Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened
while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
*Sigh* Ok... Rant time!
by: TSWolf
-- 10:35 AM EST
First of all, for those who dont know, Random.net has gone out of business which means NexusForums is pushed back indefinatly. Soon as we find a server.. or we get Telefragged to turn php.ini on, then walla, we have NexusForums.
Second of all, I'm pretty sick of the crap feeding that Kaktuss is doing on the old forums. Its a one sided arguement and I've been told I was not "allowed" to have an account over there, so this is my only way of retribution.
Concerning the Photo Reports. I have a photo report script completed. Kaktuss took the liberty of telling the community I did *7* photo reports on a pinned thread... Was she wrong or what. In fact there was just shy of 30 reports when NexNet went down. Some of them had almost 50 pictures in em (Baram/Blight Reports). Since I see a demand for them and have some free time now, I may put them all up. Simply because Id rather not have any more false info come from that "fact" website. Also, the leech report was NEVER removed as she claimed it was. In fact, 2 more were made and they stirred up double the contraversy.. And hell we even made a GREED report. The only thing I ever removed from my site was profain language in the news, and during Sept 11, a flash movie that some felt wasn't good for the time. I never censored anything beyond that.
This isn't the first time this is happened. I've had to fight wars for peoples credit throughout the existance of that site. If you'll notice, my name is still not accredited to the original design. But that wasn't my worry. My worry was that my staff wasn't getting credit. Her "New and improved" class section had a large majority of information given by former nexnet members (including her current layout. I have the old files and will be more than happy to post them on the web for proof).
It's not about who has what on the web. It's about who DOES what and that they get their due credit for it. Kaktuss, for some odd reason, wants to sit here and belittle the efforts done by the former staff in some coup attempt to think she can take over NexNet (Which will happen over my dead body btw.. and a couple of other peoples as well).
As you can probably tell, Nexus is passed my life now. I have no intention of ever returning. For those who hold ill will STILL towards me, don't you think its time to grow up a little? I've accepted the past problems that occured and realized what I have done. Alot of people have recieved my forgiveness and some just broke it again anyway. Regardless, I let the past be the past (even though thats what this site is all about =P).
Nexus Atlas isn't dead, I just have a very busy IRL life right now. I work everyday and spend time with my friends after work. Then I play some everquest with Eriana. But I do have a lot of projects ready to go.
Corrupt NexNet Workers have existed since I've been around. I just called them on it. Marstead and Adam seem to not care, and that's their jurisdiction not mine. If yer interested on the truth of the matter when it comes to old Nexus Network stuff, I will be glad to answer email, aim, whatever about it once I am available. I can assure you, after having to correct Kaktuss an almost extraordinary amount of times about how wrong she was, I feel the people deserve to know the truth.
As for photo reports, I plan to put them ALL up including the unreleased ones. Why? Because its said it on my menu for ages now, and Nexus Networks "We're not gonna compete" policy is not really working. Guess I shouldn't expect more.
Expect Photo Reports soon..
For You Diehard NA Fans... NF Official Info!
by: TSWolf
-- 11:35 PM EST
First of all, I'd like to say I appreciate yer constant support, even in our month of.. inactivity.. Or so it seemed. So in return for that, I'm gonna announce here this exclusive information on NexusForums.. When a Staffer from Nexus Network sees this (And I won't be telling em *wink wink* Let's see how long it takes em to find out), I encourage them to post this, with a link to Nexus Atlas as well as the link to the now official site stated below.
Nexus Forums New Website. --------------------------- June 07, 2002 ---------------------------
NexusForums.com has officially launched today with the most detailed information on the new board that will be arriving July 1st, 2002. This board will symbolize a pact between all Nexus Websites currently on the web.
For more detailed Information on board management, release date, and more, please read the NexusForums main page. All individual sections will be launched on July 1st with the board.
So Far So Good
by: TSWolf
-- 11:17 PM EST
4 New Sections Up -
History -> Complete Listing
Bouqet Directions - Never before seen! Directions to make Bouqets during King Yuri's Wedding!
Cataclysm - Legends Die... But are remembered forever.
The Reckoning - Got Money?
History -> Game Information
Archaic Ruins - Complete listing of all Immortals!
Holy WowZa!
by: TSWolf
-- 10:33 PM EST
I'm actually sitting here working on the site tonight. I'll have a ton of new sections open by the time the Sun comes up. Ive taken my month off and decided I need to get off my ass and really make this site become something if I want it to BE something. So keep yer eyes open tonight.
by: TSWolf
-- 3:03 AM EST
It seems that we've had some technical difficulties with the new project.. So basically Im throwing up a "TBA" release date. Im praying it's ready by this weekend, but who knows..