Past News
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Easter, EE-ster, and Elixir
by: Maron
-- 11:57 PM EST
Hey folks! Hope everyone is having an enjoyable and honorable Memorial Day.
Today's reset finally brought a close to nearly two months of Easter activities and rewards. There is also a second installment of the EE Crafting Mastery Coupon, previously released on April 27th, 2017.
Board : Dream Weaver Author : NexusTK Subject : Server Reset - May 31st, 2021 Date : 5/31
- Ee Crafting Mastery Coupon is available. |
According to a Walkthrough post by Ixion on Community board, entering Malgalod via Buya coordinates 047,155 allows convenient access to NPC Wandering Spirit North.
 Wandering Spirit requires you to bring the following items in exchange for EE Crafting Mastery Coupon: Fine Weaving Tools 20 Fine Cloth 20 Ore [High] 20 Well Crafted Dark Amber 50 Malgal Insignia
This Coupon is permanent and can be deposited but not dropped or exchanged. It is used at Bon-Hwa within Forever Tree when turning in Second Trial of Culture, after having become Expert skill in a manufacturing skill (i.e. Carpenter, Smith, Tailor).

Another change revealed by Carnage host MesoCute after a Bonus Elixir War, is a graphic update for Monty, the victory prize NPC.
Stay tuned for other new developments to be posted!
~ "Mark" Maron reporting ~ Hyul 120, 5th Moon, 9th Sun
New Primogen of Heavens Clan
by: Maron
-- 5:01 PM EST
Hey folks! Merry May Monday!
As of two days ago, the lovely person known for occasionally performing sweet songs on the streets of Buya and Kugnae, and has already served both the Imperial Ministry of Buya and the Shining Jewel Foundation for some time, has now become the leader of Heavens Clan of Buya!

Minaj had these words to share about her present status: "I am very honored and priviledged to accept this new position in the Heavens Clan! I hope to further our activity and host many more events to enrich the community as a clan. My love is strong for Heavens and Buya as a whole and I hope to not let anyone down."
On behalf of Nexus Atlas, Congratulations Minaj!
- "Mark" Maron reporting - Hyul 120, 1st Moon, 15th Sun
/|\ The Beltane Festival /|\

The druids are celebrating the Beltane Festival for this time of the year. It marks the beginning of the light half of the year and the growth of the child-god Lugh. Several subpaths are joining together to celebrate Beltane with many events for the community.
Saturday, May 1st --
4:30 PM - Opening Ritual 5:00 PM - Geomancer - Flower Toss 6:00 PM - Monk - Midnight Blossom 7:00 PM - Spy - Mysteries of the Ashen Urns 8:00 PM - Do - Art of Peace 9:00 PM - Ranger - Archery End of Day 1 for FAV
Sunday, May 2nd --
5:00 PM - Diviner - Tarot Rush 6:00 PM - Shaman - Deadliest Poison 7:00 PM - Muse - The Void 8:00 PM - Merchant - Battle on the Bridge 9:00 PM - Barbarians - Last Man Alive ~10:00 PM - Closing Ritual
Congratulations to the new Protectors of Nature AzNCloudBoi and Bayde!
(Click below to expand image for festival highlights!)

With assistance from Maron ~ Hyul 119, 9th Moon