn might have ran away together:
Dear citizens of Buya and Vicinity,
As it is known through the lands, I, the Culture Minister of Kaya and Royal Artist, was proceeding last night with one of my finest works -- a painting of Princess Lasahn of Buya.
Unfortunally the Princess had to leave before I had finished, and headed towards her chambers. Oddly enough, I decided to eye the Princess down the passage-way, and noticed her confront a hooded figure. She did not return to her chambers. Instead she followed the hooded figure. Strangely enough, the figure of the hooded individual resembled Prince Kija.
I could only hear a short part of their conversation, which I believe might have great importance to where she might have gone to. I heard her emphasizing "forgotten places," and after reading Messenger Kabocha's warning, I speculate she may have gone into the dark areas of the newly discovered Woodlands. The Princess was so willing to follow the hooded individual, so it furthers my speculation that the hooded individual was indeed Prince Kija! But... it was difficult to see the hooded individual's face because of his hooded visage. I'm worried about returning to my homeland, the roads of Nagnang seem dangerous these days. I do hope that these strange happenings here do not get repeat in peaceful Kaya.
Please community, find Princess Lasahn and Prince Kija before something awful happens. They shouldn't have gone too far into the woodlands.
For peace between our lands.
One who didn't like this at all was Prince Mhul, who quickly showed up to see what's going on and seems quite worried about the Royals of the other kingdoms. Some people believe he's jealous about the 2 going away together, but most preffer to believe that he's just concerned with the well-being of the two other kingdoms, here's his post on follow up of Yieta's:
Citizens of all the lands:
Messenger Kabocha informs me that Princess Lasahn and Prince Kija, are missing. The Palaces have been searched and the grounds around the palace.
I call upon the Citizens of the Koguryo to go and check all the buildings and forest of the different lands and attempt to find the Princess and Prince.
The KRA needs to assist by providing protection to the citizens as they go about the search.
I have invited Lady Yieta to come and stay with me in Koguryo for her safety.
All hail King Yuri! Long live Koguryo!
Thank you for your support, M'hul Prince of Koguryo
Let's hope the Royals can be found soon and hope they are not in danger.
~Vini Normad'or~
Follow up on Rune stats
Special thanks to Besso and PrincesReina for giving me pictures and statistics.
Ju Jak Rune: Durability: 50,000/50,000 Armor: -10 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Mana increase: 150 Will increase: 4 Healing increase: 15 Peasant Level 11
Baekho Rune: Durability: 50,000/50,000 Armor -10 Hit:0 Dam:0 Vita:75 Mana:75 Grace:4 Healing:15
The rest of the Event walkthrough
by: Vini
-- 9:18 AM EST
If you followed up to the walkthrough posted by Tswulf you'll end up with the last part being in Nyog's hut. To reach there it can be really annoying but surely if you see the Family of Nyog, Hyth and Qwng talking you'll see that up to now all your effort was worth it. I can't really remember another episode of Nexus events with such a funny part.

The rest of the event can be found on community board posted by Gentlebreeze, here's a copy of it:
7.Once you have seen that message that part of the event is filled. You leave the window by pressing ---> and then down. Make your way back around the ogre guard facing down and follow the same route you used to get to the window. This time, go down around the trees you see hugging the left wall. This lets you get behind the ogre guard facing down. He is standing infront of a cave entrance. You want to go in there.
8. Now you must navigate through the caves. The first half dozen rooms have one door, so not to worry. Eventually, i believe it is four rooms into the caverns you will come to a room that has 4 exits. shaped like an X. You want to go into the top left exit. The top right and bottom right lead in a big circle so its pointless to go that way. Once you have gone into the top left door go the rest of the way until you get to a room with a large pen with ogres in it. (REMEMBER! You are dead so the guard in here cant see you. Nice isnt it?)
9. Go up to the troughs at the top of the cave and press ; this will tell you that its a pile of raw meat, and that its a trough. when you get that in your event log box over your statistics, you are finished in the cave for now.
10. First off go to Chonsa, the big tiger in the cave in Buya that gives Earth Tiger mail to Warriors. He is directly above the buya fox cave, about 30 paces north, around some houses. Go inside and say "Snow tiger". He will tell you a story about them being immortal and how they could take the shape of their masters and that their power comes from their pelts.
11. Gather these items. 2 amber 2 rat meat 2 fine snake meat.
12. Now for the hard part. Go to Buya vale. Once inside, go north until you see a bridge. Cross the bridge and then go north a little while, about 10 steps and turn west. You will see a rock with flags sticking out of it. Walk over the top of it, and walk down into it. You will warp to a new area in vale and see another simular rock. Walk down into that. You will now warp to a new area with tigers in it.
13. Go to your right, then up, then right again. Eventually you will see the base of the mountain. Keep going right along the bottom of the mountain then turn north. Continue north, turning east as need be, until you find a set of stairs. Go up them and then into the cave mouth. Now you should be on wisdom's ascent.
14. Walk up and then right across the river under the water fall. Continue up the stairs on the right side and into the hole in the wall. From here its all just a straight path. Continue going until you get to the Mountain top and you see the wise old npc. Say "Snow tiger" to him. He will tell you about poison and tell you what to bring him.
15. Continue through the pop ups and give him the items you brought. He will give you tiger poison.
16. Go back to vale and die again. (It is easiest to get through dead, but you are risking having to wait for a poet to come that can self rez themself. Ive been here 10 hours helping people in cave 7, but i cant come to your other caves.)
17. Make your way back through the forest, carefully going back around the trees on the left side of the screen when you get past the 3rd moving gaurd. Go behind the old guard facing down and back into the caverns. After you are inside, make your way back to the X room and into top left entrance. Make your way back to the Tiger pens.
(Here is where you will have problems. You have to be alive to do this portion of the event.)
18. Hopefully you will get lucky enough to have a poet there who can rez you. I am trying to get a monk there from each cave who is willing to stay and meditate while you come. You go into the tiger pen room. Get yourself rez'd. Go up to the top of the room where the troughs are and drop your poison infront of them. It will dissapear. (REMEMBER you have to do this while the guard is walking away from you. If he sees you you will be jailed.)
19. After you have dropped your poison, go around the pen until you find the guard walking around. stay atleast 4 steps behind him to be safe from jail and walk hugging the edge of the pens. Eventually he will throw food in the pen and the tigers will die. At that point you will get a snow tiger pelt in your inventory.
20. Ok, you have the tiger pelt now and it will turn you into an ogre for 300 seconds so dont use it yet. I reccomend that you gate after you get the pelt, then go back to vale and die again.
21. Make your way back to the room with the old guards that dont move and hug the wall on the left back around until you are behind the ogre guard facing down. Make your way over to the edge of the house. You can be over there against it but remember that you can only be two steps down from the wall. otherwise its jail.
(Here is where it gets tricky. You need to get rezzed right there by someone.)
22. At this point you want to use your tiger pelt and get transformed into an ogre. THE TIGERS WILL STILL ATTACK YOU! however, the guards wont send you to jail. Hopefully the good monk that rezzed you will also immobilize the tigers with their secret arts. While they are paralized, run into the door of the house.
23. CONGRATULATIONS! you are almost done now! Go up to the table and walk across the top of it back and forth getting the pop ups. They are letters from Nyog to bluestone and back.
Here is the correspondance:
Ogre Nyog,
Your army has arrived, and will make a good addition to the army. They are a little disorderly, and not used to taking orders from me. Please send one of your captains to help them get in order, or I will not be able to use them, and I will not be able to pay you for your service.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Nyog,
Thank you for your gifts of these traitors. I will make sure they are 'well' taken care of at the work site. With the right motivation they are actually pretty good workers! Just to add insult to injury I even named one of my ships after the oafs wife, he wasn't as appreciative as he should have been so I ordered his food to be stopped for a while. Anyways, don't worry about them, I will make sure they do not get away.
Bluestone ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Bluestone,
I am glad to hear that you got the traitors, but even more happy that we caught them before they were able to warn anybody about my plan. As for the plans how does everything go with you? Are you on schedule for the arrival of our friend? If you need more help let me know, I will send some strong Ogre workers to help.
Nyog. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ogre Nyog,
I know your army has been sent to me, however I would like to know the strength of the army that I will face. Can you send someone to scout for me? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sir,
I have started to breed some of our immortal snow tigers, and once they are ready I will send them out to scout and bring me back news of the lands. They will also help to soften the army you will face, and will cause great chaos in the lands. I have also prepared some special armor for the army which I will send with my son.
24. That should help us for the next part of the event. Now, Say the password nyagonguna.
25. You will recieve your Rune then. So far as I know it is all random. So trade with others for the one you like best ^^
Special thanks to Gentlebreeze, Paranoid, Phalance and KingofSpades for working on this walkthrough.
~Vini Normad'or~
Bronze Circlet - Token Prize
With new items from the event, of course new items would come from the tokens! Portal informed me that he had a Bronze Circlet that he bought from the librarians for 5 tokens. From what we know here at Nexus Atlas, there are no other "items" from the token system yet.

Bronze Circlet Stats: Armor: -1 50 vita 50 mana 11 healing increase Peasent level 11
Special thanks to Portal for posting the stats, and letting me take a screenshot.
What we know so far...
With the completion of the Ogre event by Kydra and Mortalis, they have decided to withhold the event walkthrough. Here are the pictures, along with the stats, of the "runes" that you get for completing the event.
Chung Ryong Stats: 50000/50000 Armor:-10 Hit:0 Dam:0 Vitality increase:150 Might increase:4 Healing increase:15 Peasant Level 11
Hyun Moo Stats: Durability: 50000/50000 AC -10 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Will Incrase: 4 Healing: 25 Peasant level 11
The following is a post of Mortalis, giving us a few clues about how to finish the event.
Myself and a few others, who have solved the event to a very far extent, but we do not believe we are done, so we will not reveal the steps we have followed due to Tokens. As well, we are also stong believers of allowing people to solve these events on their own, and not benifit from from their own Lazyness. However, We also do not believe that an event such as this should sweep through the Kingdom withought the majority of the kingdom not being able to solve it, so we will give you a few small hints, so we will be able to Keep ahead and gain the tokens we deserve, for completing these steps first.
Clue: At the step the majority of the kingdoms is at, you will need to fuse 3 items, to create a new item which will help you.
Once we have seen that most people have gotten past this, we will post another Clue.
Good Hunting!
From here, we are yet again, stuck.
Merchant Applications Re-Open
Merchant Elder Ilios, along with the Merchant Guild of Koguryo, have opened back the admissions for the Merchants. The following post was scribed on the community board.
It is with great pleasure, that I announce that the Merchants will now be taking requests for training. During the past yuri the path has transformed to better accomodate hopefuls, and provide more services to the community.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Merchant path, please contact any Merchant Guide.
The following are best equipped to handle requests:
Dementia | Ficey | Greatvalor | Warik | AphroditeXO | Sephranos Coldsun | Elrebril | Numptie | Tamo
These Guides are availible to help any persons interested in joining our beloved path.
We hope that your training and trials be eventful and enlightening.
Ilios Merchant Elder
Ugh's letter
by: Conro
-- 8:24 PM EST
A mighty thanks to XuNuKa for stumbling across this information.
Using the creation system, combine a Blank stationary and a Coal, to create Ugh's letter
The contents of the letter are as follows...
I am writing to you with some great urgency. Recently the entire Ogre army has been ordered to prepare to march. The only ones to remain behind are the very old, which have poor sight and hearing and can do little in a great battle, and the ones guarding the Amber mines, as well as the Arctic caverns. Nyog has replaced the majority of the guards with snow tigers, and is trusting the defense of his realm to them. They are very strong beasts
I do not know why this order was given, but they are expected to march out on the the 1st day of the first moon, Yuri 66 to a location I do not know.
Once I have sent this letter my wife and I will head to Nyog's camp, and will try to get more information concerning this sudden move, as soon as we find anything out we will send you further information.
Also, I have news about Bluestone! It seems he is planning antoher raid on your lands, but is having trouble with ano
((There is no more to the letter, it seems that the writer was disrupted while writing it. ))
Further anaylsis of the letter has shown nothing. Studies of it's contents, along with past information, confirm many of the following
- The Tigers are indeed the only defense in the cavern - Bluestone will return, but is still being troubled with 'another ship'; most likely the Panda. - Nyog is marching west, the first Moon of the First Month, Yuri 66 (Typo possibly? Maybe Yuri 67??)
More information is still being collected. Best of luck to those actually HELPING with this event.
- Conro
Also, a Side note. Please DO NOT bother me with questions about this event. Unless you wish to share news or a theory with me, don't bother mentioning the event to me. This goes for myself and the rest of the staff.
Event Tokens
by: Conro
-- 12:46 AM EST
Event Tokens are given to those who find 'core' elements of the event. I was the 'first' to find the information pertaining to the 'Blank stationary' in Ugh's hut. Event tokens are supposed to be given as soon as the first person finds a 'core element' in an event, as a sort of reward for sacrificing good experiance hunts, or time from their life to help others.
I was awarded two event tokens, which allowed me to do the following at the Library...

This system works the best when if you solve one piece of the event, to share your findings, and hopefully move on to the next. It's near impossible to collect the all 'Event Tokens' in a single event. With more heads together, things get solved quicker.
Good luck to everyone in this event!
Update on Event: - Time of day/night does not effect ogre vision like in the last event (last event Ogre guards were 'invisable' things). - 90% confirmed the top hut above Nyog's home is Nyog's office. We need to find a way up there, but it might not be able to happen JUST YET.
Keep working at it... we'll solve this one!
- Conro
Arctic Caverns Walkthrough Thus Far
by: TSWolf
-- 8:56 PM EST
1. Go to Ugh's Hut in Hamyong Namdo and say "Ugh".
2. Go to Redcap Messanger in Kugnae and say "Ugh".
3. Go to Arctic Village, Northwest Corner.. Enter the event. Go up about 3 rooms or 4 rooms until you get into a room with ALOT of tigers that are walking through the trees. This can be seen by walking to the NorthWest corner of the room.
4. Navigate through those trees. They walk in a Zig Zag downward pattern following the tree line in a south-easternly fashion. It will make a short turn north towards cave, which is Ugh's hut.
5. In Ugh's hut, walk up to the desk. It will ask you if you would like to take a piece of Ugh's Stationary.. Say "Yes". You will recieve Blank Stationary.
6. Work your way out, and instead of going through the trees, follow the path in the room East, then up the Zig Zag North East Walk and you will be at the top of the map and see Dark snow. This will lead to the next room.
7. Up two rooms from that are the Guards. They march back and forth. You basically have to walk BEHIND them. Hit F4 (Realm Center) and walk to the bottom of your screen, and hit it again to turn it back on. This will allow you to center your character at the bottom of your screen. Use this to see when the ogres are walking away.
-- If you should get jailed, Just click the guard until he tosses you out and sends you back to the taverns --.
The first path is easy. Walk North West. Best accomplished with ogre walking West away from you.
The second path is literally straight up. Best accomplished with ogre walking West away from you.
The third path is tricky. You MUST have realm centered yourself to the bottom to see this ogre. Now, wait until hes almost directly above you FACING <-- West. Follow him very closely because the door is at the top and VERY far west, almost to the point he turns and faces you.
Now you will be in Ogre village. It won't seem it right away but, there are 3 ogres guarding the city. Be careful here.. Simply hug the west wall and work your way up behind the ogre guarding the door and into the door.
8. Now you must navigate through the caves. The first half dozen rooms have one door, so not to worry. Then there comes a room with 4 ways.. NorthWest, NorthEast, SouthEast, SouthWest. The East side are a BIG circle, so go to the NORTH WEST (That's Top Left <-- ) Door. This will ultimately take you to a tiger pit where an Ogre is feeding tigers, who are all invulnerable.
9. Navigate your way BACK to ogre village. You will notice if you click on ogres, it tells them about being Old. Keep this in mind, it will play a part in the future of the quest.
10. Go down to where the last pacing ogre was (The Third one you had to run by) and you should be at the entrance to the small village. There are 2 huts on the East side -->. You need to get to the EAST side of the BOTTOM hut, but to do this you must be careful. Slowly make your way SLIGHTLY north and slightly east. Note there is an OGRE that is EAST IN FRONT of that hut so BE CAREFUL NOT TO GO TOO FAR EAST.. And ditto to North. Now, slowly make your way between these two ogres ranges (Ogres have a range of about 10 forward and 5 on the sides, so imagine a square like this --
Range --
1 2 3 4 5 Ogre(Facing ->)1234567890 5 4 3 2 1
Now, once you make your way stealthly behind the ogre guarding the bottom hut, move your little but to the east side of the house and walk up to the window.
There will be a dialog between 3 ogres playing inside. They are a family of ogres. Sit there for about 3 minutes to absorb all they say. Couple things they say -
1. The "New armor" for the ogre army is in the Office (Which we ASSUME is the top hut). 2. The password for the new armor is "nyagonguna". 3. The Army is forming in the west and is to be led by the Son.
From here, we are trying to strategically move to the top hut. We'll keep you informed.
A big thank you to all who helped so far.. These people are the ones who truly deserved the event tokens.
Nogh needs information
by: MarekP
-- 4:00 PM EST
Dear citizens,
Recently I have received a letter from Nogh, the kindly Ogre merchant in Hamgyong Nam-Do. He has asked if I, or anybody else, has any information concerning his friend Ugh who he has not heard from for some time.
Anybody with information about Ugh please speak to Nogh, as he is very worried.
Thank you, Spirit Guide Eldridge
Event Tokens
by: MarekP
-- 3:55 PM EST
This event will be the start of an "Event token" system.
The librarians have become interested in the progress and stories from the events, and as certain parts of the event are completed they will award tokens based on several factors. Not every part will give a token, and some parts will award more tokens than others. These tokens are only given to the first person (in any level) to solve that part of the event.
If you receive a token during the event you will be able to redeem the tokens at the library by saying "token" to the NPC there at any time, during or after the event.
As the number of tokens you have increases the more, and better, the options you will have to trade your tokens for. You can choose to trade your tokens in for something small, or save up for something better.
Event Cave Levels
by: MarekP
-- 3:55 PM EST
After the last pirate event we have made some changes to the event levels. We have added 2 new levels in the middle to address over crowding in one level, and an extremely large level range in the other.
With this change the requirements to get into the different levels have been adjusted. We hope that this will allow more people to enjoy the events as there will be less of a crowd in any one level, and the creatures they face will be more suited to their level and experience.
Lady Yieta seeks refuge in Buya!
by: Lalia
-- 10:15 PM EST
Tonight, the voice of Lady Yieta could be heard around the Kingdoms. She was calling out to Prince Kija, who had gone missing just as Lady Yieta was about to finish painting his portrait.
In tears, Lady Yieta came to the steps of the Buyan Palace. Drawn by Lady Yieta's cries, Princess Lasahn came out to greet her, and to find out what was bothering her so much.
 Princess Lasahn meets Lady Yieta in front of the Buyan Palace.
Lady Yieta explained that she was afraid that Prince Kija had gone into hiding because he might be ashamed at what he had done to her. Princess Lasahn asked if Prince Kija had hurt Lady Yieta in any way. "In a way, he did," Lady Yieta said. "You know, once Kija and I were very close, we were even engaged, but Kija had to make a decision after both his parents died."
Lady Yieta went on to tell us how Prince Kija had to decide between ruling the Kingdom of Nagnang, or moving to Kaya to be her husband, and live his life as a commoner. "I guess everyone here knows the decision he made," Lady Yieta said, with tears in her eyes. "I guess that I should just go back to Kaya and forget about this," she said sadly.
Sympathetically, Princess Lasahn invited Lady Yieta to stay at the Buyan Palace for a while. Lady Yieta agreed, saying that "I think that it will be good for me to stay a bit here." She then offered to paint Princess Lasahn's portrait, as a means of thanks for her hospitality. Princess Lasahn agreed.
Arrangements were quickly made, and Princess Lasahn took Lady Yieta on a short tour of the palace and the library, accompanied by a small group of Buyan troops. Lady Yieta almost wandered into the rat-infested caves in the rear of the library, but many citizens warned her of the dangers in time.
Next, Princess Lasahn took Lady Yieta to Buya's east gate and described how much fun it can be to go on a fox hunt. She suggested that perhaps Lady Yieta would like to participate in one during her stay in Buya.
Also, the Dharma clan invited both Lady Yieta and Princess Lasahn to their clan hall, but Lady Yieta was very tired from her journeys around the Kingdoms, and fatigued by her tears. She and Princess Lasahn said their goodbyes and departed for the palace, discussing plans for the portrait-painting as they went.
Poetry Board - Back!

The poetry board which has been with us since the beginning of time. (Or as far as I can remember). Has been wiped of all its posts. This is what it looks like now, stripped of all its glory.
Have the gods done this purposely, or is it a bug?
Edit: The Poetry board is now back and fully working, no posts were lost from it, seems it was just a bug and Delphi fixed this morning.
*posted edited by Vini*
Yieta takes a stroll
 Ambassador of Kaya - Lady Yieta decided that it would be a fine day to take a stroll in the kingdoms of Koguryo and Nagnang. The walk through Koguryou was mighty fine until we got to the kingdom of Nagnang. The weather had turned on her strolling company, and turned nasty. The clouds opened up and rain poured down on the Ambassador and her company. Moving along through Nagnang from the palace, to the hills, and finally to a tree near the south gate. The Ambassador wished to sit down and draw the flowers and animals of the kingdoms. After a small sketch, she needed to head back to the palace to rest and finish her drawing of Prince Kija where she could concentrate on the days events.
Tutor Applications Open
by: MarekP
-- 9:03 PM EST
We are currently looking for the following:
Kugnae Mage Tutor Buya Mage Tutor Nagnang Mage Tutor
To apply for one of these positions, you must be living in, or be willing to move to the town you will be tutor of if you are accepted. You also must be a member of the path that you are applying for.
Applications will only be accepted until June 16th 12:00am PST (if your letter is time marked 6/17, you've sent it too late) applications received late will be deleted.
Please send the following information to both Shonen and Charisse:
=================================================== #################Tutor Application#################### ===================================================
NOTE: Send application to BOTH Shonen and Charisse. Also the topic of the letter should be the position you are trying to obtain.
Name: Postition You Are Applying For: Positive Subpath Brandings: Negative Subpath Brandings: Jail Brandings/Last Justice Matter Brands (Explain if any): Previous leadership experience (positions held in Kingdom etc please include references) SubPath (if any): Yuri Born/Real life length of time played (Time played as this character/total length of time played on any character): Level or Vita/Mana: Average Time And Days On Nexus per week: References: (Please check with people you will be using as references before you use them) Comments: (Anything Important Please Put Here) ===================================================
PS: If you are going to use another character's position ie: "I was a shaman guide on another char" Please tell me that character's name. The same applies to "I've been playing since beta on diff chars" Please expect a follow up letter after you send your application in.
Please ensure you send a copy of your application to both of us.
Thank you, -Shonen and Charisse
Dancing & merriment in Nagnang
by: Lalia
-- 9:19 PM EST
The gathering at Nagnang Palace went off without a hitch tonight ((at 9:30 PM EST)). Many people came to enjoy dinner, dancing, and the company of royalty.
In attendence were Prince M'hul of Koguryo, Princess Lasahn of Buya, Prince Kija of Nagnang, and Lady Yieta of Kaya. A small retinue of army members accompanied each. Throughout it all, the Forsaken looked on nervously.
 At center, from left: Princess Lasahn, Prince M'hul, Prince Kija and Lady Yieta of Kaya greet one another at the party.
Right off, the royals seemed to act strangely. Kija was entranced with Lady Yieta's new perfume, and complimented Princess Lasahn on how lovely she looked. When Lady Yieta asked why everyone was not dancing yet, M'hul asked Princess Lasahn to dance even though there was no music playing yet.
"I've been feeling better lately, and I wanted to bring the kingdoms here to celebrate that with me," said Prince Kija as he greeted his guests.
Princess Lasahn congratulated Prince Kija on his return to good health. She also said that she had heard that Lady Yieta was his bride, and inquired as to why they were not wearing engagement rings.
"Bride?" Lady Yieta said, looking uncomfortable.
"We are dear friends of many years," affirmed Prince Kija, who then quickly called for the band to strike up a waltz.
Several citizens incessantly predicted doom, imbalance, and other assorted tragedies for the night, but the worst thing that happened was that Prince Kija kept stealing Prince M'hul's dancing partners, cutting in while he danced with Princess Lasahn and Lady Yieta. Both times, this seemed to hurt the Prince's feelings. Indeed, he cold be heard muttering something about being "the third wheel."
At one point, Prince Kija expressed his deep gratitude to Lady Yieta for being there for him in his moment of weakness. "I am in your debt," he professed. Later, Lady Yieta said to Prince Kija, "It is good to be at your side again." At that, Princess Lasahn pointedly remarked that it is obvious that Prince Kija and Lady Yieta have some sort of history, but Prince Kija merely cleared his throat and moved the conversation elsewhere.
As the party wound down and people started to go home, Lady Yieta called Minister Starrbrite to her side. She said that it was nice to meet the nice Minister that Empress Jeewon had mentioned. They then discussed how the Empress was doing. Lady Yieta said that since King Suro was on the throne, Empress Jeewon had more time to herself.
All in all, a good time was had by many.
A bit of of Kayan history
In light of the recent appearance of Lady Yieta from Kaya, some curiosity has been expressed with regards to some finer points of Kayan history. This is especially pertinent with respect to Lady Yieta's drapery being engraved, "Imperial Kaya," while Kaya is otherwise referred to as a kingdom.
Until a relatively short while ago, Kaya was, indeed, a small empire -- effectively, a collection of tribal kingdoms -- ruled by a nine-member council of elders, called the kugan, which underpinned an imperial family. At the turn of the most recent decade, however, tragedy befell the imperial household. Following the death of her imperial parents, the imperial crown was passed to the young Empress Jeewon. The young empress was plagued with an odd dream, which led to an ominous augury that suggested that her imperial rule would be cut short. Her steadfast demeanor masked any natural insecurity which would stem from being thrust into such a position in the midst of such circumstances, let alone any fear of insurrection while the imperial crown was vulnerable. Empress Jeewon made a journey of diplomacy to Koguryo, with the intent of forging an alliance between the Empire of Kaya and her neighbours to the north. Diplomatic and trade relations were indeed established.
However, no amount of diplomacy could prevent the prophecy from being realized. In or about the third moon of the 61st year of King Yuri's reign, a voice boomed from the heavens. This voice was that of the destined sovereign, as dictated by the gods themselves. Some two or three hundred Kayans were drawn to Mount Kuji, a turtle-shaped mountain. After performing a ritual dance, as explained by the heavenly voice, a cord descended, at the end of which was a golden chest. When the chest was opened, six golden orbs were revealed.
The kugan took the chest home with them, and after a span of time -- some reports from Kaya say hours, others days -- the eggs hatched, bearing children. The first-born son grew quickly -- a sure sign of a hero! -- and within two weeks, this boy, named Suro ("First Born"), of the Kim family, became king. Two years later, it was recorded that a palace was built, and it is from there that King Suro Kim has ruled.
...and from here, our story continues...
Prince Kija
by: MarekP
-- 3:58 PM EST
Dear Prince M'hul and Princess Lasahn,
As I'm sure you are aware, the expectations placed upon us can be quiet demanding! I am afraid I have been called away. I must travel to Kaya at once. Some minor difficulties have developed in my dear friend Yieta's court. I pray that I may be of some assistance there. I am confident that recent events have tempered my diplomatic abilities and I can be of some help there. I do still wish to meet with you and your fine citizens! We will have a grand time. Yieta will be much more at ease after we have settled the matters in her close circle. We will return to Nagnang as soon as these matters have resolved themselves. I anticipate our arrival later in the evening. Please come and join us at Nagnang Palace! Dinner and dancing! What could be finer?! ((Time will be June 1st at 9:30 pm EST)) Respectfully Yours,
Prince Kija