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Nagnang welcomes new era, Sage

The Eternal Order of Nagnang is welcoming its newest Sage, Valkyrja. I met with the appointee in the Nagnang Palace Kitchen, where we squirreled away and crunched on poltchips* while discussing the breaking news.
This is your first time taking on the staff as Sage of Nagnang. How do you feel? I am excited that the EON is entering a new era. Personally, I don't feel any different.
The idea of a new era is exciting. What do you foresee this era looking like? Well, I actually would like to expand the EON vastly. I would like to reenvision the organization. I believe Nagnang's strength is that we have always beat to our own drum. I think, for the past few Hyuls, many of us got off-beat to one another. So, I would like to find our heart again.
That's actually a good segue to my next question. Not many folks of other kingdoms actually understand Nangen culture, and that the EON is the side of the government that is in charge of keeping that culture alive. How will you tackle that ask? You know, I completely agree with you. [She rubbed her hand across her head as if pushing hair aside.] I do believe that how we communicate and how we present our Nangen culture is an important part of keeping it alive. And, you're right in that for a long while, not just recently, that sense of identity has been diluted or lost over the Hyuls. And, you know, your question is a tough one. How do we fix something that has taken many Hyuls to get us to where we are now? I think that any solution we have here in fixing this problem will begin with solid members in the Eternal Order - ones that love our kingdom. And from there, we will find the way. We are always stronger together. Actually, I've had a few applications in the past 24 hours, alone. I wasn't expecting such activity, so quickly!
[She paused to offer me a drink to go with my plate of poltchips.]
Nangens are known for our hospitality. And we're known to have quite the community of strong and loyal individuals. Does the Eternal Order have any events or activities planned for the near future? Well, we have our standard seasonal events still on the books - the Nagnang Olympics, followed by the Defender Ceremony. Those will occur in late summer. Then, we have the Jesa Festival in the fall. I'll keep true to those traditions. But, honestly, I very much want to start new traditions. I have a few ideas that will be run monthly. But, I'll wait until we're more organized before I curse myself for speaking too soon.
There's a lot to look forward to, then. Going back to the idea of culture, how would you describe Nagnang's culture? That's interesting. I think, not being from Nagnang originally, I have an outsider's perspective. You know, Nangens can be a bit aloof, at times. Proud. Loyal, like you mentioned. But, once you stick around long enough, you begin to realize that these lands and these people are unique, passionate, and fiercely protective in all the best ways. I admire this greatly. And, I feel very lucky to be a citizen of Nagnang, and to be accepted by her people.
As one Ilbonese immigrant to another, I completely share these sentiments. Do you have any messages you'd like to give the people of Nagnang, or to the other kingdoms? This can be regarding this appointment, the Eternal Order, or Nagnang in general. To our Kingdom of Nagnang: If you have any interest in joining the EON, or if you're just curious about getting involved, please don't be shy, and let me know! Ideally, I would like at least two representatives from each clan involved. If more want to join, that would be fantastic. To the other nations and organizations: I am more than happy to work with your people, and have some real fun! I would like to focus on fun. Not drudgery.
Thank you, Valkyrja, for your time, and best of luck to you and Nagnang with this new era! Also, thank you, Aquariuss, for years of dedication to your kingdom.
* Editor's note: Sage Valkyrja noted a comment from Rankael regarding the poltchip. Allegedly, they are a type of potato chip, sometimes served with honey. The nature of the poltchip has been a long-standing mystery of Nagnang, before now.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Flames and fun at Beltane; Mobon tells a story
Beltane Festival
Beltane is the annual celebration of the coming of summer, marked with bonfires and rites to encourage growth and protection. It's also considered a festival for young lovers to kindle a flame and handfast as a trial before marriage. In the kingdoms, it is one of the four seasonal festivals the Druids celebrate, commemorating the occasion with a weekend full of events and fellowship.
Pictured left to right: The opening ceremony of Beltane, Sway the Spirits' Favor, and Battle on the Bridge (left and center images courtesy of Chifchi).
The festivities began with a small ritual to remind the community of the meaning behind the occasion. Throughout Beltane, the use of fire and candles was a constant reminder of the blessing and presence of the elements. Visitors were offered candles to hold to light their way through the night. After the blessing concluded, the fun began.
The Shaman, Spy, Merchant, Ranger, and Geomancer paths proceeded to host the first array of games, keeping the scene lively. Sway the Spirits' Favor, Risk Analysis, Battle on the Bridge, an archery tournament, and Square 2 Square were held on the first day of the festival. The night concluded with a lively sequence of arena battles (FAV), and the Merchant Midnight Madness hosting in Buya. Donations taken on this night directly benefited the Druid path.
Pictured left to right: Do Kendo Tournament, Tarot Rush, and Square 2 Square.
The second day of Beltane was equally full of excitement. Do, Diviner, and Barbarian paths headlined the evening. Knives clashed at the Kendo Tournament, S7 tournament and Last Man Alive. Participants shared stories of dances around the may pole at Tales Around the Fire. Even the Tri-Kingdom royalty participated, with Queen Lasahn, Queen Yun, and Princes Daeso, MingJung, and Mobon making sporadic appearances through the weekend. Historian Qantao also made a special visit during the Beltane commencements.
Pictured left to right: Tales by the Fire, S7 Tournament, Beltane closing ritual.
The festival closed with a simple ritual, where Druid representatives leaped over a ceremonial flame, to mark the transition of the season. With the constant flow of visitors to the wilderness, and the devotion and organization by its numerous hosts, this year's Beltane can definitely be regarded as a success. Thank you, Druids, for inviting the community to our home, and we appreciate everyone who played a part in bringing this weekend to life.
A simple invitation

Following Beltane, Prince Mobon of Koguryo called the community to the Valley of the Mudang with "a simple invitation" to share the story of his recent travels.
In November 2021, a ritual was held alongside Taiisrhaa involving the young prince, where he, MingJung, Daeso, and Sutsang were allegedly struck by a curse by accident. According to testimony from Chifchi, the royals' demeanors and behaviors may have been altered for a time as a result of this curse. Recently, Mobon underwent a journey out of the Tri-Kingdom area in search for a way to undo the damage.
He encountered a foreign party of Shaman, that were able to help him undergo a vigorous ceremony to counter the effects. He returned home, seemingly hale and whole, though suffering from memory loss of recent months.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Happy birthday Maya: A weekend to remember

Happy Birthday Maya Weekend
April 29th marked the birthday of Maya, a beloved individual in the culture and history of Nexus. The people of the kingdoms organized a weekend full of joy, punctuated by events and themes Maya loved.
There was something for everyone! Games such as Weapons Dance, Musical Horses, JanKenPon, S7, a story contest, Reverse OMGNMP, Rolling Races, Shoots and Ladders, Square-to-Square, Last Man Alive, Coins of Nim, and raffles kept the fun going.
Volunteers banded together for community raids of the dreaded "Houses," emphasizing the idea of service and generosity.
The best- and worst-dressed patrons received their appropriate accolades, and merriment was shared by all.

Archon Mythic Boss Mixer
The party continued with the Archons themselves descending from the heavens into Vale to assist with the arduous task of defeating Mythic creatures. The gods opened portals to better ransack the caves, and summoned hoards of the beasts for the slaughter.
Merchant Midnight Madness: Maya Edition
The festivities culminated in an absolutely fabulous and busy Merchant Midnight Madness in Koguryo, where millions in prizes were given out by the Merchant Guild. A 71,612,500 gold first place ticket was the signature of the night, alongside a plethora of generous door prizes.
A sincere thank-you is offered to every individual involved in the planning and organizing of this special weekend, with shout-out to Smokester, the Archon team, and every event host that stepped up to make the past 48 hours remarkable. In addition, thank you everyone who came to support these events, as without your presence, there would be no Nexus.
Happy Birthday, Maya!
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting