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Peace and theWarfish: SanSin welcomes new Primogen
 SanSin Clan's newest primogen, TheWarfish, smiles with his eyes over a black bandana. He is flanked by NexusAtlas reporters Maron (shown deep in peaceful thought) and Chongde as they stand together in the Meditation Room. He is taking over for Huna, the previous primogen.
The soft-spoken Do gentleman and former Warrior Tutor known as TheWarfish took up an offer to meet NexusAtlas staff to talk about his appointment as SanSin Clan's primogen. He explained that his favorite location in all of the Kingdoms was the dark, sleepy, and beautiful place known as the Meditation Room, often utilized by the Do path as a getaway spot. Once the two reporters stumbled their way there, the quaint conversation began.
Sensei TheWarfish -- Primogen TheWarfish, nice to meet you. You've chosen a lovely, quiet spot for us to meet today... Getting away from all the noise after the announcement of your appointment, I imagine! What's going through your mind right now?
Good question...
Well, in meditation, one's mind is meant to be blank. But, taking on a leadership role can be a chaotic experience. What do you think will be your first steps in the new position?
First thing I'm going to do is do some reading, and learn my position a little more than I do now. Besides that, not much, if anything, is going to change around the clan hall.
For those unattuned to the Buyan scene, what is it like within the SanSin Clan?
It's interesting with all the Muses running around! [He laughed.] It's good people and a good time, most of the time. Historically, the clan was founded by and for fun, loving, caring people who liked to hunt and hold events. It's not so event-heavy anymore, but we still uphold the rest. We're not exactly exclusive, either. Anyone that's of the 20th insight and lives in Buya can apply. We even have all the crafting [tables] available.
In your opinion, why would someone want to choose SanSin Clan over the other equally wonderful clans available in Buya?
Hmmmm... In my humble opinion, good people attract good people. SanSin has a good core of members and council usually willing to help anyone in need. I guess the thing that's different [with SanSin Clan] is the amount of Poets and Mages [in our membership]. I've never seen a clan that consists of mostly casters. Shout-out to PurpleLotus and DoctorRockso. They are the two that have helped the most, whether it be gathering experience or just emotional support.
Speaking of shout-outs, are there any other messages you'd like to broadcast to the Kingdoms regarding your appointment or plans?
I would like to thank Huna for her service to the clan. She did a great job, and I hope she enjoys her vacation. She'll be missed until her return. Besides that, I would like to see myself holding more events for the clan and community.
The community would certainly enjoy your events, and will benefit from your leadership. We at NA wish you the best luck in your new adventure!
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented. We also appreciate your patience as the site is updated.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Introducing... Community News!
by: PoeTxi
-- 1:51 AM EST
We are very excited to announce that, in an effort to cover more current and player-organized events, Nexus Atlas has created the Community News section.

The Main News section will still be maintained to serve as a historical record of official Nexus events, while the Community News will cover social events.
We want to hear from YOU! We strongly encourage you to reach out to one of the NexusAtlas reporters to get your story told. Please contact NexusAtlas reporters Maron, Kaleea, or Chongde to have your story told. We can't wait to hear from you!
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See something? Say something As an ongoing project, we are looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please contact any member of NexusAtlas staff if you see something needing to be augmented. We also appreciate your patience as the site is updated.
<3, ~ PoeTxi reporting ~Hyul 144, 1st Moon, 19th Sun~
Paying RoAR~Respect to Poets
by: Maron
-- 9:47 PM EST
Hey folks! This afternoon the Bear Clan of Koguryo opened its doors to the public, with a celebration of Poets and their representing subpaths.
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There was a brief orientation in Bear Hall, as well as a trivia challenge hosted by Primogen Lapin in Bear Arena.
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This was followed by a fishing contest co-hosted by ZipZappy and Andy, each representing Druids, in Bear Falls.
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Later, there were several rounds of the classic rolling game OMGNMP, hosted by Flea and featuring various representing Musei.
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A philosophical discussion of Zen proverbs proceeded in Bear Arena, as Monk Elder Jasna recited a few koans for guests to interpret.
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Finally, some closing remarks and a door prize drawing, along with a Merchant raffle drawing would conclude Bear Clan's planned celebrations.
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Thank you to Bear Clan representatives for authorizing coverage on the first half of its planned celebrations, which are expected to continue by honoring Warriors in the month of June. And thank your Poets, folks!
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented. We also appreciate your patience as the site is updated.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
~ 'Mark' Maron reporting
'The green time:' Community celebrates Beltane Festival
 Representatives of the Druid subpath sing around the Beltane Festival bonfire in the Sacred Grove to commemorate the arrival of spring.
Lighting the ceremonial fire at Beltane serves several purposes. The pyre doesn't just provide a source of light and warmth as a reprieve from early spring chills. The fire serves as an anchor for the spirits to visit, and a gathering place for the community to come together and enjoy a good time.
As the darkness was pierced to mark the start of the festival, the Druids ushered the community to partake in the opening rites of this year's Beltane last Saturday and Sunday. Druid representatives noots, Andy, and PoeticSpirit joined their elder, Supply, in invoking the gods' blessing, and praying for spiritual energies:
"The time has come to honor the energies of rebirth and renewal as we prepare for the upcoming celebration of Beltane. Let us embrace the changing seasons and connect with the spirits of the earth, sky, and sea in this sacred space.
"By wearing the color green, symbolizing growth, harmony, and renewal, we purify ourselves and align with the energies of the earth as we prepare for Beltane. As the circle is opened, we offer our gratitude for the presence of the spirits, deities, and elements. The circle is open, but unbroken. Blessed be.
"I invoke the energy of the Hare Moon, guiding us in intuition, reflection, and connection to the cycles of nature leading up to the celebration of Beltane. The wisdom and grace of the willow tree are with us as we reflect on the deep roots that ground us and the flexibility to adapt to change as we approach Beltane.
"We honor the spirit of the rabbit, a symbol of intuition, fertility, and transformation, guiding us through the energies of the upcoming ceremony of Beltane. Through the Element of Air, we connect with the inspiration of the spirits and let our thoughts soar as we approach the celebration of Beltane.
"Mighty Cernunnos, Horned God of the hunt, animals, fertility, warriors, nature, commerce, love, and the underworld, we call upon you now to join us in this sacred space. Your presence is revered and welcomed in our circle as we seek your guidance, strength, and blessings.
"Cernunnos, Lord of the Wild, your sacred stags roam freely in the dense forests, embodying the strength and vitality of the natural world. We honor and respect your deep connection to the earth and its creatures, and we invite you to be present with us now in our ritual.
"Cernunnos, Horned God, we honor you and invite you to share your knowledge, your power, and your sacred blessings with us. May your presence be felt, and your influence guide us in all our endeavors. Join us, Cernunnos, and be with us in this sacred space.
"Let us take a moment to express our gratitude and thanks to the deities that have joined us in this sacred space. Let us acknowledge their presence and the blessings they have bestowed upon us.
"Great spirits of Cernunnos, we honor your eternal presence in our lives and in the world around us. I thank the spirits and deities for their presence as we prepare for the energies of Beltane.
"May we continue to be guided by the spirits of the earth, sky, and sea in the weeks to come. May their blessings continue to guide us on our paths. May the balance of the elements be restored, and may the spiritual connections we have forged remain strong and true.
"As we come to the end of our ceremony, we now release the energies that we have summoned back into the universe. With gratitude and reverence, we offer our thanks to the spirits, deities, and elements that have joined us today.
"God bless you all, both great and small, and we wish you a happy May and happy Beltane Festival! Blessed be! SO MOTE IT BE!"
Once the rite was completed, an announcement was made to honor the latest Protectors of Nature: BatSheba, WahCantiknya, and Ogedei.
Left: The Druid subpath representatives chant around the bonfire to invoke the opening rite of the festival in the Sacred Grove. (Screenshot courtesy of Kaleea) Center: JoviaL brings a pillow to a round of Food Fight in the Sacred Grove. (Screenshot courtesy of Barter) Right: Two fabulously dressed opponents watch their arrows whiff past each other during the archery tournament held in the Mystic Garden. (Screenshot courtesy of BatSheba)
The first day of Beltane
As the blessings of the beloved Horned God filled the area, visitors employed that second wind to start the sporting events off with a bang. Or perhaps, they started with the flinging of edible goods across a playing field as the Muses held a game of Food Fight in the Sacred Grove. Like a messier variant of dodge ball, smacking one's opponent in the face with meat projectiles earned both points and bragging rights.
The Rangers would remind people how to use proper projectiles by ushering the community to the Mystic Garden for an archery tournament. Being hit by your foe's Sleep Arrow meant submitting a point to the successful archer. After landing the prerequisite points against one's long-ranged partner, the better bow-wielder moved on in the tournament until all but one were eliminated.
Left: The crowd struggles to quickly shout out their answers during the Live Unscrambles in the Sacred Grove. (Screenshot courtesy of BatSheba) Center: Cruelty lives up to his name by striking his opponent in a bout of Battle on the Bridge in the Sacred Grove. (Screenshot courtesy of BatSheba) Right: The reporter attempts to slap a sheep with her bare hands to collect tokens during Nature's Bounty while multiple people supervise to ensure no funny business happens.
After the visitors were thoroughly discombobulated, either from slabs of beef to the head, or forced naps via magical arrows, the Monks stepped in to dare the public to unscramble words. This live edition of the classic puzzle held in the Sacred Grove involved players attempting to unscramble words and announce their answers out loud before their peers. Managing to get the answer blurted out first without getting tongue-tied won a round.
It isn't a festival without a little violence, and Ilbon Knives remain a crowd favorite. The Merchant path shimmied the populace to the famous walkway in the Sacred Grove and handed pairs of lucky individuals the prized blades with instructions to cast a Kamikaze on their opponent. Performing the first shiv landed the lucky jabber a point in this tournament-style event, where fighters were rooted in place and unable to escape their pointy fates.
It isn't unusual to see various critters roaming about the Druid subpath areas during festivals, but the Geomancers would create a little more chaos by inviting effigies of animals to occupy the Mystic Garden in an instance of Nature's Bounty. The purposes of these effigies was to potentially harbor tokens that could be traded in for prizes. The only catch is, not every animal harbors a token, and you must grapple the creatures with your bare hands while under scrutiny to make sure you strike no more than nine of them. But, those that managed to find sequential tokens in their first four creatures also won a commemorative legend mark for their luck.
The night would end with Merchant Midnight Madness striking up after the Saturday FAV. The Merchants held a donation drive for the Druid path, while Pot Gambles and a raffle line kept both gold and foot traffic flowing. 30 individuals gave offerings to the donation drive, with Heira winning the raffle associated with the quest. Honors were given out for Best Dressed and Best Booth, going to Supply, KemoKurama, Keepo, and Helix. willowyspr was lucky enough to win this edition of the MMM raffle, going home with a hefty coin purse. Pictured left, Merchant Guide Chara was in charge of promoting and keeping track of the Donation Quest. (Screenshot courtesy of Supply)
The crowd would disperse, but only temporarily, as the second day of Beltane promised more community fun and games.
Left: King ChaeRi and Aries fight for supremacy in a match of Samurang Showdown at the Sacred Grove. Center: Druids shake a tail-feather in the Sacred Grove during a musical break to celebrate the incoming spring. Right: Smokester reacts to her Flower Reading while assorted Druids and Diviners hold fortune-telling sessions in Cluichi.
The second day of Beltane
Can you juggle three weapons at once, and mitigate the individual spells they cast, while chasing a moving target? That is the question Samurang Showdown asks, as players are armed with a Swift Dagger, Cursed Blade, and Jolt Trident, alongside instructions to make each weapon cast their blight on their opponent, in that order. The spell must be active before the weapon in hand can be switched. Managing to perform the chain of actions successfully before your friend (?) can resulted in a point, with the best out of three moving on in the tournament.
Arrival of Spring
To keep the energies flowing, the Druids let their bards boogie in a musical tribute to the season. noots, poeticme, Kaspar, Andy, PoeticSpirit, ClamBurglar, rhodakins, and Kaleea swirled and danced around the Beltane bonfire, banging drums and shouting to the sky. (Pictured left: The Druid performers transform into animals as bonfires light up the ritual circle. (Screenshot courtesy of Supply))
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Moon rise and star fall Fire burn and night wind call Drumbeat the wild song That heart sings at summer's dawn
Sown are the new fields With bright seed of harvest's yield Far down the roots bind The heart's joy to summer's time
Leave the fire and come with me We'll lie beneath the flowering tree And feel the breathing of the earth Rise and fall
The green time sings its song again To wake the hill, to wake the glen And raise in every living thing An answering call
Leap o'er the May fire Hold close your sweet desire For life's wheel will grant soon The heart's wish for summer's bloom
Green shoot and pale flower Garland the Beltane bower Circle with joined hands For heart shines with summer's dance
Leave the fire and come with me To walk beside the dreaming sea And watch the fading of the stars As the new day dawns
We'll try to catch time in our hands To hold the wave against the sand And watch this glow upon the land That soon will be gone
So drum beat and flute sound Once more we'll circle 'round For the world turns and the wheel spins And all ends that once begins
This green hour, the heart knows Is brief as the budding rose Though wheel turn and bloom fade The heart sings the birth of May
Our song is done, we must be gone No longer can we stay God bless you all, both great and small And we wish you a happy May
God bless you all, both great and small And we wish you a happy May
Activities resume
With a precedent set at previous festivals, the Druid and Diviner subpaths coalesced at Cluichi to offer the community various means of finding out their luck in the coming season. At this community service event, the Druid representatives gave out free flower and rune readings, and the Diviners chimed in to reveal fortunes or one's karmic standing with the gods. Meetings with the subpath representatives were commemorated with legend marks, and people walked away with valuable insight as to handle their sundry personal issues or questions.
Left: Keepo proves he woke up and chose violence as he strikes Zeten during a Rage Battle match in the Sacred Grove. Center: Do Elder FpickleDog and Tsengyu stand in meditation before for the Art of Peace class began at Elder's Hideaway. Right: BraveStones patiently waits on the attendants to finish corralling in the Sacred Grove so he can engage the KSG 4v4 tournament.
Too much calmness leaves people restless, so all that energy stored up during the performance went to good use as the Barbarians hosted a Rage Battle in the Sacred Grove. The objective was simple - strike your sparring partner with a vita attack before they can down you, in a tournament-style death match in an enclosed arena. A successful smite warranted a point, with the best fighter moving on to the next round.
As a contrast, the Do offered an Art of Peace lesson in the Elder's Hideaway for those of more passive inclinations. The message of the evening hinged around the idea of observing nature's organic balances as examples of how to obtain inner peace. Mimicking the strength and resilience of nature, and maintaining a place both significant and insignificant in the world were key points. An idea that nature is not always pastoral and idyllic was also highlighted, as life is full of positives and negatives; we must let go of the negatives in order to obtain inner peace, and respect others' forms of peaceful existence.
Messages of peace may not have stuck in visitors' minds for very long, as the encore of the night was the KSG 4v4 tournament held in the Sacred Grove. This popular tournament consists of teams outfitted with one rogue, warrior, mage, and poet. The rules call for clean kills and no funny business in order to win the coveted title of the KSG tournament champion.
Though Beltane bonfire burned down to ashes late into the night, the heat of the tournament lasted long into the darkness as a satisfying end to a busy weekend.
The conclusion of Beltane
Though the festival was not concluded in a formal ritual, Druid Elder Supply offered her words of gratitude to the public via the Community board:
"Dear friends,
"As we reflect on the recent Beltane Festival, we are filled with immense gratitude. This event was a remarkable success, and it was only possible because of the collective efforts of our wonderful community.
"A heartfelt thank you to the Archons, Muses, Rangers, Merchants, Monks, Geomancers, Chongun, Diviners, Barbarians, Do, Spies, and all those who lent their time, talents, and spirit. Your dedication and enthusiasm brought the festival to life and created a vibrant atmosphere that was enjoyed by all.
"To every participant, volunteer, and supporter: your contributions made a difference. Whether you helped in planning, setting up, participating in ceremonies, or simply joining in the celebrations, you were a vital part of this festival's success. Together, we have created lasting memories and strengthened the bonds that unite us all.
"Thank you once again for making the Bestane Festival an event to remember. We look forward to many more successful gatherings in the future.
"We look ahead to our next gathering at the Lughnasadh Festival!"
 Some lighthearded shenanigans ensue while folks wait in line to go into the Mystic Garden to participate in Nature's Bounty.
Much appreciated A big thanks goes to the hosts and planners of the festival, as well as the community attendants for making it extra special this year. In addition, appreciation also goes to the Archon staff aiding the events. NexusAtlas also wants to thank Supply, Barter, BatSheba, and Kaleea for help supplying screenshots and information contributing to this article.
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented. We also appreciate your patience as the site is updated.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
'New chapter:' Baltzen named Merchant Elder
 Merchant Elder Baltzen gives out a greeting while he and the reporter stand in front of the altar at the Kubera Shrine.
Earlier this evening, the community witnessed the ascension of Baltzen as the newest elder of the Merchant subpath, and bid farewell to the leader for the last four years, everclear. The new elder took a few minutes time off from the post-appointment chaos to invite the reporter to join him in his "happy place," otherwise known as the Kubera Shrine in the Merchant subpath campus. There, he'd briefly discuss the news of the staff being passed to him.
Merchant Elder Baltzen. Thanks for the invitation to meet you here. I imagine your evening's been a busy one. How are you feeling right now?
In truth, I'm exhausted... Overwhelmed... Overjoyed... And excited for this new chapter.
As the newest elder of an influential and community-forward subpath, what do you anticipate will be your first steps?
This is a hard one to answer. The Merchant path has found itself in a position unlike anything before. My first goal is to bring back some normalcy to what we have been dealing with over the last few months. This will not be an easy task, and I will need the support of a well-rounded Guide Circle - which I think I already have. We can only look to what is next in our future, and hope that we are ready for anything that could come.
What do you foresee in the future of the Merchant subpath?
Should the gods will it, and Kubera bless us with it, I would see more people joining our ranks. I'd also see the community behind us enjoying our beloved events.
What sort of folks would enjoy having the Merchant subpath as their permanent home?
Anyone and everyone is welcome. We do not discriminate against anyone; we just ask that you're trustworthy and have a passion for our community.
You mentioned events; what sort of events can the community look forward to?
As we are going to be scaling down our Merchant Midnight Madness for the time being due to smaller and smaller crowds, we will be bringing back our Merchant Casino on a bi-monthly basis.
Do you have any messages you'd like to present the kingdoms about this appointment, or news in general?
Our former elder, everclear, was a force; he was the soul of this path for the past four years. He brought us back from the brink. Under his guidance, we became (and still are) one of the most recognized and active paths in the Kingdoms. Those are some incredibly hard shoes to fill. He is a close friend, brother, and mentor, and has been for the last 25 years. I am happy he will now be able to relax and retire in peace. For me, this new role in the Kingdoms brings on a new challenge. It's something I never thought in my wildest dreams I would achieve. With the Kingdoms being in its current state, I hope that the people in the Guild and I can bring back a breath of fresh air to everyone around us. You see a "blue staff," [Wicked Staff] and you know who they are - that's our symbol. It is the guiding light that will bring us all together. This guiding light will bring us into the future, as the Kingdoms come alive. And when that happens, we will be here to ensure everyone enjoys it.
We wish you the best of luck as this new chapter comes into life for the Merchant path.
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented. We also appreciate your patience as the site is updated.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting